
=== denningsrogue7 is now known as denningsrogue
lordievaderGood morning07:19
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
astxHi, any good tools for doing load testing on a Wordpress site hosted in Nginx web server?11:36
serafeimhello friends12:04
serafeimcan somebody please explain to me (or point me to a resource that explains) the main differences between ubuntu and ubuntu-server?12:05
lotuspsychjeserafeim: maybe it would help to explain your specific use case, so volunteers can think along what you are seeking12:08
serafeimwell i have some experience with ubuntu and i want to use it as a server12:09
serafeimand i wanted to know if ubuntu-server has any major differences from plain ubuntu12:11
serafeimi also have some specific questions about ubuntu-server though12:12
serafeimok here goes nothing: let's suppose i do a basic installation of ubuntu server (no other configurations). will it use a firewall for incoming requests? will it use lvm to configure the filesystems? will it use selinux ?12:15
Maikserafeim: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs12:45
Maikfirst learn what a server is, once you know that i bet you know the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server12:46
iceyhey jamespage, I'm looking at proposing a Ceph patch, I'm guessing I should propose it against the ubuntu/hirsute branch in the git repo?13:04
iceyjamespage: actually, I think it'd be better to pick up the upstream point release for F->H as it's been out for a month, it looks like13:09
iceyjamespage: does the ceph package use any non-release specific branch, or is ubuntu/hirsute the current development target branch?13:11
jamespageI think its all release specific13:12
iceyjamespage: I think I might need more guidance on how to do a ceph point release as it seems that the process we usually use for the OpenStack packages doesn't quite work :-/13:38
c0fecan anyone help me understand where am i screwing up the cat command? cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list\n deb https://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ focal nginx\n deb-src https://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ focal ngin\n EOF18:32
sdezielc0fe: dunno if that's your problem but the "EOF" has to be alone on its line18:39
sdezielthe last nginx is missing an "x"18:39
sdezielbesides, did you know that nginx is provided in the official Ubuntu archives? (and well maintained)18:40
c0fesdeziel: i figured it out, needed to use echo instead of cat18:51
sdezielc0fe: if you have literal '\n' then yes, echo -e is needed18:52
sdezielbut then you don't need EOF18:52
c0feyeah i got it now thanks18:54
xibalbawhats the start of the emphereal range on ubunut ?19:55
sarnoldnet.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 327686099919:58
sarnoldis this the range?19:58
xibalbathank you20:00
xibalbahmm, i disabled router advertisements in netplan 'accept-ra: no', now i can't seem to get out ot the internet via my gateway (pingable) turn RA back on and all is good again. any ideas? not sure this is an ubuntu issue22:10

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