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kenwoodfoxHey im trying to get minecraft to use java 8 and i have it installed under /usr/bin/java but minecraft cant see it?... i installed via flatpak maybe thats the issue?01:58
kenwoodfoxIm actually not very familer with flatpak01:59
sarnoldkenwoodfox: iirc flatpak has some sandboxing things, perhaps you have to install a java through flatpak to get it 'inside' the sandbox? or do something to expose the java you *do* have ot the sandbox?02:01
oerheksme neither, we do supprt snaps, and java 8 .. isn that EOL? anyway, try https://snapcraft.io/mc-installer02:01
kenwoodfoxYeah but 1.12.2 runs only on 8 so we need it, it breaks forge compatability :c02:02
kenwoodfoxIm not flatpak familer, shoot this is kinda tough....02:02
kenwoodfoxcan i get inside the flatpak?02:02
kenwoodfoxso confused..02:02
kenwoodfoxbasics of flatpak how do i install this? org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.openjdk802:04
oerheks'sudo update-alternatives --config java' .. flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.openjdk8 ... but not sure it is dead02:05
oerheksgood luck!02:05
kenwoodfoxwhat is dead?02:05
kenwoodfoxI dident know :/ i thought everybody used java 8 for forge02:06
oerheksi don't use flatpak.02:06
kenwoodfoxyeah i could ditch it too i think :c02:06
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de-factoHow do i install ubuntu without snap?02:56
sarnoldsudo apt purge snapd02:56
oerheksinstall mint?02:59
de-factohmm no i want the original but without snap03:00
oerheksone can purge after install, there are no guides during install03:01
snakehi, proxmox seems to have blocked my ip address, so i want to start over with just an ubuntu server. however, i want to install with full disk encryption using TPM so i dont need to type the password on boot03:02
snakeis there a guide for doing that? or will the installer just handle it if i have secure boot enabled03:03
oerhekssnake depends what TMP?03:05
snakeoerheks, its TPM not TMP03:05
snakeoerheks, would it say in my bios03:06
snakei wasnt aware there are more than one tmp but isuppose that makes sense since there are different cpus and motherboard03:06
sarnoldsnake: I don't think we've got a TPM-measured FDE available yet03:07
sarnoldit's possible all the pieces are there for you to assemble, but I don't know off-hand how to do it03:07
oerheksdmesg | grep tpm03:08
oerheksif so, this guide is usable https://incenp.org/notes/2020/tpm-based-ssh-key.html03:08
snakesarnold, i see03:09
snakeoerheks, that guide is for ssh not fde03:12
snakei'm going to try this for now: https://aboutcher.co.uk/2020/06/fedora-linux-luks-encryption-with-tpm-unlock/03:14
snakeif that works, i will just wait for the day it is supported on ubuntu03:14
sarnoldsnake: yeah, that should work03:15
sarnoldsnake: you may also be able to do this on fedora, though perhaps it'll be a release before it works http://0pointer.net/blog/unlocking-luks2-volumes-with-tpm2-fido2-pkcs11-security-hardware-on-systemd-248.html03:16
alystairok so I was told to ask my quesion in #ubuntu-on-windows and 5+ hrs later no one else has responded, all I want to do is automatically start a script as root when ubuntu loads03:28
snakealystair, what script?03:29
snakealystair, you could use AHK perhaps03:29
ivo_cavalcantealystair: that's all, running a script as root when Ubuntu starts?03:33
ivo_cavalcanteon a "metal" or WSL ?03:33
alystairwhat do you mean, it's via WSL203:35
alystair'/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start'03:35
alystairthat's it.03:35
ivo_cavalcanteon a real system, systemd was your guy03:35
ivo_cavalcanteon WSL, not sure systemd runs03:35
ivo_cavalcantedo you happen to know?03:36
ivo_cavalcanteif it runs, its simple03:36
alystairthere's a systemd folder in /etc so03:36
ivo_cavalcanteare you in front of the machine?03:36
ivo_cavalcanteif yes, type systemctl03:37
ivo_cavalcantelet's see what happens03:37
alystair"System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.", I tried running it as my normal user, not root03:37
alystairguess it's using something else?03:37
ivo_cavalcantedoesn't matter03:37
ivo_cavalcanteit is not running03:37
ivo_cavalcanteunfortnatelly, I'm not familiar with WSL03:38
alystairis there an 'on boot' for cron?03:38
ivo_cavalcantethere is on systemd03:38
ivo_cavalcantebut we can try something else03:38
alystair... oh it's part of that? lol03:38
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide03:38
rander2I'm using ubuntu 20.04LTS , and I have problems installation rocm , I follow this instructions : https://rocmdocs.amd.com/en/latest/Installation_Guide/Installation-Guide.html#supported-operating-systems03:38
alystairthere's a ton of RC1 through 6/S in etc as well03:38
alystairer rc003:39
ivo_cavalcanteI see03:39
ivo_cavalcanteyou could try rc.local03:39
ivo_cavalcantelong shot, but might work03:39
alystairI tried locating that file, it doesn't exist03:39
rander2wsl run on a microsoft made kernel with virtualization03:39
ivo_cavalcantecreate it03:40
ivo_cavalcante /etc/rc.local03:40
rander2and it lock the VT-X instruction03:40
ivo_cavalcantemake it executable03:40
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ivo_cavalcantechmod a+x /etc/rc.local03:40
OceanGaoI tried, that didn't work.03:40
ivo_cavalcantedoesn't work?03:41
alystairfrom a safety perspective the script it's running should also be owned by root right03:41
ivo_cavalcanteyes, it should03:42
ivo_cavalcanteyou'll make it a shell script03:42
OceanGaowell, I tried to use rc.local but that didn't work03:42
ivo_cavalcanteinside it, you put whatever you want03:42
sarnoldalystair: dang :( I'm sorry that didn't work out.. something you said just now reminds me of this bug report .. https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/532403:42
ivo_cavalcanteOceanGao: then, don't know how to help03:42
sarnoldalystair: there is a @reboot specifier for cron, but I don't know if that works in wsl either03:42
de-factojust trying out ubuntu, deinstalled stapd, now trying to install chromium-browser wants snapd as dependency?!03:42
de-factowhere is the normal chromium-browser?03:43
ivo_cavalcantede-facto: on latest Ubuntu, Chromium is a Snap package.03:43
sarnoldde-facto: you could download something from google, I think they offer a non-snap version03:43
