
StyilHello, I’m doing a fresh install of Ubuntu and was hoping I could get some help00:05
StyilWhat should the boot loader installation location be00:05
StyilI have windows installed on a separate drive from where I want Ubuntu installed, everything is gpt, should I choose the boot loader installation location to be the windows efi partition or something else?00:06
Bashing-omStyil: My suggestuion - install grub to the drive ( the device not the partition) that holds ubuntu - that way Windows does not affect the boot loader and you can boot Windows from grub or bios.00:09
kenwoodfoxday 2 of trying to setup LACP :300:23
kenwoodfoxlet me upload my config here see if anybody new has comments00:23
kenwoodfoxany ideas why its not working?00:46
sarnoldkenwoodfox: I wonder what happens with the dhcp4: true and dhcp4: false both in the bond0: section01:04
sarnoldkenwoodfox: I also wonder what happens with double-definitions of enp?s0: nics in both files01:04
kenwoodfoxsarnold: oh you're right, i left that in there from last night, ill try removing it01:04
kenwoodfoxsarnold: double definitions?01:04
sarnoldyeah, pretend I copy-and-pasted the bits into here :)01:05
kenwoodfoxIm not sure what you mean, sorry the config is so nasty to read01:05
kenwoodfoxthe network is down so im doing this over kvm :/01:05
kenwoodfoxsarnold: sorry, maybe its the def in 02 bonding that is messing me up?01:08
sarnoldkenwoodfox: yeah, that's the one :)01:08
sarnoldkenwoodfox: see what happens if pop those out and rebuild the configs01:08
kenwoodfoxok, ill give it a go01:08
kenwoodfoxheres what pharsed01:09
kenwoodfoxping still dosent seem to work01:09
sarnoldkenwoodfox: what does networkctl report?01:10
kenwoodfoxsorry SrPx i dident mean to alert you01:11
sarnoldhmm that looks pretty promising.. ip a ? ip r?01:12
kenwoodfoxsorry for the delay, i dident get notified01:20
kenwoodfoxhere we go sarnold https://kitsunehosting.net/nextcloud/index.php/s/Q6i9xWEyKrXJnDS/preview01:20
kenwoodfoxagain thanks so much for the help01:20
sarnoldkenwoodfox: sweet!01:23
kenwoodfoxsarnold: XD no still not working01:23
kenwoodfoxsorry i made it sound like we got it working XD01:23
kenwoodfoxdarn :C thats sad01:23
sarnoldkenwoodfox: oh :/ I thought since it's got an IP address and has routing to the network, it was working :) heh01:24
kenwoodfoxYeah i wish it was working :c shoot01:24
kenwoodfoxcant ping anything01:24
kenwoodfoxi have some debian servers on this same switch and they seem to work fine01:24
sarnoldjust to be clear, are you trying to ping things within the subnet? or off the subnet?01:24
kenwoodfoxwithin the subnet01:24
sarnoldwhat errors do you get form the ping?01:25
sarnoldare there any errors on your switch that might tell you if it sees problems with the bond?01:25
sarnoldor maybe errors in dmesg?01:25
kenwoodfoxif i check the interface it says its suspended, like it would if i had plugged a non-configured ethernet port into it from like a laptop not setup for lacp01:26
kenwoodfoxchecking dmesg01:26
kenwoodfoxi fixed it01:28
kenwoodfoxi had to enable trunk on my switch?01:28
kenwoodfoxif i were more concerned about security id do something more to explore why that made it work01:28
kenwoodfoxbut im not atm so i wont :301:28
bluefox83is there a quick and easy way to find out how hot my laptop is running? it's been on my lap about 5 minutes and wooooooooo, i'm not cold anymore >.>01:31
Bashing-ombluefox83: Try ' cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ' .01:33
Tabmowbluefox83: sudo apt install lm-sensors <-- i find that useful. Then you can just 'sudo sensors-detect && sudo sensors' to check.01:35
bluefox83it's asking an awful lot of freaking questions i don't know the answers to :(01:40
bonhoefferi'm trying to set up a secure tunnel, but "ssh -L 63333:localhost:5432 joe@foo.com" logs me in01:40
bonhoefferis that the correct response01:40
bluefox83is there a "just test all the things" option? because this is just nuts...01:41
bluefox83that was an awful lot of questions for a bunch on stuff in C :(01:43
sarnoldbonhoeffer: yeah, that tunnel should work until you log out01:47
tomreynbluefox83: sensors-detect --auto      next time01:48
tomreyn+ sudo01:48
tomreyn(but you usually don't need to run it more than once unless you have a very recent mainboard.)01:49
sarnoldoh man that program more than others definitely needs an --auto :)01:49
sarnolda --this-century switch would be nice too, something to skip all the crufty old junk01:50
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fargi6if I monitor the list of mount points on a ubuntu system, I have to account for new mount points under /snap .  How do I know /snap/* is a legitimate mount and not something bad?02:28
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tete_hi, when i was using fedora/centos, i had that nice feature (some kind of reverse search) when i e.g. connected to some different ssh servers and then entered thousands of different commands, i was able to just write "ssh", then hit "page up" and the bash jumped through the commands that started with ssh07:59
tete_can someone tell me how to achieve that in ubuntu? i never had to configure that myself, guess thats something in .bashrc with that reverse search but no idea how to make it that only those specific commands are available on page up :/07:59
EriC^tete_: use ctrl+shift+r08:03
EriC^then ctrl+r to go to the next command that it finds08:03
EriC^tete_: sorry, ctrl+r, then then ctrl + r08:04
tete_hm thanks, looks like that but ... was much easier with pg up and pg down :>08:04
EriC^tete_: ctrl+r is the more universal approach, might as well get used to it too08:05
