
dot-tobiasmorning everyone06:00
zygagood morning06:33
amurrayhey zyga :)06:39
zygaamurray, oh hi :)06:39
zygaamurray, back from xmas break?06:39
zyga(carry-over burned?)06:39
amurrayyep, about to take my kids to the pool for swimming lessons so will relocate to the wifi there :) - hows things?06:40
zygaamurray, pool, swimming - I keep getting surprised by the other hemisphere thing :)06:45
zygaamurray, good, just winter kicking in finally06:45
zygaamurray, prepping my FOSDEM talk06:46
jameshamurray: by the way, have you had a chance to look at the snapd security reviews?  Till has been asking for status on the snapctl one.06:52
zygahey mborzecki06:54
mborzeckizyga: hey06:55
mborzeckizyga: on friday i preapred an update for the snapd package in opensuse, i'll be opening a request to system:snappy in a bit07:33
zygamborzecki, thank you!07:34
zygagood morning mvo07:40
amurrayjamesh: ficfdjcnggefhgnnrbdivicircgiffth07:42
amurrayugh.. sorry mashed my yubikey by mistake07:42
amurrayjamesh: no not yet, I was tied up doing snap reviews last week, so hopefully this week (although with sprint prep etc it's looking a bit dicey...) - apologies07:42
jameshamurray: okay, thanks.07:42
mvogood morning zyga07:42
amurrayjamesh: it's still on my todo list so I'm still hopeful07:43
mborzeckimvo: hey07:44
mvohey mborzecki07:44
mupPR snapd#9818 closed: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: make unit tests execute happily in a container <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9818>07:52
mborzeckijamesh: hi, do you remember whether your fix for launching xwayland in mutter landed?07:59
mborzeckihm something is broken on opensuse:08:14
mborzeckitype=AVC msg=audit(1610352782.280:380): apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="snap.ohmygiraffe.ohmygiraffe" pid=7486 comm="love-0.9" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="create" denied_mask="create"08:14
jameshmborzecki: it was fixed in groovy-updates, and upstream in Mutter
mborzeckiofc connecting to x does not work at this point08:15
mborzeckijamesh: thanks!08:15
jameshmborzecki: the change wasn't merged to mutter master, so GNOME 4.0 will require the snapd side fix08:16
mborzeckinext one is 4.0 already?08:16
jameshat least, that's the plan right now08:17
jameshIt's still an incremental release rather than a big shake up like GNOME 2.0 or 3.008:17
mborzeckiamurray: still around? do you know whether socket(AF_UNIX, .. , 0) would be covered by some apparmor abstraction by default, or is there an explicit rule needed?08:21
mborzeckiha i see `unix (create),` in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/base so wth happens there?08:23
mvogood morning pstolowski08:27
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:44
mborzeckianyone can access https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1901489 ?09:12
mborzeckiit's refrenced in our apparmor profiles but appears to be private09:12
jameshmborzecki: I can subscribe you to it, if you want09:14
mborzeckijamesh: please do, thanks!09:14
jameshmborzecki: done09:14
mborzeckijamesh: thank you!09:15
jameshmborzecki: the decision seemed to be that it wasn't a security bug, so perhaps it could be made public09:18
jamesh(and it was fixed in the previous release of snapd)09:19
mborzeckitbh it needs to be public as we refer to that bug in every apparmor profile that plugs x1109:19
mvomborzecki: hey, are you blocked on anything for finishing the kernel commandline update resealing?09:51
mborzeckimvo: no, i need to get back to the brach and update it09:51
mborzeckimvo: trying to deal with pacakge updates in other distros atm09:52
mborzeckifedora is done, but there's trouble in opensuse land09:52
pstolowskizyga: i've addressed your suggestion re ini section handling, doing some testing and will push soon09:52
mvomborzecki: ta09:52
zygapstolowski, cool, just ping me for review any time please10:28
zygaworking on FOSDEM talk10:29
zygamvo, zmk moved up the review ladder, should be through NEW soon10:29
mvozyga: nice10:29
mupPR snapcraft#3408 opened: elf: extract defined symbol versions <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3408>11:49
zygapstolowski, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9817#pullrequestreview-56529857412:17
mupPR #9817: cmd/snapd-generator: don't create mount overrides for snap-try snaps inside lxc <Bug> <Needs security review> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9817>12:17