de-factoomg seriously?03:43
ivo_cavalcantedid you try?03:44
alystairoh wait couldn't I just have the rc.local just be `su '/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start'` without an intermediary script?03:44
ivo_cavalcantemany people use it03:44
de-factohow can i purge anything from snap from the software choices?03:44
tomreynchrome is non-snap, but also ungogoled-chromium. but there's also a chromioum ppa by now.03:44
alystairok rebooting the VM, fingers crossed03:44
ivo_cavalcantede-facto: if you really want to purge everything Snap, better try Mint03:44
raccoon_dogAt this point I'd say, if you want to do that, maybe you shouldn't be using Ubuntu .03:45
ivo_cavalcantede-facto: but I believe you should try it first03:45
ivo_cavalcanteI really don't understand this "Snap" haet thing03:45
alystair.... huh I can't use 'shutdown' to restart it LOL03:45
de-factoi really dont want snap03:45
ivo_cavalcantede-facto: try Mint, then. Canonical is very commited to Snaps.03:46
alystairnvm I Got it03:46
OceanGaoalystair try the script below03:46
OceanGaoecho "sudo su" > auto_root.sh03:46
OceanGaochmod +x auto_root.sh03:46
OceanGaocp auto_root.sh /etc/init.d/03:46
OceanGaocd /etc/init.d/03:46
OceanGaoupdate-rc.d auto_root defaults 9003:46
tomreyni disagree about recommending other Linux distros over Ubuntu here just because of snapd.03:46
de-factoi know mint its nice, but i am used to ubuntu and i want its experience without anything snap03:47
ivo_cavalcantetomreyn: that's my opinion. Ubuntu won't get rid of Snaps in the foreseable future. If OP want's a Ubuntu based distro, completely Snap-less, that's the way03:47
OceanGaoalystair https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DRhg2dTWFG/03:48
ivo_cavalcantede-facto: mind me asking why not Snaps?03:48
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!03:48
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide03:48
de-factoivo_cavalcante my personal experience with it was not good, its just against how i like to use my programs03:48
de-factoi dont want to go into details, i just decided i dont use snap03:49
alystairwait why would I want auto_root03:49
LutinDoes anyone know if it's possble to install PHP without the version folder ? So /etc/php/fpm ? instead of /etc/php/VERSION/fpm ?03:49
tomreynLutin: you can set a symlink, but why would you need to?03:50
Lutintomreyn symlink to what ? Because of docker builder script. It's not nice for my folder path03:51
AnnoyedAh. Life in here... Question about RAID. Ubuntu 18.04 server, with 2 6 TB drives set up in a RAID mirroring array. Going to rebuild the OS soon. Although I have a backup of the contents of the RAID drives, can I just set them up again in the new OS install, if i copy the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf over, might I expect to see the data intact?03:51
LutinAnnoyed if you have a seperate /home md then just remount it03:52
KevinAnnoyed: yes. you don't actually need the mdadm.conf to import them cleanly (although it would help make it automatic), since the metadata for array configuration is stored on each drive03:52
LutinAnnoyed what I always do is... take one drive out, or disconnect, install with one disk in fail on the connected disk... copy data over and then rebuild using the old disk03:52
AnnoyedNo hardware changes being made; just clean install of 20.04.103:53
LutinAnnoyed even then... you have a "offline" backup of your data until you rebuild :D03:53
Kevin.. note that the installer doesn't understand that raid1 can have 1 drive. things I learned today fighting with it. so you'd kinf of have to do that part yourself03:54
AnnoyedI just didn't want to wait a day or so while 6TB copies... one of the box's roles is a media server.03:54
Kevinyou can use the array while it's rebuilding03:54
tomreynLutin: you want /etc/php/fpm to exist, but what's there is really at /etc/php/VERSION/fpm. so you do    ln -s /etc/php/VERSION/fpm /etc/php/fpm03:55
Lutintomreyn yeah but that doesn't work in my docker builder script or I do need to copy over all config for all versions to entrypoint03:56
Lutinwhich can do03:56
AnnoyedOh, I don't plan on getting the installer involved at all. I have this unholy mistrust of automatics.03:56
AnnoyedThanks for the info. Sounds like I can save some time. Have a good evening.03:57
AnnoyedOr morning... whatever it is03:57
LutinKevin it can, trust me... you need to go cli for that and build raid array there and reinitialize the installer part for disks03:57
tomreynLutin: i'm not into your docker builder script, and i don't think i should be.03:58
Lutintomreyn you can do whatever you want on entrypoint so also remove what you don't need :)03:59
Lutintomreyn old installs of PHP also leave the configfiles there03:59
tomreynyes, a long time ago04:00
Lutintomreyn nah... if you don't purge I think it still leaves them there ?04:03
tomreynoh, i may have gotten you wrong04:04
Lutincan happen, you can always keep me satisfied with beer :P04:04
de-factoare those all the packages with dependencies on snapd? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/k4CcqvVVhj/04:08
nikolamThis is really terrible.. after a half a day of surfing and many tabs open, I went to sleep leaving computer working. Even with 16GB of RAM, Firefox managed by itself to fill in all the RAM and I have seen upon waking up that system is dog-slow and were even happy Firefox can be killed (but often it is not the case and all system gets locked)04:09
de-factoprobably used swab file then, i always disable those so programs get killed if asking for too much memory04:10
nikolamWhat is the problem with Linux in general of not being able to handle memory-leaking applications, Ubuntu specifically of having such uncontrollable events of system locking when RAM is filled and applications in detail that always expect to fill the whole RAM and are leaking04:11
lotuspsychjenikolam: are you on an ssd or a spinner?04:11
nikolamSystem is on SSD with Btrfs, /home is on ZFS on Spinner04:12
nikolambecause.. raid104:12
lotuspsychjenikolam: leaving a browser open when you're afk isnt the best idea in my opinion04:12
lotuspsychjewhy make the system under constant work, when you're not doing anything04:13
nikolamWell, having some sessions open yada yada..04:13
