
nmatrixtomreyn didn't get anything back ( But then I also turned off gufw).00:00
theteju@tomreyn nmcli d : lo loopback unmanaged00:00
nmatrixfor journalctl -b | grep -v UFW | nc termbin.com 999900:01
tomreynnmatrix: gufw is the graphical frontent to ufw00:01
theteju@tomreyn nmcli c reports nothing00:01
nmatrixtomreyn yes00:01
tomreynmy suggesiton is to disable ufw00:01
nmatrixtomreyn done00:02
tomreyntheteju: so nmcli doesn't see the ethernet NICs for some reason00:02
theteju@tomreyn correct00:02
tomreyntheteju: see your system log about why they aren't being handled by NM00:03
tomreyntheteju: look for the numbers in [square:brackets] returned by     lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller'     in the output of   journalctl -b     (press slash to start a search there) and see the following lines to learn what was done with these network interfaces00:05
tomreynactually you can just copy the numbers that stick out to the left from the first command, and searhc those on the log00:07
thetejuthe number are 1458:e00000:08
tomreynthe one on the line before that would be mor einteresting00:10
tomreynsearching your id brings up this, though: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1244745/ubuntu-20-04-intel-network-connectivity-issue-bug-in-igc00:10
nmatrixtomreyn interesting virtualbox is running for quite a while now without freezing the box, will give it another 10 minutes.00:12
theteju@tomreyn but my network card is not intel00:12
tomreyntheteju: see, that's why i was saying "the one on the line before that would be more interesting"00:13
thetejuwait,, another numbers in bracket 10ec:816800:13
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tomreynRTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller , should work out of the box, i think00:15
theteju@tomreyn journalctl -b does not have much about that card00:17
jeremy31tomreyn: uses kernel module r816900:17
tomreynjeremy31: which is in ubuntu kernels, right00:18
jeremy31tomreyn: yes00:19
tomreynin case you feel like driving? i'm about to head to bed.00:19
theteju@tomreyn: systemd-networkd is not running, (found in log)00:20
oerheksis this since the 5.8.0-36 update?00:20
tomreynsystemd-networkd not running is expected on a desktop00:21
josspykerthere you go tomreyn00:22
soft_concreteHi, I've installed Cockpit (a web GUI to manage machines, such as headless servers) and now I want to remove it. But after I remove the package 'cockpit' and stop the service and reboot, I can still enable the service with a systemctl command.00:23
soft_concreteSo how do I completely remove this package from my system, as if it were never installed? would apt [...] --purge help here?00:23
soft_concreteOne comment on GitHub suggests the following: sudo apt-get autoremove cockpit --purge00:24
pavlossoft_concrete: I'd suggest sudo dpkg --purge cockpit00:24
tomreyngood night.00:24
oerhekssudo systemctl stop cockpit && sudo apt purge cockpit00:24
soft_concretepavlos: why not apt, or apt-get?00:25
pavlostomreyn: g'night00:25
soft_concreteI'm used to Arch, which just has the pacman command for managing packages00:25
thetejugood night00:25
pavlossoft_concrete: I prefer dpkg, personal pref00:26
oerheksoh .. this is ubuntu support.00:26
oerheksapt is the new apt-get, superiour in dfixing dependencies like aptitude once was.00:26
nmatrixtomreyn unfortunately looks like Virtualbox still froze I disable ufw on the host and on the vm, though it took a while.  One thing I noticed is that when I open a lot of network intensive apps in the vm thats when probability for freezing seems to increase.00:27
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thetejunmcli cannot add connection becasue device lo not available because device is unmanaged00:36
thetejui am so lost again00:36
Bashing-omtheteju: Networking is not my strong suit ... but ' ls -al /etc/resolv.conf ' show the symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf ?00:41
soft_concretetheteju: what's the issue you're experiencing?00:42
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jenniethis is ridiculuous, trying all day, changed 2 brand new ssd,  i cant get ubuntu installed on two different SSD, is it me or ubuntu?  https://i.imgur.com/aGT1bBV.png01:21
kotek14Which SSDs?01:21
kotek14It's not like it's gonna help01:21
kotek14But I'm curious01:21
jennieone is SanDisk extreme Pro and one is teamgroup GX1, Both ssd works great in WINDOWS10 machine, no error01:22
kotek14Weird. Have you validated the ubuntu image?01:23
kotek14Are you sure it's not corrupted?01:23
kotek14Also, what are you using to create a bootable SSD?01:24
jennie100% I have gparted ISO installed on a USB too and i ran that as well01:24
jennieSSDs have not issues whatsoever01:24
kotek14USB stick*01:25
* kotek14 needs sleep01:25
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* sleep is overrated01:26
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Bashing-omjennie: What drive is sdb that frub fails on ? - show us from the installer ' sudo fdisk -lu ' so we know what we are working with.01:31
kotek14I still think that the bootable USB stick might be broken (say you pull it before it was able to sync)01:32
StupidLikeAFoxSo, dumb question about trying to do a dumb thing: In ubuntu 20.04, is there a way installed by default to get right click with a mouse that doesn't have it?01:41
StupidLikeAFoxie hold a certain keyboard key and left click to generate a right click01:41
kotek14StupidLikeAFox: https://askubuntu.com/questions/331605/simulate-right-click-in-laptop01:43
kotek14It should have long click01:43
jenniekotek14 okay, i can reburn usb stick and try01:47
StupidLikeAFoxI think t might be different in xubuntu or newer verision01:47
kotek14jennie: What are you using to burn?01:47
jennierufus, and i have successfully used the exact same usb flash drive to install ubuntu on 3rd ssd which still works fine but i want to chanagfe it01:48
StupidLikeAFoxI don't have dconf and apt couldn't find it, and I don't see a remotely similar setting in xfconf01:48
