[00:01] Hmm, any reason when using Etcher to burn to USB thumbdrive, FreeBSD-13.0-CURRENT-amd64-20201224-3cc0c0d66a0-255241-memstick.img and FreeBSD-12.2-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img are read and boot from USB thumbdrive on my machine, but debian-10.7.0-amd64-netinst.iso and ubuntu18.04mini.iso aren't read when trying to boot from flashdrive? [00:13] try rufus [00:13] img vs iso [00:15] kk4ewt: For some reason, Etcher doesn't like ISOs but says burning was successful each time === denningsrogue7 is now known as denningsrogue [00:40] do i need to use ubuntu desktop, instead of ubuntu server, if i only face a captive portal for the internet? [01:32] monkwitdafunk: I guess in theory you could use a CLI browser like w3m or links [01:32] should be able to handle navigating most basic login forms but if it relies on javascript it could cause problems === Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto === blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba [02:35] Does anyone know if Anydesk requires your ubuntu box to have a monitor attached? I was able to remote into it whiile attached to a monitor but then as soon as I disconnected the monitor.. I have a black screen on Anydesk -.- [02:38] change max to optimized performance? https://superuser.com/questions/1322627/black-screen-on-anydesk-connection [02:39] else i read a lot of the same issue.. [02:39] they should give answer, we don't get paid for their prop blob [02:42] Oh good idea.. I'm hoping it's not because the monitor is disconnected. I'll check the settings. [03:13] Hi. I've just updated to ubuntu 20.04 from 18.04. My resolution is stuck at some resolution set that looks like it's from the 1980's [03:14] I have an nvidia card. [03:14] How can I fix the resolution? [03:14] bobdobbs: check if your graphics driver is installed properly [03:14] Hi lotuspsychje. How do I do that? [03:14] bobdobbs: sudo lshw -C video [03:15] How do I disover what my driver is [03:15] bobdobbs: and to see wich version, if the driver is loaded; nvidia-smi [03:17] ok... the output of that latter command tells me that it failed because it can't connect with the driver, "make sure the latest nvidia driver is installed" [03:17] I guess that tells me something [03:17] bobdobbs: ok, check ubuntu-drivers list then and pick a version for install [03:18] thanks [03:18] yaaaay thanks Ubuntu for making headless remoting impossible without a HDMI Dummy Plug -.- [03:29] illmortal: i'd say you're mistaken then [03:29] although not sure what "remoting" is exactly [03:30] Pretty much to use a VNC client to remote into a ubuntu box that doesn't have a monitor. Apparently this requires a monitor or a dummy plug in order to view the desktop. Otherwise it's a black screen. [03:31] you can always have a dummy screen [03:37] lotuspsychje Thank you so much! You put me on the right track! [03:37] +1 [03:37] Yeah apparently this bricks Ubuntu boxes: https://askubuntu.com/questions/453109/add-fake-display-when-no-monitor-is-plugged-in [03:38] so I'm a little iffy about doing that. [03:39] .. 2014.. [03:39] assuming that's the only way to create a dummy screen for Ubuntu 20.04. [03:40] there used to be xfvb [03:50] Well guess I can give this dummy display option a try.. if it fails lol I'll just spend the $10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcMaNhHkDp4 === sauvin_ is now known as Sauvin === hacxman is now known as hexo [04:41] So I screwed up and did rm -rf ~ [04:41] is there anyway to fix this or am I screwed? [04:42] ubuntu 20.04 [04:42] my backup failed and I could not find it in testdisk [04:43] lsof | grep "/home/nathaniel" gives me [04:43] bash 2510678 nathaniel cwd DIR 8,2 0 5915646 /home/nathaniel (deleted) [04:43] sudo 2680530 root cwd DIR 8,2 0 5915646 /home/nathaniel (deleted) [05:16] Hey there, fresh install of Ubuntu, followed a tutorial to install per-requisites for lutris, and overwatch, but launching the installer, I am getting non-stop "038c:fixme:dxgi:d3d11_swapchain_Present1 Ignored present parameters 0x71c2e0." - Then the installer does not save battle.net  Anyone know of what would cause this error? I can't find a fix [05:16] :( -thanks in advance. [05:17] you might need vulcan, Bustin ?? [05:17] https://forums.lutris.net/t/solved-unable-to-install-battle-net/5735 [05:18] read the whole post .. [05:27] oerheks, no dice. So weird, never had issues about a month ago, same computer, same everything. The only thing that may have changed, is probably the nvidia driver? [05:37] Quiet in here for being so full of users. [05:38] thinking of getting ubuntu on my second computer, just wondering are there mouse or keyboard or monitor issues with a kdm? [05:39] sorry i meant kvm === Hash is now known as High === tnewman5 is now known as tnewman === megoix4 is now known as megoix [07:50] Hi i am getting mysql error while installing imagmagick [07:50] http://prntscr.com/x70t3r [07:53] My Baby Love [08:35] Hi all. I've just upgraded to 20.04. I'm tweaking