nikolamIt would go to sleep, eventually..04:13
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lotuspsychjeperfect for browser hijacks04:14
nikolamBut problem is Linux not handling apps that are eating RAM, Ubuntu not controlling apps, Firefox leaking..04:14
nikolamUser experience is runed and it doesn;t matter if 4, 8, 12 or 16GB of RAM, I experienced mostly same04:15
lotuspsychjenikolam: a browser open eats a lot of things, makes your system work, doesnt prove its leaking04:17
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lotuspsychjenikolam: if you do can prove its really leaking, open a new !bug against firefox04:17
nikolamMaybe I could disable Linux memory overcommit? But I used to do that before, and somehow worse experience when RAM is filled04:18
nikolamSOmetimes RAM is filled in active use with the browser, more RAM just make it happen later04:18
nikolamlotuspsychje, how to prove it? Except ff eats more and more ram over time and everytig swapped out after few hours04:20
lotuspsychjenikolam: open FF from terminal and leave a journalctl -f open all night and htop or any other monitor that could capture things04:21
nikolamthanks lotuspsychje04:22
lotuspsychjenikolam: these days ubuntu has an own secret life inside, doing a lot of snap things automatic, make sure its not something else eating memory04:22
Lutintomreyn those config files should not harm either04:28
de-factocan firefox play mp4/H264?04:29
lotuspsychjeLutin: tomreyn is afk atm, might wanna re-ask your issue in the channel04:29
Lutinlotuspsychje are you a bot or his guidance angel ?04:30
lotuspsychjeLutin: i'm a volunteer, informing you04:31
Lutinlotuspsychje thanks no need :)04:31
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golden_ticketIs there any project like open-sharedroot for ubuntu? That is, a a diskless shared-root cluster05:31
yateshow do i find out which package provides a specific file?05:52
Bashing-omyates: My goto: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ .06:04
illmortalHey guys, something strange about my RDP session from Windows to Ubuntu 20.04. When I RDP in, I have limited authorization and have to keep entering my password. And even when I need to make changes, for example, trying to change my ethernet's IP address to a static IP, the settings don't save. Even after rebooting. It just uses the same IP address.06:07
arahaelI think that's more to do with the RDP client you're using.06:46
illmortalYeah its windows RDP06:49
illmortalI'd VNC in but that's been the typical outcome - black screen upon connecting. So went the RDP route.06:55
arahaelSounds like the VNC is misconfigured.  But not sure why I'm here - dunno how to configure it right in ubuntu.07:21
* arahael doesn't actually use ubuntu.07:21
ducasseyates: try apt-file search filename07:58
ducasse(you need to install it and run apt-file update first)07:59
td_hey quick question.. i'm running ubuntu 20.04.1, when playing video at 1920x1080 60Hz, there is no horizontal screen tearing but everything is too small for my eyes to operate at this resolution all the time. When switching to a comfortable 1600x900 there's horizontal screen tearing at both 59.9Hz and 120Hz. Is there any way to prevent this horizontal screen tearing at the lower resolution?08:06
td_so it seems the solution is to use a custom 20-intel-graphics.conf in (newly created folder) /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/08:33
td_if anyone looks back on this later :)08:33
td_found answer at: https://askubuntu.com/questions/945895/solution-to-intel-graphics-screen-tearing-flickering-causes-excessive-fan-use08:34
td_you all have a great night08:35
nmatrixIs there a kvm support channel?08:43
EriC^^nmatrix: #kvm08:44
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IndustrialWhen I pick the NVIDIA display driver from Additional Drivers and reboot I get a black screen10:32
IndustrialI have a MSI GT76 with a Geforce RTX 2070 Super Mobile / Max Q10:33
IndustrialI want to play World of Warcraft with wine and dxvk and vulkan10:33
nidua42dow down10:44
lord4163why doesn't my script run through cron? :((((12:00
lord4163this all worked fine on 18.04, I don't understand what's wrong12:01
ThinkT510what does your script do?12:01
lord4163It makes a backup12:01
lord4163and I can run that script just fine, but it doesn't get executed properly it seems via cron?12:02
JoeBkI don't have a problem with cron under 20.04.112:02
JoeBkyou might need to set PATH and stuff like that in the script.12:03
RonaldsMazitisso I got Intel i5 HD 3000 gpu, AND I have an idea I can't do "AI VIDEO rescaling"12:05
lord4163JoeBk: why should the PATH be different?12:05
RonaldsMazitisnot on windows, not on ubuntu linux ether12:06
lord4163JoeBk: oh well you're right, PATH=/usr/bin:/bin12:06
tomreynRonaldsMazitis: what's "AI VIDEO rescaling"? (no search results on a web search)12:20
BluesKajHi folks12:28
lotuspsychjeIndustrial: how many times did you ask this same question already here?12:28
RonaldsMazitistomreyn: using artificial intelegence to upscale old videos12:32
tomreynRonaldsMazitis: given you have a software which can do this, i don't see why you couldn't do it. but it's certainly going to take a loooong time with an integrated gpu.12:38
RonaldsMazitistomreyn: I'm not scared of waiting12:40
JoeBklord4163, Is it working now?12:40
RonaldsMazitisbut I can't find a tool that works12:41
lord4163JoeBk: yes12:41
hanshi need gparted >= 1.1.0 on my 20.04, but ubuntu ships 1.0.0, how should i get it? (or specifically, i want a gparted with this bug fixed: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gparted/-/issues/16 - it was fixed in the 1.1.0 release )12:55
lotuspsychje!info gparted focal12:56
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0-0.1build1 (focal), package size 391 kB, installed size 1681 kB12:57
tomreynyou have a <=40KiB capacity drive?12:57
tomreynthat's so special, you could probably work with alternative CLI tools12:58
hanshyup, parted works fine, for example12:59
tomreynso there is no real world problem then?12:59
hanshit's easier to inspect with gparted than with parted, a time-saving thing.13:00
tomreynso you need to work with <=40KiB capacity drives on a regular basis?13:00
hanshi'm developing the drive back-end code, so.. kindof13:01