arahaeltete_: In general, I find that either fish or zsh tend to be a bit better at that sort of autocompletion.08:13
arahael(fish is not sh compatible, and is a bit niche)08:13
geirhatete_: first, find what escape sequence page up produces in the current terminal emulator by hitting Ctrl+V then Page Up08:23
tete_geirha, ^[[5~08:34
tete_does that tell you anything? :D08:34
geirhayes, then   bind '"\e[5~": history-search-backward'   should add the keybinding you want08:35
geirhayou can put that line in ~/.bashrc08:35
varaindemian_any downside of using snaps?09:08
varaindemian_or should I install the .deb package?09:08
sub526I tried to install jenkins on Ubuntu 18.04 machine by adding Jenkins repository to the system with "sudo sh -c 'echo deb http://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'09:09
sub526", after that sudo apt update resulted error "E: The repository 'http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian-stable binary/ Release' is not signed."  "N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default." - how to resolve it?09:09
andyyyyyi need help with chinese character input09:12
andyyyyyI went to settings, language and input methosed, added there Chinese and it initially worked09:13
andyyyyyI then wen there again and clicked the cogwheel and chose that it be separate for each window09:14
andyyyyysince then it is broken. so I went ther eand switched back to gloabal setting for all windows, but it didn't fix it09:14
andyyyyyI do have the language indicator in the top bar next to wifi indicator, and super+space does change it to show zh (for Chinese), but typing i only get normal letters09:16
andyyyyywhat can i do to actually be writing in chinese again?09:18
FreeBDSMhi. Ubuntu 20.04. Atril Document viewer now fails to render pdf fonts properly. Instead of cyrillic I see gibberish signs.09:19
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kiwi_banal@andyyyyy this may help: https://linuxconfig.org/change-system-language-on-ubuntu-20-04-from-command-line09:22
kiwi_banal'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales'09:23
FreeBDSMhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Zathura if both zathura is installed along with both zathura-pdf-mupdf and zathura-pdf-poppler which both are capable of pdf rendering - how to switch between them?09:31
FreeBDSMI just learned that poppler (and thus zathura-pdf-poppler) is shit09:31
FreeBDSMah, crap, there's no zathura-pdf-mupdf...09:32
FreeBDSMso ubuntu is just not capable of rendering pdfs09:33
andyyyyy@kiwi banal: will that only enable chinese writing or will that set the entire computer to chinese?09:33
andyyyyyChinese is not my native language, and I would not be able to use the ocmputer at all, were it in Chinese, I've just strated to learn chinese and need to be able to write in chinese characters for school09:34
kiwi_banal@andyyyyy: I'm not certain, sorry. I just ran the command now on my system and you do get to choose extra languages09:35
kiwi_banal... so it should be safe (he said from a distance)09:35
andyyyyyi have done that09:44
andyyyyyit was verz slow09:44
andyyyyyit has generated a lot of locales now09:44
andyyyyystill no chinese letters though09:44
andyyyyyneither in terminal nor here09:44
andyyyyyi added just to trz, arabic, via the ordinarz waz in gui09:45
andyyyyyand arabic works09:45
giacoI'm having random freezes that requires hard reset on my ubuntu 20.04 laptop. How can I get last log lines before forced reboot?09:45
andyyyyybut not chinese09:46
FreeBDSMgiaco: sudo journalctl -b -109:48
tete_geirha, perfect, thanks! exactly what i was looking for :)09:49
tete_varaindemian_, tbh i dont like snaps09:50
varaindemian_I am planning to install visual studio code and idk what to choose between .deb and snap09:50
tete_it depends on the use case09:50
varaindemian_tete_, why?09:51
geirhatete_: You might want a similar binding for page down for history-search-forward as well, so you can move back and forth09:51
tete_geirha, already have it :)09:51
tete_it was the 6 instead of 5 for pg down, works like a charm!09:51
varaindemian_tete_, so should I go for the .deb?09:51
tete_varaindemian_, because snap is not "open", its a proprietary thing, thats why i would prefer flatpak09:52
tete_and i had some trouble with fs access when using snap09:52
tete_*i* would use snap only for applications that do work alone or provide some interface that i know i can access it without too much configuration stuff, but in general i prefer the .deb09:53
kiwi_banal@andyyyyy: Apart from suggesting a reboot, I'm not sure how to fix your issue.10:08
ioanm_otghello, question in Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, is there any official Linux kernel package that ships me a 5.9 or 5.1010:15
ioanm_otgI have the 14IIL05 Lenovo Ideapad, which has a touchpad that needs 5.9 or 5.10 laptop, there is an issue currently about this. So I can set pci=nocrs and have it work :-)10:15
lotuspsychjeioanm_otg: no, latest non-lts still has 5.8 but you can temporary test the !mainline kernels if you like10:16
ioanm_otglotuspsychje: I see, that is a problem ...10:17
lotuspsychjeioanm_otg: why?10:17
ioanm_otgcause the touchpad on my machine does not work at all10:17
ioanm_otgon < 5.9 :D10:17
lotuspsychjeioanm_otg: did you file a bug for your issue on ubuntu?10:17
ioanm_otgthere are 2 already :-)10:17
lotuspsychjeioanm_otg: bug ID please?10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1878279 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "MSFT0004:00 06CB:CD98 Touchpad/trackpad mouse randomly not recognized from any given boot" [Undecided,In progress]10:18
