
nikolamIs connection priority enough to always force one LAN connection for internet traffic first? Both connections are set to get addresses via DHCP. (how to set route metric for DHCP connections)00:10
nikolamAnd if one connection goes down and then back again, to have traffic again goes through that desired connection first00:10
shinobioerheks: Thanks, I wasn't sure if that file was for the same purpose. The directions I'm reading online mentioned the other file, not the ubuntu version.00:19
Qen-JoanaHello. I'm having a 'no display driver issue' on 20.04. Here is a paste with the description. Much appreciated! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qVMxN55Hn3/00:22
LutinI see that php*-extention doesn't enable the extention. This happens on a docker build but always did. Maybe only for cli but I wonder if this is something new01:08
Ravagehe said the D work01:14
LutinRavage what is wrong with it ?01:40
golden_ticketWhen I try to enable ufw I get the following error: /lib/ufw/ufw-init: 1: /etc/default/ufw: ///etc/default/ufw: Permission denied01:44
golden_ticketCan someone help me enable ufw?01:44
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groverhi i'm trying to install znc on an ubuntu vps but following the steps to install from docker it freezes on the --makeconf and following the steps for a PPA or compiling from source is also hitting snags02:28
groveranybody here familiar with that02:28
tomreyngolden_ticket + grover: which ubuntu release are you running?02:42
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golden_tickettomreyn, xenial. I solved that issue but I cannot ping domains.02:42
tomreyngolden_ticket: this has 3 more months of support, is it worth working this out then?02:45
golden_tickettomreyn, the software I am running only works on this version of ubuntu. I will be on my own until I can get an update from the provider02:45
tomreynmake sure you remind them about that02:46
tomreynabout "not able to ping", this can mean blocked outbound traffic02:47
tomreynthough normally ufw would not do that02:47
golden_ticketI can ping
tomreynso it's a resolver issue, your system fails to resolve hostnames02:47
tomreyneither because outbound udp or tcp traffic to the resolvers' port 53 is blocked, or because the resolver just doesn't act as a resolver.02:48
golden_tickettomreyn, so I need to enter "sudo ufw allow 53"?02:49
tomreynnot in a default configuration. outbound traffic isnt blocked there.02:49
tomreynmaybe you changed the default policies?02:50
tomreynQen-Joana: there is indee dno package named 'mesa', so you wont be able to install that (there are similarily named packages - but it's not clear what you're trying to achieve there). i'm not familiar with this PPA you're using. why are you using one anyways? amdgpu is supported out of the box on 20.04.02:53
tomreyngrover: 20.04 LTS then?02:54
tomreyngrover: why don't you just use the package it provides?02:54
groverthe version is very old02:56
golden_tickettomreyn, default ip tables rules. default ufw policies except for two rules allowing ssh and a port for my software02:56
pillager86I'm trying to build Xamarin.Android on Ubuntu 20.04 and got this error "Step Xamarin.Android.Prepare.Step_InstallMonoRuntimes failed: Unable to build mono runtimes from sources."02:56
tomreyn!latest | grover02:57
ubottugrover: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.02:57
tomreyngrover: which ppa were you trying to use, how did it 'not work'?02:57
tomreynpillager86: this is not the Xamarin.Android support channel, though.02:57
groverlet me try again and pull up the error message02:58
groveri think the ppa may not even be up to date... do you have experience with docker?02:58
groverI think that looks to be the easiest way02:58
groveri'm looking at their install wiki page now: https://wiki.znc.in/Installation02:58
tomreyngolden_ticket: iptables -L    will print all IPv4 rules which are configured. maybe ufw did something you didn't expect. Or you rtraffic could get blocked outside of the Ubuntu system, in transit. Hard to tell. Generally, I can't really recommend ufw for anything but very simple configurations.03:00
Lutinso back here again :)03:00
golden_tickettomreyn, I got it working03:00
Lutinwhen you intall a php module, it should enable normally ?03:00
tomreyngolden_ticket: good, what was it?03:00
golden_tickettomreyn, needed to edit /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg to have dns-nameservers03:01
tomreynLutin: you may need to phpenmod, i think03:02
Lutintomreyn I thought as well but not sure03:02
tomreyngolden_ticket: ah, no resolvers configured, that'd make it difficult.03:02
tomreynLutin: i'm also not entirely sure, it's been a white that i had to set up php03:03
tomreynLutin: but you could just try?03:03
Lutintomreyn yeah  try in a docker install but it doesn't seem to enable them03:03
tomreynwhat phpenmod does is just to add a symlink somewhere in /etc/php*03:04
tomreyngrover: tewards' ppa has znc 1.8.2 packaged for focal (20.04 LTS)03:07
tomreyni'd assume using that would be the easiest.03:07
groverok so here is my error: E: Unable to locate package znc-dbg03:07
groveri'm following the steps on the install wiki page03:07
Lutintomreyn I know03:07
groverit's at the sudo apt-get install znc znc-dbg znc-dev znc-perl znc-python znc-tcl step03:07
pillager86How do I find out what's taking up so much space on my HD? I deleted the git repo that was causing me to run out of space.03:08
tomreyngrover: you really just need to install "znc"03:08
pillager86I tried to build Xamarin.Android and lost 30 GB of storage I can't seem to get back.03:08
