
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
otubosmoser: quick question about the (now dead) pull request #721 - https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/72112:50
otubosmoser: According to you comment about the whole block becoming a function that would return an array of PVs, how can I be sure which partition the user really wants to enlarge? Should I choose the bigger one as default?12:51
smoserotubo: this is to resize the PV, right?13:54
otubosmoser: yep. I think we should resize all, right?13:54
smoserthe general goal of growpart functionality is to have the root filesystem grown to take any "extra space" that was previously unallocated.13:55
smoserthe extra space probably appeared as a result of hypervisor just adding zeros to the end of the disk.13:56
smoser(just trying to state the goals, so then we can try to acheive those goals here)13:56
smoseryou could dig deeper with lvm to determine which PV the root filesystem is on (which could be 2 or more due to linear layout or raid or stripes...)13:59
otubosmoser: also: can I see cloud-init logs while running tox on my laptop?14:38
smoserotubo: idont know. i dont remember.14:39
smoseryou can absolutely print stuff and invoke tox with --no-capture-output or something14:39
smoserand then you'll see it.14:39
smoserotubo: i ust put a long comment on 72114:41
minimalsmoser: it would be more complicated if its LVM-on-LUKS :-)14:46
otubosmoser: good comments, we're on the same page :-) except that I thought we needed support for resizing VG that spams across multiple PV. That's an extra step that I'm banging my head right now.14:46
otubominimal: that's something that's on my list, got some errors testing on my laptop (that uses LUKS) and took a while to find out why14:47
minimalotubo: yeah I intend to go down the LVM-on-LUKS route for some physical machines using cloud-init (where I'm dd'ing a prepared OS image onto the machine's disk so its minimally sized and needs to grow to fill the disk)14:48
smoserotubo: i think just ignore it for now.14:49
smoseryou could attempt to resize all the pvs if you wanted. but that isn't really the simple "cloud image" case.14:50
smoserminimal: yeah, you can have layers on top of layers of layers even circular (lvm -> luks -> lvm)14:50
sblkI get errors about ssh-authkey-fingerprints and ssh-authkey-fingerprints  (on a Ubntu VirtualBox guest)    the details are at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sw8sWvgBsc/ , please could you help me? Tell me of you need more detail14:50
minimalsmoser: yeah getting the simple working first makes sense. BTW I've not yet tried growpart with the basic partitions-on-LUKS case yet either (i.e. no LVM in the mix)14:51
smosersblk: you need to add a serial device. or remove console=ttyS0 from the kernel command line.14:53
smoserhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1061977 is related.14:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1061977 in MAAS "Machine fails to commission when console=ttyS0 is present on kernel opts" [Critical,Fix released]14:53
smoseralso  and bug 112224514:53
ubot5bug 1122245 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "booting from a cloud image hangs until virsh console is used" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112224514:53
smoserits really a train wreck14:54
sblkSorry I don't understand the connection with  ssh-authkey-fingerprints and ssh-authkey-fingerprints  and "serial device". I can login, but I wonder why do those errors occur14:56
smosersblk: your system has booted with 'console=ttyS0' on the kernel command line (a serial device). but you do not have a serial device.14:58
smoserso systemd hooks up /dev/console writes to go to ttyS014:59
smosercloud-init's output goes to /dev/console14:59
smosercloud-init writes the ssh fingerprints to its stdout so that you can see them.14:59
smoserthat write fails15:00
smosercloud-init is correctly recording that failure.15:00
smoserthe easiest solution is to just remove console=ttyS0 as it is wrong for you.15:01
minimalsmoser: for the normal-partitions-on-LUKS "cryptsetup resize" would need to be called, though this would be in cc_resizefs rather than cc_growpart I assume. I'll try and find some time to look at that scenario and see if I can put together a MR for it15:01
