[14:53] Bug #1911008 opened: AMD DASH Power Type missing [14:56] Bug #1911008 changed: AMD DASH Power Type missing [14:59] Bug #1911008 opened: AMD DASH Power Type missing [17:05] Bug #1910910 changed: [2.9.1-rc2 deb] cannot install maas-region-controller [17:08] Bug #1910910 opened: [2.9.1-rc2 deb] cannot install maas-region-controller [17:11] Bug #1910910 changed: [2.9.1-rc2 deb] cannot install maas-region-controller [19:07] is it not possible to mark a server as "deployed"? [19:08] I'm getting "failed deployment" but the server seems fine, I tried "mark failed" and then "mark fixed" but that just resulted in the server in the state "ready"