ioanm_otglotuspsychje: long story short, kernel newer or equal to 5.9 and pci=nocrs is the only workaround that exists now.10:19
ioanm_otgI'd set the touchpad to PS2, but Lenovo disabled that bios feature ...10:20
lotuspsychjeioanm_otg: ok, that bug seems pretty active, good news things are in motion, the devs know about, think patience is needed here10:20
ioanm_otghttps://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208171 <- this one too10:21
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 208171 in Input Devices "lenovo ideapad 5 14ARE05 touchpad randomly failing" [Normal,New]10:21
ioanm_otglotuspsychje:  14IIL05 and 14ARE05 use the same touchpad with MSFT000410:21
lotuspsychjei see10:21
lotuspsychjeioanm_otg: you could ping the #ubuntu-kernel guys if you like to ask what else you can try to help/test10:24
varaindemian_tete_, does the .deb package of visual sutdio code update at the same time with the system?10:30
tete_not sure if there will be a popup informing you of a new version, but i am very sure it wont update itself10:34
tete_i am new to ubuntu, i was using fedora the last 10+ years, no idea if there is a vs code repo available10:35
tete_Installing the .deb package will automatically install the apt repository and signing key to enable auto-updating using the system's package manager.10:35
tete_so if you install it, it will automatically add the repo and when you do an apt update && apt upgrade it will update vs code too10:36
tete_but i also dont like vs code... had to use it for an embedded (iot) project, but i would prefer jetbrains IDEs ;)10:37
NovellHi, anyone know how to make libvirt use dhcpd instead of dnsmasq ?11:00
varaindemian_tete_, as long as it is free11:13
varaindemian_and covers most languages11:13
varaindemian_+ tons of features11:13
varaindemian_why not11:13
varaindemian_I'll do python11:13
tete_varaindemian_, its the same with womans. some like red hair, some dont. i dont like vs code, i prefer jetbrains. 10 years ago i prefered netbeans11:14
tete_i followed this tutorial https://www.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/jxngpx/howto_rocksmith_2014_on_linux_with_steamproton/ but when i register the wineasio.dll with regsrv32, and then execute the regedit, i have no HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\WineASIO11:28
tete_do i have to restart something to have those created?11:28
varaindemian_tete_, installing the app from the gui "Ubuntu Software" app is the same thing as installing it through the terminal?11:30
varaindemian_tete_, in general11:30
varaindemian_tete_, and btw, why did you move to ubuntu?11:30
tete_it makes no difference if you use any ui for installing software or use apt or dpkg etc. - in the end everything is, more or less, the same, but some tools just provide more features11:31
tete_i moved to ubuntu to see if rocksmith works better and most guides are made for ubuntu, not for fedora11:31
tete_atm i try to get rocksmith working with my old focusrite, and the only guide i found is for ubuntu... i have no problem with switching distributions and/or programming languages, i take what i need depending on the purpose :)11:32
varaindemian_thanks tete_11:33
cbreakvaraindemian_: I think the gui thingie might use snap11:58
varaindemian_cbreak, bad thing12:00
ali1234why has my nvidia driver randomly stopped working today?12:21
ali1234it was working fine yesterday12:21
ST_637Mine still works12:21
ali1234the only clue is this on dmesg: "[1719298.327341] NVRM: client does not support versioning!!"12:21
ali1234anything that uses opengl or CUDA fails to run12:22
ali1234i haven't even rebooted12:22
ali12342021-01-12 06:12:26 upgrade libnvidia-common-455:all 455.38-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 460.32.03-0ubuntu0.20.04.112:23
ali1234hmm i wonder if that might be related (dpkg.log)12:23
ali1234i assume that is a security update? because i don't have unattended upgrades enabled12:25
lotuspsychjeali1234: wich kernel are you on please12:26
ali1234Linux al-desktop 5.4.0-58-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 9 08:16:25 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:26
lotuspsychjeali1234: ok, have you tryed switching a driver version?12:26
ali1234no, i haven't done anything12:26
ali1234i literally turned on my computer this morning and all the software that tries to use CUDA had crashed12:27
ali1234i mean, i turned on my monitor, i never actually turn my computer off12:27
lotuspsychjeali1234: cuda, did you install that from the nvidia site?12:27
kre10hey guys, I have mounted a network storage device(timecapsule) via cifs. The thing is, my NextCloud container can't write his data folder there, because the network storage is mounted with root access. Can you advice, please?12:28
ali1234i can't remember, i don't think so though, let me check12:29
ali1234it's not just CUDA though, opengl is broken too12:30
ali1234glxgears dies with "X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)"12:30
ali1234Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)12:30
ali1234i expect it is just a version mismatch with the upgraded driver and a reboot will fix it12:30
lotuspsychjeali1234: check your sources.list to findout if its the stock driver or the nvidia one12:31
ali1234the only nvidia source i have is nvidia-docker12:34
ali1234460 driver came from focal-updates12:34
ali1234455 driver doesn't seem to be available in any source any more12:34
lotuspsychjeali1234: ok, so lets try to switch to one driver lower12:35
lotuspsychjeali1234: check ubuntu-drivers list to see12:35
ali1234yeah 455 is not in the list any more12:35
