
Guest_44allo.es ce que ubuntu remplace flash player13:19
Guest_44car je peux pus jouer aux échecs avec flash13:20
Ankman_flash? tour est HTML5. presque14:00
Ankman_oh lord. big Debian update coming in. libc6, amd microcode, bsdutils. feeling uneasy with these big ones. some ten years ago one of these updates killed my linux14:04
=== Ankman_ is now known as Ankman
Ankmanwhat flash game do you want to play?14:15
Ankmanif you can play it in a browser, chrome (chromium) offers to use pepperflash. just need to install it via the package manager14:16
Ankmanbut adobe announced they will phase out flash, or already did. there won't be any updates anymore which can be a security risk14:17
Guest_44echecsonline.net was the game and without flashplayer ,i am done.14:53

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