
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
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RadSurferHow can I use Console to see if there's an update for Stellarium01:02
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sarnoldRadSurfer: if you take a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/stellarium you'll see the package has never had an update in any of the currently-supported ubuntu releases01:05
sarnoldRadSurfer: probably there's no one from the community tending to the stellarium package, so it's unlikely you'll get updates to it01:06
sarnold(yeah yeah past performance is no guarantee of future performance and all, but it'd be unlikely, I think)01:06
RadSurferWindows is moving ahead! No fair!01:06
RadSurferThere must be a console command I can issue to check if the repositories has an update, or at least report latest version for, Stellarium.01:07
sarnoldapt-get update && apt-cache show stellarium01:07
sarnoldRadSurfer: if you want a version of stellarium that isn't tied to the distribution release, someone has packaged it as a snap https://snapcraft.io/stellarium-daily01:10
sarnoldshinobi: pong01:10
RadSurfernot found of snaps01:10
sarnoldthey released a version december 30, so they do more updates than our imports from debian01:10
shinobiAnyone running polari? I can't see the chats. I can message users though.01:10
RadSurfer{ stellarium/focal,now 0.19.3-1build1 amd64 [installed] }01:12
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bobdobbsHi all. I recently upgraded my webdev rig from 18.04 to 20.04. I'm having a major issue with mariadb. It keeps crashing. This is a typical error log, logging between the latest start and crash: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/qNyJNFccQ8/02:02
bobdobbsIt's kinda odd. I can't really see why the server is crashing. It returns errors on some db tables... but I don't see why a table with errors should crash the server itself.02:04
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leumashmHi i have a question, if i have a physical ubuntu server, how do i migrate it to aws ec2?03:41
lotuspsychjeleumashm: you might wanna visit #ubuntu-server to meet the server volunteers03:51
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signofzetaActually, going off of @leumashm's question, can I back up an EC2 instance to something (like a local file) so I could restore it elsewhere?04:29
signofzetaI'll also go to #ubuntu-server.  Just wondering if anyone knew some dd | ssh magic.04:33
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gnUserHi guys I can't find this path on Ubuntu 20.04 (need to patch something).. "usr/share/alsa-card-profile/mixer/paths/"    does anyone knoe where the alsa-card-profiles folder resides in ubuntu 20.04?05:30
gnUsernvm found it05:33
ksynwaHello. Sorry if this question is strange but is there a way to completely disable the "Software Updater" thing on 20.04? Often I need to use apt but I am locked out because of it.05:42
ksynwaOr any other workarounds are welcome.05:42
Sauvinksynwa, does it update automatically?05:46
ksynwaNot on its own but it shown me that updates are available. Sauvin05:47
ForceMultiplierI setup a new Ubuntu 18.04 droplet on DigitalOcean and I cannot for the life of me SSH into it... I am using Putty and right after I type my username it says "No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)" ... I have tried every solution I could think of searching for on Google05:48
SauvinForceMultiplier, I think there's a #digitalocean on OFTC.05:48
ForceMultiplierwhats OFTC?05:49
SauvinAn IRC net, like Freenode.05:49
ForceMultiplierRegardless, I don't think its an issue with DO05:51
ForceMultiplierits a basic ubuntu 18.04 install05:52
ForceMultipliermy /etc/ssh/ssh_config and sshd_config both say "PasswordAuthentication Yes"05:54
wttffffany advice how to get sounds to work on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS when using Dell XPS 17 (9700)05:58
SauvinForceMultiplier, I think you can access your droplet from a web interface.06:00
ForceMultiplierSauvin, correct, thats how I know whats in the ssh config files06:00
SauvinIs that password authentication line uncommented?06:01
SauvinHave you made any changes at all to those configs since installing ubuntu on that droplet?06:04
ForceMultiplierother than change it from No to Yes, no06:04
SauvinDid you then restart sshd?06:05
SauvinWhat OS are you using to ssh to the droplet from?06:06
ForceMultiplierI just figured it out, none of the DO articles or google results had this06:07
SauvinWhat did you find?06:07
ForceMultiplierthere was a line that said "AuthenticationMethods publickey" in sshd_config06:07
ForceMultiplierchanged that to just say password06:10
SauvinYou'll need to figure out how to generate public and private keys from Windows and how to copy the PUBLIC key to your DO in ~/.ssh.06:10
SauvinYou're OK with making a brute force attack easier?06:10
ForceMultiplier;) i had this all working on my old DO droplet06:11
ForceMultipliernot sure why it didnt like my keys06:11
ForceMultiplierbut i'll figure that out later06:11
SauvinYeah, can't help with Windows or with Putty.06:12
ForceMultiplierno problem, appreciated06:13
ksynwaI am trying to install 32 bit graphic drivers for AMD on Ubuntu 20.04 following the instructions here: https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/InstallingDrivers.md#amd--intel06:35
ksynwaWhen I try to `sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386`, I get this error message: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bT4jKfjRZp/plain/06:36
ksynwaAny idea if there is something I can do about this? I don't know much about apt/06:36
leumashmHi i have a question, if i have a physical ubuntu server, how do i migrate it to aws ec2?07:05
kenwoodfoxIs that a VM on VPS?07:06
kenwoodfoxor is that like an LXC07:06
kenwoodfoxi use clonezilla to migrate vms between real and virtual07:06
ducasseksynwa: that will probably not work, aiui 32-bit is unsupprted now07:51
ducasseSauvin: just a comment to the conversation above, putty generates keys in a differet format than openssh expects, they need to be converted07:53
Sauvinducasse, I had feared as much. Something about running pems through some kind of food processor.07:54
ducasseputty has support for converting them, though07:55
nmatrixHi all is it possible to have synaptic / software installer pull from a iso image mounted as cd instead of the internet?07:55
SauvinSure is!07:56
SauvinWait... I misread that. CD, yes. Image, not sure.07:56
ducassean image should behave like a real cd for all apt knows07:57
nmatrixSauvin, I don't have a cd drive, which is why I need to do a iso image mounted as a cd.07:57