lotuspsychjehansh: your link says parted doesnt have an issue with it, did you try that?13:03
tomreyn<hansh> yup, parted works fine, for example13:04
lotuspsychjeoh missed that :p13:04
tomreynhansh is just looking for a gui13:05
lotuspsychjehirsute has same version, so not sure backports or proposed could help?13:05
tomreynhansh could probably backport the hirsuite version.13:06
hanshwhat's hirsute?13:06
ubottuUbuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) will be the 34th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2021 (http://ubottu.com/y/hh). Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.13:07
hanshoh, 21.0413:07
hansh!info gparted testing13:08
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.32.0-2 (testing), package size 1939 kB, installed size 7537 kB13:08
hanshwhat's the testing branch? 0.32 sounds ancient13:09
tomreynhere's a(n unsupoported) backport https://launchpad.net/~savoury1/+archive/ubuntu/gparted?field.series_filter=focal13:09
hanshoh thanks13:10
tomreynnote "You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA"13:11
hanshyeah got it13:11
hanshdang, seems 18.04's do-release-upgrade didn't replace /etc/apt/sources.list's "# deb-src http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted"  with focal13:26
hanshis that intended?13:26
tomreynthe commented out lines? yes, that's normal.13:27
hanshyes the commented-out deb-src lines13:27
tomreyni assume a developer can manage search and replace. ;-)13:27
tomreynsudo sed -i 's/bionic/focal/g' /etc/apt/sources.list13:29
hanshright, but was lucky that i noticed it, i almost missed it when needing them13:29
tomreyni agree it would be nicer if the upgrader would also modify those urls. on the other hand, if those were pointing to third party repositories whch don't actually support the new / target release, you'd run into non obvious error messages.13:31
tomreynor non self-explanatory13:32
hanshbuilding gparted from source was rather easy, albeit it'll probably get overwritten by apt next time ubuntu updates gparted :|  - git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gparted.git; cd gparted; sudo apt-get build-dep gparted; ./autogen.sh; ./configure; make -j $(nproc); make install;13:45
hansh(unfortunately the last step seems mandatory, without it the local gparted binary will just complain about "/usr/lib/udisks2/udisks2-inhibit: 26: /usr/local/sbin/gpartedbin: not found", whatever that means)13:45
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall13:47
B0g4r7Ubuntu 20.04 should still install on a system with 1GB of RAM, shouldn't it?13:55
tomreynB0g4r7: server: yes, desktop, no.13:56
B0g4r7I've tried both, and can't make it happen for some reason on this system.13:57
JoeBkI think the minimum for desktop is 2GB13:57
lotuspsychjeB0g4r7: what are the other specs of your machine?13:57
JoeBknot sure13:57
B0g4r7Desktop just freezes hard, and Server says "installation failed".13:57
tomreynserver is 1 GB https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/installation13:57
tomreyndesktop is 4 GB13:58
B0g4r7lotuspsychje, there's not much to it.  It's got an older AMD Sempron processor and a 2.5" 160GB hard drive.13:58
lotuspsychjemaybe a very tweaked lubuntu 20.04.113:59
lotuspsychjeim running one on an older netbook, with 2GB ram13:59
lotuspsychjebut as tomreyn says ubuntu desktop with gnome surely likes 4GB and higher13:59
hanshi have a recipe for a *very* lightweight desktop though, using some 130MB ram more than server, but you'll need to know what GPU you're dealing with and replace xserver-xorg-video-dummy with xserver-xorg-video-YOURGPU (eg for Intel, xserver-xorg-video-intel or for AMD xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu or for VMWare: xserver-xorg-video-vmware ): apt install --no-install-recommends lxde-core lxde-common; apt install lxdm xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-d14:00
hanshummy lxterminal policykit-1;14:00
lotuspsychjeB0g4r7: server with i3 could do some magic too14:03
elmomaniHi, my Kali linux (installed on SSD) and Ubuntu (installed in HDD) both of them take too long to boot. I've done many things recently which could cause this issue: 1)I updated BIOS from windows update (insyde firmware) 2)installed Hackintosh 3) (most recent) removed swap partition(on SSD), but I also commented the swap line from /etc/fstb for both kali and ubuntu. finally, I fixed the problem by adding "nosplash" for linux args on GRUP, but this is14:09
elmomanivery strange and I want to know whay's happening?14:09
tomreynthis channel supports only ubuntu. which release are you running? how long is "too long", how do you measure it? how long is it when it is "fixed" by using "nosplash"?14:11
garttelmomani: They're in VMs? Kali and ubuntu can be pigs and take lots of RAM14:12
tomreynbased on the (yet) rough description, it could be related to uefi boot graphics switching14:12
garttHow much RAM are you giving them? I've had to use them in courses and they were excrutiatingly slow unless given lots of RAM and other resources. Far more than if a WM like fluxbox was used though14:13
tomreynthere should be no problems there as long as you comply with the minimum system requirements14:14
lotuspsychjegartt: maybe you should wait until the user responds before assuming VM's and advice?14:16
garttlotuspsychje: You're right, I'm assuming a lot14:16
tomreynelmomani chose to continue this conversation on the two (?) other channels they started it on simulataneously.14:19
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lotuspsychjewelsome sols how can we help you?15:21
Guest40hello, is this the right channel to talk about dns server setup and recommendation on ubuntu 20?15:31
tomreynFor (actual) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or 20.10, you can get community support here, yes15:32
tomreynThere is also #ubuntu-server15:33
Guest40thanks, i was wondering first what is the recommendation for dns server software? i look up and mostly get results about resolvers which require pointing to another existing dns server such as
Johnnydhow well does macbook pro 13 m1 chipset work with Ubuntu?15:35
tomreynGuest40: so you're looking for software to run an authoritative DNS15:36
Guest40yeah, i have a clean vps with ubuntu 20, that i want to use as that, whilst from my home connection use dnscrypt to that15:37
