=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks === TJ_Remix is now known as TJ- [16:36] What do people like for screen-lock now that gnome-screensaver is no longer present by default? [16:37] From having installed LightDM I do have `dm-tool`, but the relevant commands fail with "Not running inside a display manager, XDG_SEAT_PATH not defined" [16:37] (I'm using XMonad mostly, FWIW) [18:53] Hi, if `dm-tool` complains "Not running inside a display manager" when I am in fact running GDM, is it just confused, or have I maybe broken something? https://dpaste.com/3NL3TYLUJ [18:54] Or is this maybe a side effect of being in an XMonad session instead of a DE? [19:19] I guess it'll remain a mystery then :)