nmatrixor dvd07:57
Sauvinnmatrix, synaptic is a GUI front end to apt, which is itself a front end to dpkg. I'm seeing if I can find something in /etc/apt/sources.list to suggest what you're after.07:58
ducassenmatrix: https://techpiezo.com/linux/use-iso-image-as-cd-rom-repository-in-ubuntu/07:59
nmatrixducasse nice, that looks like exactly what I was looking for.08:00
* Sauvin was still reading a man page! Wah!08:00
Mark-Proffitthow do I rewrite all URLs that start with with   /wp/   to /     ?08:35
EriC^^in a file you mean?08:39
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mlokpcHello, if mdadm --detail shows a disk was removed how can I identify which disk was removed exactly? Dmesg or syslog?08:42
Guest34954Normal user makes configuration changes in his own user space . But those configurations don't change and save.09:13
EriC^^Guest34954: his home dir permissions might be screwed up09:16
EriC^^sudo find ~ ! -user $USER09:16
Guest34954this user is not in sudoer file09:17
EriC^^Guest34954: dont you have sudo?09:17
Guest34954sudo works weird here.09:17
EriC^^how do you mean?09:18
Guest34954EriC^^, Does this have anything to do with user group settings?09:19
EriC^^Guest34954: not likely09:19
Guest34954EriC^^, this user is not in sudoer file.09:20
EriC^^Guest34954: dont you have sudo access yourself? to troubleshoot it better09:20
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Guest34954No, I don't.09:20
Guest34954I created this normal user account for myself.09:21
Guest34954And usually I login to system as a normal useer.09:21
EriC^^Guest34954: try find ~ ! -user $USER09:22
Guest34954EriC^^, find: “/home/pip/.cache/dconf”: Permission Denied09:23
EriC^^Guest34954: you need to use a sudo enabled account to reset the user permissions09:24
EriC^^Guest34954: sudo chown -R pip: /home/pip09:27
locsmif_workI installed Pinta, a paint-like program for Linux, and while installing, I saw that it depends on mono which depends on, among other things, ca-certificates-mono. I ended up with 138 new root CA certificates installed, via the ca-certificates package and its apt hooks/triggers. Is this normal??09:33
locsmif_workWhy should mono be allowed to override my entire damn certificate store? I recognise many of those certificates, I already had them..09:33
bobdobbsI'm having no luck with my mariadb bug. How can I remove everything related to mariadb, including all the settings, but keep the databases?09:58
gordonjcpbobdobbs: apt-get remove --purge, I think10:15
gordonjcpbobdobbs: oh, don't know if that leaves the databases10:15
gordonjcpbobdobbs: you can just copy the directories with the databases10:15
gordonjcpin plain ordinary Ubuntu, is there an easy way to switch which audio output you're using?10:16
nkowngordonjcp, "apt-get remove --purge", try sudo apt purge <program> dudes, which always works for me10:25
locsmif_workbobdobbs: mmight as well export your databases first, either through cli or with a tool like MySQL workbench (should work with MariaDB)10:25
nkownthat is if you want to remove the packages and keep the config files10:28
nkownjust in case you listening i got that all backwards so apt purge will purge all and not keep configs and apt remove will keep configs10:34
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DiogoConstantinoHi all11:45
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lotuspsychjewelcome DiogoConstantino11:47
DiogoConstantinothank you11:48
lotuspsychjehow can we help you today DiogoConstantino ?11:49
Sbur3On which chat for an ID card reader question on ubuntu?11:50
lotuspsychje!ask | Sbur311:52
ubottuSbur3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:52
Sbur3I installed eid-viewer and eid-mw. sometimes, the light on the card reader blinks, but no access to the inserted ID card11:53
daysunFrustrating. What is the simples way to just run a script or command or anything in a sandbox with blacklisted defaults, without making a system wide or user-wide profile.11:54
lotuspsychjeSbur3: you need the FF addon too, reboot and put your card in your reader before starting FF11:54
Sbur3lotuspsychje: FF?11:55
Sbur3lotuspsychje: Oh, I'm not that up on shortcuts. Thx11:56
lotuspsychjeSbur3: beid-mozilla-extension eid-archive eid-mw eid-viewer11:56
Maikalready gone lotuspsychje11:57
Maikimpatient i guess11:57
lotuspsychjeor rebooting :p11:57
elias_aIs there a way to do OCR to a PDF containing an image of the text? Preferably one allowing batch jobs.12:02
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elias_aFound already one: https://codepre.com/how-to-convert-scanned-pdf-to-text-searchable-pdf-on-ubuntu-install-ocrmypdf-on-ubuntu.html12:05
coconutJeremy31, linux-modules-nvidia-460-generic-hwe-20.04 ## does has dependencies on linux-image-5.8.0-38-generic linux-modules-5.8.0-38-generic linux-modules-nvidia-460-5.8.0-38-generic nvidia-kernel-common-46012:30
jeremy31coconut: I thought that only 440 hwe was installed before12:33
coconutbut the 440 does the same12:36
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Hollusion_i have Hexchat twice in my startup menu. Hexchat (env) and Hexchat (Hexchat) <-- any idea why? how do i remove the (env) one?13:33
EriC^^Hollusion_: it's probably 2 .desktop files, try "ls /usr/share/applications | grep -i hexchat"13:48
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tuxtoolmanthis should be easy, I am on ubuntu-mate 20.04 where is the conf file for video settings, I get as far as login with video but since I switched this box form a HDMI TV to an older VGA flatscreen with a HDMI to VGA adapter, I just want to change the name of file or dir so I can get a default settings14:34
tuxtoolmanTL:DR I am good until I log into gnome I need to get default video settings14:35
tuxtoolmanuser video conf file ubuntu-mate?14:40
lotuspsychje!patience | tuxtoolman14:41
ubottutuxtoolman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:41
amalgameatehi, i want to create a script that uses a webcam to detect which window i'm looking at in my dual monitor set up and autofocuses it.  does anyone know of an existing project that works on this problem?14:42
tuxtoolman@lotuspsycje, just trying to simplify the question & remove cruft14:44
tuxtoolman@amalgameate https://roytuts.com/real-time-eye-detection-in-webcam-using-python-3/14:44
pavlosMava42: did you solve, what was the issue (out of curiosity)?14:46
amalgameate@tuxtoolman ty!14:50
Hollusion_EriC^^, io.github.Hexchat.desktop14:57
Hollusion_your command returned only a single file14:57
Hollusion_i can start both hexchat entries in my menu and they look different14:58
Hollusion_the (hexchat) one is using my window manager color theme settings14:58