kotek14Don't use rufus please. It causes all sorts of problems01:48
kotek14Try Etcher01:48
kotek14StupidLikeAFox: Are you sure you need a stock option? I mean, it's easy to do with xdotool01:49
kotek14StupidLikeAFox: https://superuser.com/questions/550854/linux-laptop-bind-key-and-click-to-emulate-right-click01:49
Maiknever heard of rufus causing all sorts of problems and used it myself in the past without any issue.µ01:50
Maikbut hey... different users, different experiences01:51
jenniekotek14 oh i forgot, i made this usb in debian by dd terminal command01:53
raccoon_dogI don't quite follow why Rufus's usage was dissuaded? I never had a problem with Rufus.01:53
marchesinihey guys, good night!!! o/01:53
raccoon_dogI mean, Etcher works fine too.01:53
StupidLikeAFoxkotek14: Ah, looks it is possible, but not a quick 'toggle a setting or two' then01:54
kotek14jennie: Did you run "sync" after that?01:54
StupidLikeAFoxWas playing with an old apple mouse- it's single button01:54
kotek14You can't yank the stick out right after dd finishes01:55
kotek14StupidLikeAFox: Yeah, I don't think ubuntu is designed with these peripherals in mind01:55
StupidLikeAFoxthe proper way is to unmount the stick first, especially if you were just doing a bunch of file operations01:56
kotek14You don't really need to unmount, just run sync and yank it once it's done01:56
kotek14That makes sure all operations finish01:56
nmatrixtomreyn the issue I'm experiencing with virtualbox is eerily similar to this ticket: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/20024  But it's for Ubuntu 20.04 and virtualbox 6.1.16 with kernel 5.8.3601:56
StupidLikeAFoxkotek14: yeah, I'm not sure if ubuntu was extant yet when this mouse was made01:57
strixdioHi everyone, trying to install a newer version of qemu. I have enabled focal-backports (which I'm new to), but when I try to install qemu/focal-backports, there's no release found for it. What might I be doing wrong?01:58
kotek14strixdio: What is your distro version?02:00
kotek14strixdio: Which version of QEMU do you already have and which one are you trying to get?02:02
strixdioQEMU emulator version 4.2.1 (Debian 1:4.2-3ubuntu6.10) and I'm trying to get the "latest" version (doesn't have to be bleeding edge, just something that doesn't have this virtio NIC bug)02:03
kotek14You can always grab one from github and build it from source02:04
kotek14I believe it has 5.2.002:05
kotek14strixdio: Also I believe focal-backports doesn't have qemu https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-backports/allpackages02:11
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jenniekotek14 thanks so much, you think like a scientist02:16
jennieand an engineer <3 <302:16
kotek14jennie: YOu're welcome. Did it fix it?02:16
jennieyes, it was usb stick issue02:17
strixdiokotek14 when building it from source, how do I install it?02:17
kotek14Great! Good luuck with your ubuntu adventures!02:17
kotek14strixdio: make install probably?02:17
strixdiolooking on here: https://wiki.qemu.org/Hosts/Linux02:17
kotek14strixdio: You can also try this PPA. It has some other tools too https://launchpad.net/%7Ejacob/+archive/ubuntu/virtualisation?field.series_filter=focal02:18
jenniekotek14 how come the usb went bad?02:18
strixdioI literally hate PPAs02:18
kotek14strixdio: #metoo02:18
strixdioI'm afraid to break my whole system if I make install02:18
kotek14jennie: Are you sure the device itself went bad?02:18
kotek14strixdio: You'll be fine. If you're worried, make a backup02:19
jenniekotek14 I reburned usb and installation worked perfectly on same ssd which was giving error earlier02:19
strixdio:D  it's just the "time spent" thing02:20
kotek14jennie: So basically dd said it finished but some files were still in progress of writing02:20
jenniebut why and why it happened at first place02:20
kotek14jennie: And when you removed the stick you ended up with partially written files02:20
kotek14Or missing files02:20
kotek14That's why I always run "sync" after dd finishes. That ensures that everything is written correctly.02:21
kotek14Also you can read /proc/meminfo while writing a USB stick. The "Dirty:" line gives you a rough estimate your progress02:22
jenniei dont remember pulling it out02:23
fribI need to install windows on my machine that currently has ubuntu 20.0 -- what will I have to do to get grub back after? run a live usb ?02:24
kotek14frib: Yes02:25
friband in particular run what?02:25
fribgrub install?02:25
syb0rgfrib, you may need to chroot into your existing install and then do grub install. Been a while since I did something like that. Looked up any guides for reference?02:27
kotek14There is also an automatic tool for repairing boot02:27
fribboot repair right02:28
kotek14I think that's the one. Worked for me before.02:28
kotek14Yes, just checked. It's the one02:28
syb0rgalso here is a guide https://www.techsolveprac.com/install-windows-after-ubuntu-dual/02:30
syb0rgnever used this site though so I am not claiming 100% it is correct, but at a glance it looks fine02:31
strixdiokotek14 so, I built it, but when I think it's getting blocked by apparmor02:51
strixdioI made a backup of the original file, moved the new file there, and it was complaining about the video mode. I think I have to play with this a bit.02:54
thetejuhow to find logical name of ethernet adapter03:06
Bashing-omtheteju: ' ip a  ' will give the device name.03:14
thetejuit only reads loopback03:16
thetejuthere are no informationabout eth0 in my /etc/network/interfaces03:17
Bashing-omtheteju: Ouch - ' sudo lshw -C network ' the config line show a driver ?03:17
thetejualthough lshw -C network list the device03:17
Bashing-omHumm ;; my ip -a >> " 2: enp1s9: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel" where my device is enp1s9 .03:19
pavlosis this a usb dongle?03:20
thetejuNO its a motherboard NIC03:20
thetejuI also have another PCI NIC and a usb dongle03:21
thetejunothing gets detected by network manager03:21
pavloslspci should show Network03:21
thetejuyes my Ethernet controller is REalTek RTL816803:22
