
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
sarnoldtomreyn: hah, I was just in the middle of typing a 'build php from source' suggestion... your question and suggestion are much better :) definitely time for me to bail, hehe03:50
tomreynhehe, a bit over the top maybe03:51
tomreynhave a good night!03:51
sarnoldyeah :D thanks, gn803:51
ducassegood morning07:15
=== JmaJeremy4 is now known as JmaJeremy
jeremy31Maik it was no accident people are running 5.8 on 20.0419:37
Maikjeremy31: then how come? I never received the 5.8 kernel on Ubuntu MATE 20.04.119:38
jeremy31Kleber Souza By default the 20.04 media installs the hwe kernel for desktop images. The hwe meta was still pointing to the 5.4 generic kernel, until this week when we released an update to pull the hwe-5.8 backport19:38
jeremy31Maik, you have MATE19:38
jeremy31Anyone that installed the 20.04 beta doesn't have the issue either19:39
Maikshouldn't make any difference, LTS is LTS19:39
jeremy31Ubuntu desktop is the only one affected from what we have found19:39
Maikpeople on Kubunt and Xubuntu got the 5.8 kernel too19:39
jeremy31Maik: I might have to check the other manifest files19:40
jeremy31Can't find manifest for Ubuntu MATE 20.0419:49
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut

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