
MauroGaspari[m]<OvenWerks "Mauro Gaspari: yeah, the user si"> Hopefully pipewire will make things a bit easier?05:01
OvenWerksprobably not05:02
OvenWerksat least I think not if it can still truely be a JACK replacement05:03
studiobot<teward001> *summons Eickmeyer for reasons*05:03
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 [*summons Eickmeyer for reasons*], Yeeeees?????05:04
* OvenWerks hears creaking and moaning in there somewhere...05:09
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: Cracking, yes. Moaning, not so much.05:12
studiobot<teward001> @Eickmeyer [Yeeeees?????], well (1) i'm drunk and (2) i'm wondering if there was anything else you still needed uploaded while i'm awake05:13
studiobot<teward001> because i can't sleep xD05:13
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 [well (1) i'm drunk and (2) i'm wondering if there was anything else you still ne …], Well, I don't really have anything at the moment. I did upload my first package as a MOTU the other day, and it was accepted. No questions were asked, probably the cleanest, simplest package I've ever uploaded, and it wasn't even Studio rela05:15
studiobot<teward001> was it an SRU?  :P05:16
studiobot<teward001> usually bugfixes are easier to get in :P05:16
studiobot<teward001> until freeze anyways05:16
studiobot<Eickmeyer> It was an entirely NEW package.05:27

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