EriC^^Hollusion_: anything in ~/.local/share/applications?14:58
Hollusion_the (env) on does not14:58
Hollusion_nothing with hexchat in there14:59
Hollusion_one has this command "env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/hexchat_hexchat.desktop /snap/bin/hexchat %U"15:00
Hollusion_the other has "hexchat --existing %U"15:01
Hollusion_sudo snap remove hexchat15:01
Hollusion_did the trick :D15:01
agvantibo66How do you view what your hostname appears like on IRC15:12
coconutagvantibo66, /whois agvantibo6615:14
agvantibo66Any tips to speed up systemd boot on 20.04?15:18
lotuspsychjeagvantibo66: you mean just to boot system faster?15:18
lotuspsychjeagvantibo66: sudo apt install preload haveged stacer15:19
agvantibo66I'm familiar with preload and stacer, but what's haveged15:20
lotuspsychjeagvantibo66: then reboot and start tweak your systemd services with stacer, tweak your startup items in gnome15:20
lotuspsychje!info haveged15:20
ubottuhaveged (source: haveged): Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.1-6ubuntu1 (focal), package size 27 kB, installed size 77 kB (Only available for linux-any)15:20
agvantibo66lotuspsychje thanks, I've just read about it, seems like it's a fallback entropy generator for times when the random and urandom fail15:22
agvantibo66Am I right?15:23
lotuspsychjeagvantibo66: the most speed you will get from tweaking your services and startup items15:25
monstercoI have Ubuntu Desktop and it's graphic driver "vmsvga" is not installed automatically15:25
monstercohow can I install it? I tried auto install command but it complains it's missing some virtual box packages15:25
agvantibo66monsterco, download vbox web additions15:26
agvantibo66and insert the iso15:26
lotuspsychjeagvantibo66: try this to see all your startup items: sudo sed -i "s/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g" /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop15:26
monstercoagvantibo66, what is that? a driver?15:29
agvantibo66monsterco This is an ISO image15:30
agvantibo66It contains a lot of things - the driver, shared folder and window integration software... It's a go-to thing for VirtualBoxes.15:31
agvantibo66monsterco https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/ is where you find it - choose your version directory, and just click the ISO15:33
monstercoagvantibo66, virtual box is install on my laptop now, so I have to download another iso and do what?15:38
agvantibo66Just insert it to the VM15:38
monstercoah cool15:40
monstercoand version directory is version of Virtualbox?15:40
monstercoI have ubuntu Focal Fossa: https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.1.6/15:42
agvantibo66Yeah, so your link is *clickety-click*15:42
* agvantibo66 fails to set up pidgin15:49
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JohnnyboyCant get audio work on my dell xps 17. I tried solutions like downgrading kernel to 5.4.0, but didnt help... FeelsBadMan. I tried arch linux and it worked out of the box, but arch is too difficult to me. What should I do?15:54
Johnnyboysound settings just says dummy, and alsamixer doesnt recognize any audio ports15:55
Johnnyboydidnt work either15:55
tomreyntell us which ubuntu release (and if so, flavour, such as lubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu) you tried. show output of "alsa-info"15:56
monstercoagvantibo66, how to install that package? I added it to Ubuntu15:59
agvantibo66I believe you should launch runasroot.sh16:00
agvantibo66sudo ./runasroot.sh16:00
Johnnyboytomreyn ubuntu 20.04 LTS http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=e7bd8966f4fcb52397e6420fc962f644e872e34516:00
leftyfbmonsterco: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/GuestAdditions16:01
Johnnyboyi tried newest kernel now with 5.10.9 didnt work either16:01
leftyfbmonsterco: actually, this is probably better https://linuxconfig.org/virtualbox-install-guest-additions-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-focal-fossa16:01
monstercoops I already installed the other16:02
monstercoif not good, do I have to remove that first?16:02
leftyfbno, just leave it16:03
Johnnyboymy sounds also worked in windows so the hardware is not broken16:03
leftyfbagvantibo66: virtualbox-guest-dkms is part of the multiverse repositories in ubuntu. No need to install from binary16:03
leftyfbagvantibo66: just FYI16:03
tomreynJohnnyboy: i don't know for sure that it's related, but there are bios updates for this system (you have version 1.4.0, latest is 1.6.3) which include fixes, including for Ubuntu.16:07
Johnnyboyokay i didnt think of that, thank you for noticing16:07
tomreynyou can actually get firmware updates installed via Ubuntu on this system - https://fwupd.org/lvfs/devices/com.dell.uefi7d606caf.firmware - but dell hasn't provided the latest through the LVFS system Ubuntu uses for automated firmware updates, yet16:12
tomreynJohnnyboy: had you tried the default Ubuntu kernel - because you're using mainline?16:13
irinarimescan i install ubuntu from windows 10?16:15
irinarimeswithout usb16:16
agvantibo66Well yes but no16:16
agvantibo66You would have to copy the installer to a dedicated partition and install grub16:16
tomreyndo you have more than one internal disk?16:17
agvantibo66As long as i know this is impossible without a good unix environment (cygwin and mingw aren't)16:17
leftyfbirinarimes: do you mean dual boot or in a VM?16:18
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irinarimesleftyfb, doual boot16:19
leftyfbirinarimes: is it possible, yes. Is it easy and straight-forward, no. I would recommend acquiring a usb flash drive16:21
Mava42pavlos: did not unfortunately =( it seemed like an firewall issue, even more weird was that using ipv6 everything worked as expected. decided not to struggle anymore and just did fresh install. however, thanks for the chat and sorry for me being slightly grumpy.16:41
agvantiboirinarimes here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/484434/how-can-i-install-ubuntu-without-cd-and-usb16:46
agvantiboGoogle is a human's friend.16:46
Johnnyboytomreyn i installed the new bios now, but didnt help, you said something about trying differenet kernel before my computred booted?16:52
JohnnyboyIm trying to get my dell xps 17 sounds to work on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, they worked on windows so hardware is fine. http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=f00aa62a23f69744a28a8f5d6e27f949bb25afae16:55
Johnnyboyany help is much appreciated16:55
tomreynJohnnyboy: i suggested using a default ubuntu kernel, not  the (unsupported) mainline build you had when you ran alsa-info16:56