pavlosis network enabled in the BIOS? the onboard nic should be seen in the lspci output03:27
thetejuyes it is visible on lspci output03:27
pavloscould you paste some info ... I dont want to ask 20 questions03:28
thetejunetwork works when I go into ubuntu recovery and select older kernel03:28
pavlosubuntu 20.04 ... uname -a03:29
thetejunmcli device show : only sees loopback    lspci : rlt 8168,   Kubuntu 20.04.1 5.8.0-35-generic03:30
thetejulshw -C network  shows "UNCLAIMED" ethernet controller03:31
thetejumy guess is I need to add eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces in order for nmcli to see it03:34
thetejubut now it seems there is /etc/network/interfaces.d03:35
thetejuwhere I should create a file for ifup and ifdown to see it.03:35
thetejuas my interfaces.d is empty03:36
thetejudo i make sense guys?03:36
pavlosI booted a kubuntu, there is no /etc/network/interfaces file03:42
pavloslshw -C network03:42
theteju@pavlos i booted on older kernel again and network is up03:45
thetejuit works on 5.4.003:46
thetejuthe logical name for ethernet card is enp3s003:49
thetejusomething broken my updated kernel due to power outage03:50
pavlosdoes ethtool enp3s0 give you info?03:51
thetejuvery lost03:53
pavlosyou can remove the 5.8 kernel and stay with the 5.4 that works03:56
thetejumake sense. fact is 5.8 was working just fine like i said,, its just improper shut down due to power outage and I am pulling my hairs03:57
thetejuI really do not know how to remove kernel03:57
pavlospaste the output of dpkg -l | grep "5.8.0-35"04:00
pavlosprobably 5 lines04:01
theteju@pavlos i found 5.8.0- 34 and 36 on my system.04:02
thetejucan i --purge both and then update grub?04:02
thetejuor should I purge one by one and update grub each time?04:02
pavlospurge each kernel, make sure they are gone from (ll /boot), then sudo update-grub (which will list valid kernels)04:03
pavlossudo apt update04:04
p0aHello virtualbox is not working after I updated, and it tells me to reinstall virtualbox-dkms05:43
p0ahow do I reinstall something? Do I just remove & install it?05:43
Tabmowp0a: can't you just do a 'dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkms' ?05:46
p0aTabmow: maybe that works! I am going to try it05:50
p0ait didn't work05:50
p0aI'm reading the logs05:50
p0aThe module build returned an error05:52
TabmowWhat did you update? Ubuntu?05:54
p0aah, there's a bug with kernel 5.8 and vbox 6.1.10, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/189191605:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1891916 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "virtualbox-dkms 6.1.10-dfsg-1~ubuntu1.20.04.1 fails to build with kernel 5.8" [Undecided,Won't fix]05:54
p0aI just need to install a newer release of vbox05:54
TabmowTime to downgrade :P05:54
p0aTabmow: or upgrade from other repos05:55
nmatrixp0a I'm using 6.1.16 for virtualbox, I read that you need at least 6.1.14 for anything  >= 5.805:59
p0anmatrix: thank you, I followed the guide in https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads for Debian-based distros06:07
p0aand now it wrosk06:07
p0aworks *06:07
nmatrixp0a do you use bridged networking for your vms?06:07
p0aWhy do you ask?06:08
p0aI don't know what bridged networking and vms are. (do you mean VMs?)06:09
nmatrixp0a I'm having an issue with "VMs" on Ubuntu 20.04 on a bridged adapter for the VM the entire host freezes after a few minutes.  It's extremely frustrating to say the least.06:12
kenwoodfoxHey all, im trying to diagnose LACP with my ubuntu machine, not sure what my issue is. Not used to netplan but i think i did it correctly08:26
kenwoodfoxcant copy and paste from kvm so heres a screenshot https://kitsunehosting.net/nextcloud/index.php/s/SR6oeyppgEkrJ9b/preview08:27
kenwoodfoxanything glaring?08:27
kenwoodfoxheres a config that works for my switch but for debian made in the more unix traditional style https://termbin.com/9d9r08:29
kenwoodfoxis this skipping in --debug bad? https://kitsunehosting.net/nextcloud/index.php/s/YJfKsPsNkGTJmfT/preview08:33
peanutbutterandcHey there!08:34
kenwoodfoxHey ;308:34
peanutbutterandcI have just realized that that the keyboard layout that ships with ubuntu and derivatives for my language is wrong.08:34
peanutbutterandcI have the correct layouts08:34
peanutbutterandcWhere do I submit those?08:34
peanutbutterandcIdeally, I would like to submit it to all the distros. Esp. Debian. That way, perhaps everyone else will follow suit.08:35
kenwoodfoxmaybe in here? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/08:35
kenwoodfoxnot sure if thats part of ubuntu08:35
kenwoodfoxor the kernel08:35
peanutbutterandcBut perhaps I need to write an email to maintainers or sth?08:36
kenwoodfoxubuntu uses the same kernel im pretty sure, but im not sure if it really inherits much live from debian08:36
kenwoodfoxprolly can make a pr on the linux kernel08:36
kenwoodfoxkeyboard layouts sounds like a linux thing08:36
kenwoodfoxidk for sure :c im a bsd guy08:36
kenwoodfoxhave you ever used netplan peanutbutterandc?08:38
peanutbutterandckenwoodfox, No wonder you think everything is in the kernel. I heard that bsd's kernel is very closely tied to gcc and stuff or sth.... no sir... neplan... what is it?08:38
dsc_How can I make so that when I hold ALT+MOUSE1 I can move Windows around on a default Ubuntu 20 (gnome?), this behaviour is in lxqt/OpenBox and I like it, maybe there is something for gnome08:39
dsc_ALT+MOUSE2 = resize window08:39
kenwoodfoxpeanutbutterandc: gcc? no?08:39
peanutbutterandckenwoodfox, I would like to take a stab at bsds. Which one do you recommend?08:40
kenwoodfoxpeanutbutterandc: but i guess in general yeah. A lot of things are built into bsd differently than the way they might be done in linux08:40
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kenwoodfoxpeanutbutterandc: go classic, freebsd is still my fav08:40
kenwoodfoxbut i have been enjoying playing with nomadbsd08:40
kenwoodfoxanyway, netplan is like.. a weird thing ive only seen ubuntu use08:40