ali1234and it says "you need to restart to complete driver changes"12:35
ali1234nvidia-driver-455 is now "transitional package for nvidia-driver-460"12:36
lotuspsychjeali1234: you only got 460 in your list anymore?12:37
ali1234no, 450 is still there12:38
ali1234and 44012:38
lotuspsychjeali1234: ok, try 450 then as a test12:38
ali1234well that's just going to ask me to reboot12:38
ali1234i'm going to try just rebooting first12:39
lotuspsychjeyeah graphics drivers need a reboot12:39
ali1234i can probably fix this, i'm just wondering what happened to 455?12:39
ali1234why was it removed by a security update?12:39
ali1234is there a CVE?12:40
lotuspsychjeali1234: for security questions you can query upon #ubuntu-hardened if you like12:41
ali1234https://ubuntu.com/security/cve?q=&package=nvidia-graphics-drivers-455 hmm12:41
ali1234three in fact12:42
ali1234fair enough then12:42
tdm4Hi.. does anyone know a reliable test to determine whether an Ubuntu server has the grub missing symbold problem (from July/August 2020) without actually rebooting it (and risking downtime)?12:45
tdm4from this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/188950912:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1889556 in grub2 (Ubuntu Groovy) "duplicate for #1889509 grub-install failure does not fail package upgrade (and does not roll back to matching modules)" [Undecided,Fix released]12:47
tdm4would I be better off running debconf-get-selections and searching for grub-pc ans making sure it's pointing to the right disk?12:48
Novellok so if no one knows how to make libvirt use dhcpd instead of dnsmasq.. does anyone know which version of dnsmasq I should downgrade to which actually works?12:51
EriC^^tdm4: you could firstly make a backup of the mbr12:52
tdm4EriC^^: sure but I want to be able to *detect* whether the MBR is wrong and wuld result in the aforementioned error13:09
EriC^^tdm4: well you could do that via virtualization but you'd need to be careful that it doesnt actually boot and only stays at the grub menu13:15
BluesKajHi folks13:24
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tatyhi, quick question, when i setup sftp under the connect to server thing upon first connection it goes to / (which is what i expect and want), however, if i then close the file browser and click the server connection again it's now in ~/. is there any way to prevent this?13:47
lotuspsychjetaty: filezilla has some settings to join in your dir you want13:48
tatythat doesn't tie into the regular file browser though13:49
tatywhich makes it very annoying to use13:49
utmanCan't locate Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/python3.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Debian::Debhelper::Sequence::python3 module)13:51
utmanplease guide13:51
utmanwhen i search this on cpan, module is not present13:51
utmantrying to create debian package from my source files. On ubuntu 20.0413:51
TJ-utman: have you installed 'debhelper' and other build-depends ?13:55
lotuspsychjewelcome nomike13:56
utmanTJ-,  yes. Solved this by installing dh-python13:58
nomikeThere is a bug in a package which was recently fixed in upstream debian. Are these fixes automatically taken over by ubuntu, or does somebody need to be made aware of?13:58
nomikeThe package I'm talking about: https://packages.ubuntu.com/groovy/wesnoth13:58
nomikeFixed 10 days ago with release 1.14.1513:59
lotuspsychjenomike: whats the bug about, do you have the debian ID?14:00
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ubottuDebian bug 970520 in wesnoth "wesnoth: Crash on starting wesnoth - stack smash detected" [Important,Fixed]14:04
nomike"It was introduced by the14:05
nomikeDebian builder, using libwolfssl, instead of openssl, due to licensing issues."14:05
nomikeIt was just a wrong include, nothing all too complicated.14:06
lotuspsychjenomike: we got an ubuntu bug about, can you see if its your issue? bug #190184314:06
ubottubug 1901843 in wesnoth-1.14 (Ubuntu) "wesnoth-1.14 crashes on groovy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190184314:06
lotuspsychjenomike: seems like its pointing towards your debian ID, so if you also have this on ubuntu please affect it in the left upper corner14:08
nomikelotuspsychje, yes, this is the same issue. I marked myself as being affected and commented with a link to the upstream debian bug.14:12
lotuspsychjenomike: thank you, but it was already linked ontop wesnoth(debian) assigned to14:13
nomikeYes, I saw this after my comment. Was not sure if this was like that before or if my comment triggered this link somehow.14:14
lotuspsychjenomike: there is the channel #ubuntu-release to ping the package guys perhaps14:15
nomikeBut it's good to know this is being tracked. I'm not a gamer myself but I'm trying to fix it for one of my partners and at least there is the "--nocache" workaround for now.14:15
nomikelotuspsychje, thanks, I will head over there and ask the.14:15
lotuspsychjeok, tnx nomike for the affect & buglove14:16
andyyyyy@kiwi banal: I'll try that again14:54
IndustrialHello. I have a MSI GT76 Titan laptop with a Nvidia GTX 2070 GFX card in it. Whenever I try to install an nvidia driver (I want to play Wine games with DXVK+Vulkan) and I reboot the system, I get a black screen (it turns off) when it hits GDM.15:01
IndustrialI tried different versions of the nvidia driver. The latest one 460, also 450.15:01
IndustrialI have to boot the liveiso and chroot into the system and remove the driver that way, to fix it.15:02
IndustrialWhat could be wrong?15:02
lordcirthIndustrial, nvidia laptops usually have PRIME/optimus. You should look at guides for those15:03
Industriallordcirth: Thanks15:05
