
cmaloney rip mix burn00:29
jrwrenrip mix burn!01:15
jrwrenTY TY01:15
mechpilotaceso I never got an answer on viable firefox alternatives, I guess people are keen on librewolf02:06
mechpilotacebut I don't have any experince with it02:07
cmaloneyHonestly I'd stick with Firefox for now. That post they made seemed like they were trying to get folks to be more transparent rather than censorship02:07
cmaloneyeg: "this is a paid advertisement" stuff02:07
mechpilotaceyah i'm just worried yah know, "give em an inch they'll take a mile" right?02:10
cmaloneybut right now Firefox isn't in a great spot for dictating things likethis02:10
mechpilotaceon the otherhad doesn't seem like I have much of a choice either since I definately don't want to use chrome based solutions02:11
cmaloneyYeah, considering the "big four" browsers are 2 for webkit, one for khtml (pre-webkit) and Mozilla...02:12
mechpilotacewhenever I think about webkit, it just makes me think about all the console exploits02:15
mechpilotacesony was so bad about updating that, also isn't it weird that they had linux available on the PS3 and PS2? When those OS's were based on FreeBSD? Why not just have a BSD on them?02:17
cmaloneyBecause having a Linux was a selling point02:17
mechpilotacedoes BSD have that much hate?02:18
cmaloneybut then they shut that off when they realized it was an exploit02:18
cmaloneyNot as much mindshare02:18
cmaloneyLinux was new and interesting technology back in the 2000s02:18
cmaloneyThey were touting it as a supercomputer02:19
mechpilotacealso as a side note, I found that design pattens book for people interesed https://www.textbooks.com/Design-Patterns-Elements-of-Reusable-Object-Oriented-Software/9780201633610/Erich-Gamma.php?CSID=2QQUJO2OJDMUMTTQDCDTMUSCB02:19
cmaloneyso having Linux on it was just another foot-in-the-door for supercomputers02:19
mechpilotacewell since BSD is more permissive you would think that gov and others would be more interested right?02:20
cmaloneyBSD also had a lot of legal issues in the 1990s that hampered them02:20
mechpilotaceAs a fanboy I think there is alot of cool things going on in *BSD land but nobody seems to notice02:20
mechpilotacewell yah I guess the all the proprietery dealings right?02:21
cmaloneyx86 unix was not in a healthy state02:21
mechpilotaceyah I guess thats true, guess it just makes me more hip lmao02:23
cmaloneyPlus you had a lot of proprietary UNIX variants like Xenix, SunOS (on the 386i)02:24
mechpilotacedo you think if that wasn't the case that it would be more widely adopted?02:24
cmaloneyhard to say02:24
cmaloneyI think it didn't help02:25
cmaloneybut Linux also hit at the right time with the right price02:25
mechpilotacePersonally, there are alot of things that BSD does better and Linux does better but I don't see nearly the amount of interest in BSD anymore02:25
mechpilotaceYah definalty Linus struck at the right time02:26
mechpilotaceand thats half the battle02:26
cmaloneydistribution was free, the kernel was decent, and it was essentially a Sun Workstation on a PC for a fraction of the cost02:26
cmaloneyand the GNU project had enough time to get good or better versions of UNIX tools02:26
cmaloneyfor me it was near the end of college when Linux hit02:27
cmaloneyand it gained momentum right as I was getting weaned off of the Sun SPARC workstations in college02:28
mechpilotaceyah deffinately, all that is a big + for linux, but the easier to understand init system and lower LoC count on all the BSD utilites would make me think that people would come to BSD too but I'm the only person I know that evens runs it lol02:28
cmaloneyand wound up at Wayne State in their college of engineering as a student employee (but not a student)02:28
cmaloneyand one of the guys there handed me a Linux disc so I didn't have to make all the floppies02:29
cmaloneyand another guy sold me his old 486SX2002:29
cmaloneyI was dual-booting that between Windows / DOS and Linux02:29
cmaloneyand then I just got tired of not being in Linux so I stopped dual-booting.02:30
mechpilotaceIs it weird that that I feel nostalgic for that time in computing even though I never lived it? I guess thats what being a millenial is all about02:30
cmaloneyWell, there's a certain newness to it02:31
cmaloneyit's like my generation pining for Woodstock even though it was a paroody by the time we knew anything about it02:31
mechpilotaceI am getting to that point now, I just wish proton was on more platforms and funded better, all *nix02:31
cmaloneysome folks just get charmed by it02:31
mechpilotacegames are the only propriety software that I feel bound too02:32
cmaloneyI had some problems getting proton to work on my machine because my steam is under /usr/local/games and unfortunately AppImage needs special tweaking ito make it work.02:32
mechpilotaceyah by the time limp bisket was at woodstock it was 7 levels deep of irony02:33
cmaloneyThe main thing that was magical for me was that it was the power that I felt on those Sun Workstations on this PC computer02:33
cmaloneymultitasking was a hell of a drug02:33
cmaloneystill is.02:34
mechpilotaceoh really? it worked great on my machine just from the steam menu no configuring (intel nuc 8th gen i3 ubuntu 18.04)02:34
cmaloneyI also came from an Atari 8bit computer and my parents 286 computer02:34
cmaloneyI couldn't get shit working under Proton. I finally gave up02:34
cmaloneynot that I have a bunch of Windows games queued up.02:34
cmaloneybut JoDee was looking at No Man's Sky and we didn't want to drop $60 on frustration02:35
mechpilotacebasically what won me over was the "man" command, and then my quest for more minimal implementation of things and suckless lead me to the BSD's02:35
cmaloneyI love Wine, but it can be an unpredictible pain02:35
mechpilotaceyah I cou02:35
cmaloneyI got some games working under it and they worked great until they didn't.02:35
mechpilotace* yah my dumbass couldn't get wine configured but proton works great since I am remvoed completely02:36
cmaloneyand then it just disappeared and I was left with nothing02:36
cmaloneyCrossover as well02:36
cmaloneythough I upgraded crossover and now my MS Office 2007 no longer works (Parent's copy) so now I'm Libreoffice only02:36
mechpilotacethe big thing for maximum compatebilty, is to run the latest version, which is not on steam, need to get it from github02:36
cmaloneyYeah, eventually I'll play with it again02:41
cmaloneybut I have enough Linux-only stuff that I haven't played that I'm not bothered to keep whacking my head against it02:41
cmaloneyhttps://dfarq.homeip.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/compudyne-pc.jpg <- This is the compudyne case that I had02:42
cmaloneyloved this case because it looked like a Sparcstation02:42
cmaloneywish they made more stuff like this02:42
cmaloneyit survived a motherboard swap before it became too much of a pain to keep using, which is when I started using other cases02:43
cmaloneylike the Inwin q50002:43
cmaloneythis thing was a fucking monster of a case02:43
cmaloneyI had two full-height SCSI drives in there from a SGI server that my friend parted out02:44
cmaloneyanywho, need to head AFK for the evening. TTYL!02:45
mechpilotaceoh dang yah that just looks like a SUN system, the bummer is that the real SUN UltraSparc's are more than a PC now02:58
mechpilotacejust got wee-slack setup at work, its great18:46
cmaloneyyeah, it's freaking amazing18:51
mechpilotaceon just using weechat for this irc here, is there a config file that you can put servers and creds for auto-login?19:05
cmaloneyyes, though I'm not recallig it offhand19:08
cmaloneyjust look up freenode nickserv weechat and you should get some details19:09

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