tomreynKernel release:    5.10.9-051009-generic16:56
tomreyn^ quote from http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=f00aa62a23f69744a28a8f5d6e27f949bb25afae16:56
tomreynalso run alsa-info again now that you changed firmware16:56
* tomreyn bbl16:57
shinobiDo zfs drives support the ubuntu trashcan? I can only seem to permanently delete files on my zfs file system16:57
n36ul4window new window close window list window hide window show16:57
Johnnyboyyeah that is the new alsa, how do I downgrade? from 5.10.9... ? to default16:57
n36ul4ups, sorry :)16:58
Johnnyboyi will reinstall default kernel brb17:04
Johnnyboytomreyn okay it seems to work now on 5.6 oem kernel after the firmware update... so should I not just update kernel ever?17:15
pavlosMava42: no worries17:24
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shinobiCan someone with a zfs filesystem mounted test if they can rt click on a file and move it to the trash? Or does it only say "permanently delete"?18:03
cjokeshinobi: not entirely understand what you want, but I would check out ls -ld ~/.local/share/Trash and see if you have propher rights if it refuse to write the file to the trashfolder.18:14
pyzozordhey i installed lsp-plugins-ladspa and swh-plugins, then I added load-module to /etc/pulse/default.pa. Specifically load-module module-ladspa-sink sink_name=compressor master=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo plugin=sc4m_1916 lab18:28
pyzozordel=sc4m control=1,1.5,401,-30,20,5,1218:28
pyzozordwhen I run that load-module line in pacmd it works and I can hear it work18:29
pyzozordbut when I restart my laptop it doesn't work and I can see in journalctl logs "Master sink not found"18:29
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TJ-pyzozord: pulseaudio usually runs in the user session, and according to "man 1 pulseaudio" FILES section, it won't read files in /etc/ *if* the same files exist in the user's home directory ($HOME/.config/pulse/*) - so I wonder if you have files there that override your /etc/ edits18:34
pyzozordTJ-: I'm sur it read the /etc/ config file beucase I do get the error in the log that master sink was not found18:35
pyzozordTJ-: also in my ~/.config/pulse/ there is no default.pa18:36
TJ-pyzozord: check if you've got the system service enabled with "systemctl status pulseaudio" and for user "systemctl --user status pulseaudio"18:37
TJ-pyzozord: I don't see a system-level pulseaudio service file in the archive; what Ubuntu release is it?18:38
pyzozordTJ-: interesting results, system service could not be found but user service is there and it shows the same "msater not found", here are the full output https://ideone.com/R5f15Z18:42
pyzozordTJ-: I'm not sure how to check ubuntu version but I believe this is the 20 lts, so 20.0418:43
Tailsi have a question about Livepatch. i run an Ubuntu Server on Azure. do i to buy an Ubuntu Advantage support plan for 1 Ubuntu Server 20.4.1?18:47
lotuspsychjepyzozord: sounds a lot like; https://askubuntu.com/questions/325262/what-is-a-failed-to-load-module-module-ladspa-sink-error18:48
TJ-pyzozord: can you show us the default.pa with the config in? this may be a subtle syntax error18:52
pyzozordTJ-: https://termbin.com/2yee18:58
pyzozordlotuspsychje: thanks, but I don't have ~/.pulse/default.pa so that's for sure not the culprit19:08
TJ-pyzozord: does "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo" definitely exist19:09
TJ-pyzozord: I don't see anything wrong there if that is correct. "pacmd list-cards" should show that info right at the end of its report19:09
pyzozordTJ-: I used the name from "pacmd list-sinks" with this output https://termbin.com/h3w119:11
pyzozordTJ-: maybe that is not correct?19:11
pyzozordI cut off rest of the output after the first 10 lines to not spam you19:11
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TJ-pyzozord: you say that exact same set of args, passed to pacmd works? Have you tried removing the master= part from default.pa to see if that succeeds?19:14
pyzozordTJ-: yes the same set of arguments passed to pacmd works just fine. I haven't tried without the master argument. I'll try right now. I need to reset the laptop to test if it workd, I'll be right back19:16
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pyzozordTJ-: the error is gone but the sink hasn't loaded19:24
pyzozordTJ-: but after I run pulseaudio -k the custom sink is loaded and works19:25
pyzozordTJ-: it kind of looks like the on restart something else is modifing the pulseaudio modules after the /etc/pulse/default.pa is read19:27
TJ-pyzozord: I agree, and it is quite puzzling19:30
dwchan69good afternoon19:30
dwchan69any genisoimage or mkisofs users here?19:31
pyzozordTJ-: I'm on default ubuntu, this must be what everyone has19:31
TJ-I wonder if there's another user service starts AFTER pulseaudio, so when you later kill PA and it restarts that other service is running19:31
dwchan69having issue creating a bootable iso19:31
pyzozordTJ-: one guess I had before was gnome/gtk19:31
TJ-pyzozord: earlier when I thought you were running PA as a system service, my first question was going to be whether the alsa-restore service had run before PA. I wonder if there's something similar in user sessions19:32
pyzozordTJ-: I did a find on the entire / filesystem for *.pa files, I found four: https://termbin.com/7ia519:33
pyzozordwell 5, sorry19:34
Sven_vBmy bluetooth headphones connect to my Ubuntu focal notebook the wrong way, so when I power them on, I always have to wait for their connection attempt to succeed, then disconnect them, then let my notebook connect to them. (when the notebook initiates the connection attempt, audio works.) is there a way to configure Ubuntu so it refuses the inbound connection attempt, saving me the effort to disconnect it?19:37
TJ-pyzozord: let's do some log debug/capturing. What I want you to do is restart the pa service using "systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service" then show us "pastebinit <( journalctl --user -u pulseaudio.service -n 200 ) "19:38
TJ-pyzozord: assuming the service is currently in failed state, this should provoke the successful restart then we can compare the logs19:38
Sven_vBalso what would be a good way to trigger a script whenever my headphones connect to my notebook, but not trigger (or with other parameters to the script) on connections in the other direction (notebook connecting to headphones)?19:39
TJ-Sven_vB: how do you mean "the wrong way"? wrong audio profile ?19:40
pyzozordTJ-: I don't think it is in the failed state. I used pulseaudio -k so I can hear the compressor working now19:42