Industrial*transformers sound*15:05
donofrioanyone have steps for edge and iteams for ubuntu?15:18
lotuspsychjedonofrio: can you elaborate what you want to do exactly, so volunteers can think along with you15:20
donofrioI have an ubuntu notebook that I'd like to use for an interview today, it is on teams and figure I need edge and teams for ubuntu?15:21
donofriodidn't know if it's "just in the repo's" or if special procedure to obtain them?15:21
lotuspsychjedonofrio: there is a teams and zoom snap if you like15:22
donofriowell, is there a real apt/deb/package for them15:22
leftyfbdonofrio: not in the ubuntu repo's, no15:27
leftyfbdonofrio: https://websiteforstudents.com/how-to-install-microsoft-teams-on-ubuntu-20-04-18-04/15:27
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hggdhdonofrio: there is also https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/download-app15:32
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dontlookPolkit question, on Ubuntu I'm logged in as a non-sudo user.  When I open software and click install under VLC I get a prompt asking for the password of the first sudo user on the system16:25
dontlookthere is no option to pick one of the other users on the system that are members of the sudo group16:25
dontlookanyone know how I make it so that I can pick any of the users that has sudo access16:26
dontlookpkexec bash in the cli lets me select any user that is a member of the sudo group16:26
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donofrioleftyfb, that was a great link do you have one for edge?16:43
leftyfbdonofrio: why do you think you need edge? Also, I only googled for "ubuntu microsoft teams"16:44
fribI can't enable network sharing on the server17:10
RoseBusubuntu software update popup came up and i didn't read it and just clicked install.  Then I rebooted and now my sound & internet aren't working17:23
RoseBusit's plugged into ethernet, i tried rebooting twice and unplugging then replugging the network cable, no internet :(17:23
FlatblackIs the interface and so-on showing up if you do ip -a in a terminal/shell?17:24
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coconutAny minimum kernel version for exfat devices?17:32
Sven_vBhi! I'm using Xubuntu focal and somehow I accidentially acquired the new shy scrollbars that hide when I want to scroll them and block my pointer when I want to click text near the edge of a window. :-( how do I switch to traditional scrollbars?17:34
Sven_vBfortunately it only affects some applications like gthumb, not others like sakura. overlay-scrollbar is not installed.17:40
Sven_vBneither overlay-scrollbar-gtk217:40
nibbon_is there anyone here that uses kdump?17:41
nibbon_is it possible to use it booting system from pxe?17:42
nibbon_I mean, I boot the system from tftp via pxe and I have a rootfs in memory17:42
nibbon_I installed kdump-tools and kexec following this guide https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/kernel-crash-dump17:43
nibbon_and set an nfs share to host the coredumo17:43
nibbon_when I restart the process kdump-tool it complains that  mkinitramfs: failed to determine device for /17:44
nibbon_because a. I don't have an entry in fstab since the os is volitle17:44
nibbon_b.is rootfs on / type rootfs (rw,size=5242880k,nr_inodes=32265890)17:45
Sven_vBnibbon_, there are tutorials to boot GRUB via PXE, so I guess booting into an initranfs should not be a problem. the tricky part probably is creating a suitable initranfs.17:45
Sven_vBnibbon_, what are you trying to achieve? build an initramfs with kdump in it?17:46
nibbon_I'm trying to install kdump to gather a core dump when/if my systems crash17:47
nibbon_just followed the ubuntu guide I linked but not having a persistent root device confused me17:48
Sven_vBnibbon_, what do you mean with system is volatile? do you usually boot from network?17:48
nibbon_Sven_vB: yes17:49
nibbon_so, I've been able to crash a system and have kexec booting a secondary kernel, however that one crashed too because it couldn't find a root device to mount17:50
nibbon_and the explanation I gave myself is that I don't have one17:51
nibbon_so now I'm wondering whether is doable using kdump booting the main os from network or if there is a way to let kexec boot the same kernel via pxe17:52
choiceHow can I tell my laptop that it should lock the screen when I close the lid? (lock screen and suspend would be even better)17:53
nibbon_for instance I found this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/groovy/man8/pxe-kexec.8.html but dunno whether I can use it as replacement of kexec17:53
EriC^^choice: there should be options for it under settings>power17:54
choiceEriC^^: Unfortunately not.17:54
Seidunahello, so apt search wgetpaste returns nothing on ubuntu server (20.04) on raspberry pi 4 (arm64)?17:56
EriC^^choice: you could do "gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-battery-action suspend" and "gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-ac-action suspend"17:56
Sven_vBnibbon_, just run the kexec from the initramfs. you don't need to switch_root. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/46021917:57
choiceEriC^^: That will suspend. I think I already have that. But I want to lock the screen!17:58
geniiSeiduna: On Debian/*buntu the program pastebinit is generally used for the same functionality17:58
Sven_vBnibbon_, kdump I meant, not kexec17:58
EriC^^choice: try settings > brightness&lock > require password after suspend17:59
nibbon_Sven_vB: you've lost me18:00
choiceEriC^^: Awesome, thanks!18:00
EriC^^choice: no problem18:00
