
=== xclaesse9 is now known as xclaesse
=== antoine3 is now known as antoine
=== xclaesse2 is now known as xclaesse
xnoxogra:  kernel.ubuntu.com for git repos has not been used for years and years now.12:58
xnoxogra:  you probably want https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/+git12:59
xnoxand maybe https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-snaps/+git12:59
ograxnox, well, kernel.u.c is linked from docs ... this is why i think it should have a note about the new location13:00
ogra(also i was not interested in snaps actually ... just in the most recent source tree of the pi-kernl core18 snap for someone who wants to re-build with some bits added)13:01
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-

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