kenwoodfoxfor managing the network08:40
kenwoodfoxi cant get it to work for me XD08:41
peanutbutterandcHmmm.... nomadbsd seems a bit friendlier08:41
peanutbutterandcI'll try nomadbsd then. Thank you very much08:41
peanutbutterandcwhat should i expect, btw?08:41
kenwoodfoxNomad is pretty cute~ it comes with a lot of fluff pre-installed though so watch out. you may have a bunch of things you dident install yourself included already08:42
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!08:42
kenwoodfoxThink linux, but angry and old ##ubuntu-offtopic08:42
kenwoodfoxor, that one that the bot said08:42
kontra2how to enable hdmi audio?08:42
kenwoodfoxidk never been there08:42
kenwoodfoxsry, :#ubuntu-offtopic08:43
Maikdone yet?08:43
kenwoodfoxMaik: Do you have any experince with netplan by any chance?08:43
Maikbut google has an answer maybe08:44
kenwoodfoxInteresting, i thought ubuntu needed to use it. seems like not a lot of people do?08:44
Maikor whatever search engine08:44
kenwoodfoxMaik: Yeah thats what ive been doing the past few hours08:44
kenwoodfoxyeah, either engine08:44
kenwoodfoxanyway, no big hits08:44
kenwoodfoxa few tips tho08:44
kenwoodfoxand i have all the docs ope08:44
kenwoodfoxseems --debug is the only debug option?08:44
kenwoodfoxim not getting enough info back :c08:44
kenwoodfoxi still dont know whats wrong08:44
peanutbutterandckenwoodfox, sorry I went elsewhere. Hmmm.... is there a bsd channel that you hang out on I could jump in there08:46
kenwoodfoxYeah for sure, and #ubuntu-offtopic, i hang around in #freebsd and #freebsd-social08:47
kenwoodfoxstill cant ping anything, or see nameserers08:49
kenwoodfoxeverything is UP and LOWER UP tho08:49
ubottuNetplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/08:50
kenwoodfoxAnd you've not heard of it?08:51
kenwoodfoxso interesting08:51
kenwoodfoxi thought it was ubuntu standard sorta recently08:52
kenwoodfoxif there is an option to ditch it id love to hear it08:52
kenwoodfoxi dont mind traditional unix configuration for this setting08:52
TJ-kenwoodfox: unless you've changed it since pasting, you've got different hash policies08:57
TJ-kenwoodfox: for ifupdown you've got "bond-xmit-hash-policy layer2+3" but for netplan/systemd-networkd you've got "transmit-hash-policy: layer2"08:58
kenwoodfoxTJ-: Oh interesting, let me try that i did not even notice08:58
kenwoodfoxHm, no dice? https://kitsunehosting.net/nextcloud/index.php/s/sJxodyXEPwDzoSR/preview08:59
TJ-kenwoodfox: I wonder if this a netplan deficiency09:00
kenwoodfoxTJ-: Oh dear :/09:01
kenwoodfoxis there some way i could just not use netplan?09:01
kenwoodfoxand modify /etc/interfaces myself?09:01
Maik<kenwoodfox> And you've not heard of it? --> you asked if i have experience with it NOT if i heard of it09:02
kenwoodfoxOh sorry, you querried the bot for a snippit and i figured you were performing an inital search for what i was talki ng about09:02
TJ-kenwoodfox: "man systemd.netdev" shows TransmitHashPolicy has the option "layer2+3" - netplan is supposed to write that for systemd-networkd - so this could be a netplan bug. Personally, unless things are likely to dynamically change or I'm configuring here-today,gone-tomorrow containers or VMs, I avoid netplan like the plague and just write standard systemd-networkd configs to09:04
kenwoodfoxTJ-: im not familer with systemd-networkd either but, if this looks like a bug id be happy to switch away from netplan09:05
kenwoodfoxman i am way too isolated in BSD world XD09:05
kenwoodfoxdo i need to disable netplan/cloud-init?09:05
TJ-kenwoodfox: trick: all netplan does it write a runtime config for systemd-networkd. runtime configs are under /run/ (a tmpfs)  so look in /run/systemd/network/ for the file generated by netplan. copy it to /etc/systemd/network/ and edit it :)09:05
TJ-kenwoodfox: then simply remove the netplan config files completely, or disable it :)09:06
ws2k3how can i start the gui from the cli?09:06
TJ-ws2k3: "sudo systemctl start display-manager.service"09:06
kenwoodfoxOk lets try that TJ- ;3 and thanks so much for the help09:07
kenwoodfoxcant cat those files tho hm09:08
kenwoodfoxoh wait09:08
kenwoodfoxI can sorry~ :309:08
TJ-kenwoodfox: according to the netplan man-page "transmit-hash-policy (scalar)" does support the option "layer2+3" so maybe you had some syntax error in the YAML file?09:09
kenwoodfoxHm, let me just try it again09:09
kenwoodfoxi used bond-xmit-hash-policy, like from my ifupdown config09:10
kenwoodfoxmaybe thats not the wording netplan needs?09:10
kontra2how to enable hdmi audio output09:14
TJ-kenwoodfox: yes, you used the ifupdown statement, not the the correct one you had originally. "transmit-hash-policy: layer2+3"09:15
kenwoodfoxTJ-: the ifupdown2 is a configuration from another host that works with my switch fine09:15
TJ-kenwoodfox: yes, but ifupdown has *different syntax*09:15
kenwoodfoxTJ-: I get that, so its the same policy both times then? :c09:16
TJ-kenwoodfox: your original netplan file was correct but had the wrong hash type sepcified; "transmit-hash-policy: layer2" should have been "transmit-hash-policy: layer2+3"09:16
kontra2in hdmi display, it only showing 640*48009:17
TJ-kenwoodfox: key=value, key was correct :)09:17
kenwoodfoxvalue was not?09:17
TJ-kenwoodfox: should have been "layer2+3" not "layer2"09:18
TJ-YAML is just a poor way of writing key=value expressions (key: value)09:18
ThinkT511I have an issue with building vbox kernel modules with the 5.8 kernel on 20.04: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rK2wgWxgJk/09:22
TJ-ThinkT511: known issue(s) but I don't have the bug number to hand09:22
TJ-ThinkT511: several out-of-tree kernel modules have been affected, nvidia, brcm, vbox09:23
ThinkT511I guess it's just a matter of waiting for an update then. I'm glad its known. Thanks.09:24
kenwoodfox_Sorry for DC, did i miss anything TJ-?09:25
TJ-kenwoodfox_: not that I know of09:27
kenwoodfox_TJ-: Ok, so ill leave the netplan the same then?09:28
kenwoodfox_TJ-: im back to square one :c09:28
kenwoodfox_what else can  test?09:28
