
utmanCan't locate Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/python3.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Debian::Debhelper::Sequence::python3 module)13:52
utmantrying to create debian package from my source files. On ubuntu 20.0413:52
utmanwhen i search this on cpan, module is not present13:52
utmanplz help13:53
JackFrostInstall dh-python13:53
JackFrost!find Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/python3.pm13:53
ubot3File Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/python3.pm found in dh-python13:53
utmanJackFrost,  thanks. Will try this13:55
utmanhow to find this module in dh helper? Is that automatically installed?13:55
utmanJackFrost,  did u command to bot? to find that package?13:56
JackFrostWell I happen to know it's in dh-python, but you can use `apt-file` to find them from your system too.  You should add it in debian/control as a build-depend.13:57
utmanwao that worked. Thanks JackFrost13:57
utmanI have created a new software (invoicing software) in python and GTK. Everything works when i run. Now i want to make a distributable package from it. I need guidance. Can python programs work as executables just like other softwares?14:06
utmandeb package or snap. Anything is welcomed. new user here14:07
utmanmainn purpose is, common user need not to install dependencies like database, gui libraries i am using and other imported modules.14:07
JackFrostFor "self contained" methods of distribution, yeah flatpak or snap I guess.14:15
JackFrostI think one uses snapcraft for that, but I haven't more ideas than that.  I think there's a channel for snap stuff.  If your target is Ubuntu users, snap may be the best.  Other distros besides Ubuntu and flatpak is your best bet.14:17

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