
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:15
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=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mupPR snapd#9851 closed: o/snapshotstate: fix returning of snap names when duplicated snapshot is detected <Bug> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9851>09:17
avnHello folks! What mean `cannot update snap namespace: cannot create writable mimic over "/": permission denied` when I use `bare` base snap?09:27
pstolowskiavn: are you trying to use layouts at the same time?09:40
avnpstolowski: I'd like to have standalone  image, w/o base (with /nix properly bindmounted to root, if possible)09:42
avnIf not, just make standalone image09:42
avnSomeone on #snapcraft told me, that I need use `base: bare` stanza to have no depends09:44
pstolowskiavn: right, that should work. in fact we have something like this run in our tests https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/lib/snaps/test-snapd-busybox-static/snapcraft.yaml10:07
pstolowskiavn: perhaps create a forum topic and paste your snap.yaml (or snapcraft.yaml) so we can take a look10:08
pstolowski(i've just run test-snapd-busybox-static, it's in the store, and got no errors)10:09
avnpstolowski: will take a look, ty.  I have snap.yaml only, because I have snap built by nix, not snapcraft10:09
pstolowskiavn: yeah, that's fine10:09
pstolowskiavn: for a quick sanity test, sudo snap install --beta test-snapd-busybox-static and see if it works on your system10:11
mupBug #1912615 opened: Snapd refresh doesn't recover from connection interruption <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1912615>10:14
pstolowskidegville: hey, while looking at 'base: bare' i noticed https://snapcraft.io/docs/base-snaps has a copy-paste error10:24
pstolowski(for bare:)10:24
degvillepstolowski: oh, thanks for letting me know - I'll fix it now.10:25
mupPR snapd#9853 opened: api: validate against validation set assert from the store <Needs Samuele review> <validation-sets :white_check_mark:> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9853>10:47
* zyga needs to tarball git snapd.git for ian 11:31
zygaavn, hey11:32
zygaavn, it means that the bare snap - which has almost nothing in it11:33
zygaavn, is the foundation of your mount namespace11:33
zygaavn, and that your snap defines a layout that adds a new top-level directory (somewhere in /) that doesn't exist there11:33
zygaavn, so snap-update-ns goes belly up and gives up11:33
zygaavn, can you paste your layout section of the snap please?11:33
avnzyga: https://gist.github.com/avnik/43ba955c2d857fffe6d3cded9a684f74  (and I planned to use proot to pseudo-mount /srv/nix -> /nix, because /nix is blacklisted top-level now)11:38
avnso I need add empty directories, if I use bare?11:39
* pstolowski bbiab11:40
zygaavn, not exactly, let me look at your file now11:42
zygaavn, I think the bare snap doesn't have /srv11:42
zygaone sec11:42
zygaavn, do you absolutely need /srv/nix?11:42
zygaif so, please open a bug against bare or just ask mvo here, to add an empty directory to the 'bare' snap11:43
zygaand then once that is released11:43
zygayou should be good to go11:43
avnI am absolutely need /nix ;) so I can use /lib/nix and proot for example11:43
zygafor /nix that's a different story11:43
zygaperhaps nix should be a base, like bare but explicitly for nix work11:44
zygayou really just need a snap like bare with that extra directory11:44
zygahave a look (snap download bare) at the bare snap11:44
zygait's rather simple11:44
zygathere's some required structure11:44
zygabut bare was meant to be empty11:44
avnwe have nix-base in store, but it stop works after blacklisting top-level items11:44
zygaso I'm not sure mvo will be happy to add more11:44
zygahmm? what do you mean by "it stops work after blacklisting top-level items"?11:45
avnerror: cannot read snap file: layout "/nix" defines a new top-level directory "/nix"` (is with /nix come from nix-base)11:46
zygaavn, it's a bug in snapd11:48
zygamborzecki, ^11:48
zygamborzecki, in snap/validate.go:446 we should allow nix if the base is nix-base11:48
zygamborzecki, can you work with avn on getting this fixed11:49
zyganix-base was something that was brought up in Montreal a few years back11:49
zygabut I guess it's not tested as a working base11:49
* zyga is off to his open harmony work now11:49
avnprobably we need a issue (we have issue in nixpkgs, about makeSnap not work anymore, but we need need it in smapd ;))11:50
avn(and I willing to package snapd to nixos, so will ask some more questions later)11:50
zygasure, thank you11:51
* zyga is no longer working on snapd but is happy to help from the side11:51
* zyga goes afk for a while11:53
avn`cannot update snap namespace: cannot create writable mimic over "/": permission denied` looks like I walking by cicle12:03
mborzeckiavn: please open a forum topic and include the logs from `SNAPD_DEBUG=1 SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=1 snap run <snapapp>`12:47
mupBug #1912639 opened: Snap installs don't reliably resume on network flakiness <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1912639>13:50
mupBug #1912639 changed: Snap installs don't reliably resume on network flakiness <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1912639>13:53
* cachio lunch15:53
zygastgraber, is there a way to check if "lxd init" was done from command line somehow?17:19
stgraberzyga: check if you have a default profile with root and nic device, that's usually what you want when you want to check if init was run17:20
zygastgraber, how would I check that?17:20
zygalxc profle list?17:21
stgraberzyga: lxc profile show or lxc profile device list17:21
zygathanks, that's exactly what I wanted17:21
zygaI want to improve spread UX when used with lxd17:21
zygacheers, thank you!17:21
stgraber`lxd init` isn't special, all it does is let you create storage pools and networks and some other config through a single command, so it's usually best to check for what you actually want. If it's to have usable containers, then best check if the default profile has the basics setup :)17:22
zygaI think right now I just want to guide people with first contact with spread and lxd together17:23
zygastgraber, are you presenting at fosdem?17:23
zygacool, looking forward to that :)17:24
zyganiemeyer, could you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/112 when you have a moment17:49
mupPR spread#112: Bump base version of go to 1.13 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/112>17:49
mupPR snapd#9854 opened: gadget: pass sector size in to mkfs family of functions, use to select block sz <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9854>17:54
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=== Conan_Kudo is now known as King_InuYasha

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