pyzozordTJ-: here is the output https://termbin.com/yr3p, I can also restart my laptop and repeat that maybe that will produce better logs?19:42
TJ-pyzozord: ahhh. Can you try reproducing the failure then do this restart command. You /should/ be able to reproduce it just by logging out, rather than needing to reboot19:43
Sven_vBTJ-, the bluetooth device manager shows it's connected as A2DP, but PulseAudio doesn't see a new audio device. I tried changing the audio profile to HSP/HFP or off, then change back, as would help with my older headphones. but the new ones don't accept any request to change the audio profile at all.19:43
TJ-pyzozord: all I want to see is the failure messages and a set of success messages from the service (not through a manual kill of PA)19:43
TJ-pyzozord: actually, I can see two so we're OK19:45
TJ-pyzozord: they don't add much so we need to add some debug logging19:45
pyzozordTJ-: how can I do that?19:46
TJ-pyzozord: man-page say's we'll need to add "--log-level=4"  (this is debug level) now to see how to easily add that to the service19:47
phillipsjkWell, looks like the ubuntu version of Chromium is compiled without alsa support :P19:47
TJ-pyzozord: we need to create a systemd 'drop-in' file to over-ride the existing Exec line, so start with "mkdir $HOME/.config/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service.d"19:51
pyzozordTJ-: I'm trying to figure out the systemd man pages too, You are way faster with this19:54
TJ-pyzozord: then we add the over-ride with: echo -e "[Service]\nExecStart=/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no --log-target=journal --log-level=4\n" > $HOME/.config/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service.d/override.conf19:54
sarnoldpyzozord: systemd.directives and systemd.index are the go-to manpages to understanding all the other manpages19:55
TJ-pyzozord: then I suspect we have to reload the daemon to re-read the files19:55
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TJ-pyzozord: "systemctl --user daemon-reload" then check the new command-line is visible with "systemctl --user cat pulseaudio.service"19:56
TJ-pyzozord: after that, do a log-out/log-in and see if you can reproduce the initial fail. if not, do a reboot. We want to capture debug messages when it fails. After that restart the service using "systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service" and *THEN* we'll grap the latest logging19:57
* TJ- hopes that's all correct!19:58
pyzozordTJ-: should the default.pa load-module line include the master argument?20:00
TJ-pyzozord: not sure! it seems to accept it sometimes so leave it in :)20:03
pyzozordI'll leave it in. I just restarted the service now and grabbed the logs. Nothin changed at all. I'll reboot and see if then logs are any different20:04
pyzozordTJ-: something changed for sure. Here are logs fresh after reboot https://termbin.com/3yzl and immidiatly after I restarted the pulseaudio service and grabbed another set of logs https://termbin.com/2zgm20:08
pyzozordRight now I hear no sound at all20:08
TJ-pyzozord: grrr, looks like the drop-in file is bad  "ignoring: Unit pulseaudio.service has a bad unit file setting.!20:09
TJ-pyzozord: I'll test it here :D20:10
pyzozordAh yeah that would explain the same logs too I noticed this error when trying to restart the pulseaudio service "Failed to restart pulseaudio.service: Unit pulseaudio.service has a bad unit file setting."20:10
pyzozordTJ-: I really appriciate the help, sorry it's so annoying20:10
fribPlease help me stop my wifi from turning off on its own20:11
TJ-pyzozord: Mine reports the problem: "pulseaudio.service: Service has more than one ExecStart= setting"20:12
TJ-pyzozord: I did wonder about this; we need to insert a blank "ExecStart=" before the new line to cancel the system-set one!20:12
pyzozordOh yes there was a blank line! I removed it, sorry it was a muscle memory20:14
TJ-pyzozord: fixed... here you go.  echo -e "[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no --log-target=journal --log-level=4\n" > $HOME/.config/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service.d/override.conf20:14
TJ-pyzozord: then do "systemctl --user daemon-reload" then either log-out/log-in or reboot as necessary20:14
pyzozordTJ-: I just logged out and back and now i see two sinks from the start (the default and my ladspa). I think your extra debug might be changing the order in things are loaded and fixes my issue because it forces to reload the default.pa later. I'll double check by rebooting20:18
pyzozordTJ-: no I was wrong, onle 1 sink after the reboot. On the good side, much more logs now https://termbin.com/ejrs20:20
pyzozordTJ-: the fact that there was no sound, we changed the systemd override, i logged out and logged in again suggests to me that whatever is messing with us is on the system level not on the user level. I don't know if I explain this well20:21
pyzozordTJ-: It looks to me kind of like something happens once on the reboot _after_ pulseaudio reads default.pa but before any of the user services are loaded. Although I'm not sure if this makes sense because we checked and I have only user level pulseaudio service20:23
TJ-pyzozord: it could be related to ALSA not being ready in some way, since that is what the master= option specifies20:24
pyzozordTJ-: it looks like there was more log but we cut it off, here is full log (almost 8k lines) https://termbin.com/9zq520:25
TJ-pyzozord: not enough log info there; show me "pastebinit <( journalctl --user -u pulseaudio.service --since='10 minutes ago' ) "20:26
pyzozordTJ-: here is 10 minutes ago version https://termbin.com/grey20:28
TJ-mmmm, I love detailed logs!20:29
pyzozordyeah this is awesome, also I'm learning how to diagnose my system much much better20:30
TJ-pyzozord: stop/start is at the line with "pulseaudio[1417]: Daemon terminated"20:30
TJ-pyzozord: ooooo. before that I find " 21:24:16 michals-thinkpad pulseaudio[1417]: Got signal SIGTERM. "20:31
TJ-I wonder what sent that SIGTERM20:31
pyzozordTJ-: it could have been me, I run few times pulseaudio -k20:32
pyzozordTJ-: notice that "Created sink 1 "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo" is much much later then those "Master sink not found." errors20:34
TJ-pyzozord: since 21:17 I cannot find any more messages about master not found20:35
pyzozordTJ-: yeah sorry, I think there is only one20:36
pyzozordTJ-: oh no sorry, for 1417 there is one at 21:18:5520:36
TJ-pyzozord: sorry, that was the one I meant!20:37
TJ-pyzozord: I suspect that was from a previous login session based on the timestamps20:37
TJ-pyzozord: it might be worth doing a few log-out/log-ins to see if it is actually still failing (in the same way)20:37
