
=== FutureShock is now known as OICU812
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melodiehas someone noticed issues related to gnome-policykit-1, pkexec and pam in Xubuntu 20.04 ?12:07
melodieI have a friend whose Xubuntu 20.04 can't use the update-manager and update-notifier (it crashes) and in the .xesssion-errors file there is a message related to gnome-polkit-1 and PAM authentication that fails12:08
melodiein another Ubuntu 20.04 (a light one of mine) I had to remove gnome-policykit and use lxpolkit instead, to get synaptic-pkexec to work again.12:09
melodieI would like to report a bug but I am not sure what to write, and against which package exactly. I would like some help around this issue and how to report the bug the right way?12:10
Maikmelodie: maybe that helps you further?12:18
DarkTrickIt seams like someone repaired the "no HDMI audio for 4 seconds on audio start"-bug. I really appreciate that!!!15:38
gravitosso, my laptop refuses to connect to any bluetooth devices and points me that device or resource is busy whilst it clearly is not, any ideas? xubuntu 18.0416:17
gravitosbtmon's log when trying to connect to my phone with bluetoothctl: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/6C8jusjz/btmon16:17
ryan-cI'm running xubuntu 20.04 and using xscreensaver. Something keeps trying waking it up and I can't figure out what - can anyone give me some tips on figuring out what the offending device or software is?16:21
ryan-cI tried reducing the mouse sensitivity in the xscreensaver config but that doesn't seem to be the problem.16:22
ryan-cIssue has persisted over a reboot.16:22
brainwashryan-c: I would try -verbose16:32
diogenes_ryan-c, tried unplugging the mouse?16:33
ryan-cyes, i tried unplugging the mouse16:33
ryan-ci also opened up xev and focused the window and left it for a bit and didn't see any messages16:33
ryan-cbrainwash: okay, thank you, I'd missed the verbose option. Something is sending it DEACTIVATE messages.16:38
brainwashpower manager, some media player or your web browser?16:39
ryan-cI'd already suspected the media player (though it was only playing audio) and closed it.16:40
ryan-cI just closed firefox.16:40
ryan-cOkay, still happening.16:41
ryan-cI don't have an active tab with a video player open.16:43
brainwashkill xfce4-power-manager and see if that helps16:43
ryan-ci tried two things at once, that was foolish16:45
ryan-cbrainwash: that does appear to have fixed it.16:46
brainwashdid you maybe have "presentation mode" enabled?16:47
ryan-ccertainly not deliberately16:47
brainwashI think it can be toggled via the tray icon16:47
ryan-chow do i restart it?16:47
brainwashrun xfce4-power-manager16:48
brainwashyou can run it with debug output also16:48
brainwashthat could be helpful16:48
ryan-cI don't see a tray icon for it?16:48
gravitos19:17:39 <gravitos> so, my laptop refuses to connect to any bluetooth devices and points me that device or resource is busy whilst it clearly is not, any ideas? xubuntu 18.0416:48
gravitos19:17:39 <gravitos> btmon's log when trying to connect to my phone with bluetoothctl: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/6C8jusjz/btmon16:48
brainwashxfce4-power-manager --no-daemon --debug16:49
brainwashwell, it's a panel plugin by default16:49
brainwashyou'd have to add it to the panel item list16:49
ryan-cmy install was, uh, very manual16:49
ryan-clike, i did debootstrap and `apt install xubuntu-desktop`16:50
brainwashanyway, if this is a desktop PC, then you don't really need the power manager16:52
gravitosclick any panel with right mouse button, then Panel -> Add new elements, find that plugin in there, click it, then click Add, new item should appear on panel16:52
ryan-cyeah, it's a dektop16:52
brainwashscreen blanking can be configured with xscreensaver also16:52
ryan-ci have a ups though, but i don't think i hooked it up via usb16:52
ryan-cwell it's behaving itself now because of course it is16:54
ryan-cbrainwash: thank you for your help, i have no idea how i would have solved this otherwise16:56
brainwashglad I could help :)16:57
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut

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