some packages to get them to run. One thing I'm missing is the "Save For Web" plugin for gimp. How do I install this 20.04? [08:36] I've found a git repo for it. But the instructions for how to install it don't work: it gives generic instructions on how to use 'configure', but there's no configure script in the repo. [08:37] I used this guide https://www.snel.com/support/install-vnc-ubuntu-16-04/ to install vnc on my ubuntu server 16.04. when I create a session with root user and connect to server thro vncviewer it can see my normal gnome desktop but when I create a vnc session as a regular user I see only a gray screen after connecting with a vnc viewer. any advice? === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 [08:58] hi guys [08:59] is there any env var for TEMP ? [08:59] printenv does not show any TMP TEMP TMPDIR or things like that [09:17] karab44, "/tmp" is default, but you can override it by setting TEMP [09:17] karab44, you can set it permanently https://serverfault.com/questions/72955/how-to-change-default-tmp-to-home-user-tmp [09:23] greetings, as root, even after using ssh-copy-id successfully, I still can't access without a password. What could be wrong? [09:26] Most likely the file permissions are wrong. I don't think ssh-copy-id checks or fixes those [09:27] isomari: on the target system, put the output of this in a pastebin: ls -ld ~/ ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys* === halvors1 is now known as halvors [10:14] have you checked the logs? [10:14] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1051022/every-app-in-my-xubuntu-18-04-deleted-by-tasksel-please-help I did this, any way to recover my OS? [10:14] as in I taskel removed, haven't rebooted still [10:16] for now my idea is to look through dpkg log and just install every removed package? [10:17] geirha: No disrepect intened but the authorized_keys file has no issues. Its only on 3 machines that root to root and root to user are not r=working passwordless. We have many machines all working properly. I was wondering if there is some config outside of the key files that might cause this. [10:17] geirha: user to user and user to root work fine. [10:18] root to everything else is not going. [10:18] rory thank you, my friend! [10:18] isomari: ssh -v [10:21] seems like all my ppa packages are also gone? [10:21] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Tw2FW7Wcb5/ [10:28] oooh, thsi is bullshit, my OS got removed because of a bug known for 10 years https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasksel/+bug/574287 :/ [10:28] Launchpad bug 574287 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "tasksel: forcefully removes packages when tasks overlap" [Undecided,Confirmed] [10:36] so I reinstalled every available package from my dpkg log, but now they are all marked as manually installed :/ [10:36] and there's 2100 packages so yeah [10:36] I'm not going through all of them and deciding one by one which do I need [10:41] any ideas how to undo that and only have the packages i have manually installed marked as manually installed? [10:41] I'm gonna reboot and see if it even boots at all :/ [10:54] aaaaaand some of the stuff kinda works but isn't really back, like I still have chromium browser, but update-alternatives says there's only one app providing x-www-browser and that's ff [10:55] aaaaaaaaaand my bluetooth dongle doesn't seem to work anymore [10:55] so happy with my OS rn [10:55] Hi, I want to run a checkpointing command on a container after a certain amount of memory is used by that container. How can I check the amount of memory used by that container? [11:36] Hi folks [11:58] hi, is there a repository where I can get fresh R 4.0 binaries on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS running on aarch64 [12:18] Do I need and can I get libdvdcss? I use Ubuntu 20.10 [12:19] hi there: How do I identify the initiator for a reoccuring network brisge interface 'br-' with network address [12:19] brisge -> bridge [12:38] hi [12:39] I think I need help for dual boot installation [12:42] hi everyone. When you make a new directory, why is its name placed inside quotation marks? [12:45] Why are names of the new created directories suddenly wrapping with in single quotes? [12:46] Sorry for my disconnection: i think I need help for dual boot installation [12:50] is there someone that can help me? :'( === Tabstar is now known as Tabmow [12:52] Hey does anyone know how to get AMD Navi10 Pro driver support on Ubuntu20.04? [12:53] I really want to use Linux now instead of windows, but if i cant even load DavinciResolve with my Navi10 GPU then im dead in the water... [12:53] anyone know wjhat steps i can take to get this working? [12:55] sputnik369: you can check out this site. https://linuxconfig.org/amd-radeon-ubuntu-20-04-driver-installation [12:55] sputnik369: did you try these: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-amdgpu-unified-linux-20-45 [12:55] thanks taking a look now [12:57] I