nibbon_Sven_vB: so what you're saying is to run kdump from the same initramfs but what if the mainkernel crashes? That one won't be available anymore and I would need a new one18:03
nibbon_coming either from a persistent storage or from the network18:03
phillipsjkLol I managed to crash the Ubuntu-server installer a second timne by trying to make more than one device mounted on /boot. (For Md devices need to partiton, create MD devices, THEN set mouont point)18:03
nibbon_or am I missing smt?18:03
Seidunagenii: and it is already the newest version, thank you so much, i'll be back with links ;)18:03
Sven_vBnibbon_, I've no idea what you mean with main kernel. I meant the initramfs that complains due to missing fstab. that one isn't bootable currently, so if you replace that one with one that runs kdump, it should be an improvement.18:10
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
Sven_vBnibbon_, also your GRUB can choose which initramfs it should boot, so you can always put an experimental initramfs whereever (most easy: a local harddisk-like device) and and try it before making it the default.18:12
phillipsjkOK, my last planned course of action did not work: the "Create Software RAID (md)" option is now greyed out.18:14
* phillipsjk feels like he is in untested waters with two crash reoprts under his belt in as many days.18:17
dontlookanyone have any pointers on where to look so the authorization windows created by polkit will let me pick which user to use?  Right now it only has one user available for that.18:18
dontlookI have multiple admin users on the machine18:19
DarkTorMentorHi Lads, i tried to follow a guide in making the terminal red, when root-user is active. I did as written, rebooted, but it dont seem to have taken any effect?18:24
phillipsjkOK, I think I got it. Just had to use the "leave unformatted" option when creating the partitions. That also saved me from manually selecting "leave unmounted".18:25
oerheksDarkTorMentor, what guide exactly?18:29
k4rt0ff3lch33t4hDarkTorMentor: what kind of tutorial. did you change PS1?18:29
DarkTorMentoroerheks: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/551017/red-terminal-font-when-root k4rt0ff3lch33t4h: ill have a look. cheers18:34
oerheksNo, that wouldnot work, edit /root/.bashrc like this debian howto https://lifehacker.com/use-a-different-color-for-the-root-shell-prompt-519595118:35
oerheksor https://www.mogilowski.net/2011/12/29/color-bash-prompt-on-ubuntu-and-debian/18:35
oerheks~/.bashrc  for user, /root/.bashrc for root18:36
DarkTorMentoroerheks: Thanks, you saved me again. :-)18:36
oerhekshave fun!18:36
DarkTorMentorlol cheers18:36
=== retentiveboy_ is now known as retentiveboy
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
questionNaireany recommended laptops for ubuntu? that is very hardware compatible, looking high end laptops18:49
matsamanquestionNaire: is your requirement to spend money?18:50
matsamanor to satisfy some tangible hardware need18:50
briar_blankSystem76, Dell XPS Dev edition18:51
oerhekshttps://certification.ubuntu.com/ ...18:51
oerheksstill the best test is a live iso.18:51
coconutquestionNaire, for hardware support you want to select a laptop out of the pre-installed segment, i guess.18:51
mefistofelessome thinkpads are also good with linux, such as the X or P series18:51
matsamanmany chromebooks (_that_ you can change the OS on) will have excellent GNU/Linux support18:52
questionNairecoconut okay, matsaman not really but when I got an apple via university last time, it didn't work well with ubuntu18:52
mefistofelesmatsaman: not really high-end, are those?18:53
matsamanthey aren't typically super expensive, if that's what you mean by high-end18:54
matsamanthey have amazing GNU/Linux support, which to me gives them tremendous value18:54
mefistofelesmatsaman: no, I mean, like build quality and advanced features and performance, but yeah, this is getting off-topic xD18:56
matsamanwhen's the last time you ran into a laptop with a "build quality" issue18:57
matsamanand if you want to hear about some, I can find you some people in #macos paying 2 and 4 times as much that still encounter them18:58
coconutquestionNaire, personally i would buy an system76 if the money is not a topic... and an thinkpad X if you want the keyboard and touchpad great. Dunno where you order from, iirc system76 does not send to some countries.18:59
oerheksDell gives good support too.19:00
matsamanall keyboards are equally bad on laptops at this point19:00
u0_a406because i punched my kbd when i missed the command spells on ubuntu19:02
coconutmatsaman, thinkpad is still one of the greater ones imho(they say it was A LOT better when thinkpads came from from ibm).19:04
matsamanyes those are also ruined19:06
matsamanapple ruined all keyboards, everyone copied them19:06
questionNaireOk I'm mainly doing deep learning with gpu on a desktop, but I'm travelling now. Do you guys think its worth buying a laptop with 32gb ram and high tier cpu, and buy an external gpu that I can plug to my desktop workstation later? or forget the gpu and invest a bit more in the laptop, even tho the laptop gpu will be way shittier. Planning to run19:11
questionNaireubuntu on laptop, and run one on my desktop19:11
coconutmatsaman, one of the reasons to not renew my old macbook pro 10.1 with a new macbook pro.... they make their keyboards worse every year.19:11
matsamanso I've heard19:12
matsamanalthough supposedly they stopped with the butterfly nonsense19:12
matsamanthat still leaves a horrible chiclet/island keyboard with hardly any travel, though19:12
matsamanquestionNaire: if you're always going to have networking, I wouldn't bother with a dedicated GPU on a laptop19:13