whitekidneyI'm having some problems with my NVME drive (Corsair MP600) just failing and disappearing from the OS. Kernel log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mv7gr94ZMH/ APST is already disabled. Anyone have any clue what it could be? Thanks!20:39
pyzozordTJ-: after logout next time I login the ladspa sink is loaded and working20:39
TJ-pyzozord: so, is this purely due to us adding the debug logging?20:39
TJ-pyzozord: does default.pa still have the master=.... option in?20:40
pyzozordTJ-: yes20:40
TJ-pyzozord: so a timing issue of some kind20:40
TJ-pyzozord: I *wonder* if it could be dbus related20:40
oerhekswhitekidney, hardware issue; did you check for a bios update first?20:41
TJ-user session dbus... pulseaudio.service doesn't set a Wants= on it so they could start in a different order/in parallel20:41
whitekidneyoerheks: already running latest bioses and firmwares20:41
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pyzozordTJ-: this goes above my head. I assume dbus is some kind of inter process communication for userland daemons20:43
oerhekswhitekidney, i hope it is not a faulty nvme then, they break within 2 weeks, or after 5 years20:43
pyzozordTJ-: I could be related to that GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut error, but I think I am getting it even with default pulseaudio .pa file20:44
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TJ-pyzozord: we can inspect what starts when with "systemd-analyze --user plot > /tmp/user-plot.svg"20:44
TJ-pyzozord: view the .svg file using a web browser, File > Open ...20:44
pyzozordoh wow that is very cool20:45
matsamanI'm surprised it doesn't use a more unreadable format =P20:45
TJ-pyzozord: hmmm, that plot doesn't look to show what I expected, let me check my command line fu20:46
pyzozordhere is the svg https://termbin.com/nn6620:47
TJ-pyzozord: unfortunately, "--user" doesn't seem to do do anything for plot/dot so its showing only the system services20:51
TJ-pyzozord: critical-chain and blame both work with --user but don't reveal the info we'd want to see to determine load order. There's one other way we might though, using journalctl20:52
TJ-pyzozord: it needs a lot of reading but "journalctl --user --boot=0" and look for when dbus and pulseaudio start relative to each other20:54
pyzozordThis is very interesting. I guess being able to analyze systemd this indepth is pretty much as far as userland goes, beyond that we are really on the kernel teritory20:54
TJ-pyzozord: as PA and dbus are user session processes this will show us everything there is. user session won't start until system's multi-user.target is reached, and by then all system services will be started20:56
user217_Hello. Can I type any command that return me terminal-app name in whitch this command should be run ?20:57
pyzozordTJ-: I'm not sure how systemd targets work or how users/sessions are implemented (I'm guessing that's in kernel). But I think I get the gist of what you mean20:59
TJ-pyzozord: no, kernel is separate. it goes: power on > firmware (UEFI or BIOS) > GRUB (boot loader) > kernel + initialRAMfs (initrd.img) > systemd --system (starts all services to reach 'default.target' which on GUI is 'graphical.target' and on server is 'multi-user.targer')21:03
TJ-pyzozord: then you log-in and logind triggers --user sessions with various other services, which is what we're looking at21:03
pyzozordahh, I see21:04
pyzozordthat makes more sense21:04
pyzozordTJ-: I see pulseaudio starts very early on, I'm guessing that's because we enabled so much logging for it right? In reality lots of things start very early on but they don't have high loggin level turned on21:07
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TJ-pyzozord: unless they declare dependencies (which enforce ordering) services will be started in parallel. This is why I wonder if it actually ought to depend on the user dbus service to enforce ordering After=21:15
solid_liqdoes anyone know why discus is no longer in 20.04?21:17
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TJ-pyzozord: let me revise that drop-in for you and you can test this dependency ordering without that debug option21:19
sarnoldsolid_liq: Debian #945636, py2 removal, no rdeps  -- click the little triangle on the line with focal deleted https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/discus/+publishinghistory21:21
ubottuDebian bug 945636 in src:discus "discus: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/94563621:21
TJ-pyzozord: replace the current drop-in with:  echo -e "[Unit]\nRequires=dbus.service\nAfter=dbus.service\n" > $HOME/.config/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service.d/override.conf21:22
TJ-pyzozord: then "systemctl --user daemon-reload" and log-out/log-in and test21:22
solid_liqsarnold, thanks21:22
solid_liqhow do I find out the codename for the release of the distro I'm on again?21:23
sarnoldsolid_liq: lsb_release -a21:23
pyzozordTJ-: I'm not sure what I can find in that log. But I found out that dbus starts earlier than pulseaudio. Pulseaudio fails to load my custom sink very early because initalization of the module failed (I am guessing because master sink is not defined yet which is crated much much later, long after the service started)21:23
solid_liqsarnold, oh yeah, thx21:24
solid_liqdoes anyone know of a nice alternative to discus?21:24
TJ-pyzozord: that would be an ordering problem with pulseaudio then, wouldn't it?21:24
sarnoldsolid_liq: ncdu is popular, but it might do something different from what you want out of discus21:25
TJ-pyzozord: as in, its load-modules21:25
solid_liqsarnold, I just want to see the amount of space in a pretty form per partition21:27
Swift110-mobilehey all21:29
pyzozordTJ-: Yeah I think so but my load-module is at the very bottom of /etc/pulse/default.pa I cannot go any lower. I see here that the master sink is created by pulse audio after a long string of probing and configuring. That long string of probing and configuring by pulseaudio starts with pulseaudio parsing alsa-mixer config files21:29
TJ-pyzozord: this is a good issue to ask on the pulseaudio issue tracker upstream21:30
pyzozordTJ-: do you thikn this is issue with pulseaudio not ubuntu specific setup of pulseaudio?21:31
TJ-pyzozord: there's a #pulseaudio channel here too21:31
TJ-pyzozord: it looks possible it is something in the way PA initialises - some kind of race condition21:31
pyzozordoh I'll ask there, maybe someone will be able to give some more insight21:31
pyzozordTJ-: I am really thankful for all help and time. I really appriciate your help. Thanks21:32