smoseroh.. yeah, i totally just combined those two modules in my head.15:04
smoserand in my comments.15:04
sblkNice @smoser , but how do I  "remove console=ttyS0"  on cloud-init? I've never append it by my own...15:15
smoseryou cannot15:20
smoserthat is part of why the whole thing is such a mess.15:21
smoserubuntu tries to create one cloud image that "just works"15:21
smoserand "just works" means that you should be able to see text console log... because that is extremely useful.15:22
smoserbut if you do that, by adding 'console=ttyS0' and there is no ttyS0 the kernel just behaves really poorly.15:22
smoserit takes writes for a while, and then starts failing.15:23
smoserand programs that have writes fail should bubble up those failures, not just ignore them.15:23
smosernobody wants to fix the problem15:24
otuboThe user requested python-simplestreams 0.1.0 (from git+https://git.launchpad.net/simplestreams)15:50
otubopycloudlib 18.8 depends on python-simplestreams 0.1.0 (from git+https://git.launchpad.net/simplestreams@21c5bba2a5413c51e6b9131fc450e96f6b46090d)15:50
otuboAlso, I'm having lots of dependency errors for azure stuff on my tox/pylint15:52
otubosmoser: just finished my rework on that PR. Looking forward for your opinion. Thanks for the input so far :)16:06
minimalsmoser: if you have "console=tty1 console=ttyS0" does that also cause problems? Though I'd used that in the past to cater for VMs that may or may not have a serial console.16:08
smoserotubo:quick one.16:09
smoseruse update_env= rather than env=16:09
smoserminimal: yes. it causes problems. the cloud-imagesi from ubuntu have console=tty0 console=ttyS0 (i think... bu tthey have both)16:10
smoserthe kernel is just stupid16:10
smoserthe serial device code is probably circa 1998 or earlier.16:11
smoserotubo: second one '--options=pvname' rather than ['-o', 'pvname']16:12
otubosmoser: OH, --options work :)16:12
smoserand you  missed comment on type(resizer).__name__ == "ResizeGrowPart" also16:14
smoseralways (whenver tool allwos) use --long-opt=value16:14
smoseras opposed to :16:14
smoser  --long-opt value16:14
smoser   -l value16:14
smoseras the first is most obvious to the reader oon what it does *and* that those are option=value not 'flag argument'16:15
otubosmoser: I indeed forgot about __name__ == "ResizeGrowPart". Will fix that.16:15
smoser(i thinkk the 100%FREE use falls into that too)16:15
Odd_Blokeotubo: Still seeing those tox installation failures?  Could you pastebin a log?16:15
otubosmoser: totally agree with the point.16:16
otuboOdd_Bloke: sure, hold on16:16
otuboOdd_Bloke: https://pastebin.com/UYFbDJT016:17
smoserand then get_pvs_for_lv() still will return possibly a \n delimtied list16:17
smoserand the onecaller is assuming (i htink) that it returns a sngle device string16:18
smoserit should reutrn a list16:18
smoserand that is all i can do now16:18
otuboOdd_Bloke: if I comment out the Azure stuff on cloud-tests-requirements.txt I still get the error I pasted above.16:18
otubosmoser: so, if we're assuming cloud-init will support only a single PV per VG, I'll just return an error incase a list appears.16:19
otuboOdd_Bloke: perhaps it's important to notice I'm running this on my RHEL-8.316:20
smoserotubo: or just do nothing ?17:06
smoserdebug (or maybe info message)17:06
smoseri'd say it is an error if the user explicitly said to do something and we couldn't do it17:06
smoserbut if it is just default behavior and we can't do it, then it is just info or debug.17:07
Odd_Blokeotubo: I can reproduce on Ubuntu bionic (which also has Python 3.6).17:10
Odd_BlokeAnd it looks like the issue is that the cloud test requirements conflict with the integration test requirements (which is only a problem when we try and coinstall them, to run pylint).17:23
Odd_Bloke(I think we can just drop linting cloud_tests, we don't intend to introduce new code there; I'll propose that today, but feel free to object.)17:24
Odd_Blokerharper: Your eyes on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1912844 would be much-appreciated!22:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1912844 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "Bond with OVS bridging RuntimeError: duplicate mac found! " [Undecided,New]22:26
rharperOdd_Bloke: ugh22:41

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