[00:52] help, holding down enter on the usb keyboard makes a bunch of new lines fastΒ  but when I type something on the laptop keyboard id gets interrupted === dsf_ is now known as dsf [01:54] attempting install of Kubuntu 20.10 and i get operating system not found. If i use kubuntu 20.04 it boots up. does 20.10 not support legacy boot? [01:58] These 5 Favorite themes of mine: wouldn't fully work on Kubuntu. They were causing right-click menu icons to disappear and application menu icons to disappear. Why would themes cause that? [02:00] Is there a fix for that so they would fully work w/out problems? === Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii [05:21] hey guys === Hash is now known as High [06:53] =/ === viewer|69 is now known as AlonzoTG [06:54] 'ey [06:54] I was looking at my scrap pile a few days ago and I was like, OMG, I haz too many parts... So the only solution was to buy a chassis to stuff them in and make a computer to be hocked on ebay. [06:55] So I go looking for a linux distro so the machine can be up and running as soon as the customer gets it. [06:56] =\ [06:57] gd cat is trampling all over my kbd. [06:59] my point was that the install crashed at 90% complete, according to the GUI. [06:59] no way to get to console, don't know pw. [06:59] Ok, the hardware is somewhat dodgy, but seems solid enough. [07:03] AlonzoTG: I had problems like this, turning off internet access fixed, but was long time ago. [07:03] what distro are you installing [07:03] sensical that is not. [07:03] kubuntu. [07:03] Normally I just use Gentoo. [07:03] My main machine was last installed in 2010. [07:03] I'm using that same installation rn. [07:04] but then this machine is for being hocked on ebay and I want it to be functional without paying a tax to ms. [07:04] yesterday I replace my Kubuntu with Suse kde, and strangely there was gpg key warning about kate. [07:05] That's just a heavyweight text editor... [07:05] or a lightweight IDE. [07:05] KDE was super awesome back in the 3.5.1 days.... [07:06] opt it out and installed manually later [07:06] Kubuntu gave me a blank dialogue box and told me to open a console, but the consoole was running login and I didn't have a u/p to get to bash. [07:06] I mean the pane of the dialogue that was apparently there to show the text of the error was empty. [07:07] ctrl+alt+F* [07:07] Ofcourse new users know all the hotkeys... [07:07] =\ [07:08] To Kubuntu's credit, it was moving along slicker than snot up to that point. [07:09] Machine has a very high end M.2 drive (500gb) as it's primary and a rusty old 1TB spinning drive as it's secondary. [07:11] anyway, it's late, I'll revisit this problem once I get the wiring and chassis finalized, [07:12] there was some bios settings about the type of disk ATA and what was the other... [07:12] primary is a samsung pro drive, I think it's TLC, paid extra because I like my drives reliable... [07:13] secondary is standard western digital black SATA. [07:14] I did let the install medium go through its self check, so that's ruled out. [07:14] memory is CORSAIR, clocked at 2666 mhz, CAS 15, super reliable at that speed. [07:15] CPU is Ryzen 1800x, (post segfault issue RMA) [07:15] check the legacy mode [07:15] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1214651/unable-to-boot-ubuntu-from-2tb-m2-pcie-nvme-ssd [07:15] I thought legacy was only to work around really old OS installs. [07:15] I don't think there are any settings, didn't get to the point of booting the installed OS. [07:15] I don't know much about, [07:16] BIOS can pull smart mon info from the drive, that's it as far as I can tell. [07:17] Anyway, I am waiting on parts to finish hardware config, then I'll revisit the install. [07:18] just wanna watch some anime and go to bed at this point. [07:18] have a good one [07:19] Hi folks :) [07:19] hi [07:19] Good morning [07:20] Good Afternoon πŸ˜… [07:21] @viewer|64, Good Afternoon πŸ™‚ [11:05] brunolopesti was added by: brunolopesti === mike_ is now known as Guest94481 [11:07] info [11:08] system [11:18] Phoibos β€Œβ€Ž was added by: Phoibos β€Œβ€Ž [11:18] 672 [11:18] x958 [11:18] Ε‚958 [11:19] 2471 [11:19] Good Morning to everybody [11:20] I'm having an issue with Dolphin and Gwenview on Kubuntu 20.10 [11:21] With dolphin every time I try to see the preview of a video in the information side panel the appplication crashes [11:22] I tought it might be a problem of codecs so I tried installing both kubuntu and ubuntu resstricted extras to no avail [11:22] Has someone any guess? [11:23] @Phoibos β€Œβ€Ž, Of course also the various gstreamer and libdvd with respective dependencies with no results... [11:36] Hi folks [11:40] πŸ‘‹ === kubuntu is now known as Guest1963 [12:49] triceratux Now have booted from livecd and chroot. Same error when update/initramfs [12:49] root@kubuntu:/# sudo update-initramfs -c -k 5.4.0-60-generic [12:49] update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media [12:49] alias karstenk`` [12:51] Guest1963, triceratux isn't here , he's in the ##linux chat room [12:51] ah thanks wrong room [12:55] cant join linux, but possible someone can help here. sudo update-initramfs -u -k all ends in update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media . Booted from livecd and iam in chroot. [12:58] Guest1963, just click on the double hash tags above [12:59] triceratux nwo iam in chroot from livecd and try reinstalling kernel but that ends in same result update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media [13:00] `` karstenk [13:01] https://paste.centos.org/view/78d60e09 [13:04] Srz BluesKaj clicked, but this Guest is not registered, cant join linux [13:04] but anyway an kubuntu problem [13:09] Is there someone can help with this update-initramfs problem? [13:10] https://paste.centos.org/view/78d60e09 [13:11] installed lvm using complete intel raid1 disc, using standard procedure from kubuntu20.04.01 livecd [13:16] scroll down to the last entries here: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=106563 [13:18] root@kubuntu:/# sudo /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.orig.initramfs-tools -u -k all [13:18] sudo: /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.orig.initramfs-tools: command not found [13:18] root@kubuntu:/# sudo /usr/sbin/update-initramfs -u -k all [13:18] update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media [13:18] that suggestion not working cause there is no orig [13:20] root@kubuntu:/# ls -lsa /usr/sbin/update-initramfs [13:20] 4 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 87 Jan 10 11:30 /usr/sbin/update-initramfs [13:20] 10th of jan is the installation date [13:25] Does the standard kernel not suit to my intel RST Raid or what is the problem here? [13:29] Before 10th of Jan I had running my system with ahci and kernel 5.4.20-generic and all was fine. same hardware, except the two new ssd which I use in raid1 now. [13:44] perhaps you can ask in #ubuntu chat, there are users/helpers there who are more familiar with LVM and Raid setups than we are. [14:58] These 5 Favorite themes of mine: https://store.kde.org/p/1354050/ https://store.kde.org/p/1354062/ https://store.kde.org/p/1371808/ https://store.kde.org/p/1354048/ https://store.kde.org/p/1354044/ wouldn't fully work on Kubuntu. They were causing right-click menu icons to disappear and application menu icons to disappear. Why would themes cause that? Is there a fix for that so they would fully work w/out problems? [14:59] @Cr_OS_Linux_Fan, Does anyone have a answer to my question? [15:18] Hi, is anyone else fining a problem with keyboard events not happening - kubuntu 20.10 - shortcut bindings are ok but nothing happens on ordinary text, mouse is fine, and application menus work, seems to happen with particular apps, emacs, pysolfc and sometimes konsole, [15:19] closing a window sometimes jolts the keyboard back to life - at this moment emacs is not responding - cpu not at all being hammered! === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [17:25] Can anyone suggest a Linux distro with no UI update only security update. I just had an experience, I used a particular part of setting and never used it for a year and then found it difficult to get that setting again, sometimes you don't always have the patience to search around and understand. And also realised why always old people complain about apps having little changed look with update. [17:52] Hello everyone, I recently performed a full backup of my old laptop running Kubuntu 20.04 and extracted a QCOW2 image from the DD bit-per-bit file. I then proceeded transferring the image to my home lab Proxmox server, but now SDDM doesn't work anymore (systemctl status reveals "Auth: sddm-helper exited with 4"). CLI works in tty2. The same image worked on my PC with QEMU via command line. I need to extract data from that [18:01] Also noticed in `journalctl -xe` for sddm-helper: "QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread" (3 times) plus "QObject::InstallEventFilter(): Cannot filter events for objects in a different thread" [18:01] (ups, sddm-greeter this time) [19:29] bryanpedini: you could just loop mount the file systems on ths qcow image and copy the data you need. [19:29] that's if it can be copied this way. [19:30] tomreyn: ye, also as I said, CLI works on tty2, issue is that settings for programs and like "which extensions I have installed in VSCodium" and similar things are hard to extract only by files [19:31] also, dunno why, but QEMU via commandline on my PC works fine (performance are terrible of course), while the same setup (almost) on my Proxmox server (which also uses Qemu+KVM underneath) has black screen with moving cursor but SDDM freaks out... [19:32] that said, I'm able to login into the booted system via TTY2 without graphics if anything (config / logs) is needed to find the issue [19:33] you can post a kernel log: journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:35] the error messages you posted above don't get a lot of hits on a web search, and those are all linked to ARM architectures. is this what you have there? [19:36] x86_64 on standard tower server w/ QEMU+KVM [19:36] kernel log here: https://termbin.com/cepv [19:38] intel_iommu=on is a non default kernel parameter (though i assume it may default to 'on'). did you put it there? [19:39] not to my knowledge [19:40] it's there on your system (cat /proc/cmdline), but not there by default [19:41] "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-62-generic root=UUID=xxxxxxxx ro quiet splash intel_iommu=on vt.handoff=7" that's it [19:42] right, it's also in your log, i just passed the command to you so you can see it's set there. it was probablymanually configured in /etc/default/grub [19:42] you can compare the output to any other ubuntus ystem you may have [19:43] oh, yeah, now I remember, I think I tried to put that there to passthrough my NIC to a QEMU VM on my laptop :) [19:43] do you think removing it is the issue? [19:44] probably not, but i like to point out deviations from defaults as i go through the log (which i'm still doing) [19:44] what are the characteristics of the video device you have configured in qemu? [19:44] sure, thanks [19:44] hi [19:44] display: default, video memory: default [19:45] and is this a recent qemu? [19:46] Proxmox VE 6.3.1 (most recent), also updated, so I guess yes [19:46] this seems to be your graphics card, as seen by the kubuntu system: bochs-drm 0000:00:02.0: fb0: bochs-drmdrmfb frame buffer device [19:47] 2 GB of graphics memory [19:47] wow, that's even more than I anticipated for "default" [19:49] i ifnished readong but don't see any serious problems. [19:50] I rebooted without intel_iommu=on, no change sadly [19:50] maybe if you post a full log, not just a kernel log, or specifically an X log, this could help [19:51] "Xorg.0.log"? [19:51] IIRC then sddm still runs as root, so /var/log/Xorg/Xorg.0.log then, yes [19:51] which kubuntu version is this actually? [19:52] Kub 20.04 - xorg logs: https://termbin.com/n69k (niceee... lol) [19:53] couldn't have hoped for a 69 URL even if asking termbin directly :P [19:55] Failed to open authorization file "/var/run/sddm/{83314ec5-b8cc-4774-9d96-498555f6ed91}": No such file or directory [19:55] this would likely prevent sddm from communicating with X [19:59] sorry, I'm not an X expert, any idea why / how to fix it? [20:03] sorry, i need to take a nap, falling asleep here. but you'll find answers on the web by searching the error message [20:03] look for "Failed to open authorization file /var/run/sddm/" AND "No such file or directory" [20:04] thank you at least for the help already provided [20:04] have a nice sleep tomreyn [20:43] savbran was added by: savbran [20:45] Hy guys, is there an rss feed of kubuntu reporting news related to the next stable update? For example the current 20.04 LTS is receiving updates, no way to have an rss with details of that update? [20:45] 355 [20:45] 0355 [20:49] Hello guys, is there any rss feed reporting kubuntu next update details (e.g. new packages introduced, new package versions)? For example I have kubuntu 20.04 LTS installed, I'd like to know if there is an rss feed reporting details of that update befor I perform the real update on my machine [20:56] any al1ens or t1me travelers here? [21:57] Octo Surp was added by: Octo Surp [22:13] The buttons on my bluetooth headset don't work in kubuntu, how do I activate those buttons? === zxq9 is now known as _zxq9_