TJ-pyzozord: I see only 1 even slightly close to your issue so writing out a report with extracts from the log showing where it fails might get some expert attention.  https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=all&search=ladspa21:36
pyzozordTJ-: do you think this is related to ladspa? I am guessing any sink I set up like this will not work the same way like this one21:43
TJ-pyzozord: I'm not familiar enough with how PA interacts with the LADSPA bits to say21:43
pyzozordWell nevermind, we made significant progress today with this. Thank you so much TJ-21:44
pyzozordI'll wait a bit on #pulseaudio maybe someone will be able to help further, if not I'll try again another day21:45
pyzozordTJ-: you were right, this is somekind of race condition. Some just linked to the probable answer https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/issues/1093#note_766869,21:47
TJ-pyzozord: Oh! Nice find :) so we can fix that I guess21:59
TJ-pyzozord: we may be able to use one of systemd's device units for a Requires/After or something.22:00
TJ-pyzozord: having a look here to see if I can add anything22:00
pyzozordTJ-: wow you are really crazy. I'm in!22:01
pyzozordTJ-: they suggest that depending on a device will most likely not work, but starting PA after logind will work22:09
TJ-pyzozord: well, as far as I know, PA will always start after logind since that is what takes the user login credentials and sets up the user session22:11
pyzozordTJ-: ok they say they may be wrong22:12
TJ-pyzozord:  typical! apparently uaccess isn't documented!  https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/428822:20
pyzozordTJ-: that's ok, no worries. I don't even know what uaccess is. I was looking at this https://superuser.com/questions/851846/how-to-write-a-systemd-service-that-depends-on-a-device-being-present and I think I realised this may be too much for me22:21
pyzozordI guess I need much more systemd knoweledge to understand this stuff22:21
pyzozordI think I will have to resort to echo "pulseaudio -k" > ~/.Xprofile22:22
TJ-pyzozord: and much of that is at the system level. From what you've been told this is about systemd-logind altering permissions for non-root users to access what are normall privileged devices, such as the sound devices, video, and so on22:22
TJ-pyzozord: I think we might be able to 'hack' it by making PA's service do an After= on something that starts last for a typical user session22:23
garttFollowed the steps in https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/thinkcentre_pdf/ts_p620_ubuntu_linux_20.04_installation_v1.0.pdf  for ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso and after page 7, it complains No irq handler for vector (many times) then:  Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed. Then that's the end of the show. The Lenovo P620 is supposed to be certified for ubuntu22:23
TJ-pyzozord: what does this show  "systemctl --user critical-chain"22:24
pyzozordTJ-: Unknown operation critical-chain.22:26
sarnoldgartt: my initiql guess is those two messages are probably unrelated; are you sure about your usb stick? initramfs unpacking failing feels like a flaky hardware... though maybe also try a bunch of other usb slots, maybe there's something goofy with the controller..22:26
TJ-oh for $%)^$! my brain needs a kick!22:26
TJ-pyzozord: what does this show  "systemd-analyze --user critical-chain"22:27
pyzozordTJ-: https://termbin.com/wc5422:28
TJ-pyzozord: should we try making it start after "tracker-extract.service" since that seems to be the last one before it reaches the target22:29
JohnnyboyAnyone know if its possible to get TensorRT to work with Ubuntu 20.04?22:29
TJ-pyzozord: so:  echo -e "[Unit]\nRequires=tracker-extract.service\nAfter=tracker-extract.service\n" > $HOME/.config/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service.d/override.conf22:30
garttsarnold: Thanks, I'll try another thumbdrive and give it a shot22:30
TJ-pyzozord: then again "systemctl --user daemon-reload" and log-out/log-in and test22:30
pyzozordTJ-: IT WORKED! YOU ARE A GENIUS!22:38
TJ-pyzozord: terrible hack but pfft if it works22:38
pyzozordhey better then the pulseaudio -k22:38
TJ-good job we solved it... battery here is down to 10%  :D22:39
pyzozordand I have learned so much about diagnosing systemd and how things work22:39
pyzozordTJ-: I'm really greatful, I'm not sure how can I repay. I doubt I know anything better then you. Unless you are interesting in writting websites in React in javascript :D22:40
TJ-pyzozord: I've been doing a bit of that recently22:42
TJ-pyzozord: SPA using Semantic/Fomantic-UI22:43
pyzozordTJ-: never hread of those but all those react component libraries are kind of the same, I can solve any problem you have there22:45
pyzozordI'm a bit tired now, but ask me anytime on ##programming, I'm often there22:45
garttTried on a different thumbdrive and after verifying the download via shasum 256, and it still fails with No irq handler for vector    and Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed22:49
TJ-pyzozord: thanks :)22:51
pyzozordTJ-: anytime, I will be glad to help! :)22:51
pyzozordgotta go it's 23:51 here, cheers!22:51
tomreyngartt: So you downloaded some Ubuntu installer ISO - which? - verified its checksum against the server hosting the download, then wrote it to some media where you wanted to boot and install from - using which software / command? - and when you tried booting some - which? - computer off this you got a "No irq handler for vector" and "Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed" message?22:52
oerheksdisable secureboot, https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/thinkcentre_pdf/ts_p620_ubuntu_linux_20.04_installation_v1.0.pdf22:52
gartttomreyn: I downloaded and tried both ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso   and ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso22:53
garttoerheks: Did that as soon as I received the box days ago but thanks22:53
gartttomreyn: Sorry, I meant to also mention that I checksum matched these files as well. And also FWIW I tried two entirely different USB thumbdrives. I recieved many lines of "No irq handler for vector" followed by one line with "Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed"22:55
tomreynthanks for replying, gartt. note you didn't respond to all questions asked. on a side note, "Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed" can usually be ignored, it's a commonly seen message at this time, and should not have any impact.22:55
gartttomreyn: I'd ignore it if I could, but nothing happens after that :P22:55
tomreyn"No irq handler for vector" is not normal, though22:56
garttThat might be what's stopping the show. But I did follow the instructions to the letter in the PDF22:56