groverk i have removed it and am proceeding tomreyn03:08
grovereverything else was located ok03:09
groverwhat's the two sentence summary on what is docker and how does it work?03:09
tomreyn!ddebs | grover03:09
ubottugrover: Debugging symbol packages (ending in '-dbgsym') are available in a separate !APT repository at ddebs.ubuntu.com - more info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages03:09
jmspeexjeremy31: Well, unless I got extremely lucky, it looks like reverting to 5.4 did the trick -- my machine is still up and I haven't seen the pcie errors so far. Thanks for your help03:09
tomreyngrover: and -dgbsym packages have replaced -dbg packages, normally. however, tewards' PPA doesn't provide debug symbols03:10
tomreyn(or maybe they're included, non-stripped)03:10
groverthanks tomreyn it worked03:11
tomreynpillager86: 'du' or 'ncdu' to determine disk usage03:12
groverlast question, do i need to do anything to have it launch znc automatically on boot in case it restarts for whatever reason?03:12
tomreynpillager86: or baobab for a graphical one03:12
tomreyngrover: yes, i think so. its manual discusses how to start it, i think. you may want to set up a systemd (user) service.03:17
groverwill google systemd03:22
grovertomreyn thanks so much for helping a newbie, as you can see03:22
grovermuch appreciated.  time for me to rtfm now :D03:23
iridescenti'm trying to install something and it's using too much memory, is there a way to get it to use swap space instead? (or check if it's using swap space, since I feel like I have plenty of that)?03:24
tomreyngrover: good luck.03:24
tomreyniridescent: the ubuntu kernel on any supported release (you did not say what you are running) would automatically swap if needed (and able to).03:26
iridescenti'm on 18.0403:27
iridescenthmm so i'm getting this: [186871.547445] Out of memory: Killed process 27988 (ghc-stage1) total-vm:1074054480kB, anon-rss:2901964kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:1000 pgtables:5892kB oom_score_adj:003:27
iridescenti believe i have a good amount of swap space?03:28
tomreyncat /proc/swaps   would tell03:28
tomreynor   swapon --show03:29
tomreynor vmstat03:29
iridescentNAME          TYPE SIZE USED PRIO03:29
tomreyn!paste | iridescent03:29
iridescentNAME          TYPE SIZE USED PRIO /swapfile     file   2G   8M   -2 /var/swapfile file 9.8G 256K   -303:29
ubottuiridescent: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:29
iridescentah got it03:29
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tomreynyou have two swapfiles (roughly 12 GB) which are hardly in use03:31
iridescenthow do i use them :P03:31
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nikolamI have 2 network adapters, connected to 2 different DHCP domains with separate internet. How to set that the one is always preferred , used first for all traffic, and that the other one is only a failover? I am constantly getting the wrong one as the default upon restart...03:36
nikolamI want add-on card to be the main one and on-motherboard one to be a failover03:36
nikolamBut when I turn off all networking from tray and enable it back, I get the right one as default.. But not on restart..03:37
nikolamThat should be able to be fixed by interface metric (like I know on MS windows) but I want both interfaces to remain working on DHCP...03:38
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nikolamroute metric of one I want to be main is 101 and metric of that I want to be failover is 100. And traffic gets pushed over the one with 100, when I do a traceroute03:39
nikolam_So default networking is wrong and after disable and enable in networking GUI it is right..03:41
iridescentok, seems like when i run the process that uses a lot of memory the swap space used is barely increasing (but does increase by a little bit)03:41
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nikolamSo defaults are wrong for pushing traffic and Network settings upon restart of networking are.. right...03:42
Lutintomreyn it seems on 7.4 the php extentions are there and usable on 8 not03:46
tomreynLutin: "on 8"?03:47
tomreyn8 of what03:47
Lutintomreyn 8.003:47
Lutinthe php extentions are there ..03:47
tomreynthere's no php 8.0 in any supported ubuntu release03:48
LutinI think we are far beyond Ubuntu 8 now ;)03:48
Lutintomreyn ondrej is always the best source for your PHP packages :)03:48
Lutinalways has been03:48
tomreynyou're seeking support at the wrong location03:48
Lutintomreyn I even think he is one of the Ubuntu devs03:49
Lutinnot sure, so never the wrong channel for such cases03:49
tomreynwhether or not that is so doesn't change whether those packages are supported here03:50
Lutinthere is a lot discussed here that is Ubuntu related since this is PPA and not supported.03:51
Lutinif you don't discuss it you won't ever come any further (in life)03:51
tomreyni'm doing fine, thanks03:51
Lutintomreyn there are more people in the world then only you ;)03:52
Lutinbut nice you are doing fine :)03:52
tomreynyou semed to be addressing me, maybe i got it wrong03:52
HashI have no idea03:52
HashI'm confused03:52
Qen-Joanatomreyn: Thanks for your reply. I currently have no driver for my GPU and I blacklisted amdgpu. I need to reinstall mesa. How to do that?03:52
HashWhat gpu do you have?03:53
lotuspsychje!who | Hash03:53
ubottuHash: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:53
HashQen-Joana: what gpu did you have?03:53
Qen-JoanaHash: I have an AMD RX 580.03:54
Lutintomreyn I'm sure you have it wrong as you earlier said you wasn't sure if the extentions were enabled automaticly because you didn't toch PHP for a while.. always good to have some extra knowledge that might be usefull later on ;)03:54
