
ev-narWhen rebooting after install from startup disk, I was told the system couldn't boot, and I had to re-insert the startup disk, after which I got to MOK manager00:00
ev-narWhich key do I select?00:00
netnomadHi.  I'm running 20.04.  When my kernal upgraded to 5.8 my network card (realtek) disappeared.  I've been updating regularly and "going back" to 5.8 a few times a week to see if the problem fixes itself, but it doesn't.  Any suggestions.00:20
* netnomad makes offerings of craft beer to the Linux deities.00:20
netnomadWhen I boot in 5.8 it says the network card is "unclaimed" when I run that command that lists the network interfaces whose name escapes me at the moment.00:21
netnomadkernal 5.4 appears to be comparatively fine.00:22
netnomadThe network card identifies as Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 if that is helpful in any way.00:24
geniiI think it is the 84xx which are possibly problemmatic00:34
netnomadI guess I'm SOL.00:49
indyZSo, I've been having this problem with Xubuntu where, when I close my laptop to suspend, when it comes back my mouse/keyboard doesn't work.02:50
indyZJust figured something out: If I type in my password, as if I'm at a lock screen, and hit enter, my mouse and keyboard work again.02:50
indyZso it seems that I am at the lock screen when opening the laptop, even though I see my desktop instead.02:51
anotheryouHi. I got some misbehaving apps that hog CPU. Can I somehow lower the nice value of whatever does mouse keyboard and terminal? I can't even rescue myself to htop.08:52
anotheryouis that a reasonable approach after all :)08:52
anotheryouand vice versa, should and can I make the misbehavers be more nice by default?08:53
David-Aanotheryou: do you know what program is misbehaving / using cpu?12:06
fernando-bassoapt dist-upgrade stuck at pepperflashplugin-nonfree. Is this any known issue?12:12
brainwashfernando-basso: bug 191146312:16
ubottubug 1911463 in pepperflashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "Can no longer successfully download Flash during postinst" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191146312:16
brainwashFlash is no more12:17
diogenes_RIP flash12:18
xu-help87wI am looking for the location for lightdm.conf in 20.04 but can't find it. Any clues?12:19
diogenes_xu-help87w, /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/12:21
diogenes_it's all snippets.12:21
xu-help87wWell, I need to custom set the resolution of the login screen (HiDPI display) so I thought I set 'display-setup-script' to a script I wrote - into which snippet do I put it?12:26
diogenes_xu-help87w, you can write your own, something like: 40-resolution.conf12:31
fernando-bassobrainwash: Thanks.12:34
xu-help87wWorks. Thank you!12:51
diogenes_you're welcome.12:52
anotheryouDavid-A: mostly the proprietary crap: MS teams, spotify, telegram, sometimes signal14:19
anotheryouI'm wondering why the basic OS (mouse, keyboard, window manager, maybe terminal) does not take priority over them.14:20
David-Aanotheryou: if you allow me to guess. 2 answers.14:22
anotheryousure :). Thanks for helping.14:24
David-Aanotheryou: if you have programs that do productive work, like a server or something, then you may not want the gui to block the services just because you start a heavy gui program or move around or resizing windows. what kind of programs to have priority may differ for different users.14:24
anotheryouI see. Makes sense indeed.14:25
David-Aanotheryou: if you give the terminal and the shell higher prio, then a "while true; do :; done" or a typing error in a terminal may block the system.14:26
anotheryouI just want it above other programs I launched14:27
David-Aanotheryou: but it you have apps that missbehaves, maybe lowering their prio may help you.14:28
anotheryouDavid-A: exactly. I was looking at nice, renice and maybe even "automatic nice deamon (and)". But they all are complicated to configure and I wondered if I'm even on the right track :)14:29
David-Aanotheryou: have you concluded that it is cpu load that is the problem and not virtual memory thrashing or something else?14:30
anotheryouDavid-A: yes14:32
anotheryouDavid-A: but haven't excluded that first memory runs full and than it's cpu or something14:32
David-Aanotheryou: i sometimes have trouble when i have houndreds of tabs in firefox, that virtual memory becomes full, and mouse and terminal interaction becomes painfully slow. can take 1/2 hour to change focus from the browser to a terminal.14:37
anotheryouDavid-A: Something like that, exactly. would want to avoid that14:37
David-Aanotheryou: theoretically, there are ways to limit the amout of virt mem a program may use14:40
David-Aanotheryou: if i recall correctly, the bash command "ulimit" helped when firefox was a 1 process program, but it doesnt limit it now when it has multiple processes. i don't know what command you'll need14:45
anotheryouI might try "and" just not sure how I refer to my programs correctly. In htop I see some path with "snap"14:52
anotheryouand than launching stuff as root on startup... it's all a bunch of config work I'm a bit hesitant to dive in to14:52

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