[00:54] Bug #1912415 opened: [feature] easy imaging from MAAS web UI [06:09] hi all [06:09] how to get the configs of registered nodes from cli ? [09:13] hi al [09:13] how to get the configs of registered nodes from maas cli ? [09:14] also how to log into the posrgres db of maas ? [09:14] i want to collect the node configs from the maas cli instead of the GUI for reports [14:15] is anyone online here ? [15:01] is anyone online here ? [17:16] Bug #1912517 opened: Core usage by numa node doesn't show actual used cores [20:05] Bug #1912529 opened: Searching(GUI) for machines with the name starting with number does not work in version 2.8.2 [21:11] Bug #1912534 opened: Cannot reinstall maas-region-controller bc unable to connect to Postgres