Lutinanyways, I'm off CU!03:54
HashAnd which driver did you want to use? the proprietary one?03:54
HashQen-Joana:  And which driver did you want to use? the proprietary one?03:54
Qen-JoanaHash: I am trying to reinstall mesa. I restarted my PC with no driver and the ppa's with mesa don't work.03:55
tomreynQen-Joana: this is the output of   apt list --installed *mesa* 2>&1     on an ubuntu 18.04 LTS system (amd64) with an rx 580    https://termbin.com/5kkc03:56
Qen-Joanahash, tomreyn, here is my paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qVMxN55Hn3/03:56
tomreynQen-Joana: if you don't plan to use the PPA, then i suggest you purge its packages first of all03:56
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:57
HashQen-Joana: to get the proper resolution you need to use the correct drivers03:57
HashQen-Joana:  AMDGPU-Pro is the driver for your card, version 17.2003:59
tomreyni believe that much is already known03:59
tomreynopen source amdgpu is fine, no need for -pro usually03:59
Qen-JoanaHash, the AMD website lists 20.45 as the only driver my card and 20.04 Ubuntu.03:59
HashI saw this one.04:00
HashWhat one are you looking at, please share04:00
Qen-Joanahash: https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/radeon-500-series/radeon-rx-500-series/radeon-rx-58004:01
tomreynQen-Joana: you won't be able to use either driver while you have amdgpu blacklisted04:01
Qen-Joanatomreyn: that is true. I tried to fix my amdgpu install but the old one wouldn't uninstall and the new one had a scripting error when I tried to install it.04:01
HashI see.04:01
HashI might jus be confusing you more. i dunno amd gpus04:02
tomreynQen-Joana: details needed.04:02
HashYou can make sure to follow all the directions here. Don't blacklist the amdgpu pro driver anymore04:03
tomreynsometimes a fresh install can be the least time consuming option, so consider that04:03
HashThen try to reinstall is properly again.04:03
Qen-Joanatomreyn: I suspect I accidentally installed the wrong amdgpu driver by terminal. There were errors. I used the terminal to uninstall by the standard options and it could not find the uninstall script.04:03
Qen-Joanatomreyn: when I tried to install the 20.45 newest amdgpu driver, there was a coding error which basically said: "missing ')' character"04:04
tomreynQen-Joana: i (and likely others on this channel) won't be able to help you try to uninstall amdgpu-pro drivers if you had thos einstalled. uninstalling the ppa ones should woirk with ppa-purge04:05
tomreynso apparently you tried not just the unsupported ppa bnut also the unsupported (here) amdgpu-pro04:05
tomreyngood luck!04:05
Qen-Joanatomreyn: I had both ppa's disabled in the GUI for other sources of software. I still had no luck. But I am using the ppapurge now on both of those ppa's.04:06
lotuspsychjeQen-Joana: when you purged ppa's, unblacklisted amgpu and rebooted, provide your dmesg to the channel so volunteers can see whats going on04:26
chalarmlotuspsychje: suggest dmesg | pastebin ^-^04:27
chalarmor nc termbin.com 999904:27
lotuspsychjenever seen a user paste full dmesg here before :p04:28
Qen-Joanalotuspsychje: I am considering a full reinstall. I have been backing up my files for a little while. I'll be back if I still have problems. Thank you!04:30
lotuspsychjesure thing, good luck04:31
MarchHareAnyone have any idea how to fix the issue with postfix copying the resolv.conf file to its own chroot jail before systemd-resolved has actually populated it? I've found various things around the internet, but none of them seem to be working. A restart on the service from the prompt seems to copy the correct resolv.conf. I want it to work on bootup.04:40
tomreynMarchHare: hmm, i don't , but this sounds like you'd need to change the service definition os that postfix only starts after network is fully configured.04:42
tomreynand probably file a bug about it04:42
MarchHaretomreyn: That's kind of what I'm trying to do.04:42
MarchHaretomreyn: Added After=network-online.target to both the postfix and postfix@ service files.04:44
MarchHaretomreyn: And added the systemd-resolved.service as an after, too. Though that should definitely have been run anyway implicitly04:45
tomreynMarchHare: and this doesn't work? or are you still testing?04:46
MarchHaretomreyn: Worked fine most of the time before I upgraded it from 18.04 Server to 20.04.1 Server04:46
MarchHaretomreyn: It only really started having this issue after the upgrade. I have basically narrowed it down to some kind of race condition where postfix copies the empty file before systemd-resolved or whatever has populated it04:47
tomreynhttps://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/272427/why-does-postfix-copy-etc-resolv-conf-to-its-chroot-too-early-causing-dns-fail discusses an alternative approach: keeping services files as they are but adding a dhcp client hook to reload postfix configuration04:48
MarchHareYeah, I saw that one. Not sure I should be tweaking with dhcp hooks and all that04:48
MarchHareI want to know why it worked before, and now it doesn't.04:49
MarchHareIt isn't like I changed the resolve service between versions04:49
tomreynits version changed, though04:49
MarchHareThat's about it. Not sure why that would cause the order of execution of the service targets to change.04:51
MarchHareWonder if I should just reinstall postfix and be done with it.04:51
tomreyngood luck, i'll need to head out04:51
aesopFill me in, where and why does postfix need to copy resolv.conf?04:52
aesopFeels like strange behavior.04:53
