[01:13] anyone around who may know some finer edge cases of HTTP? Specifically, I did not think this is possible, but someone has sent me a pcap that they claim a browser or maybe curl generated in which the response is started to be written before the request body is completed and it is not a 100-CONTINUE request. [01:13] I'm trying to figure out if this is out of spec or some edge extension. Headers include X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest X-Sstream: yes [01:19] That seems unlikely, but wondering what server that might be? [01:20] Also wondering if there's some weird caching going on [01:31] turns out the headers are just side effect of the particular client. [01:32] I admit I’m struggling to read https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#the-send()-method and I can’t tell if it is allowed or not. [14:57] howdy ya'll [15:13] howdy [15:13] CHC tonight [15:17] yah buddy, got some errands to run but should be getting on [15:18] found an old webcam at my parents place too so i'll be trying that out [15:20] how old? [15:22] Something called a "quick cam" [15:23] so old that it doesn't have a model number on it, some logitch one that the only other text on it is "HD 720p" [15:23] <_stink_> takes 35mm film? [15:23] <_stink_> :D [15:23] lmao [15:23] i wish, get me a web cam that makes look like a wes anderson movie [15:23] Connects via parallel port [15:23] <_stink_> kickstart it [15:23] <_stink_> $$$ [15:24] Gameboy Camera [15:24] dang i wanted one of those so bad growing up [15:24] with the little printer [15:26] hd 720p, so not THAT old ;) [15:27] it think its at least 10 years old, [15:27] so thats old for me [15:29] i have a microsoft lifecam that I still use occasionally that connects to USB and makes a terrible, terrible picture by standards of even a few years ago. :) [15:31] microsoft lifecam nx3000 i had to look it up. lul [15:36] i just found the model number logitech C270 [15:42] oh yeah, that was a popular model. Those are pretty great. [15:42] I'm sure it will be fine for my ugly mug lol [19:16] I was looking at https://github.com/juju/charmstore/blob/v5/go.mod because I was curious about the old ways, and I'm wondering... JWT instead of macaroons? no websockets? i'm so confused. what has happened? [23:32] anyone remember early 2000s? when people still bought CDs adn ripped mp3 and I swear with ipod apple had some 3 word phrase that included the word rip in it. [23:33] ___, rip, ___ [23:33] what was the 3 word phrse? [23:33] buy, rip, listen? [23:33] I swear it was apple's ipod mantra [23:35] rip sync listen?