have a rx560 with official amd drivers, and rocm also works (maybe not any more in future but atm) [12:57] @Ky0sh1r0 i downloaded the Linux drivers from AMD and tried to do the install which failes right at the end and then on numerous support forums i see others have the same issue and the only resolution i found was with one support listing where a guy had to downgrade his uname -r from x.x.x.56 to x.x.x.54 or something, but i am using x.x.x.58-generic and so i found this solution to far distanced from my case. [12:58] Looks like NFS is locking up my filesystem. [13:00] @Ky0sh1r0 perhaps my understanding of the process is insufficient, since i was raised in a microsoft space. but this Rocm is a concept i dont think i understand, as well as the concept of some firmware installation that may/maynot be required for getting this all to work... [13:00] my understanding is i download the driver from AMD, extract it to a normal folder, open terminal from it and sudo amdgup-pro-install and from there i just assume it would be enough? but it fails [13:01] *amdgpu-pro-install* [13:01] i also tried a varient of the install command that uses some headless switch [13:02] also fails at the end [13:04] im using a RX5700 card, so to be fair it isnt even that new anymore the RX6800s are out now so i cant imagine the drivers should be a problem still for my older gen 5700 that im struggling with [13:06] sputnik369: I followed exaclty these steps: https://amdgpu-install.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install-installing.html#installing-the-pro-variant [13:06] short version: ./amdgpu-pro-install -y [13:07] yeah i started with that [13:07] :) [13:07] im just trying @cjoke's manual quick again now [13:07] rocm is just for machine learning purposes, so if you don't do that, you won't need it ;) [13:08] ok cool yeah i just need video card GPU to be detected on DavinciResolve [13:08] the default Ubuntu20.04 Radeon drivers dont work for the Application [13:20] why ubuntu preserves the /etc/init.d folder? [13:20] it uses systemd, right? so ... why this sysvinit folder? [13:22] wyre, https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man8/systemd-sysv-generator.8.html [13:23] so even old software that has never been ported to systemd can be supported ... === goddard_ is now known as goddard [13:30] Hi, why if I run on terminal: `xfce4-terminal --maximize --hold -e "sudo renice -n -20 -p $(pidof twinkle)"` works, but if I run same command inside a [Desktop Entry] not works! [13:30] xfce4-terminal --maximize --hold -e "sudo renice -n -20 -p $(pidof twinkle)" [13:32] ogra, so cron is old software? there is some newer projects like cronie [13:36] wyre, systemd timers are supposed to eventuall replace cron i think [13:36] +y [13:43] wyre: hello [13:43] iola, hi [13:43] What version of ubuntu are you using or wondering about? [13:43] iola, 20.04 [13:44] Certain versions have cron utilities preinstalled, namely version BEFORE systemd-timers was implemented. [13:45] Ubuntu's `cron` package is the debian package `cron` which is forked/patched version of Vixie Cron 3.0 [13:45] well, it will surely still be a while til cron is completely gone from a default install [13:46] and once that happens i'd expect some transition to happen too (i.e. automatically turning cronjobs into systemd timers at release upgrade time) === spiri_ is now known as spiri [13:49] ogra, iola, I see, so .. cron is still installed in a default install, right? [13:49] That being said, the default installation installs cron 3.0p11-1236ubunt1 and anacron 2.3-29 for ubuntu 20.04 [13:49] Yes. [13:49] yeah [13:50] and it's a forked version of Vixie Cron 3.0 [13:50] Now, wyre... why were you asking about this is arch? [13:50] ? [13:50] Yes [13:50] and the earliest it would drop wuld be with 22.04 [13:50] iola, I was comparing both cron implementations, cronie with cron implementation used in Ubuntu [13:50] *Dropped from the default install, that is. [13:50] right [13:51] Unless you are looking for _very_ specific tooling differences, they are essentially managed in the same manner. [13:53] iola, I know, but the point is that cronie does work with systemd, while cron implementation in Ubuntu uses https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man8/systemd-sysv-generator.8.html to generate its corresponding systemd units [13:54] well, thats only for starting the cron daemon [13:54] it wont translate cronjobs [13:55] cron itself will still work exactly the way it always did ... it will just be started by a generated systemd unit instesd of a sysv script [13:56] *instead [14:03] ^++ [15:11] my scanner (samsung c480w) does not work with simple scan. it is found as WSD device and it starts scanning but i get an error when it should save the scanned document [15:12] it says (in german, translated to english by myself): scanning failed. error with the communication with the scanner [15:13] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DK8qwdMFxD/ [15:25] Is it