MarchHareaesop: It's running in a chroot by default is my understanding. I don't really want to run it outside of the chroot04:53
MarchHareaesop: Then again, since it isn't a public email server and it isn't relaying anything, maybe that won't be an issue. It really only sends out status messages.04:54
aesopAh ok, and so it can't access resolv.conf after chrooting.04:55
MarchHareaesop: Right, so of course it copies it. But apparently it beats systemd-resolved to the punch and copies an empty file04:56
aesopWeird hack: make systemd-resolved get its lease faster :P04:56
MarchHareaesop: Actually, I'm going to be resetting the modem and switch tomorrow. Something is really causing things to be super slow on the work network that I'm tweaking with.04:57
MarchHareIt's annoying to have to wait SECO04:57
MarchHareNDS for "ls" to appear on the prompt after I've hit enter04:58
MarchHareaesop: Of course, your hack would be great. I tried slowing down postfix, which didn't do anything05:00
MarchHareRather, I didn't slow it down as much as told it to wait for resolved before trying to start it.05:01
blahboybazI see: https://ubuntu.com/desktop/statistics  <--  but is there any statistic on what release of ubuntu people are using? Preferably not just in terms of percent but also in terms of number of users05:04
MarchHareLooks like it's a midnight trip to the station for me. Slow switch might be the issue05:04
genewitchcome on guys ~100MB for a kernel is obnoxious06:20
genewitchis there any way to pare that down to ~10mb for vm guests, because having every machine taking a quarter of a gig for kernel upgrades is just silly06:21
genewitchalso: when i go to ubuntu webpage, and click download -> server, the only options are 18.04 and 20.10, even though 20.04.1 is available (google seen it) and that's the latest LTS06:23
oxekgenewitch: maybe use containers instead of virtual machines?07:14
loganleehello i asked a question about backup here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1308690/how-to-backup-and-restore-all-partitions-including-boot-efi-and-swap07:51
loganleethanks a lot07:51
genewitchoxek: i'm trying to make a slim docker host, the irony is almost lead-weight08:00
ducasseloganlee: clonezilla?08:00
ducasse(why backup swap?)08:01
genewitchi know experimentally that i can install and run docker containers on 16.04, 18.04, and 19.10. i want to make a docker machine, running ubuntu 20.04, that doesn't require 100mb for /boot08:01
genewitchducasse: [censored] thanks you for your courage08:01
ducassegenewitch: i was not talking to you08:02
genewitchyou'd back up swap if you wanted to have a record of what was in swap08:02
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ducassethe question was about moving partitions between machines, but i still wasn't asking you08:04
pagioshi all, i am trying to understand LVM, what is the relationship between these 2 LVs? The idea when i create a new VM , the second LV got created and the first LV got some used space in it. How does it happen? What is the concept here of pools? https://pastebin.com/BFVvcP0j09:13
pasizpagios: maybe ##proxmox is right place to ask...09:20
LordDoskiashello, does networkmanager use wpa_supplicant to authenticate against wpa2 networks or does it implement the logic itself?10:09
daysunis debian ubuntus upstream? i.e. debian = newer stuff?11:15
daysunor is it the other way around?11:15
SynfulAcktrying to install anbox but having problems running `sudo modprobe binder_linux` anyone able to successfully do this?11:19
SynfulAckwith `ls -1 /dev/{ashmem,binder}` ashmem is loaded but never binder. :(11:20
daysunSynfulAck: any error messages?11:26
SynfulAckdaysun, nah, it just accepts it like everything went through fine.11:26
daysunI'm clueless then, sorry11:28
infamousguyHey all, please someone tell me if this is possible, i have a non dedicated server, and i transfer things from vps, however it said the rsa key was incorrect, and i googled how to repair and it said delete ssh keys. however now i accidentily deleted the ssh keys for the server itself, is there a way to recover? as i cant get into ssh now11:48
infamousguythaank you11:48
LordDoskiashello i discovered a rather tricky issue with ubuntu 20.04. With latest 5.4 kernel it's not able to  connect to a wifi. However if I upgrade my kernel to 5.10 and the wifi is managed by network manager I still cannot authenticate, however if I try to connect manually by invoking wpa_supplicant or simply add iface xxx to /etc/network/interfaces then i can connect12:38
LordDoskiashowever on 5.4 kernel even with the /etc/network/interface workaround - connection is not possible, that's on an intel ax200 adapter12:38
LordDoskiasso w.r.t to ubuntu there are a couple of issues: 1. There is something in kernel 5.4 which is fixed in newer kernels 2. Something is going on with networkmanager not being able to correctly configure the wireless to associated it with the AP12:39
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drea_mertHey ya =) I recently installed Ubuntu (mate 20.10) beneath Win 10. All went fine until I tried to boot it first time.13:09
drea_mertAfter installation and before the first attempt to boot it, I didnt boot into windows intentionally. Although Grub wasnt showing and windows started.13:09
drea_mertanyway Ubuntu was bootable via my firmware boot menu.13:10
drea_mertefibootmgr told me windows was the first boot entry. Changing this didnt change boot behaviour.13:10
drea_merteven setting ubuntu as 'next boot' didnt motivate my pc to boot grub/ubuntu, but windows again.13:10