TJ-kenwoodfox_: what does the netplan config look like right now? does it specify "transmit-hash-policy: layer2+3"09:28
kenwoodfox_TJ-: here it is https://kitsunehosting.net/nextcloud/index.php/s/HQdGYikmWSXdEyo/preview09:29
TJ-kenwoodfox_: the only thing that occurs to me is that ifupdown and systemd-networkd differ in the default AD select mode  (keys ad-select/AdSelect - netplan/networkd) (values: stable/bandwidth/count)09:37
TJ-kenwoodfox_: which mode is the switch using?09:38
TJ-kenwoodfox_: I've had 802.3ad LACP bandwidth bonds using systemd-networkd running for several years so this is unlikely a problem with systemd-networkd itself, but a config mismatch09:39
kenwoodfox_TJ-: Im not entirely sure what the switch is using for AdSelect09:40
TJ-kenwoodfox_: well, you can easily test since there are only 3 options :) try each one in turn09:42
kenwoodfox_TJ-: Sorry for being dumb~ thats ad-select: stable/bandwidth/count ?09:42
TJ-in netplan that means "ad-select: " with 'stable' then 'bandwidth' then 'count'09:42
TJ-kenwoodfox_: also, due to how netplan and systemd-networkd will interact, ensure that the new config is actually being used by networkd by restarting it (systemctl restart systemd-networkd) - otherwise you could be changing the netplan config but it not being propagated)09:44
TJ-kenwoodfox_: this is why I prefer not having netplan in the loop09:44
kenwoodfox_Oh, ok ill do that too TJ-09:45
kenwoodfox_well, none of that seemed to work TJ- :c09:49
kenwoodfox_feeling pretty tired, maybe i should come back to this in the morning09:49
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neurewhat software can show video from v4l2 devices?11:03
EriC^^neure: vlc should be able to do it11:09
dokehowdy yall- I am trying to build a simple Ubuntu application in C++ and was wondering if anyone knew of a good resource to turn to- I was following along with the GNOME tools but theres issues of the applications being out of date in the documentation11:21
dokevery specific question I know but if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate thanks!11:21
dokejust found they have an IRC blah no issues11:22
zetherooI am trying to revert to using the Xorg display driver but am being hit with this error https://ibb.co/Kxv4TXp12:10
zetheroogiving this a try https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-uninstall-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux12:16
zetheroothat article did the trick12:23
ring3is 5.8.0-36-generic compatible with virtualbox driver?12:29
ring3I have problems with the vbox driver in ubuntu12:30
arctikdoes Nouveau use more battery and have less performance, or it's ok now ?12:30
leitzMorning. The mysql-server package has gotten in a broken state, and so far trying to install, reinstall, and purge fails. It also causes upgrade to error out. It there any way to tell apt to "remove it, and ignore pre and post script errors?"12:35
leitzUsing Ubunto 20.04.12:36
olehHello guys. Struggling with world clocks on Ubuntu 20, Gnome 3. I have added additional timezone but it stills doesn't appear when I click on time in top bar12:36
zetheroowhat is the best way to generate a fresh clean xorg config?12:46
revmooI just installed 20.04 and mysql doesn't seem to work right out of the box. I can't login as root on the terminal even after running and re-running mysql_secure_installation. Does someone have a up to date guide on how to get it running?12:47
revmooI was following this but the steps do not work for me12:48
zetherooshouldn't /etc/X11/xorg.conf exist in 20.04?12:54
tarzeaui haven't written xorg.conf since 5+ years12:55
tarzeaubut X -configure creates one if you really want12:55
zetheroo tarzeau: so what replaced it?12:56
zetheroois there any way to reset the display settings to defaults?12:56
tarzeauzetheroo: it's zeroconf/automatic12:57
tarzeauzetheroo: maybe it's easier if you tell what your problem is?12:58
zetheroo tarzeau: I reverted to the Xorg driver from the Nvidia 460 driver, and now when I boot the laptop (Thinkpad P14s) while docked the USB ports on the dock don't work and the displays (3 x External) are not working (no image/blinking/flashing blue...) and when I undock the laptop the image on the laptop screen is jittery and glitching. The laptop works fine if booted off the dock.13:00
tarzeauand that's with 20.04?13:00
zetherooBut originally, when I first installed 20.04 on this laptop, the Xorg driver was what I was using and it was working fine.13:01
zetherooyes, 20.0413:01
tarzeaudunno really i have 200 linux workstations and they all work. not using docks though, either always plugged in screens (1..3) no detaching/attaching while running13:01
tarzeauand i'm not using ubuntu nvidia drviers, but nvidia nvidia drivers (nvidia cuda.(sources)list)13:01
tarzeauworks for me. if i need a laptop, i'm using one from www.next.com13:02
zetheroowhat, an Apple?13:02
tarzeauwhat i can tell though is, using nvidia binary drivers, x won't start without a screen attached/powered13:02
tarzeauzetheroo: sure. and i've also been running openstep 4.2 on real hardware post 200013:03
zetherook ... well I'm not getting an Apple :D13:03
tarzeaunow that they quit that intel mess, i'm all for it!13:03
tarzeauzetheroo: don't, what if asahilinux has linux running on the m1?13:03
zetherooI'll try switch to the Nvidia driver again and see if it solves the issues ...  (aren't the Nvidia drivers in the Ubuntu repo the official Nvidia drivers?)13:04
tarzeauzetheroo: yes, with a delay/lag. nvidia has the newer/better ones imho13:04
tarzeauzetheroo: besides that, i have users that want cuda, cudnn and some stuff canonical does not deliver, and in multiple versions at the same time, on multiuser multi gpu machines13:05
zetheroowill try directly from Nvidia this time13:05
tarzeautheir package deps and nvtop also plays well with distro release versions mixed up, in parallel13:05
zetheroohmm ... that seems a bit old13:07
tarzeauzetheroo: look:13:07
tarzeauzetheroo: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list with deb http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2004/x86_64 /13:08