already possible to upgrade to ubuntu 21? [15:25] my default application for http/https links is chromium, but firefox opens when i click in thunderbird on any link [15:27] I want to upgrade, because in 21, ubuntu will make the home folders private, inaccessible to unwanted users. [15:27] anyway, is this rigth? [15:29] depending on what you understand under "private", you can already do that [15:31] why not issue a chmod command now to do that [15:31] a user folder under /home should be accessible only to that users, anyone else. If I create a second user, I can access the home folders of other users on the same machine. [15:31] I would expect it to be protected by access rights deffault [15:33] I would expect the home folder to be protected by deffault [15:34] I mean only the owner, should be able to access it [15:34] if I execute a command with sudo, my computer waits 20 seconds before I am prompted to write a password. What's wrong with my computer? [15:36] When I look at echo $DISPLAY, I get :1, when I suspected I'd get :0. Is there a way to inspect all available x servers running? I only seem to have the one process, is there something else at :0? [15:37] wawrek: IIRC Ubuntu changed it in a way that other users can access (Read only) other user's home directory. This includes subfolders and files as well (Ofcourse as Read only) [15:38] well by default that is [15:39] jayjo-: :1 isn't wrong.. [15:40] Your_Dog: I don't want other users to access my files by default. In this case, is it safe to play with chmod on the level of home folders? [15:42] hmmh, this is indeed a tricky question, tricky because I'm assuming most distro-level applications will expect this behavior or has been modified in a way to take advantage of this behavior. [15:42] Then again I don't think there are apps that really do that now. [15:43] I guess, I have to be careful while changing access permissions on a home folder... [15:43] I have heard that ubuntu 21 will change the implementation of home folders. Is that so? [15:44] I don't think so but perhaps I am wrong [15:46] I found this here: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/01/private-home-directory-in-ubuntu-21-04 [15:46] Maybe I am wrong [15:49] well that would be certainly an interesting one, IIRC there where alot of people that hated that they changed how default permission works for home folder. I mean I think only Ubuntu (and majority of its derivatives) have this as their default permission. [15:55] other Linux distros don't share the same permissions system for user's home folders? [15:56] I thought it was implemented that way accross all of the linux ecosystem [15:58] wawrek: usually home dirs are 755 but seems that with 21.04 they will be 750 [15:59] if I execute a command with sudo, my computer waits 20 seconds before I am prompted to write a password. is this normal? [15:59] 20.10 [15:59] Yes [16:00] wawrek: You have nothing to worry about. [16:00] wawrek: linux doesn't care about the permissions you set for your homedir [16:00] wawrek: The rest of us linux users defaul to 700. 750 from 755 will cause you zero problems. [16:00] thanks for the info [16:00] chmod -R o= ~ [16:00] This is because sudo is bloat. Get doas here: https://github.com/slicer69/doas [16:00] can I use 700? [16:01] Doas is just a faster sudo alternative [16:01] wawrek: why? [16:01] the primary group should be your own group [16:01] Yep, so 7770 [16:01] I just thought I want it to be more restricive [16:01] it's not more restrictive [16:01] Oh wait 770 [16:01] No not 770 [16:01] Stop with the rediculousness. [16:01] With this Linux... Are there a VPN that is free that has a GUI? [16:02] iola: how do you mean? [16:02] 750 will allows users assigned to YOUR group to be able to read and execute files in your home directory. But only users assigned to YOUR group. [16:03] 700, and only YOU and root can see, enumerate, read, write, and execute files in your home direcory. [16:03] @iola Ubuntu comes with gnome-control-center preinstalled, this is called "settings" [16:03] MLKVA51-: VPN is a protocol (or a collection of protocols really), you'll need a server and a client to use it. what you arer referring to is a hosted vpn, usually sold as a (software as a service). ubuntu only provides software, not services. [16:03] (the only user in your group is you) [16:03] Changing from 755 -> 750 or even more restrictive 700 is perfectly fine. [16:03] thanks [16:03] @iola you can add ovpn files there [16:03] < looking for a BSD chan, that people are really talking in, other than waiting in line [16:03] that's what I wanted to know [16:03] It wont even effect gnome [16:04] sounds good ;) [16:04] And you should never put ovpn files anywhere other than /etc/openvpn/client [16:04] if you run the command I showed you, you'll make it restrictive [16:04] without all the octal nonsense [16:04] !alis | MLKVA51- [16:04] MLKVA51-: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [16:04] agvantibo66: You are incredibly