drea_mert(every time after booting windows it was again the first entry in boot order. I think this happens quite often)13:10
drea_merteven deactivating the efi-boot-entries for windows didnt change anything.13:10
drea_mertfinally I had to delete all windows entries. Now everything works as it should.13:10
drea_mertbut what I dont understand is what was going on. Is this rather a problem of grub or my mainboard firmware (or went something wrong just during installation)??13:11
drea_mertmaybe someone can leave a comment on this13:11
mrtrousersHello I have an ftdi to usb plugged into my ubuntu..13:19
mrtrousersIt keeps connecting and disconnecting: https://pastebin.com/raw/2CdxC34g13:19
mrtrousersIs that normal behaviour, other usb devices just stay on..13:19
Yuri6037Hi, I've got a terrible problem, after server upgrade the entire PHP install is broken and cannot be repaired no matter which command you try you're prompted with dpkg error 113:25
Yuri6037Only way is apt purge libapache2-mod-php7.413:26
Yuri6037But then there is no more PHP and I need PHP.13:26
Yuri6037The only log I have is E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:26
Yuri6037When running --configure -a the only additional info I get is installed libapache2-mod-php7.4 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 113:29
BluesKajHi folks13:38
tomreynYuri6037: hi, provide the full command and its output on a pastebin13:47
tomreynthat's usually the best way to get help here13:47
tomreynalso provide basic information, such as which ubuntu release you're running (and which you upgraded from). if the problem can be related to PPAs, provide this information, too.13:48
Yuri6037Which command? install, or configure?13:48
tomreynany you ran that produced errors13:48
Yuri6037I just ran do-release-upgrade on my system which was a 18.0413:48
Yuri6037This brought me to 20.04 no errors during install except 2 ERRORs related to libapache2-mod-php7.213:49
Yuri6037it refused to uninstall properly claiming some symlinks still existed13:49
tomreyndo you have those errors still?13:50
tomreynrelease upgrade logs ar ein /var/log/13:50
Yuri6037Well those errors only came once when upgrading the entire server over KVM over IP13:50
tomreynwell, do the pastebin for erroring commands, or show relevant logs, otherwise no one will be able to support you, i'm afraid.13:51
Yuri6037Here for the first install command: https://pastebin.com/bJrGGKft13:52
tomreynyou ran this after completing the upgrade to 20.04?13:52
tomreynthe reason i'm asking is because 20.04 LTS 'focal' does not provide this package, it provides libapache2-mod-php7.4 instead13:55
Yuri6037Yes because somehow when I first entered the new 20.04 build apache2 refused to boot thanks to a broken libapache2-mod-php7.2 which was apparently not removed. I ran a2dismod php7.2 then purge libapach2-mod-php7.2 then tried again to run apache2 and it booted fine. However I noticed PHP websites were rendering as if PHP was not running so I tryed13:55
Yuri6037a2enmod php7.4 but it failed complaining module does not exist so I ran apt install libapache2-mod-php7.4 and here we go nice error13:55
tomreynsorry, please ignore the last thing i said, you *did* try to install the very package thats in focal13:56
tomreynfirst make sure you removed any remainders of php 7.2 and its modules13:57
tomreynthen try to make php 7.4 work13:57
Yuri6037how do I list all php 7.2 modules?13:57
Yuri6037I already purged the libapache2-mod-php7.213:57
tomreynyou can list all installed php modules (and possibly other unrelated packages) with    apt list --installed php-*13:58
tomreynyou can list all installed php modules (and possibly other unrelated packages) with    apt list --installed libphp-*13:58
tomreynthat rather13:59
tomreynwell... both13:59
Yuri6037Wait I already got a strange output by apt search13:59
tomreynthose are removed but their configurations are not purged14:00
tomreynif you can safely purge their confrigurations without loosing your customizations then i'd recommend doing so14:00
Yuri6037I'll check them14:01
tomreyni assume you did a full backup before starting the release upgrade anyways.14:01
tomreynalso show the output of    sudo dpkg --configure libapache2-mod-php7.414:02
infamousguyis there a way to restore files from etc/ssh14:08
infamousguyi accidentily deleted them14:08
infamousguythank you14:08
tomreynyou could restore them from your latest backup14:09
cbreakif you have backups, then restoring is easy14:09
cbreakif you boot from zfs and have snapshots, then restoring is easy14:09
infamousguythe guys who own the server says there is no backup14:10
infamousguyi have tons of files on there and cant afford to lose them14:10
tomreynyou can reinstall ssh. do you have out of band access, such as via kvm-over-ip?14:11
Lantizia_major long shot here (and this is for preservation purposes)... does anyone have specifically this named file?   adobe-flashplugin_20161108.1.orig.tar.gz14:11
cbreakwhat did you delete?14:11
Lantizia_it'll have a sha256 of cce39a7ab0e03c87259f10cd3f7d21e19eec41e112ce144d33c2fe0c39b2c97214:11
infamousguy6 ssh files14:12
infamousguythe only thing i have access to is recovery ?14:12
Yuri6037tomreyn: I indeed have a backup but it only backs-up data for GitLab Apache2 websites, apache2 configs, ssl, etc No software is backed up. So returning to 18.04 is possible but would need re-install of the system which is really long to do and I'd like if possible to keep 20.0414:13
cbreakyou can configure ssh again I suppose14:13
Yuri6037Here is the list of packages installed matching php: https://pastebin.com/hj042r2N14:14
infamousguycbreak how do i do that please?14:14
