
jam@knkski[m], does it work from here?19:33
knkski[m]jam: yep, works great19:34
jamwell, messages here don't show up in slack, but as long as they show up for you19:34
knkski[m]jam: i'm using a freenode-specific room to type here atm19:39
jamsure, I was just wondering if the bridge was multi-way, but I'm guessing it isn't. Just that matrix the app can show you freenode messages19:40
knkski[m]jam: but i requested IRC integration for the same matrix room that i added slack support to, but i think you might need to approve it?19:40
knkski[m]jam: oh, by freenode-specific room, i mean i'm sending messages from matrix19:41
jamI'm not on Matrix, and I don't see any messages on IRC for enablement19:41
jamI do see: "* MatrixBridge (matrixbot@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-jsdclclwrmovlzpe) has joined19:41
jam* MatrixBridge (matrixbot@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-jsdclclwrmovlzpe) has left ("User left")"19:41
knkski[m]jam: I ran `/msg ChanServ ACCESS #smooth-operator LIST`, and that shows that the user `j-a-meinel` has ops privileges19:49
jamI do have ops, I just don't know what I would enable to make anything work19:49
knkski[m]the `jam` user doesn't show up as having ops. but from what i understand, i pick an ops nick that the MatrixBridge bot will send a message to first before actually joining19:50
jamjam and j-a-meinel are the same account according to nics IIRC19:51
jam"You are already logged in as j-a-meinel"19:51
knkskiweird. i'm currently looking at the freenode interface directly, and i just see `+jam` on the user list, with only +v, and not +o19:52
knkskilet's see if that worked now20:03
Ken[m]2Cool, #smooth-operator on IRC and this Slack channel are now linked via the #smooth-operator:<http://matrix.org|matrix.org> room20:05
jamKen[m]2, indeed, I see your messages in both20:05
LukeMarsden[m]<knkski[m] "looks like"> Fancy21:08
LukeMarsden[m]Helloooo freenode!21:09
Ken[m]2<LukeMarsden[m] "Helloooo freenode!"> I wonder how well it handles threading21:12
Ken[m]2<Ken[m]2 "I wonder how well it handles thr"> Interesting, just quotes it21:12

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