zygapstolowski, the comment feature is definitely a separate pass12:17
zygacmatsuoka, hey claudio :)12:18
zygalong time no see12:18
zygapstolowski, mborzecki: btw; did you guys see the new C and C++ error definitions?12:23
zygafinally sane error handling in C++12:23
zygaand finally nice error handling in C12:24
zygaand it's one spec! :)12:24
zyganot error prone, well defined, easily usable12:24
mborzeckizyga: got link?12:24
zygapstolowski, as a quick comment, my earlier code had two functions that would let you do per-line processing12:24
zygaand have ini-file and key=value file things more clealry12:25
zyga*clearly and cleanly perhaps12:25
zygamborzecki, one sec12:25
zygait's still in the history of the PR i believe12:25
zygamborzecki, offtopic: getpolarized is a nice way to store scientific & research documents12:26
zygamborzecki, http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2289.pdf12:27
zygamborzecki, I'm going to adopt that for my own projects for sure12:29
mborzeckizyga: coming to your production compiler in 5-10 yrs xD12:29
zyganah, you don't need anything new12:29
zygaread the spec12:29
zygait's really a way to return an union12:29
zygaand know if the error path or success path was taken12:29
zygasuspect it will be in gcc/clang instantly and backported as library to older compilers12:30
* zyga returns to FOSDEM stuff12:31
zygapedronis, good morning12:37
mborzeckiis there a userspace tool to parse the binary apparmor profile?12:40
zygamborzecki, no12:40
pstolowskizyga: haven't seen that c/c++ spec. sounds cool but it's a pitty it will always be a mixed bag of styles & legacy stuff when you are interacting with 3rd party APIs, the adoption of new features is terribly slow12:40
zygamborzecki, I looked at this a while and there's only kernel code12:40
zygapstolowski, I agree, any susccessful tech has some legacy12:41
zygamborzecki, I wrote a part of the parser for the binary profile myself12:41
zygamborzecki, I got stuck on a section that involved decoding the state machine that seems to include things that are standard and I'm familiar with (DFA/NFA)12:41
pedroniszyga: hi12:41
zygamborzecki, as well as some now concepts that I had to decode via code journeys12:41
zygamborzecki, I can find that code but it's partial and doesn't show all the bits yet12:42
mborzeckimaybe i can dump something with -D at least, the broken profile is rather small now12:42
zygamborzecki, nope, not that I recall12:43
zygaI mean, I can show you the kernel side12:43
zygaI think that would be very useful12:43
zygaI would re-start that in go (I originally used python)12:43
zygaa parser and (perhaps, though not sure it is possible) decompiler12:44
zyga(not sure because DFA optimization and even basic processing makes irreversible changes so perfect source reconstruction is impossible12:44
mborzeckizyga: nah, i hoped there's some ready tool i could try and compare the outputs with, but i don't want to spend too much time on it12:47
cachiopstolowski, hi13:19
cachiopstolowski, could you run preseed test'13:19
pstolowskicachio: hi! sorry, i haven't tried yet since Friday, busy with other things, will do later today13:20
cachiopstolowski, ok, current 21.04 image is still broken13:24
pstolowskicachio: ack, thanks13:40
zygacachio, FYI, I've created the repo for our spread for at https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/tools/oh-spread13:59
zygait's sadly crossing the github/gitlab boundary14:00
zygaso no github actions, for example14:00
zygaI'll push the code in a moment14:00
mupPR snapcraft#3409 opened: Fix a few licenses in ros-related test files <Created by artivis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3409>14:24
* pstolowski lunch14:38
zygacachio, I'm setting up a pipeline for spread14:42
zygacachio, I've seen some errors from go vet14:43
zygacachio, https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/tools/oh-spread/-/jobs/104814:43
zygacachio, have you seen those or fixed those in your fork?14:43
zygaI'll fix those shortly in case they were under the radar before14:43
zyganiemeyer, ^14:43
mupPR snapcraft#3410 opened: project: enable experimental target-arch support for core20 <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3410>14:54
cachiozyga, hi14:56
cachiolet me check14:56
zygacachio, the dead code bits are due to a change in the go compilre14:57