tomreynLantizia_: Google's VirusTotal has a copy, but I'm not sure whether you could convince them to hand it over to you. Chances are Adobe does, too, and maybe Canonical still has another. But this is outside of Ubuntu support, please head over to #ubuntu-offtopic or -discuss14:15
infamousguycan i re install ubuntu? will that work without removing my files?14:16
Lantizia_tomreyn, how do you know VirusTotal has a copy?14:16
tomreynYuri6037: if you have a backup of /etc then it should be safe to purge those php module packages14:16
Lantizia_tomreyn, also Canonical have taken great lengths to delete all copies of flash regardless of how it was packaged on all of it's servers/services including launchpad14:17
tomreynLantizia_: i'd tell you in one of the channels i named after you'd ping me there14:17
Yuri6037Ok I just eliminated with purge every-single php 7.2 packages. In all cases the only sofyware I have which needs php is nextcloud if needed I will go on nextcloud and get back the list of modules it wants14:18
Yuri6037Same error14:19
Yuri6037With dpkg configure same thing: https://pastebin.com/8mQEvJS414:20
tomreynYuri6037: you can add   "set -x" to the top of the post-configure script at /var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-php7.4.postinst14:25
tomreynthen rtry to configure again14:27
tomreynalso, at https://pastebin.com/hj042r2N you did not show libphp* packages14:27
Yuri6037The set -x does a huge log14:28
Yuri6037At the end we see an explicit return 1: + a2enmod -m -q php7.414:30
Yuri6037+ return 114:30
Yuri6037+ exit 114:30
Yuri6037Also for libphp* there are no results that's why I did not send it because none of the commands you gave listed anything except the one I found php*14:31
Yuri6037when running a2enmod -m -q php7.4 I get 2 errors14:32
tomreynso what about the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mpm_prefork.load file? this would normally be a symbolic link, not a file.14:35
tomreynls -l or stat it14:35
Yuri6037Inside there are 2 lines: # Conflicts: mpm_event mpm_worker14:36
Yuri6037LoadModule mpm_prefork_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_mpm_prefork.so14:36
tomreyn<tomreyn> ls -l or stat it14:37
tomreyndpkg -S, too14:37
Yuri6037In that folder weirdly enough most files are owned by my own user and are not symlinks. But I don't remember changing anything inside this folder.14:39
Yuri6037Only 2 files are owned by root and are symlinks14:39
Yuri6037There are a lot of .conf and .load files and mpm_prefork is both a .conf and a .load file14:41
Yuri6037Ok after moving those 2 .conf files in /etc/apache2/mods-available and running a2enmod it no longer throws errors14:46
Yuri6037and dpkg worked14:46
Yuri6037For now everything seam fixed14:51
Yuri6037Thanks for the help14:52
Yuri6037bye now14:52
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snakeis there a guide to modern hard drive formatting?15:44
snakei'm still kind of stuck in the past... so i dont understand all the different virtual drives and everything15:44
snakeoh and linux mountpoints and devices that dont make sense to me15:44
snakefor example: loop0 - loop515:45
EriC^^!lvm  | snake15:51
ubottusnake: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:51
snakethanks !15:58
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gravitosusing `grep`, how to get end of the line after the regular expression? i have some output which has `display` in it, and i need to get last line with `display` and from that line get number that goes after `display` and put it as an argument to a command16:16
gravitoslike, it shows me: ... ... display 5, and i need to get this 5 and push it into `scrcpy --display ` so it will be after --display16:17
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k4rt0ff3lch33t4hgravitos: -A is for after16:20
k4rt0ff3lch33t4h-A and number will show number lines after match16:21
gravitosit shows me LINES after current16:21
gravitosand i need to get a number on the same line as `display`16:21
gravitosso i can pass that number as an argument16:22
k4rt0ff3lch33t4hgravitos: i think --only-matching  could help for example ll | grep --only-matching Nov\ [0-9]* gets me "Nov 18" from ll16:28
k4rt0ff3lch33t4hand then with a substitution16:28
k4rt0ff3lch33t4hin your case instead of Nov you could use display16:29
gravitosyup, actually that's somewhat helpful, but it still give me two numbers while i need only last one16:31
gravitosi found only `-m=(integer)`, but it shows only FIRST (integer) of lines16:33
gravitosokay, some reading of man later, i found combination of three greps which gives me last number, how can i pass it as an argument to `scrcpy --display <== HERE`?16:36
Volkodavwhere is the development channel for 21.04?16:47
Volkodavused to be #ubuntu +116:48
jeremy31 #ubuntu+116:49
VolkodavOh I had a space16:50
Volkodavma bad16:50
aroonihi; on my t420 w/ 20.04; i notice that when i resume from laptop suspend it often freezes up gnome-shell ; i get the login screen but enter my password and nothign happens for minutes; i do a killall gnome-shell ; but that doesnt seem to help.  ideas/16:57
shinobiI seemed to have lost sound. My speakers are plugged in. I was installing guitarix and jack so I think it may be software related. Can anyone help?17:08
wwalkerjoin #austin18:15
gravitos> 20:08:19 <shinobi> I seemed to have lost sound. My speakers are plugged in. I was installing guitarix and jack so I think it may be software related. Can anyone help?18:24
gravitosshinobi: what do audio settings show?18:24
coconutApt upgrade makes my laptop to not boot anymore, i have to boot with 5.4.0-62-generic kernel to make it bootable. Anything known?
