[16:32] OvenWerks: So, bad news: python3-cffi is in main, so I can't trigger a rebuild on that one. I can't even upload a fix for an SRU for that. Which means.... [16:33] @teward001: ^ python3-cffi in Groovy Main needs a no-change rebuild. It's built against the wrong cffi. [17:16] is there a bug for it yet? [17:53] if NOT you need to put in an SRU :P [17:57] @Eickmeyer ^ [17:57] oh and sil agrees so ;) [17:57] E:NOACTION without SRU [18:13] teward: Ok, I can do. [19:59] Plasma 5.21 beta is out on Thursday. Assuming test builds of it show no huge breaking bugs, I plan to put that in 21.04 archive to get as much testing coverage as possible. [19:59] however, do expect bugs :P [20:00] any objections, please shout [20:04] Hi, I just installed U-Studio, no internet connection just running the install into a partition from the USB Flash drive. At the end I received an error. Something about about unable to locate a package [20:06] zram-config.  Installation abort. [20:06] I tried again, go to the desktop,run the installer. [20:06] Same error. [20:06] So, I gave up, choose restart, remove the Flashdrive and leave the room. When I return Ubuntu Studio started as if it never showed any error :) [20:07] Tido: Wrong room. This is for development collaboration, not support. Please go to #ubuntustudio. Thanks. [20:08] Thank you but I don't need support. It runs. This is an error on the installer. [20:08] Can I upload a picture here? [20:08] technically you should post the picture on some other image hosting platform and then link to it [20:09] we don't really have a direct 'upload' function because IRC [20:10] Thank you I just fiddle with my G-Drive [20:11] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XOZmKwWedWlmBMVVZtWxFy8Iu8-qfbdt/view?usp=sharing [20:14] Eickmeyer: ^ fixable if you tack a `—force` into the command line [20:15] @teward001: Yep, not the first time I've seen someone run into this. I completely installs but it shows that. [20:20] By the way, beautiful installer and desktop. Didn't dive into it by now but at first glance really nice (y) [20:51] Tido: Thank you very much!