misinformed to standard practices for securing and safely operating a single user system. [16:05] Now I remember why I never idle here anymore [16:05] * agvantibo66 winced [16:05] frad: that's unexpectedly long [16:06] MLKVA51-: there is #freebsd, #openbsd [16:06] tomreyn, so, any way to solve it? [16:06] frad: check your logs, i.e. run journalctl -f in a temrinal window, then run a sudo command in another, and post the output added to the journal to the ubuntu pastebin [16:06] (and share the link here) [16:08] frad: do /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname have the same hostname? [16:12] frad: i have to leave for now, will be back later, but there are others here who can help when you provide actionable info, such as error messages from the logs. [16:18] * agvantibo66 Begs for +o [16:19] Is uninstalling sudo and using doas a good idea on Ubuntu 20.04 [16:20] Huh? [16:21] * agvantibo66 Waits nervously [16:21] agvantibo66: I'd guess many packages/apps depend on sudo [16:23] agvantibo66: no, it is not a good idea. Unless you are keen on modifying your distribution beyond what is supported here. [16:23] mefistofeles Does apt prompt that this package is a dependency, or it just grinds everything silently? [16:23] agvantibo66: why do you feel the need to replace sudo? [16:24] It's quite slow. Doas is faster. I already installed doas and aliased sudo to it, but I just don't want anything not needed laying around [16:26] agvantibo66: doas is not supported here. You would be on your own [16:26] thanks leftyfb. I'll just leave it as is. [16:27] * agvantibo66 Waves to TheFu and recognizes him as an Ubuntu Forums moderator [16:27] if sudo is slow for you, you probably have other problems [16:27] since it is not slow in general [16:27] Haha maybe [16:29] When I use up 4gb of ram for VMs, and run pycharm, firefox, and zoom symultaneously (On 8 gb total), everything is quite slow [16:29] :/ [16:30] just built a new system, 64 GB RAM... was surprisingly cheap [16:30] I can't [16:30] only around 320 CHFr for DDR4-ECC DIMMs [16:30] (4x16) [16:30] I am actually 14 yrs old. And live in Russia. Figures... [16:31] So no ram upgrades [16:31] then maybe VMs might not be the optimal thing to run [16:31] Yep [16:32] maybe something like lxc containers are cheaper, if they work for you [16:32] But I need android x86 for games, like free among us [16:33] I have thought changing the hypervisor from Virtualbox to something lighter, like QEMU, but i've never had the time [16:34] I have tried the AQEMU GUI once, but didn't like it. And I just don't want to mess with one-page long qemu commands (If I don't use the GUI) [16:36] agvantibo66: among us is $4.99 USD on Steam on Ubuntu [16:37] I'm a total cheapskate. If I can save a few bucks for the "inconvenience" of 5 minutes of vm lag a day, I'll save. [16:42] pavlos, wow, no... different hostnames... [16:43] frad: they should the same === cbreak_ is now known as cbreak === agvantibo66 is now known as agvant1b0 [16:44] 'bit more leet, just a bit [16:44] pavlos, so how comr hostnamectl doesn't change hostnames systemwide? [16:46] frad try sudo nano /etc/hostname, see for yourself, change for yourself === pauljw_18 is now known as pauljw === Researcher-- is now known as Researcher- === megoix0 is now known as megoix === dtomato3 is now known as dtomato [16:50] frad: sudo hostnamectl set-hostname newNameHere will change /etc/hostname but not /etc/hosts [16:50] pavlos, exactly that I was thinking now [16:50] so I need to change /etc/hosts [16:52] I have four empty nvme disks that I would like to use as scratch for very fast writing (scientific program, don't care at all about redundancy). Do you think I would get better performance using LVM to make a JBOD, or mdadm to make a software raid0 ? [16:52] frad: yes and restart to make sure all is well, then sudo should be immediate [16:57] pavlos, we don't understand each other. I dont know ho to change /etc/hosts [17:01] frad: cat /etc/hostname what is your hostname? [17:02] frad: then sudo edit /etc/hosts, thesamename [17:02] frad: use an editor you're familiar with (nano, vi, ...) [17:02] pavlos, would it work with geany? I open /etc/hostname with geany and save it [17:03] frad: sure [17:03] but I need to do it as sudo pavlos ... [17:03] correct? [17:04] frad: yes since you're modifying /etc [17:14] octav1a: wouldn't take you long to run it both ways and measure speed. [17:21] octav1a: zfs :) [17:30] I cannot install Ubuntu 20.04.1-desktop-amd64 . I do not get the screen to earse disk and encrypt it jumps to the screen where my HDD is not listed. However I can install Windows on the same 1TB seagate HDD. [17:31] I don't know whether anyone here read the conversation between me and Jeremy31 here yesterday about a non-bootable 20.04.1 after upgrading packages on a new install of the desktop iso? [17:31] I wanted to let you know that i could fix the broken boot on apt upgrade after a new install of 20.04.1, by doing the following: [17:31] Removing the