matsamanquestionNaire: use the beefier, more affordable hardware of a remote workstation or SaaS19:13
questionNaireyup, way beefier19:13
k4rt0ff3lch33t4hi work on a lenovo b51-80 with 16gb ram. Pretty silent and stable. Although i've not used much of the video card.19:14
questionNairehonestly Im not even sure how much ram I need on laptop if I connect to my workstation  or server, both have 128gb ram+, maybe even 16gb is sufficient for a laptop, for programming19:14
lordcirth16GB should be plenty for most things. Only running lots of VMs might be an issue.19:15
=== denningsrogue2 is now known as denningsrogue
questionNaire"ships in more than 5 weeks" damn these custom laptops are slow19:19
phillipsjk...boot failure. Not sure if installer assumed UEFI bios, or /boot on md ext4 partiton is incompatible.19:19
matsamanquestionNaire: bad time to buy popular things19:20
phillipsjkI want the boot partion mirroed so that if a drive fails, I can still boot: without keeping them in sync in an error-prone manual manner.19:21
questionNairematsaman do you think the third option is a good value https://lnv.gy/3nE32ZN  ? I'm taken a back bit with the 1650 geforce, isn't that very old tech or am I wrong?19:26
matsamanI think a dedicated GPU in a laptop is something almost nobody should go for19:28
matsamanit's incongruous to the purpose of a portable computer19:29
matsamanbut sure, any thinkpad is going to be well built compared to many other things19:30
* phillipsjk will try booting from DVD, then selecting "boot from harddisk" option.19:30
matsamanalthough I have a $140 chromebook from four years ago that's very well built19:30
=== remy is now known as Remy
phillipsjk...Actually got a "boot failed" error message.19:32
PoleschAnything special you need to do to get the new RTX 3090 to work on ubuntu?19:32
c0feAnyone else getting " nginx: [error] open() "/var/run/nginx.pid" failed (2: No such file or directory)" when performing "nginx -s reload" on Ubuntu 20.04 and NGiNX installed from their repo's?19:33
* phillipsjk tries setting drives to "IDE" instead of "AHCI" mode in BIOS.19:34
sarnoldphillipsjk: is that just a debugging step? I'm pretty sure ahci has been the better choice for ~dozen years or more19:36
sarnoldc0fe: does namei -l /var/run/nginx.pid help any?19:36
phillipsjksarnold, yes, no boot.19:37
c0fesarnold: https://dpaste.com/F63SYHTU5 not really19:37
sarnoldc0fe: hmm. I wonder where your pid file went. are you sure nginx is still running?19:38
pavlosc0fe: seems nginx was not shutdown properly. Is there a process runing? kill it, restart nginx19:38
c0feno it's dead19:40
c0fe /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service:9: PIDFile= references a path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/nginx.pid → /run/nginx.pid; please update the unit file accordingly.19:40
* phillipsjk is currently reading through: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1156258/how-to-avoid-uefi-installation-without-uefi-how-to-have-ubuntu-19-w-o-uefi19:40
c0fesystemctl output19:40
c0fethis is a crunchy fresh install of nginx19:40
sarnoldyeah, that part is normal19:40
c0febut the process is dead19:41
pavlosc0fe: /var/run/ points to /run/19:41
sarnoldc0fe: is there anything else in the systemctl status or journald -u nginx or nginx's own logs that would indicate why it's dead?19:41
c0feno indication at all19:43
c0fethis is running in an LXD container but i didn't have any issues with older version of Ubuntu or NGiNX19:45
phillipsjkLooks like the netboot work-aroound ios no longer supported: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/netboot/focal/19:45
phillipsjkI guess I can install the old immague, then do a dist-upgrade.19:46
pavlosc0fe: can you check that the pid in nginx.service is the same as the pid in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf19:46
c0fepid        /var/run/nginx.pid;19:46
sarnoldphillipsjk: perhaps http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/focal/daily/current/focal-legacy-server-amd64.iso ?19:48
c0feso it is correct19:48
c0fenevermind :|19:49
c0fechanging it to /run/nginx.pid seems to resolved the issue19:49
phillipsjksarnold, will try it. May save me a dist-upgrade.19:55
* phillipsjk currently running another round of dban, so computer will not be avialble for 10+ hours. (also wiping a USB stick to be used as boot media)19:57
phillipsjkLOL USB wipe completed already (1GB).19:59
phillipsjksarnold, where did youo find that image? I would like to check the hash.20:02
sarnoldphillipsjk: from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/focal/daily/current/20:03
phillipsjkYeah, figured that out after asking :)20:03
jayjoI have a webcam that seems to time out, or not be found by my machine, after something like 24-36 hours. A restart always fixes it - is there a way to more manually restart the camera device?20:10
jayjoA complete restart of the machine fixes it20:10
jayjoI'm testing if I can find the camera with "cheese"20:10
phillipsjkjayjo, what does physically unplugging the camera, then pugging it back in do?20:12
phillipsjkif the OS is detecting it at all, you should see messages in dmesg. "dmesg | tail"20:14
phillipsjkjayjo- did you just restart and miss my messages to you?20:16
jayjo-well, pulling out a bunch of usb's did *something* :)20:16
jayjo-but no, the camera is still not found20:16
jayjo-I thought it would. It was still in `lsusb` before and after20:16
phillipsjkunlabled wire nest, eh?20:16
jayjo-Yea I know. I'll actually fix that today. I pulled something that for some reason triggered a network killswitch on a simple vpn20:17
