[04:07] Wow, 5.21 is pretty rock solid. Played with it for almost half an hour on a 4K laptop plugged into a 4k display. No crashes or paper-cuts discovered! [04:10] Touch-pad defaults were way too slow, tap to click was disabled, but everything was fine after configuration. Very impressed so far! [04:10] Using Neon Testing btw... [08:21] @DarinMiller, Yes. :) Landing it in proposed right now..... [12:19] Hi folks [14:12] hi all, I am trying to configure an app and it fails " Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5SQL" with any" - what package do I need to install? (i have qtbase5-dev installed) [14:28] Hi all! [14:28] I'm wondering if there's any (encrypted) root on ZFS support planned for the Kubuntu installer. [16:37] 5.21 BETA now landing in hirsute release pocket [16:37] @DarinMiller ^ [19:22] Sweet! [19:45] hi there [19:46] @RikMills thanks for your work man [19:47] I have a tough Kubuntu-related weekend ahead, let's hope I can do some progress [19:47] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/odJjNyyO/file_40910.webp [19:59] 5.20.90 installed and is running fine. I don't have much time to kick the tires at the moment, but I will later today.... [20:15] HH Installer ready for testing yet? [20:28] Should be. Just a bit slow to load until a new fix lands [22:47] or maybe it is still ****ed :(