[18:25] tjaalton: hey, you removed the security update in focal's xorg-server when you backported the new upstream version [19:06] mdeslaur: hmm? [19:06] mdeslaur: if so, I'll check tomorrow and reupload [19:07] was supposed to be a backport of the groovy package, which should be uptodate? [19:15] mdeslaur: what's missing? the new upstream release should have what got dropped, no? [19:15] the patches that got dropped I mean [19:18] tjaalton: no, the patches were required in groovy too for the same version: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.20.9-2ubuntu1.1 [19:19] mdeslaur: but the focal backport is based on that [19:19] looks like we have a 1.1 mismatch, not sure how that happened [19:20] hmm [19:20] huh [19:23] both uploaded the same day [19:23] and I can't see mine getting rejected [19:23] but apt-get source does pull the security updae [19:23] update [19:23] shit [19:23] unfortunate timing [19:24] so I guess groovy is missing whatever that sru was, and focal is missing the CVE fixes [19:24] I guess this needs to go via the security pocket? [19:24] either -updates or -security is fine, since the issue is only in -updates [19:25] I can push it to -security on monday if that's easier [19:27] either is fine by me, but someone would need to review my upload anyway [19:27] I can do that now [19:27] uploading the fix that is [19:36] ok [19:37] do you have powers to review it from the sru queue? [19:38] no, someone from sru would need to do that [19:38] well wait, what exactly are you asking? if I would look at it, or approve it? [19:40] approve [19:40] no, I can't do that [19:44] right [19:58] ok, I self-rejected my upload back then because it had the wrong buglink [19:58] but I can't figure out what the correct one would be [19:59] I'll look into this tomorrow.. [20:00] mdeslaur: thanks for the heads-up, and sorry about the mess /o\ [21:57] tjaalton: no problem! :)