
Laneyhow come paths in cgit use \ for separator instead of /?12:55
Laneydoesn't matter, just curious :-)12:55
cjwatsonLaney: it was an upstream change, I dug it up a while back.  Let me see if I can find it13:08
Laneycjwatson: I'm just being nosy really, don't spend time looking unless it's right at hand13:13
cjwatsonLaney: remind me where you see it exactly?13:13
cjwatsonah yes, in <title>13:13
Laneyyeah, interestingly the path in the body still uses \13:14
cjwatsonhttps://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/commit/?id=23f7dadaaba2817c92c42c0a642a3186aa8ef24d   not super-informative as to the reason13:15
cjwatsonIIRC the reversing was to try to get more relevant things earlier in the title13:16
cjwatsonso maybe the backslash is meant as a sort of indication that the path is reversed?  not sure13:16
cjwatsonhowever https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/commit/?id=e23f63461f17aeb770d47d9c3134414e549d1f0e changes it to « instead, so we'll get that eventually13:17
cjwatsonwhen we redeploy on focal, I think13:17
Laneyoh yes, heh, I didn't notice it was reversed13:18
Laneythat makes some sense to me13:19
cjwatsonit's a bit eccentric but I can kind of see the justification13:19
JoBbZIf I delete my PPA on launchpad, can I re-create it with the same name later?23:32
cjwatsonJoBbZ: Yes, once it's finished deleting which might take up to an hour or so23:34
JoBbZgreat, tyvm..23:34
JoBbZI uploaded a bad .orig.tar.gz file, so builds would just constantly fail23:35
JoBbZand no way to replace the orig.tar.gz :/23:35
JoBbZ(with the fixed one)23:35
JoBbZthat I could fine23:35
cjwatsonJoBbZ: It's normally best to just bump the upstream part of the version, adding +repack1 or something23:36
JoBbZbe nice if there was a way to forcefully overwrite it23:38
cjwatsonThat's not planned, sorry, but bumping the version is pretty cheap and is what we normally advise23:39
cjwatsonBut you can delete and recreate the archive if you really prefer23:40
JoBbZyeah, won't be a problem long term. I just didn't realize that the debian packagers actually deleted a number of files from the upstream source tarball, so it wasn't literally an original copy.  Now I know that, I won't hit the issue in the future. :)23:42
JoBbZthanks for the help :)23:44
cjwatsonNo problem.  Yeah, that's sometimes done for DFSG-compliance reasons (though of course it may have been a mistake of some kind, I don't know)23:48
JoBbZyeah, it's because it has RFC stuff in it23:50
JoBbZI assume I'll be able to dput it again after a bit as well? (Right now, it says it was already uploaded to ppa.launchpad.net, even though the PPA disappeared from my site on the web page)23:51
cjwatsonJoBbZ: That's a client-side check - dput -f overrides23:52
cjwatsonJoBbZ: See "man dput"23:52
JoBbZcjwatson: awesome tyvm :)23:56

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