oerhekstons of bugreports about failing kernel 5.8 / video drivers / sound19:01
oerheksreverse to 5.4 that will be suported for a long time19:01
coconutoh i am not the only one, thnx oerheks :)19:02
oerheksif it is only sound, pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload  # could fix it19:03
jeremy31coconut: install linux-generic and remove the 5.8 kernel and linux-generic-hwe-20.0419:03
coconutoerheks, i dunno if it is sound only, how can i check?19:05
jeremy31coconut: maybe in terminal>  lshw | grep -i unclaimed19:08
coconutjeremy31, http://p.ip.fi/5Rkc19:22
jeremy31Shows a few things without drivers, some might be normal19:24
coconuti see19:32
coconutHmmm. After a sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ## my system with 5.8.0 did boot again, but no wifi and no brightness changeable. :(19:43
coconuti went back to 5.4.019:45
DroHello, I'm working with a second monitor and it suddenly don't work.. the xrandr --show-monitor show only my principal monitor while I see "signal detected" in my second monitor when its plugin.. any idea how can I fix this please ?19:52
jeremy31coconut: Broadcom wifi?19:54
coconutjeremy31, no intel wifi 619:56
jeremy31coconut: AX200?19:56
jeremy31coconut: terminal>  dpkg -l | grep linux-modules-extra-5.819:57
coconutno output on that19:58
jeremy31coconut: did you uninstall the 5.8 kernel?19:58
jeremy31what version was the 5.8 kernel?19:58
jeremy31In terminal>  sudo apt install --reinstall linux-modules-extra-5.8.0-38-generic20:00
coconutjeremy31, http://p.ip.fi/DD0_20:01
jeremy31coconut: try the 5.8 kernel, the wifi should work now20:02
coconutok will do, just a moment20:04
coconutjeremy31, how to find my wifi chip version?20:07
jeremy31coconut: On the label is the most reliable, in terminal try>  sudo update-pciids && lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net20:08
coconutyeah, AX200 -> http://p.ip.fi/fosB20:11
coconutjeremy31, that creates an unbootable system(when i ctrl-alt-delete it reboots after all messages are shown with green).20:24
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jeremy31coconut: I bet it is still lacking the nvidia driver.  Probably easiest to remove 5.8 and the linux-generic.20.04-hwe20:32
coconutlistening to you jeremy31, personally i have no clue :)20:34
coconutI have just put the new kernel lower in my grub list for now20:34
jeremy31coconut: in terminal>  sudo apt remove linux-image-5.8.0-38-generic linux-generic-hwe-20.04 && sudo apt install linux-generic && sudo apt autoremove20:36
coconutjeremy31, i think i will just leave it, or do you advise that anyhow?20:37
jeremy31coconut: I would remove the 5.8 and install the linux-generic so that the 5.4 kernel gets updated20:38
coconutjeremy31, does 5.4 only gets updated when i remove the 5.8 then?20:38
jeremy31coconut: linux-generic has to be installed so 5.4 gets updated, removing linux-generic-hwe-20.04 will keep you from getting 5.8 kernel updates20:40
LutinHow can I check why php modules are not loaded after installation ?20:54
coconutjeremy31, ok but i never chose to install the 5.8 myself anyhow, the (new) install did after that with an upgrade.20:55
jeremy31coconut: I know, the 20.04 has that  linux-generic-hwe-20.04 package installed and it just changed to the 5.8 kernel a week or so ago20:56
coconutweird... apt list --installed linux-generic-hwe-20.04 ## says it is not installed!21:01
jeremy31coconut: look at>  dpkg -l | grep linux-generic-hwe21:07
coconutgives nothing21:09
jeremy31coconut: check>  history | grep linux-generic21:11
coconutnope, it did not come from me...http://p.ip.fi/rp2z21:13
jeremy31I can't explain how 5.8 ever got installed then.  Unless the developers found a way to partially fix the mess that was created21:14
coconutok, weird enough, but is...21:15
oerheksnew install, after 20.04.1 ? or livepatch brings it up.21:16
jeremy31coconut: I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 with an ISO from 24 April and rebooted to a 5.8 kernel, so I found out why.  I replaced that install with kubuntu 20.1021:17
coconutoerheks, yes a new install of 20.04.1, and after that is i did apt update && apt upgrade21:19
coconutwhich did not work....21:19
coconutit advised me to a: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade --fix-missing  ##which could finish21:20
coconutwhich could finish then21:20
coconutwere packaged on the nl.* mirros which could not be downloaded21:21
jeremy31https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.manifest shows that the linux-generic-hwe-20.04 was on the ISO21:22
oerheksokr, ehy did it not install fully, and unable to trace back?21:23
oerheksc/oke, why21:23
coconutall i still know is that apt upgrade complained about not retrieving packages from the nl mirror, or something like that....21:29
oerheksi must say; i have never seen all 'up to date' before ... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors#Netherlands21:32