tarzeauzetheroo: that's enough13:08
zetheroook, are those stable releases?13:08
zetherooE: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia_cuda.list (Suite)13:10
zetheroothis looks recent https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/168347/en-us13:11
tarzeauzetheroo: i use them productive on like 70 machines?13:12
tarzeauwell many users use them, actually13:13
tarzeauzetheroo: but i'm really using repo. not their installer13:13
BluesKajHi folks13:21
chalcedony`Hello :)13:46
coconutHey chalcedony`13:47
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
ax562hi all, running ubuntu 20.04 lts.  I ran apt upgrade and it broke my wifi.14:12
lotuspsychjeax562: wich kernel version on wich wifi chipset please?14:15
athvIs there a way to install GTK4 libraries without having to compile them myself on 20.0414:15
ax56203:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)14:15
ax562that is my wifi chipset14:16
lotuspsychjeax562: and uname -a ?14:17
ax562uname -a14:18
ax562Linux ub2004 5.8.0-34-generic #37~20.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 14:53:00 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:18
ax562the paste is the apt upgrade command that broke it.14:18
ax562I'm not sure where/which one is the culprit.14:18
lotuspsychjeax562: see bug #191055514:19
ubottubug 1910555 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Driver build error on kernel 5.8, but works on 5.4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191055514:19
ax562lotuspsychje ty14:23
ax562The funny thing is I was on 5.8.0-34-generic without any issues14:24
dreginHey, where can I find the packer files/other that were used to build these EKS AMI's? https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/docs/aws/eks/14:59
egrainanother ubuntu box having the same issue after updating yesterday.15:00
egrainno gui stuff starting. and occasional flickering.15:00
egrainhaswell probably. i don't know with this one yet.15:00
athvIs there a way to install GTK4 libraries without having to compile them myself on 20.04?15:10
mefistofelesathv: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1304261/how-to-get-gtk4-in-ubuntu-20-04 might want to check the comments15:11
athvinteresting, and I was wondering why nobody made a ppa yet15:13
arctikcan you help me on this problem please? : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65666008/cant-run-application-with-qt-creator-on-ubuntu-20-0415:22
arctikit's seems there is a reel problem with nvidia driver on ubuntu 20.0415:23
sim642I just installed (x)ubuntu on a new machine and the installer asked me to set a secure boot password and said it would be asked after reboot. But it wasn't15:43
sim642Some blue thing did come up and I just chose "continue" without having to ever enter that password15:44
pasizthen you don't set secure boot password... it's not mandatory15:45
sim642If I remember correctly, the wording in the installer was that I would be required to enter it on reboot after install. That's why I got confused when it didn't15:48
FrustratedPlatyphullo, I've come here to express my frustration and maybe find a solution:p16:22
FrustratedPlatypeven tho there's barely ever a customer that orders a server with Ubuntu, I decided to invest my time & effort into setting up a fully automated install when someone did, a few months back16:23
FrustratedPlatypand now... the first Ubuntu order came in since then and I was confronted with the fact that the entire install process has changed with 18.04 -> 20.04....16:24
FrustratedPlatypIs there some way to convert my Preseed configuration to one of the new install methods?16:25
TJ-FrustratedPlatyp: possibly better to ask in #ubuntu-server but I don't think there is a conversion facility - there *may* be an alternative way to still use preseed-ing but I've not noticed anyone mention it16:27
FrustratedPlatypyeah, there's a legacy thingy, but investing time in converting it to that is useless, since it'll soon drop the support16:28
FrustratedPlatypI'll try #ubuntu-server16:28
leftyfbFrustratedPlatyp: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/1451016:30
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knstnIf someone is using a Polaris GPU wit the amdgpu driver, can tell me the output of "dmesg | grep GART" (or lspci -v)/16:58
ZajtIs there some default sources.list file for Ubuntu 20.04 available?17:03
ZajtI am trying to run apt-get update, but get an error https://imgur.com/a5EIT7P so something seems wrong with my sources.list file17:04
Ravagegoogle says https://gist.github.com/ishad0w/788555191c7037e249a439542c53e17017:08
leftyfbFrustratedPlatyp: please do not PM17:09
FrustratedPlatypI'll just shut the f up then, instead of expressing gratitude :')17:11
ZajtRavage - can I updated /etc/apt/sources.list with that one?17:11
ZajtI'll make a backup of the other one in case of17:11
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kthxbait(-.-t)  ヽ( -,-)ゞ17:18
leftyfbZajt: your issue is with ppa's or other 3rd party repo's you have added. Mainly the letsencrypt ppa which you shouldn't need anymore. Also, looks like a "sudo apt clean ; sudo apt update" might be in order17:24
ZajtYeah I solved it now, needed to add certbot17:32
azidhakahi everyone! what package change can cause finding group in /etc/group to fail? here's a strace: http://p.ip.fi/2x0b17:34
knstnAnyone with a Polaris GPU?17:47
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
phillipsjkIs MD RAID not supported? Did not see any mirroring options when selectin the LVM or ZFS "full disk earase" options either.17:55
phillipsjkThe documentation is out of date:17:57
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phillipsjkIt says i need an alternate version, but takes me to the generic download page.17:58
pyeverythinghey I have student license for Maya but tried two installation instructions for installing it on Ubuntu 20.04 and none worked. Does anyone work with Maya in Ubuntu? my preference is not to switch between Windows and Ubuntu just because of Maya if possible. Thank you18:05
