
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
=== FutureShock is now known as OICU812
tedgNot sure how to report this usefully, but it seems pip is unable to get a proxy something like once a day.15:22
tedgWhich isn't enough to be recreatable, but enough that I'm worried it isn't entirely random.15:23
tomreynso "CONNECT pypi.org:443 HTTP/1.0" fails with "407 Proxy Authentication Required"15:27
tomreynthe /topic has a 'support' link, if that's relevant15:29
tedgYeah, I feel like it "mostly works" -- so hoping I'm more providing a data point to a larger investigation.15:45
tedgAlso if a couple master builds fail that isn't the end of the world, not a lot of people use those (< 20) and there's another coming soon.15:46
ogratedg, the snap buulds uses a proxy token that epires after 3h ... if a part takes that long and your next part tries to pull it will fail19:06
tedgogra: yeah, that's it. Those builds that failed took four hours.19:12
tedgGuess we need some M1 builders ;-)19:12
ogranah, just port inkscape to shell so the build takes less long 😛19:13
tedgJavascript and Electron, like all the cool kids.19:30
=== ForstPenguin is now known as Forst

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