zygaand seem harmless, just need fixing14:57
zygathe mutex corruption is real14:57
cachiozyga, which go compiler are you using there?14:58
zygalatest, let me check14:59
zygacachio, 1.15.615:00
cachiowe use 1.10.415:01
cachioby default15:01
cachiozyga, it is quite old the current one15:02
zygayeah, that's a bit old now15:02
cachiozyga, so, which is the idea for testing in gitlab?15:03
cachiobecause currently tests are executed on gce15:03
zygacachio, we use gitlab for everything15:03
zygacachio, including for project tracking15:03
cachiozyga, so the testing of spread will be done in qemu or lxd?15:03
zygacachio, gitlab pipelines let you run whatever you want15:04
zygacachio, right now I want unit tests15:04
zygacachio, and then self-test via spread15:04
cachiozyga, ok15:04
zygacachio, though I don't have a GCE token yet, I'm okay with that15:04
zygacachio, the main usage. for me, will be qemu15:04
zygaso I'll definitely run those15:04
cachiozyga, perfect15:04
zygacachio, but my first concern are unit tests15:05
zygacachio, as all the upcoming changes just need those15:05
cachiozyga, yes15:05
cachiothere are not many unit tests15:06
zygacachio, yeah, but I plan to add those with the changes I make15:06
cachioit is mostly tested by spread tests15:06
zygait's just something easier tested at this level15:06
cachiozyga, agree15:06
* cachio lunch15:35
zygaijohnson, classy response there!15:35
ijohnsonhaha thanks15:35
zygaI was carried away15:35
ijohnsonhaha no worries, thanks for responding! I appreciate your prompt responses to comments on bugs :-)15:36
zygawell, to some of them15:36
zygaI need to improve my inbox filtering15:37
ijohnsonI really miss the "bundles" that google inbox used to provide15:37
ijohnsonthat simple little UI element made it so much more manageable to me, like I can see when a kind of email is new as the bundle bubbles up, but if there are many such kinds of emails I don't get distracted by all of those15:38
ijohnsonnow I just have a bunch of labels and "skip the inbox" kind of filtering setup so I have to remember to go check the label folders manually rather than have them naturally bubble up to the top15:38
ijohnsonoh well15:38
zygaI think I need to switch to folder-per-project15:38
zygaI just didn't set that up yet15:38
zygaand move from gmail off to fastmail with my launchpad traffic15:39
mupPR snapd#9820 opened: o/snapshotstate: handle conflicts between snapshot forget, export and import <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9820>16:09
zygacachio, first patch :)16:30
zyganiemeyer, cachio: https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/11116:35
mupPR spread#111: Do not copy log.Logger and the contained sync.Mutex <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/111>16:35
* zyga notices the typo in the branch name16:36
zygaoh well16:36
ijohnsonooof is master broken17:30
zygaijohnson, oh17:42
zygaweird, older library?17:43
zygaijohnson, how did that happen?17:43
zygacachio, I think spread CI is a bit broken17:46
zygait's testing with old go vet perhaps17:47
zygaand _aix is not a feature flag17:47
ijohnsonzyga: no idea I'll have to look at it in a bit, it was from a spread runner17:47
zygaijohnson, let me know if you have a PR up17:47
ijohnsonzyga: you mean to see the error or one that fixes it?17:48
cachiozyga, checking17:48
ijohnsonI don't have a fix up but will probably look at it after my lunch17:48
zygaijohnson, if you get stuck ping me, I'll gladly look17:49
ijohnsonsure thanks for the offer, hopefully it's something silly17:50
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
zygacachio, term_unix_aix is being compiled together with term_unix_linux17:55
zygacachio, can you bump go version used there?17:56
cachiozyga, this is declared in .travis17:57
zygashould I bump it?17:57
cachiowell, we could use same versio we have for snapd17:57
cachiozyga, it needs a new PR17:58
zygacachio, what's the version used for snapd?17:59
zygacachio, though I suspect some chicken and egg will happen17:59
cachio1.10 :)17:59
zyganew vet will pick up the issues I ran into17:59
zygahmm, but that's the version used now?17:59
zygaah, wait17:59
cachio best_golang=golang-1.1018:00
cachiozyga, this is version we use for testing18:00
zygathis is using 1.1018:00
zygacachio, ok, can you suggest a way out of the situation18:00