dustcan someone try https://snapcraft.io/urban-terror18:07
* phillipsjk downloads the server version.18:08
phillipsjkBTW props on fixing the boot time-out issue on optical media by pre-loading. (Knoppix fixed that by not using systemd, which triggers many 300ms seeks on boot)18:14
=== denningsrogue3 is now known as denningsrogue
oerhekspyeverything, see their howto https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/maya/learn-explore/caas/simplecontent/content/installing-maya-2020-ubuntu.html18:18
leibniz[m]Can I put the .pastebinit.xml somewhere else?18:20
leftyfbleibniz[m]: why do you need to?18:27
leibniz[m]leftyfb: To put it in ~/.config...but I guess I can simply alias configs ?18:28
pyeverythingoerheks: this is what I tried didn't work :/18:33
wonkoSo I've been experiencing weird what I thought were freezes but what actually appear to be extreme slowdowns. I was on 20.04 and some stuff I read mentioned it was gone in 20.10. That's not true it seems because I just had it happen. If I walk away eventually everything recovers so it's not completely frozen. Stuff that'18:35
wonkobah, hit enter: Stuff that's running, continues to run and function, just VERY slowly.18:35
wonkoduring these times I'm not doing anything particularly intensive on the machine, either.18:35
wonkoRyzen 3600X, SN550 (whole disk encryption) and a B450 motherboard.18:36
iorialeibniz[m], i giuess it's just a python script, so you probably can  change the path (configfile = os.path.expanduser("~/.pastebinit.xml") )18:36
wonkoIf no one knows what it could be off hand is there something I could be looking at/watching to collect data when it happens again? Needs to be something that's already running, once it starts I can't do anything until it's done.18:37
leibniz[m]ioria: I just used an alias. How to use that "permatag" no docs are found for it18:37
leibniz[m]Is it related to the auto-delete feature18:37
dlyundHi all. I'm having what seems to be a recurring problem with Ubuntu 20.04 running on VMWare 15.5.6: the network initially works but after a few days disappears. The network no longer appears in Settings and I can't make head nor tail of the 3-4 different network configuration systems that Ubuntu has accreted over the last. I've been a *nix user for well over a decade so this is a very embarrassing state of affairs. Is this a known issue18:42
dlyundand if so what can be done to resolve it?18:42
oerhekspyeverything, sorry to hear that, nothing we can do, post your issue on askubuntu perhaps?18:46
* phillipsjk using dban becuase installe crashed trying to use existing partitons.18:58
phillipsjkfeature request: option to reformat using same filesystem.18:58
phillipsjkdban take 5 hours.18:59
esrowhy terminal freezez on switching active window (20.10)19:11
esroany correct way™ for installing ansible on ubuntu 20.10 ?19:17
esro(ansible 2.10 )19:17
esrosorry wrong channel. however i see apt is up to date. sweet.19:18
nmatrixHi all, anyone able to run / compile Virtualbox in Ubuntu 20.04 with a 5.10.x kernel?19:19
DeadEvilBoyhi there guys.. I want a tunnel from A (client) to B (another client). Middleman: C (server). Should I connect A to C and B to C and then establish one tunnel from A to C (local to A), also from B to C (has to be reversed, so Remote to B), so I can reach B from A?19:20
TJ-nmatrix: there's currently a bug in many out-of-tree kernel module packages they haven't been updated to match changes since v5.6/v5.819:20
pyeverythingI need tensorflow-gpu version 2+ on a server with Python 3.6.5 (native python not anaconda). could you please let me know what's the command for installing it? https://pastebin.com/raw/XEX2NA7M as you see I couldn't install it this way (server runs Ubuntu 18.04 and local machine is Ubuntu 20.04) thanks a lot for any help19:21
nmatrixTJ- sorry to hear that, because it looks like there's a bug with Virtualbox on the 5.8.* and I was hoping 5.10.* could resolve the issue with bridged networking, and NAT and NAT internal being screwed up on 5.8.*19:23
lordcirthAll of a sudden, an 18.04 webserver container's molly-guard is broken; it fails before getting to any prompt: "W: aborting reboot due to 30-query-hostname exiting with code 1."19:34
lordcirthHmm, it seems that it only happens when my shell is via lxc-attach.19:36
phillipsjkcorrect: dban takes 9 hours (blanking only) on my machine. Was probably worth it to boot another OS to reformat the drive with FS data only. (Not sure I would trust a partial zeroing on RAID.)19:54
tete_i am having a problem with audio delay but i am not sure where to look at it, what could cause that etc. - maybe someone here can help me. i use xubuntu and have steam installed with a game called rocksmith. when i hit a string in rocksmith with my guitar (connected by a usb soundcard) it take quiet long (i would guess 300-500ms) until i hear it from my speakers. on windows there is like no delay, so i can be sure its not a hardware20:00
tete_problem. the game runs with wine that uses alsa20:00
tete_no not with wine but with proton which uses wine ... behind the scenes ... or so20:00
* phillipsjk blames pulseaudio20:01
tete_thats what i thought too but when i hit a string and take a look at pavucontrol, it looks like an instant signal, so i guess its somehow more related to rocksmith, but not sure what else to tweak ;)20:03
tete_thought maybe someone uses that too here20:03
leftyfbtete_: if you're not hearing the delay with other applications (video player, youtube, etc) then the issue is with the application you're using (rocksmith) and you should direct your support issue there20:09
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tete_hm yes think so too, maybe in #winehq or so asking20:11
GrosLalohello i making a fresh installation of ubuntu 20.10 and it fails at the last step when updating grub. I have retried 4 times already and it always fail. Is it possible to see the log failure somewhere on the system?20:12
