
jphilipsJackFrost: was trying to install nocsd from experimental, but the 20.10 and 20.04 builds failed00:25
DarkTrickWould be nice, if the xubuntu image could go down to less than 8GB so it would fit a "common" USB memory03:25
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=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
JackFrostjphilips: Right, it needs the newer build depends.  I'll fix that Monday or so.04:59
JackFrost(Unless Sean gets to setting xubuntu-dev/staging as a build-dep of that PPA first.)06:03
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jphilipsDarkTrick: the xubuntu image is only 1.6gb09:09
jphilipsJackFrost: noticed on staging that 20.10 and 20.04 failed i386 - https://imgur.com/xQHl33I.png09:12
DarkTrickjphilips, but it needs at least 8.6 (?) GB installed09:14
jphilipsguess you forgot to turn that off, as i386 isn't being built for the 20.1009:14
DarkTrickTalking about 21.0409:14
jphilipsDarkTrick: well you can use xubuntu core which installs in ~4gb09:15
DarkTrickjphilips, thanks for the idea! I will check it out!09:15
jphilipsyou can thank JackFrost, as its his baby09:17
DarkTrickJackFrost, xubuntu core looks promising. Thanks for the work! ..But why did you change your name? :)09:26
JackFrostjphilips: It's in the whitelist of packages but requies a new dep that aren't whitelisted in those releases, as noted if you click the build link.11:11
JackFrostDarkTrick: 'Welcome.  I do this every year, it's my Christmas/winter nick since I like the winter and snow so much.11:11
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=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-appfinder 4.16.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-appfinder-4-16-1-released-tp59815.html (by Andre Miranda)23:37

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