tomreynGuest40: the classic option for that is bind, but there are others, such as knot, powerdns etc15:37
Guest40i want to use for adblock filtering and whatnot as well15:37
Guest40yeah, bind9 is usually in the results, seems like the "classic" one indeed. does it provide same security/privacy as knot, etc?15:39
tomreynprobably, if configured properly15:40
lotuspsychje!discuss | Johnnyd15:40
ubottuJohnnyd: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!15:40
Guest40tomreyn is this the same? https://github.com/m13253/dns-over-https15:43
Guest40as in, does it act and behave as knot/powerdns/bind9 or is that something else15:43
Guest40i'm trying to get something like this setup https://github.com/AhaDNS/dns-server-setup/ while using oisd.nl15:43
Guest40huh, powerdns admin ui looks just like pi-dns :P15:47
magic_ninjawhat is the procedure to take a piece of source code and set it up with dkms?16:01
magic_ninjaright now I have to compile it with every kernel update.16:01
jeremy31magic_ninja: Make a dkms.conf file in the directory16:05
gravitosso, my laptop refuses to connect to any bluetooth devices and points me that device or resource is busy whilst it clearly is not, any ideas?16:05
jeremy31magic_ninja: Is that source code online?16:06
gravitoslaptop is on ubuntu 18.04 xfce if that matters16:07
gravitosbtmon's log when trying to connect to my phone with bluetoothctl: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/6C8jusjz/btmon16:10
magic_ninjaI don't have it on me. It is at work.16:10
jeremy31magic_ninja: source code for a driver?16:12
magic_ninjayou make the config, then what?16:14
jeremy31magic_ninja: what driver?16:14
osseHi, guys. I have installed 20.10 elsewhere on my computer and I want to copy old $HOME from the 20.04 install to the new $HOME. Are there anything I should definitely exclude? I am thinking stuff like .cache or .gvfs16:26
osseMaybe conflicting gnome config files and such16:26
magic_ninjaosse, you could back up the home folder on the 20.10 machine, just copy over your entire new home folder, and see how it goes.16:29
magic_ninjaIf you have issues with a config for some application, delete it.16:29
ossemagic_ninja: very good point16:32
ossei will do that16:32
magic_ninjaosse, if gnome doesn't fire up, just delete your gnome configs.16:33
HashHow to get the latest web browser in ubuntu16:48
Hasheverythig is old in 20.416:48
HashHow do you get the latest version of chromium?16:48
HashOk thank you16:49
HashEven the firefox is old it says old version cannot start profile16:50
coconutHash, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade16:53
JoeBkdon't fprget autoremove16:53
Hashthat installs a snap though.16:54
JoeBkhash, doing update is not optional.16:55
HashI don't know if LTS keeps up with new versions of chromium16:56
HashVersion 87.0.4280.141 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)16:56
HashI am confuse!16:56
coconutHash, yeah chromium is a snap, but firefox will just update with apt16:56
HashI don't like a firepoop!16:57
HashI don't like chrom either. I like chromium. It's cleaner16:57
HashAnd smaller too16:57
JoeBkthis is the version of chromium I have: Version 87.0.4280.141 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)16:57
HashI was afraid it wouldn't pick up my ~/.config/chromium directory, the snap16:57
HashBut it did, so it's alright now16:57
HashThis way I don't have to login anywhere all over again with 2FA etc. etc.16:58
HashI just carry my encrypted/packed chromium directory16:58
Hashunencrypt and unpack on target machine, install chromium and voila, got all mylogins.16:58
HashThat's why I do this. ok thanks16:58
HashYour bookmarks, history, and other data have been transferred automatically.17:03
HashUhm... What?!17:03
HashIt copies my chromium data to inside the snap?17:03
HashSo if the inside snap chromium directory is modified, it won't affect my outside one, so it won't be in sync.17:03
HashThat's gonna be a problem.17:04
HashIs that gonna be a problem? coconut17:07
coconutHash, dunno no experience with chromium here17:16
* coconut always uses firefox17:16
slophi all <317:20
slopHi all - anyone use Citrix Workspace? Have any luck with getting it to work properly. Getting unknown error 100011917:25
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Toadisattvadoes anyone know of a ubuntu application to convert cdi to iso format? search engines aren't turning up very helpful results17:31
Toadisattvawill bchunk do that?17:32
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JoeBkToadisattva, did you try imgburn?17:42
Toadisattvafound one a command line tool called iat17:42
JoeBkimgburn is a windows application tho17:42
MaikDisks can create them too iirc17:45
Maikit's installed by default in ubuntu17:46
JoeBkimgburn says it will do it.  that's one of the few reasons I keep a working windows installation.17:47
MaikJoeBk: all good and well but he asked for a Ubuntu app didn't he?17:54
JoeBkyes, was thinking maybe he has a windows installation available.17:55
Maiknever count on it and recommend a ubuntu app ;)17:56
MaikToadisattva: there's somthing called cdi2iso in the repo's17:58
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bog3nanybody here knows how to change top bar of the window to these old ones before 19.04?19:16
LordDoskiashello i'm running 20.04 HWE (kernel 5.8) and I can't get my ax 200 wifi adapter from working, it can't connect to my 2.4ghz network. I get No beacon heard and the session protection is over already. I had the same issue on 5.4 kernel as well19:23
LordDoskiasthe adapter is the on-board my motherboard asrock x570 taichi19:23
LordDoskiasi have attached the external antenna19:23
MaikLordDoskias: HWE 5.8 isn't officially released as of yet for 20.04.1, it should come out in february afaik with 20.04.2. A lot of users who mysteriously got the 5.8 kernel already amongt the regular updates reported having all sorts of issues with it.19:36
zutathow to populate /boot/efi/EFI on 20.04? i did not use the installer. i have installed the grub efi packages, but those did no touch the efi partition.19:36
MaikLordDoskias: I'm still on 5.4 on my Ubuntu MATE 20.04.1 install and didn't see any 5.8 kernel coming in.19:37
LordDoskiasMaik, fair, but i was having the issue on 5.4 hence why i ugprade, i can easily downgrade, but this still won't resolve my wifi question :(19:46