zygadisable go vet? bump base go version, pin old go dependencies18:01
zygathe problem here is that spread itself is not self-sufficient but pulls dependcies18:01
zygabut those dependencies have abandoned old go18:01
zygaso it's not passing18:01
zygawhat's the solution?18:01
cachioI think we could bump go18:02
zygaperhaps to 1.13 from focal?18:02
cachioseems to be the more correct thing to do18:02
zygaI would love to introduce module support so that we can pin the right versions of dependencies18:02
zygaright now it's all a moving target18:02
cachiozyga, did you arleady tried 1.13.8?18:02
cachiowe can try that18:03
cachioI'll create a PR and see if that works well18:03
zygayes, go vet is okay there18:03
zygabut I also have more patches in my tree (mainly go.mod support)18:03
zygabut I _suspect_ that's fine18:03
cachiozyga, ok, so lets bump to 13.818:03
cachiozyga, do you want to create the PRยก18:04
cachiojust need to update the .travis.yml file with the desired version18:04
zygacachio, yeah,18:04
zygacachio, I'll do that later today though that version will pick up other errors and fail as well18:05
cachioalso update the spread.yaml18:05
zygawe'll iterate18:05
zygaat some point we need all the fixes together18:05
cachioGOVERSION: 1.10.4 -> GOVERSION: 1.13.818:05
cachioand also we need to update hte system which is used for testing18:05
cachioubuntu-18.04-64 -> ubuntu-20.04-64:18:06
zygathere's one more issue in humbox18:06
zygaI think that's a good start18:06
zygacool, I'll get back to that :)18:07
cachiozyga, nice, thanks18:07
ijohnson|lunchzyga: I see the issue with that snap-confine unit test failure, it was only on trusty, and trusty's glib is too old to use g_autofree18:35
ijohnson|lunchI'll file a pr after I verify my fix works via spread18:36
ijohnson|lunchsee also https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/981818:36
mupPR #9818: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: make unit tests execute happily in a container <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9818>18:36
zygaijohnson|lunch, ahh18:41
zygaijohnson|lunch, current status: playing talisman :)18:42
ijohnson|lunchNice! Enjoy18:43
* ijohnson|lunch is getting groceries over lunch, not quite as entertaining18:43
mupPR snapd#9821 opened: tests: skip interfaces-openvswitch spread test on debian sid <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9821>18:55
mupPR snapd#9822 opened: tests: new actions workflow to autotically tag a PR with "Run Nested" <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9822>19:40
* cachio afk20:06
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
ijohnsonzyga: hey if you're around, I have a fix https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/982320:26
mupPR #9823: cmd/libsnap-confine-private/cleanup-funcs-test.c: rm g_autofree usage <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <โš  Critical> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9823>20:26
ijohnsoncachio: ^20:26
zyga-mbparound just fixing uplink at home (back on backup)20:26
ijohnsonnice, thanks!20:28
zyga-mbpijohnson reviewed20:28
mupPR snapd#9823 opened: cmd/libsnap-confine-private/cleanup-funcs-test.c: rm g_autofree usage <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <โš  Critical> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9823>20:30
zygaijohnson back on other link20:31
mupPR snapd#9824 opened: interfaces/greengrass-support: back-port interface changes to 2.48 <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9824>20:45
mupPR snapcraft#3408 closed: elf: extract defined symbol versions <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3408>21:30
mupPR snapd#9825 opened: tests: using labeler action to add automatically a label to run nested tests <โ›” Blocked> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9825>21:36
mupPR snapcraft#3360 closed: project loader: advanced grammar support for lists <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3360>21:45
mupBug #1911066 opened: snapctl get fails to get all the config <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1911066>22:26
mupPR snapd#9823 closed: cmd/libsnap-confine-private/cleanup-funcs-test.c: rm g_autofree usage <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <โš  Critical> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9823>23:46

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