sarnoldGrosLalo: certainly there's a log somewhere, I've read loads of bug reports on launchpad with that log and grub install failures :)20:17
sarnoldGrosLalo: I'm not sure where to find it while on the live system, check /var/log/ or journalctl output and see if those have what you need20:18
GrosLaloI have checked those and nothing. At the end it tries to send some error report to ubuntu but i cannot see that report20:18
sarnoldmaybe /target/var/log/ ?20:19
GrosLaloThanks sarnold i will check that !20:20
sarnoldGrosLalo: I think the error I see most often is people not having a partition on their drive for EFI use20:21
GrosLaloI have the following partition p1(50MB) as biosgrub and p2 as ext4 (50GB). I have similar partition on another computer and that had no problem20:22
sarnoldhmm, I think usually the efi partitions are ~100 megs or something20:23
GrosLaloThe actual error in the dialog reads "Executing 'grub-install /dev/nvme0n1' failed"20:24
TJ-GrosLalo: use "grub-install -v ..." to get verbose logging20:25
GrosLaloTJ-. I am not familiar with grub.I ran the failing command in verbose mode and i get this error: grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.20:27
GrosLaloWould you have an idea as to what i could do ?20:30
tete_is there a simple way to tell ubuntu that all that goes in from my guitar (over a usb soundcard) to directly play back to my speakers? at the moment i have to record in audacity to see if there is a delay20:33
sarnoldtete_: most of these sorts of questions can be answered by running pavucontrol and looking around a bit; I don't know off the top of my head if this is possible and it only shows what's actually available on the system, heh20:34
sarnoldtete_: there's another channel #lau that may have advice20:35
tete_thanks ;)20:35
TJ-GrosLalo: I suspect you're running grub-install outside a chroot on a booted ISO20:37
GrosLaloI am running the live bootable usb20:38
GrosLaloSo I am using the ubiquity program to go through the steps. Though I have done manual partition per the other computer i have which runs ubuntu 20.04.20:39
GrosLaloI will try to run it without the bootloader and will do the grub thing manually. For this I have to reboot and will come back to the channel to report.20:42
=== NickBusey7 is now known as NickBusey
GrosLaloTJ- and sarnold: Hello I am back and I have some good news. I disabled bootload stage with ubiquity. And then updated the grub for the device. After that I rebooted and it sort of worked. I was thrown in a maintenance prompt where i could examine the journal and found out that /etc/fstab was inserting some incorrect entries (efi partition) from the21:27
GrosLaloUsb installation media. So after cleaning the fstab i was able to boot into my installation.21:27
sarnoldGrosLalo: excellent! :D21:30
sarnoldthanks for reporting back :)21:30
GrosLalosarnold: Thank you for suggesting the /target/var/log :)21:31
sarnoldoh sweet :) I don't really know the installer, it's nice when even that little bit is helpful :)21:32
GrosLaloThanks again and bye.21:34
=== bettencb1 is now known as bettencb
AavarI have a mirrored zfs pool (is that what it's called?). What happens if one of my drives dies?21:38
evon_Can anyone recommend any good video capture software for Ubuntu?21:39
sarnoldAavar: when your drive fails, you use the zpool replace command when adding the replacement hard drive21:40
sqppI have a T400, is there any way to get hardware acceleration working in the new Edge? It seems to be enabled, but I don't see YouTube actually work21:40
sqppWell it does, but really sloow21:40
Aavarsarnold: Ok. Will i be able to read the single drive before adding a new drive?21:41
sarnoldAavar: yes; infact if you don't keep an eye on zpool status output, you may never notice that the drive has died21:41
oerheksThinkPad T400 with  ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 ?21:41
Aavarsarnold: THank you :)21:42
oerheksno, the openradeon drivers work fine with ATI 5xxx and up21:42
sqppNo HD:(21:42
sqppJust the GMA450021:42
wonkoSo, got the Brother DS-620 working but it takes FOREVER for any programs to find it. After that it works fine. Any ideas?21:42
sqppbut Firefox seems to be fast.21:43
sqppno issues playing vids21:43
evon_Can anyone recommend any good video capture software for Ubuntu?21:51
sarnoldevon_: I think I've heard the 'streamer' folks like OSC, but I haven't got a clue if it does what you want21:52
evon_sarnold: thanks21:55
cheaterhi. how do i install screen on ubuntu 21.04?22:28
Habbieapt install screen22:29
cheateroh, i needed to apt update first22:30
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | cheater22:50
ubottucheater: Hirsute Hippo is the codename for Ubuntu 21.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu+1. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.22:50
DarkTorMentorHi Lads. I'm trying to make a project using the 3.3volt sata outlet. Now I can see that pin 1,2 and 3 is +3.3v but i cant find the - 3.3v22:51
oerheksDarkTorMentor, try ##hardware for that?22:52
DarkTorMentorand sry22:53
jeremy31DarkTorMentor: they might be labelled com or common22:54
DarkTorMentorjeremy31: Thanks alot. :-)22:54
pyeverythingI have https://pastebin.com/raw/SdkkimEL how can I use tmux attach to connect to 1 or 2 and can I name them now? I am using Ubuntu 18.0423:17
pyeverythingit says 2: 1 windows (created Mon Jan 11 15:07:54 2021) [131x32]23:17
sarnoldheh, the manpage doesn't seem to give advice on how to do that23:19
sarnoldtry tmux attach-session 0  etc23:20
pyeverything$ tmux attach-session 123:22
pyeverythingusage: attach-session [-dEr] [-c working-directory] [-t target-session] sarnold23:22
sarnoldthen try tmux attach-session -t 123:22
pyeverythingthanks it worked sarnold23:23
sarnoldI couldn't get the thing to give me that usage statement, so I figured it didn't exist, hehe23:23
Tailsi had a odd thing happen...my connection froze when i logged back in the screen windows i opened were opened23:43
Tailswhat a mess23:43

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