jeremy31LordDoskias: Have you checked for newer firmware?19:49
LordDoskiasjeremy31, there is newer firmware, which when i put in /lib/firmware19:53
LordDoskiasi first get uCode file size XXXX does not match expected size and the laoded firmware is 4819:53
LordDoskiasi can se there is 5919:53
jeremy31LordDoskias: Is it using iwlwifi-cc-a0-55.ucode19:54
LordDoskiasno it's using cc-a0-4819:54
LordDoskias(i'm now back on kernel 5.4) on kernel 5.8 it was using 5519:54
LordDoskiasi have also disabled all the power saving options for both iwlmvm and iwlwifi as well as 11ax (since my router doesn't support). I've also hardcoded channell width to be 20mhz as well as disbaled 40mhz channels for 2.4ghz in cfg80211 module19:55
jeremy31LordDoskias: did you set your country code?19:56
LordDoskiasso iw reg get returns global country: 00 .... phy#0 (self-managed) country BG - which is correct19:57
jeremy31LordDoskias: and it won't find anything on 2.4 in>  iwlist scan19:59
LordDoskiasnope, it does find my AP20:02
LordDoskiasit says signal level =-87dbm - is that high or low ?20:02
jeremy31It is a bit low20:02
LordDoskiaswhen i start iw event in a windows and then start authenticating to an ap via NM i guest "new station" then "del station" and auth timed out eventually20:04
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jeremy31LordDoskias: try this once>  sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi && sleep 10 && sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=820:07
LordDoskiassame thing20:09
LordDoskias"no beacon ehard and the time even is over already" message is printed and  get timeouts while authenticating20:10
jeremy31LordDoskias: Is your router using WEP or TKIP?20:11
LordDoskiasWPA2 PSK (CCMP)20:11
jeremy31no beacon would be something else20:11
jeremy31LordDoskias: Does power management show enabled in>  iwconfig20:12
LordDoskiasno, it says - power managent:off20:12
LordDoskiasmode: managed frequency : 2.462ghz access point : not associated20:12
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jeremy31So you have the frequency set to a single channel on the router?20:13
LordDoskiasyes, channel 1120:13
LordDoskiasthe router is running openwrt20:13
jeremy31LordDoskias: post URL for>  dmesg | grep iwl | nc termbin.com 999920:14
LordDoskiaswell i don't have network on that machine :D20:14
LordDoskiasbut ok20:14
LordDoskiasthat's from journalctl -b | grep iwl20:16
LordDoskiasthat file size does not match is for firmware 5020:17
LordDoskiaswhich i have manually copied over to /lib/firmware from upstream linux-firmware repo, otherwise the file didn't exist20:18
LordDoskiasthat built-in wifi also requires an external antenna which i have attached20:20
LordDoskiasdunno if i need to do anythign special to detect it, i guess not ...20:20
jeremy31LordDoskias: But those connectors are tiny if it is M220:21
LordDoskiasok the antenna is definitely detected becuse without it iwlist scan finds only 3 aps and with the antenna it finds a lot more20:21
jeremy31It might help to rename that 48 firmware file so it will use 4620:22
jeremy31Do a complete shutdown rather than a restart20:22
LordDoskiasrunning couple of iwlist scan consecutevely20:25
LordDoskiasi can see last beacon interval is rather large20:26
LordDoskiaslike 15 seconds ago ..20:26
LordDoskiasand sometimes it doesn't find any APs o_O20:26
giaconot strictly ubuntu related, but maybe ubuntu can help me tracking down the freezes I've been experiencing on my laptop. Basically suddenly everything hangs: mouse doesn't move, ctrl-alt-del won't do anything, ctrl-alt-f* won't switch to console, soundcards replays last audio buffer endlessly, all this while I was writing code and cpu was at 3%20:29
LordDoskiasok with fw 46 and a full shut even from th power grid - same thing ...20:29
giaco"sudo journalctl -b -1" shows nothing relevant as last lines20:29
jeremy31LordDoskias: can you increase beacon time on the router?20:30
LordDoskiasi did try20:31
LordDoskiasit was 100 i changed it to 200 to no avail20:32
jeremy31Go the other way, try it at 5020:34
LordDoskiassame shit, with 50 and 20 and i get auth: time out in iw event ....20:37
LordDoskiasi have other devices which have worked perfectly fine with those settings though ...20:38
jeremy31LordDoskias: restarted router?20:38
GrosLalohello I am using 20.10 and gnome terminal and often when i insert a pipe character (|), i get some non-printable chars after the char. Example, "ls -al| grep x" -ls -al|M-BM- grep x $> ". I am using to key AltGr to access the pipe symbol and after that immediately press spacebar and i suspect that is the reason for the non-printable chars. Is it20:39
GrosLalopossible to reduce the timing for key-combos?20:39
LordDoskiasi will but that won't help ...20:39
LordDoskiasjeremy31,  no luck ..20:44
jeremy31LordDoskias: Might want to post at https://community.intel.com/t5/Wireless/bd-p/wireless20:51
jmspeexHi, my 20.04 workstation recently started crashing frequently. This seems to be correlated to the following error, which started appearing after an upgrade from kernel 5.4 to 5.8:20:55
jmspeexkernel: pcieport 0000:80:03.0: AER: Multiple Uncorrected (Non-Fatal) error received: 0000:00:00.020:56
jmspeexAnyone has seen that before? Also what's the best way to downgrade kernel (Ubuntu has already erased my old kernel)20:57
jeremy31jmspeex: Use grub to boot into 5.4 kernel using Advanced options20:57
jmspeexjeremy31: 5.4 is no longer installed. How do I get it back?20:57
jeremy31jmspeex: in terminal try> sudo apt install linux-generic20:58
jeremy31Should get 5.4.0-6?20:58
oerhekssure the previous kernel is still installed20:58
jmspeexI mean 5.4.0-6220:59
jmspeexwhat's the linux-generic package exactly?20:59
jeremy31jmspeex: That package should always keep a 5.4 kernel installed20:59
jmspeexOK. I'll try that. I have not completely ruled out hardware issues either, but at least having 5.0.4 should reduce the search space21:00
jmspeexAny idea what that error is BTW?21:00
jeremy31Some advance error reporting, might not even be important21:01
jmspeexThe crashes seem to be triggered from using my nvidia card for deep learning, but it did not happen until these errors started appearing21:01
jeremy31jmspeex: I doubt the Nvidia dkms was fixed to work in 5.8 yet21:02