jayjo-That thing was a cheap usb speaker, which I noticed before presented itself as a disk in the gnome disk utility20:18
phillipsjkIf it is pugged into  "self powered" hub (with no external power supply) with a lot of devices attached, it may not be getting enough power.20:18
nmatrixHas anyone ever successfully got bridged networking working in Ubuntu 20.04 with virtualbox?20:24
oerheksnmatrix, before 20.04, sure, NAT20:26
nmatrixoerheks, Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossi, with virtualbox20:27
c0feI used Bridged Adapter mode and it worked for me20:27
kotek14For some reason I turned my PC on just to realize that pulseaudio is missing21:16
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
nmatrixc0fe, what type of hardware are you running on?21:46
c0fenmatrix: nginx? i resolved the issue21:47
nmatrix<c0fe> I used Bridged Adapter mode and it worked for me  <--- what hardware are you running on? Laptop, desktop specs?21:49
c0feoh, it is a desktop windows 10 and ubuntu 20.0421:50
c0fethe underlying OS is on baremetal though21:50
auser0hello, i am trying to run wine after installing it but its not working, when i do sudo apt install wine-stable21:59
auser0, it says the latest version is installed21:59
jeremy31auser0: install playonlinux, that should give a GUI for wine22:02
auser0thanks but the issue is that my OS doesn't seem to detect wine after it being installed22:04
auser0so when writing wine, it says to install it and when i try to re-install it, it says it's already installed22:04
sarnoldwhat would it mean for an "os to detect wine"?22:04
auser0i try to check wine version after installing it22:04
auser0wine --version22:04
auser0it says it's not installed22:05
sarnoldhow about wine-stable --version ?22:05
auser0now it seems to work, but when i try to run it, it says "wine client error:0: version mismatch 571/595.22:09
auser0Your wineserver binary was not upgraded correctly,22:09
LiveWirei think ax86 is like $100 cheaper also? That would be my choice23:26
drea_mertPeace! Maybe someone can help me with expressions. If I run a23:32
drea_mert'apt-cache search -n erer$',23:33
drea_mertwhy do I get outputs like23:33
drea_mert'pccts - The Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set (PCCTS).'23:33
drea_mertWhat I would expect would be only package names like 'dleyna-renderer', that end with a 'erer'23:34
hggdhwell, what you actually asked for is "just the names of packages that have a file that ends in erer"23:35
drea_mert,what I told apt-cache using the options '-n erer$'23:35
drea_mert a file ?23:35
hggdh-n reduces the output to the package names, but the search is in the package contents23:36
drea_mert"-n" aren't just the package names, but also files contained in the package23:36
hggdhhold on23:37
subfjrunning a systemctl service and i have restart=always set and this service is to send me an alert when there is a change but its sending me an email every 1 second and i thing its because its restarting this service over and over and over again. would i set restart=onfailure or something instead to fix this?23:38
hggdhdrea_mert: just ran it locally, *without* -n, This is what I got: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7jgySYVpf4/23:39
TJ-subfj: yes23:40
hggdhdrea_mert: still, just the package names23:40
TJ-subfj: see "man systemd.service" and "Restart=" table of actions23:40
subfjTJ-: or use something like Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ?23:40
* hggdh has to go back to read the man page23:40
subfjTJ-: thinking the on failure would be better23:40
subfjokay ill take a look at the table, thanks23:41
TJ-subfj: that'd depend on what kind of service it is, as to whether oneshot is apprpriate23:41
subfjTJ-: oneshot is just on boot then its done but on failure would fix itself basically23:41
subfjand re-trigger23:42
oerheks The new OnFailure= behavior only triggers the one-shot service if the restart failed completely https://serverfault.com/questions/876233/how-to-send-an-email-if-a-systemd-service-is-restarted23:42
subfjTJ-: lol, jinx23:42
hggdhdrea_mert: bah, sorry, was running apt-cache and mentally fixed on apt-file23:43
drea_merthggdh youre welcome =D23:44
=== EtherOre__ is now known as EtherOre
drea_merthggdh so it doesnt search only/also for filenames?23:45
drea_mertbecause the quest remains...how could I tell apt-cache to just search the package names - what was the original intention23:47
hggdhdrea_mert: no, it does not. By default it searches on package names and long description. With -n, just package names23:47
drea_mertok so my output is somewhat strange...23:48
hggdhdrea_mert: it may be the package you are looking for is in a pocket you do not have enabled -- say, Universe, or Partners23:50
TJ-drea_mert: the reason you see a package name that doesn't appear to match the regexp is that as well as the package name, --names-only also searches any Provides: and you'll find that is where the match occurred. You can check those with "apt-cache show $package | grep Provides"23:52
drea_mertIf my issue would be a problem. Who should I adress? apt-cache rather than the basH?23:53
drea_mertProbably not, because the expressions are evaluated by the bash and only forwarded to apt-cache - right!23:53
drea_mertarent they!?23:53
sarnolddrea_mert: maybe apt-cache dump | grep '^Package: .*erer$'  ?23:53
TJ-drea_mert: for pccts you'll see "Provides: sorcerer"23:53
sarnolddrea_mert: re "evaluated by bash", yeah, it depends upon what is in the current working directory, unless you quote the argument with '' quotes, like: dpkg -l '*linux*'23:54
drea_mertthank you this should answer the question!23:55

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