package "linux-modules-nvidia-440-generic-hwe-20.04" first, then apt update && apt install --reinstall linux-generic, then reboot, then apt update && apt upgrade, then reboot again. [17:31] After this there is no 5.8 installed anymore, and 20.04.1 can just reboot again normally. [17:31] Probably a lot users here know how this works already, and don't need it, but i just wanted to let you know that it /does/ fix this problem. Thank Jeremy31 for the help. Bye! [17:31] :) [17:32] Never has any problem with Ubuntu so far [17:32] I have multiple monitors that are in extended mode on 20.04. All is well until the system times out and goes to the lock screen. When I unlock the desktop the monitors act like they are in "mirror" mode. Display settings still shows "extended" and I have to apply "mirror" mode and revert the change to bring them back. Anyone else experiencing this or have a fix? [17:35] Each time I boot I see ir checks the disk (bootable usb by rufus) all is good [17:35] Any solution ? [17:36] pavlos, thanks, it worked [17:36] anibic: try looking in your BIOS and see if there's a RAID enabled. Or try toggling EFI [17:36] I have made it MBR not GPT. [17:37] I disble URFI in bios and CSM always and Boot legacy only [17:40] I have made the bootable usb by rufus as MBR and have CSM support=always, Storage Boot =Legacy only, [17:40] frad: good [17:42] anibic: I would not use rufus. Try etcher.io [17:45] cbreak: zfs on raid0 of jbod? [17:45] is that non-journaled? [17:45] or* [17:59] octav1a: zfs on raw disks [17:59] zfs has its own version of "journal" [18:27] what am i screwing up with this command? cat < /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list\n deb https://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ focal nginx\n deb-src https://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ focal ngin\n EOF [18:30] i am not familiar with the cat command [18:33] c0fe: what are you trying to accomplish? [18:38] c0fe: you can just open that file in a text editor and add those lines yourself... [18:38] you don't have to use shell IO redirection and here-files [18:39] or if lazy, use echo -e [18:50] c0fe: you need sudo [18:55] pavlos: i figured it out, with echo -e but i am running as root anyways [18:56] ok, bizarre: my machine does not reply to ping. iptables: accept/accept/accept (ufw status: inactive). /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all is 0. and I can see icmp echo requests coming in tcpdump [18:57] sed s/in tcpdump/via tcpdump/g [18:59] Mava42: pls describe your network, is the machine local? is it over vpn? [19:00] pavlos: local, [19:01] Mava42: so machine could be and you ping this ip from another local machine and ping fails [19:01] true, other way round it works nicely [19:01] so from .1.20 to .1.10 works, 1.10 to 1.20 fails, both can ping .1.1 [19:03] Mava42: are both linux systems? [19:03] both [19:03] 1.10 deb and 1.20 ubuntu 20.04 [19:05] can you ssh deb and paste 'ip addr' and 'ip route'? [19:05] no I wont, its meaningless [19:06] this feels like a firewall or so problem in the Focal [19:07] how do i tell if my ubuntu server issues are kernel related, my kern.log going back to december 27th are riddled with NMI, MCE, stalled CPU, etc errors. There's not really a reason this should be happening, the computer is clean, it runs stress tests, but when it starts handling guest VMs it starts freaking out [19:08] it's running 4.4.0-200 [19:08] hmm, also it seems that if I open e.g. port 12345 using nc on the focal, I cannot connect to it. only seeing "TCP syn" flags in the tcpdump [19:09] genewitch: MCE usually means hardware is failing [19:10] genewitch: the rasdaemon package has a ras-mc-ctl command that might be able to tell you more about your MCEs [19:16] BRB DC doing a reboot of this hyper [19:17] sarnold: thank you [19:23] Mava42: https://termbin.com/0xuw [19:35] Trying to figure out why my Lenovo P620 will boot from any FreeBSD .img burned to a flashdrive but not an ubuntu ISO... I'm using etcher to burn [19:35] And of course the box is set to boot USB flashdrives before the HDD [19:36] gartt: did you verify the checksum of the downloaded ubuntu install .iso against the website? [19:37] etcher is good for ensuring the iso you have properly lands on the installer media, but that's step #2, first you need to verify the download is in a good condition. [19:38] tomreyn: I verified that a macbook booted from the same ubuntu thumbdrive fine, so it shouldn't be an integrity issue [19:40] gartt: that's not a proper test, though [19:42] tomreyn: Agreed, but when downloading one of the ISOs such as https://ubuntu.com/download/server ubuntu server, it just prompts me to download, and there's no hashsum visible to match against [19:43] I retract that, sorry. Big fat button that says Verify === agvantibo67 is now known as agvantibo66 [19:49] Is somebody using Windows 10 here? Is there a window manager to get rid of the unspeakable start menu? [19:49] o.k. wrong channel [19:50] lol [19:50] there is, but we dare not speak its name [20:04] tomreyn: Just downloaded the latest server ISO, and ubuntu-20.10-live-server-amd64.iso: OK <-- verified fine === gelswippe is now known as gelswip [20:36] is good plesk for ubuntu ? [20:41] Hi! [20:42] When I install the NVIDIA driver 460 (latest) and reboot I get a black screen. I already disabled the nouveau driver, that isn't it. I have no Optimus. No 2 GFX cards, only one that is supported officially by the NVIDIA driver (from the nvidia website). It's a GTX 2070 SUPER mobile / Max-Q [20:43] When I boot into livecd (usb stick) and chroot into my disk and remove all nvidia packages it is fixed again and I get my GUI back [20:43] When I install version 390 then I get a 800x600 display and I dont know how to change that to native resolution. [20:43] What now? [20:44] I have tried most solutions but they end up telling you to reinstall the latest version of the nvidia drivers [20:44] I can not get into a TTY with Ctrl + Alt + F1-F7 [20:44] So I can not check my log files to see why it is giving me a black screen [20:45] I also do not own a monitor so I can't check if other displays work :( (a suggestion on askubuntu.com) [20:45] I also tried the driver from the nvidia website but it told me to use the ubuntu one instead [21:08] How can I easily rename a file to include the creation date (not the modification date)? === Aavar_ is now known as Aavar [21:13] Aavar: are you sure that your filesystem supports recording the creation date? not all filesystems do [21:14] sarnold: This is Ext4... i'm not sure. I figured out a way to not change the date after unpacking the file, so now it's the same date :) [21:15] woot [21:15] (Actually, that was on NTFS before the upload. Anyway, Problem solved ;)) [21:17] Aavar: stat(1) emits "Birth: -" for my systems.. depending upon how many of these things you need to do, a bit of awk / grep / sh / kind of stuff around stat might work okay. but if you've got hundreds or thousands, it'd probably be better to write a tool in python or rust or go or something [21:36] Anyone know of a launcher where I can run bash scripts from the menubar [21:37] hi, how do install debug symbols for libsdl2? [21:41] wow... ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ## wants to remove "libnvidia-compute-450 mesa-vulkan-drivers ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop xorg". [21:42] janisozaur: hopefully these has something useful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages [21:42] which probably is a mess by me removing "linux-modules-nvidia-440-generic-hwe-20.04". Which i did to fix a boot issue... [21:44] i don't want to install the 5.8 kernel on 20.04.1... anything i can do to fix this? [21:46] seems i can install 5.8 and configure grub to boot the 5.4 version [21:47] coconut: try this: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-20.04- linux-generic [21:47] i do think someone needs to fix the repo though if you ask me [21:48] it was an intentional choice to upgrade to 5.8 kernels, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_Desktop [21:48] sarnold, yeah but with that the 5.8 kernel gets installed right? Well if i do that and boot it too, my system does not boot.... [21:49] coconut: note the - at the end of linux-generic-hwe-20.04- [21:53] sarnold, yeah but that edge version does not work with my laptop [21:54] coconut: note that when you use apt install foo- apt will *uninstall* foo. [21:55] sarnold, yeah but i do not have that kernel installed [21:55] and linux-generic already is [21:55] coconut: oh. I thought it was installing that kernel that broke you :) [21:59] sarnold, it did... and so i fixed that by a reinstall and removed linux-generic-hwe-20.04 before apt update && apt upgrade. [21:59] but now ubuntu-drivers does not like to do its stuff [22:01] It means that from 20.04.2 release Ubuntu Desktop will gain new major kernel versions every 6 months through to summer of 2022. [22:01] A bit confusing since it mentions the second point release and it hasn't been released yet [22:03] yeah [22:05] jeremy31, so if install that kernel and configure grub to boot the 5.4 it will fix itself? [22:07] coconut: What is wrong with the driver manager? [22:08] jeremy31, it installs essential packages [22:08] libnvidia-compute-450 mesa-vulkan-drivers ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop xorg [22:08] *uninstalls [22:10] coconut: You might be able to reinstall that nvidia hwe package and see what happens. I did a dependency check and it only depends on itself [22:11] jeremy31, ok will do that tomorrow, my bed calls now [22:11] thanks jeremy31 [22:16] Put both ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso and ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso on usb thumbdrives, and nothing - didn't read at boot and booted to HDD. ubuntu-20.10-live-server-amd64.iso did boot from usb thumbdrive, but I got a TPM interrupt not working, polling instead error. Brand new Lenovo P620 [22:17] Debian wouldn't boot either. FBSD installed perfectly, but hardware support sucked for my ethernet card [22:24] gartt: sounds like a hardware / more likely firmware problem. how did you "put [those isos] on usb thunbdrives", though? and diy ou verify the checksums for thos eimages as well (you only discussed 20.10 server in terms of ISO checksum verification so far). [22:25] also, is the firmware of this computer up to date? [22:25] and you should be able to disable TPM in the mainboard firmware setup menu (UEFI/legacy BIOS setup menu) [22:26] hmm, re the 20.04 releases, I wonder if that processor supports an OS that old [22:26] there's a consistent murmur of amd chips with problems booting OSes unless they're brand-spanking-new, I've never understood why exactly [22:26] tomreyn: I tried Ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator, Etcher, and dd, and the 3 gave identical results; what worked on one will work using all methods, and what didn't work on any of them didn't work on any others, so at lesat that was consistent [22:26] it feels like the sort of thing that'd kill a processor in the marketplace [22:27] sarnold: This is a Threadripper Pro, so it's a pretty new chip [22:27] yeah [22:27] However, FBSD usually utterly sucks at hardware, and it installed fine, except for the ethernet card [22:27] 20.04.1 has a *somewhat* recent kernel, i think [22:28] tomreyn: 20.04 was ignored and didn't boot while ubuntu-20.10 did but gave me the TPM error [22:28] gartt: okay, this explains how you wrote the iso's to the installer media. it doesn'T explain whether you checked checksums. [22:28] so try 20.10 again, but disable tpm [22:31] tomreyn: I checked checksums and they were fine [22:32] ok! [22:35] So I'm stumped [22:35] https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/thinkcentre_pdf/ts_p620_ubuntu_linux_20.04_installation_v1.0.pdf [22:37] ^ first hit on a web search for "Ubuntu Lenovo P620" [22:37] tomreyn: Thanks a lot. I'd disabled secure boot earlier, but Power on the system and press the function F12key when the Lenovo splash screen appears [22:37] I'll give that a shot [22:56] Hi all Newb here so apologies in advance if I ask a dull question [22:57] I'm having issues getting an icmp echo reply from my Ubuntu VM [22:57] Anyone come across this? [22:59] MartinG: how did you set up the networking? [22:59] MartinG: some of the networking modes only transmit tcp, not icmp; can you do tcp things with it? [22:59] gartt: https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/202006-28010 [22:59] Its an Ubuntu v20 VM that im using in a GNS3 lab environment so it just has a basic ipconfig [23:00] anyone know of a way to set a custom keybinding? I want to map my Ctrl+e key so that it send the End key when pressed. Is this possible? [23:00] I can ping a directly connected interface but nothing else [23:00] !yy.mm | MartinG [23:00] MartinG: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [23:01] 20.04.1 LTS [23:03] Ok sorry wrong room [23:03] Actually no its not :) [23:04] So I have run a tcpdump session and I can see reemote ping requests coming into the VM [23:04] but no replys leaving [23:04] MartinG: so, by default, an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installation would respond to ICMP Echo Requests [23:05] So either your Ubuntu installation isn't a default one (custom image / installer), you or someone or somethjing has since modified the installations' configuration, or, maybe most likely, something in this lab network doesn't pass through those packets. [23:06] Its odd behaviour but thanks anyway [23:06] The ICMP request is traversing the nodes to get to the Ubuntu Client because I can see them [23:06] sudo tcpdump -i ens39 -qtln icmp [23:07] IP > ICMP echo request, id 49155, seq 1, length 64 [23:07] IP > ICMP echo request, id 49155, seq 2, length 64 [23:07] And that node is 2 hops away [23:10] tomreyn: Thanks again [23:47] my 20.04 system likes to drop my wifi after a period of time. Doesn't happen when I boot to windows. Anyone have an idea on how to troubleshoot? [23:47] shinobi: Check in terminal to see if power management is enabled> iwconfig [23:49] jeremy31: yes power management is on [23:50] shinobi: in terminal> sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf && systemctl restart network-manager.service [23:50] shinobi: that will disconnect you for a second or 2 [23:51] let's test it out [23:54] jeremy31: Done. Should be easy to test, I shouldn't see reconnection attempts with my irc client [23:55] Thanks!! [23:55] shinobi: check iwconfig again [23:55] jeremy31: It shows off [23:55] shinobi: good [23:58] I have multiple monitors that are in extended mode on 20.04. All is well until the system times out and goes to the lock screen. When I unlock the desktop the monitors act like they are in "mirror" mode. Display settings still shows "extended" and I have to apply "mirror" mode and revert the change to bring them back. Anyone else experiencing this or have a fix?