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rcjsil2100: Would you have time to look at the livecd-rootfs xenial SRU today?13:42
sil2100Sure o/13:50
sil2100bdmurray, juliank: hey! Could one of you upload a new python-apt with the mirror lists updated etc. for .2?13:57
julianksil2100: yes14:08
rcjsil2100: Thank you!14:10
rcjvorlon: We have an interesting question regarding the 'unminimize' script in livecd-rootfs today in lp: #1912595.  The user take the minimal image, customizes the image, and then from that wants to master a production image (as-is) and a developer image by running unminimize.  Their customizations install things with -no-install-recommends.  They'd like a change to unminimize to allow that to be passed14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1912595 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "unminimize shoud run apt with -–no-install-recommends " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191259514:12
rcjthrough.  Thoughts?14:12
vorlonrcj: they can set that in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d instead; I don't think it should be part of the unminimize tool, when recommends are installed by default for a reason14:17
rcjAh, that would work.  I'll make that recommendation.  I like that better than adding a flag to the unminimize script.14:18
julianksil2100: python-apt uploaded15:23
bdmurraysil2100: my thought was there was a security update a couple of weeks ago so that should be good15:48
juliankbdmurray: that was early December when we updated the mirror list, the regression update only fixed the regression16:11
juliankHence I pushed an update to proposed for the mirror list16:11
sil2100juliank, bdmurray: thanaks!16:16
bdmurrayjuliank: alright, I'll look closer next time!16:17
bdmurraysil2100: Are you going to review it?16:17
sil2100bdmurray: could you take a look at it? Since I'm doing an SRU publishing round first - and afterwards I might have another SRU review for you!16:19
bdmurraysil2100: I'll review python-apt and ubiquity for Focal.16:23
sil2100Thank you! Wait with the ubiquity review, I'll quickly release what's in -proposed16:25
sil2100Ok, ubiquity now released, you can proceed16:26
juliankbdmurray: I plan to rename apt apport hook file DpkgHistoryLog to AptHistoryLog so I can include actual dpkg.log as DpkgLog16:33
juliankAlso I plan to add AptEIPPLog and AptEDSPLog16:33
juliankbecause that's the stuff that really matters16:33
juliankNot sure if that needs work anywhere16:34
juliankbut DpkgHistoryLog is so confusingly named, it's not helpful16:34
juliankEIPP log contains the log from the installation planner, allowing to reproduce installation ordering issues16:34
juliankEDSP log is the same for dependency solving16:35
juliankI want to get to the point where if stuff fails to resolve, we get an EDSP/EIPP log such that we can feed the tool with it and don't need apt-clone system states to reproduce16:35
juliankas apt can consume those problems directly and solve them16:35
bdmurrayjuliank: hmm, something might be looking at DpkgHistoryLog.16:36
juliankBut I need to do some digging to figure out if I actually get the eipp/edsp logs i'm interested in from the hook or whether they were from a previous run :D16:36
juliankbdmurray: OK; it's not super urgent, just something on my mind for some time in the future16:37
tjaaltonsergiodj: hi, 389 logs should show more, re: dogtag error22:03
sergiodjtjaalton: hi.  ok, I'll try to look into it when I have more time22:22

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