jmspeexLast time I saw similar errors, the pcie number corresponded to an nvme disk that seemed to have a faulty adapter (causing crashes when using the nvidia card). I removed the adaptor and the errors disappeared.21:02
jeremy31jmspeex: reboot and use Grub/Advance Options to boot a 5.4 kernel21:03
jmspeexI think I need to hold the left shift key to get the prompt, right21:03
jeremy31jmspeex: I think that works21:04
jeremy31Usually shift or esc21:04
jmspeexfyi, the nvidia drivers worked for a few days without crashing. They only started crashing last night21:05
tichunHi, is there dev/debug/testing channel?21:06
coconuttichun, #ubuntu+1 ?21:07
jeremy31jmspeex: see what happens in 5.4, it will be more stable than getting a major kernel upgrade every 6 months21:07
jmspeexjeremy31: 5.4 booted fine. MTBF when crunching with the GPU is about 1-2 hours, so we'll see21:08
jmspeexStill weird that 5.0.4 got replaced automatically without my knowledge21:09
jeremy31jmspeex: if you don't want it to happen again>  sudo apt remove linux-generic-hwe-20.0421:09
arkuriousHow do I add a password prompt to https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1009736/ ?21:09
jmspeexA week ago my drivers started complaining about mismatched versions, I just updated them and rebooted and suddenly I was under 5.0.8 (which I hadn't reaslized until I looked carefully today to track what changed)21:10
jmspeexWhat's linux-generic-hwe-20.04 exactly?21:10
jeremy31jmspeex: It is a kernel package, the one that switched you to the 5.8 kernel21:11
oerheksarkurious, add a password to a site??21:12
jmspeexWill the 5.0.4 i just istalled keep being updated for security fixes and all?21:12
jmspeexAnd how do I make it the default?21:12
arkuriousoerheks: To a plymouth theme.21:13
zutatdo the changes in the -oem kernel eventually appear in -hwe?21:13
oerheksarkurious,  i still have no clue, do you have that theme installed?21:14
oerheksb.t.w. the source is questionable, use it at your own risk21:14
jeremy31jmspeex: The 5.4 kernel will get security patches until 202521:15
jeremy31jmspeex: post URL from terminal for> dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999921:16
arkuriousoerheks: Yes, I have encrypted drive and it prompts for a password during boot, but when I boot with this plymouth theme it does not show a password prompt, I can still input the password but it does not show a prompt like it does on the default plymouth theme.21:17
jmspeexjeremy31: https://termbin.com/0h1b21:17
oerheksarkurious, that must be a bug in the theme?21:17
oerhekscontact the maintainer?21:17
oerhekswell, 2016 is a long time ago, maybe it is a dea project21:18
jeremy31jmspeex: in terminal>  sudo apt remove linux-image-5.8.0-36-generic linux-image-5.8.0-38-generic linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 && sudo apt autoremove21:18
jmspeexBTW, I suspect it's harmless (not new), but my logs are flooded with "irq 4: Affinity broken due to vector space exhaustion."21:18
jmspeexAny way to default to 5.0.4 but to keep 5.0.8 for debugging purposes?21:21
jeremy31jmspeex: The problem with keeping a 5.8 is that Grub will boot into it by default since it has a higher version number21:22
jmspeexI see. So you think it could be the nvidia drivers not being properly updated (because they load and appear to work)?21:24
jeremy31jmspeex: It is always a possibility when the LTS gets the kernel from the non LTS release21:26
oerhekslivepatch could have done it?21:26
jmspeexI know it's tempting to blame the nvidia driver by default (I hate this thing too), but I want to make sure it's not another problem with the kernel21:27
jeremy31jmspeex: If it is a problem with 5.4 and 5.8 worked better, you can always reinstall the linux-generic-hwe-20.04 package21:28
jmspeexAs I said, the last time I got crashes, the nvidia card was the trigger, but the real culprit turned out to be a bad nvme adapter21:28
jmspeexI mean that even assuming 5.0.4 works fine, it could still be a bug with 5.0.8 that's unrelated to nvidia -- in which case it would still be good to report/fix it21:29
jeremy31I think you will have fewer issues using the 5.4 kernels over the long run.  The 5.8 kernel will no longer be supported by August21:29
jmspeexI mean someday I might want to install a new distro so if the kernel devs broke support (e.g.) for my board, then it would be good to make sure it's fixed in 5.0.x (x>8)21:31
jmspeexI mean 5.x21:31
jmspeexmy setup isn't exactly common I suspect: 2x Xeon E5-2640 with an nvidia 1080Ti card and an AMD 5500 XT card21:32
jeremy31jmspeex: I am sure the 5.8 kernel works great in Ubuntu 20.10 as all the drivers are patched for 5.821:33
jmspeexhow can the driver be patched in 20.10 and not in 20.04? Aren't they part of the kernel tree? (or are you just talking about the nvidia blob?)21:34
jmspeexSorry for all the questions. I'm trying to understand how the whole thing fits together. I've been running Linux for 25 years now, but haven't kept up with all the changes21:35
jeremy31jmspeex: 20.10 and 20.04 have separate software repositories21:35
jeremy31It does take some time to get the fixes backported from the newer version to the LTS21:36
jmspeexjeremy31: you're talking about backporting the ubuntu-specific patches on top of the vanilla kernel?21:37
jeremy31jmspeex: to the nvidia source code21:37
jmspeexI thought there was no source code?21:38
jeremy31jmspeex: the deb files you get from the repos are compiled from source code21:38
LutinIs this something new in 20.04 ? Package 'locales' has no installation candidate22:11
oerhekssure it gives locales22:12
oerheks!info locales22:12
ubottulocales (source: glibc): GNU C Library: National Language (locale) data [support]. In component main, is important. Version 2.31-0ubuntu9.1 (focal), package size 3777 kB, installed size 17196 kB22:12
oerheksinstalled by default22:13
mrtrousersHello, how can i find out what com port is my usb?22:17
mrtrousersDont even know if that question makes sense, help please..22:18
mrtrousersI got an electronics board where i need to reflash the firmware, for that i need to provide the command with the com port or something..22:18
jmspeexjeremy31: no crash yet, but got another strange clue. It seems like on at least two occasions I've seen these PCIE bus errors, they came along with messages from my AMD card like this: https://termbin.com/fk3ne22:20