tomreynthen you should be truni9ng to the vendor and let them know22:56
garttGreat, $5k on a workstation that I can't run anything except Windows on even after being ubuntu certified, bleh22:57
gartttomreyn: I'll send them an email, thanks22:57
tomreynyou are maybe not using the right installer, too22:58
tomreynthe certification is for an oem kernel IIRC22:58
tomreyn" This system was tested with 20.04 LTS, running the 5.6.0-1027-oem kernel. "22:58
garttThere was no option to buy with ubuntu preinstalled, only Windows22:59
tomreynthis can be region specific, read the notes on top of the certification statement22:59
garttI'll try ubuntu-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso before I email Lenovo with my problem, just in case23:00
oerheksthe only thing that could bug it, is using rufus for creating the usb23:02
garttoerheks: I used dd, Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator, and also etcher, verified checksums, and 2 different thumbdrives, so it can't be the media or the burning process23:03
oerheksusb3 port ( blue) or 2?23:04
garttI tried two on the front. USB3 I believe, but since I tried both earlier, I doubt that's the issue. FBSD installed fine using the same ports. I just want to use ubuntu for stable virtualbox use for school23:05
garttIt sounds like trolling, but it's funny that ubuntu, which has always installed on just about everything as has slackware or debian, hangs while FBSD, which usually sucks badly with hardware, is the only OS which succeeded, heh23:06
oerhekswell, good luck with that machine23:07
sarnoldI for one wish our 'certified' thing used the stock installers; these per-machine specific preinstalled things are just frustrating :(23:07
garttoerheks: Thanks, I'll try ubuntu-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso before giving up hope and buying some FBSD t-shirts23:08
oerhekssarnold, i read no weird boot options anywhere23:08
oerheksso, it must be something else.23:09
tomreynyou didn't configure raid in bios, did you?23:09
gartttomreyn: No RAID for me23:10
tomreyntry booting the installer in failsafe graphics mode23:10
garttOnly changes made were disabling secure boot. Other than that, 100% factory settings23:10
gartttomreyn: Thanks, I'll try that23:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:11
user217_!help | user217_23:11
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oerheksuser217_, ?23:15
tomreynuser217_: do you need any help? got ubuntu support questions?23:15
tomreyn!msgthebot | user217_23:16
ubottuuser217_: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"23:16
user217_oerheks, tomreyn I just need few highligts. thanks :)23:16
tomreynnot really what this channel is for. please test in #tests next time.23:17
scriptonautis there a way to restart alsa-base in modprobe.d without rebooting my computer?23:20
scriptonautI'm on an acer swift 3, and it's not detecting the builtin microphone for some reason on the soundcard23:21
scriptonautwith an HDA Intel PCH sound card23:21
scriptonautI added an entry to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, but before rebooting was wondering if there's a way to just reload a module23:21
oerhekspulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload23:22
scriptonautdarn, didn't work23:22
scriptonautit reloaded without error but can't seem to fidn the mic23:23
scriptonautI'm looking in alsamixer, would it make more sense for me to look in mate's sound preferences?23:23
oerheksalsamixer, F6, choose device23:23
user217_scriptonaut,  try in   pavucontrol-qt23:24
scriptonautI did, and when I hit F4 for [Capture], it's empty23:24
scriptonautI am on mate, don't have that unfortunately23:25
scriptonautfrom what I've read this is an issue with this soundcard on the 5x kernel23:25
scriptonautsome people seem to have been able to get it working by playing with the alsa config23:25
user217_scriptonaut,  try in   pavucontrol23:26
scriptonautsame thing, not detecting it23:31
bobdobbsI've hit a very obscure showstopping issue with mariadb. I'd like to completely purge and re-install it. But I'd like to keep the actual databases. How can I do this?23:40
bobdobbsLike, the databases must be stored in the filesystem somewhere right? If so, can I just back them up, purge maria, reinstall maria and then copy the db files back to a location where they will be picked back up?23:41
TJ-bobdobbs: removing packages won't remove data; purge will delete config files under /etc/23:41
bobdobbsHey TJ-23:41
sarnoldI wouldn't be surprised if the mariadb postinst script purges the database too, though23:42
TJ-bobdobbs: databases are likely under /var/lib/mariadb or /var/lib/mysql23:42
bobdobbsYeah, I want to purge everything... except the databases.23:42
TJ-sarnold: really? data loss?23:42
gartttomreyn: I was an inch from giving up and tried to boot in failsafe graphics mode which worked (so far). Thanks a lot for the help23:42
* TJ- heads for the source!23:42
gartt(on ubuntu-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso)23:42
bobdobbsLike, I think think that there's a setting somewhere carried over during my upgrade from ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04. I think this setting might be breaking maria.23:43
bobdobbsTJ-: I think I found something. the mysql db holds a field called @@datadir. For my system the value of this field is /var/lib/mysql23:44
sarnoldTJ-: yeah https://sources.debian.org/src/mariadb-10.1/10.1.45-0+deb9u1/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.postrm/#L3323:45
bobdobbsTJ-: and if I look at that directory, I can see directories with the names of my db's23:45
whitekidneybobdobbs: if you're never moved it, that should be the dir, you can also verify with the following query in mysql/mariadb: SELECT @@datadir;23:46
bobdobbswhitekidney: just discovered that.23:46
TJ-sarnold: yeah, I saw it checks debconf db_get mariadb-server-$MAJOR_VER/postrm_remove_databases23:47
bobdobbsSo i guess my next question would be... if I backed up that dir, nuked mariadb and all of it's settings, then reinstalled maria and restored the contest of that dir... would the db's get picked back up?23:47
bobdobbsoh... of course I could be selective about which db's to restore. Like, I wouldn't restore the db called mysql23:48
tomreyngartt: nvidia is still not a good hardware choice in 2021, if you want things to work out of the box.23:56
tomreynnot for graphics chipsets anyways.23:56
user217_tomreyn, why not? with 'nvidia-prime'23:57
oerheksAMD/ATI and Intel are in the kernel, nouveau supports partially all nvidia fuctions23:58

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