coconutwell, i will try another install tomorrow and see if i see the same things... i am at my duolingo.com session now :)21:46
jeremy31coconut: Install without updates, then check the install to see if the hwe package is installed21:50
coconutok, will do tomorrow :)21:52
jeremy31coconut: If you find it remove it and install linux-generic before running updates21:54
sputnik369Does anyone know where i can get support?22:13
sputnik369the Support Forums are a dead end22:13
sputnik369Ubuntu20.04 trying to get AMDGPU drivers installed and working22:14
jeremy31sputnik369: amdgpu is part of the kernel22:16
sputnik369@jeremy31 im trying to get the pro drivers installed for adv capabilities22:17
sputnik369i downloaded the correct package from AMD22:18
sputnik369then I do install but fails every time22:18
oerheks lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D'22:18
oerheks for what card?22:18
sputnik369let me get that grep quick for u22:18
sputnik369VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT] (rev c4)22:19
sputnik369Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT]22:19
sputnik369Kernel modules: amdgpu22:19
jeremy31sputnik369: It looks like amdgpupro might not support that chipset22:31
sputnik369hmm, do you think it could be temporary because the card is considered new22:31
jeremy31sputnik369: those results show it was supported by amdgpu.  Is Secure Boot enabled?22:32
sputnik369i just ditched windows and moved my whole house onto ubuntu and the 2 main pcs run Navi10 5700 and 5700XTs22:32
sputnik369ill be honest imm not sure how to tell if secure boot is enabled22:32
jeremy31sputnik369: check in terminal>  mokutil --sb-state22:33
sputnik369SecureBoot disabled22:33
sputnik369Platform is in Setup Mode22:33
sputnik369after trying to get it to work for 3 days now, i have got to a point where i cant even get the system back to the original state when i installed Ubuntu. Both screens worked using the installation version of the drivers.22:34
sputnik369now after running all of these attempts to get the apdgpu-pro drivers installed i have only one screen working/detected and my system/about no longer identifies the Radeon 5700 it just identifies some strange device22:35
jeremy31sputnik369: amdgpu is likely blacklisted22:35
sputnik369it says this llvmpipe (LLVM 10.0.1, 256 bits)22:36
jeremy31sputnik369: in terminal>  grep [[:alnum:]] /etc/modprobe.d/* | grep amdgpu22:36
sputnik369'/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-amdgpu.conf:blacklist amdgpu22:37
jeremy31sputnik369: try in terminal and reboot>  sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-amdgpu.conf22:38
sputnik369seems it accepted it22:39
jeremy31I have no idea how to fix amdgpupro, but that should get you back to where it was22:39
sputnik369ah cool, so what i just need to reboot and perhaps will get normal use back?22:39
sputnik369ok let me reboot quick\22:40
sputnik369thanks very much btw22:40
jeremy31sputnik369: with the blacklist gone, amdgpu should work22:40
sputnik369Yes that worked!!!22:42
sputnik369Thanks very much Jeremy!22:42
oerheks!donut | jeremy3122:44
jeremy31oerheks: you broke the bot22:45
jeremy31I think it was cookie, not donut22:46
sputnik369regarding my sources.list file, do i ever need to modify the settings? i see some say restricted some say universe some say multiverse, whats the difference, and do i need to add one to the list in order to assist in pulling propietry drivers from AMD for GFX card?22:47
jeremy31sputnik369: I don't know if the amdgpupro modifies the sources.list22:48
sputnik369i just recall in some of my attempts to get it to work, dpkg kept complaining about my amdgpu and amdgpu-dpkg causing erros right at the end of the install that looked like it was going to succeed22:50
sputnik369it failed right at the end. and told me about these 2x packages that had issues and i thought maybe because it didnt have a sources.list value that was set to contrib non-rfee22:50
sputnik369or something like that22:51
oerheksindeed, amd needs no extra repositories, still worth to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu22:51
sputnik369ah... actually that link to repositories looks like exactly what i need to get a better understanding in general.. thanks!22:52
sputnik369this was pretty much exactly my issues https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/can-t-install-amdgpu-drivers-on-ubuntu-20-04-1-5-4-0-56-generic/td-p/42667622:55
sputnik369the only difference is they refer to uname-r of 5.4.0-56-generic and my case is 5.8.0-38-generic22:55
sputnik369following the "Solved - Go to Solution" it basically looks like they downgrade the version of linux-image from 5.4.0-56-generic to 5.4.0-54-generic22:56
sputnik369and then proceed with the amdgpu-pro driver installations, and they say it solved the issue22:57
sputnik369but my version is 5.8.0-38-generic22:57
sputnik369and so i cant do the solution as they have it22:57
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