ixdapmrtrousers, so "com port! is kinda loose term22:20
oerheksmrtrousers, lsusb or dmesg | grep tty # could give a clue22:20
ixdapon dos it was the name for the serial port, which was probably 5V uart (?)22:21
oerheks /dev/ttyUSB0 or something like that22:21
ixdapif you really need to go usb to uart then you want something like an ftdi22:21
jmspeexit's mentioning the GPU "resuming" and in both cases it coincides with the display being turn off (display locked). The AMD card is relatively new (before the upgrade to 5.8, but still just 2 weeks), so I'm wondering if it could be related22:21
Lutinoerheks but why that error then ?22:21
oerheksone better look for a linuxupgrade guide for *that* board22:22
oerheksLutin, what error?22:22
oerheksit is installed, so ..22:22
Lutinoerheks READ22:22
jeremy31jmspeex: The AER ones?22:22
jmspeexjeremy31: yeah22:23
mrtrousershi im back22:24
jmspeexI didn't paste the earlier messages but they were much earlier. Then suddenly the amdgpu messages arrive and the PCIE errors follow within the same second22:25
mrtrouserslsusb lists the devices but doesnt give me the port name22:26
jmspeexthe pcie errors don't always crash my machine but in several cases, they were the last messages I saw (aside from the vector "space exhaustion" spam)22:26
mrtrousersdmesg | grep tty shows only either ttyUSB0 or ttyUSB122:27
oerheksmrtrousers, and  'dmesg | grep tty ' ?22:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:27
jeremy31jmspeex: I think there is a parameter you can add to grub to disable the AER messages22:29
mrtrousersThats what the help section says: /dev/ttySy    - serial (RS232) port y (Linux)22:29
mrtrousers                   remark: has to be a valid system device name22:29
mrtrousersOerheks dmesg outputs the same wheter the usb device is connected or not..22:32
ixdapmrtrousers, yes /dev/ttyS0 would be your first serial port if you have the hardware. (or at least it used to be called that).22:36
mrtrousersAnd what would be the name for usb ports?22:36
ixdapmrtrousers, I am trying to think how that works!22:37
ixdapmrtrousers, in a simple world every device would have a file in /dev, but it has not been that way as long as I can remember. ethernet devices have names but not /dev/ files.22:39
jmspeexjeremy31: Why would I want to kide them? I'm pretty sure they're the ones signalling the problem22:40
shinobiDoes ubuntu send email to root?22:40
jeremy31jmspeex: it is always the case22:40
ixdapwhen you plug a usb device, often it will get a /dev file then according to its type.22:40
jeremy31jmspeex: you might have to find someone with more experience with graphics drivers to know exactly22:41
ixdapso, I plug a flash stick, I get /dev/sda and so on.22:41
ixdapIf you plug in a modem, you might well get a device name like /dev/ttyUSB0 or something.22:41
ixdapI think you might get that with an ftdi.22:42
mrtrousersThats the command im trying to run: https://pastebin.com/raw/dmR6mXGH22:42
ixdapmrtrousers, so you have two boxes cabled together by usb, yes?22:43
mrtrousersMmm, yes..22:43
ixdapand your running your flash program at one end to reflash the other?22:44
ixdapAnd at the program end, you need to figure out the port name.22:44
Lutinoerheks /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: locales is not installed22:45
cjokeIm following a tutorial where Im going to set up the network bridge (kvm/virt-manager) but I dont find any /etc/network/interfaces. how do I put up the good stuff ?22:45
ixdapI would use lsub to see the vendor:product number22:45
ixdapand then look for the name being assigned in dmesg or syslog.22:45
ixdapmaybe there is an easier way, but I am old.22:46
oerheksLutin, interesting, one of your locales is not configured, it is installed >>> apt-cache policy locales22:47
oerheksso, without proper output on paste.ubuntu.com of what you are doing, i cannot give answers anymore22:47
Lutinoerheks yes so... this happens in a docker build, never had before22:47
oerhekssee, now it is a docker build..22:48
ixdapmrtrousers, I was doing something similar a few months back. bought an ftdi to connect to the serial console on an embedded box.22:48
ixdapbut it is lost in the mess right now.22:48
ixdapI have a fair idea it came up as ttyUSB0, but I think the default name depends on the driver?22:49
Lutinoerheks doesn't matter... if I want to install locales it cannot find it22:49
Lutinoerheks it's just apt-get in a 20.04 image22:49
ixdapmrtrousers, okay just saw your first pastebin. looks like you are on the right track.22:51
lusrxis this down for you too?22:53
oerheksLutin, then yoou should add this example to your build script, locales is indeed not standard in docker.22:53
oerheksyou missed apt update, to get fresh lists?22:54
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ixdapmrtrousers, nice tool. I plugged in a flash stick and got more than a page of too-much-detail. syslog was easier for me to read.22:55
ixdapmrtrousers, but I bet one day I will find it useful.22:56
Lutinoerheks yes updated list22:56
mrtrousersDont know, im a bit lost, just trying to work out a command to reflash those electronics..22:56
Lutinoerheks mhh this is weird... seems to be some bugg shit in multiple runs22:57
ixdapmrtrousers, those /devices/ paths look to be under sys. I have some vague idea that /sys exposes some kernel structure to userland.23:04
ixdapoh god, linux 2.5, that takes me back.23:07
ixdapwhat was that before udev? devfs ...23:08
ixdapanyway, I have survived all that by reading syslog.23:08
ixdapor is that systemdlog now?23:10
ixdapI needed an extra 1.6 million lines of code.23:11
cjokefor the record (time 23:45) I tweeked /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/nameoffile.nmconnection. and the virtualnetwork got up after a systemctl reload network-manager.service23:33
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=== c0v1d is now known as marchezini
=== marchezini is now known as marchesini
shinobiis /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt supposed to be installed by default?23:49
oerheksi think ubuntu uses /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt23:53
oerheksso, you are not using ubuntu?23:53

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