[01:05] I have KDE on 20.04.1 Studio Ubuntu in a decent system (Ryzen 5 1600AF & Radeon RX550/550 using amdgpu with the latest hwe kernel and xorg installed trying to deal with this issue) and desktop performance is terrible. Animations are very slow. I have tried a variety of settings including various scale methods, rendering backends, and making Animation speed "Instant" and I've found the only thing that works is disabling the compositor w [01:05] ith "qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor suspend" I don't see much in the Xorg.log or journalctl that should explain this. Can anyone give me a clue? I don't think it is the card, I paid a pretty penny to upgrade the card from an old Radeon EAH5450 to fix this issue, I'm not a gamer and don't need 3D, just adequate desktop performance, bug sluggish animations drive me bats. Does anyone know how I can fix the compositor (compositor: kwin_x [01:05] 11 resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz)? [01:16] It may just be that the Animation speed slider is wedged somehow === Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii [03:11] Gnudnik: feel free to share journalctl -kb (or even without the 'k', but aafter a fresh boot) for a second pair of eyes. [03:12] i should say i'm not experienced with current kubuntu, though [03:12] (just ubuntu in general) [03:17] Danny P was added by: Danny P === yankeesfan2 is now known as yankeesfan [03:29] L B was added by: L B [03:50] 那一片云彩 摸金校尉 was added by: 那一片云彩 摸金校尉 [05:11] Gaurav1043 was added by: Gaurav1043 [05:14] Guys, I am a beginner at linux and started using kubuntu 20.04 LTS. Facing few problems. Can I ask it here? [05:28] Gaurav1043: that's what this channel is for [05:28] a5a5a5a5a5: please fix your connection [05:29] a5a5a5a5a5: please fix your connection [05:30] tomreyn I didn't see anything but you can see the pertinent parts here: https://pastebin.com/xGkBsZR7 [05:31] Gnudnik: would you mind discussing which malfunctions your are exoperiencing? [05:33] there's no use looking at partial system logs while it's not clear which kernel produced them, and which options were passed to it. [05:33] ie. cat /proc/{version,cmdline} [05:33] Gnudnik: sorry, not you [05:33] Gaurav1043: the above was for you [05:43] Gnudnik: or are you actually the same person as Gaurav1043? [05:49] Gnudnik: i'm sorry, mixed you two up a bit. anyways, here's a suggestion: enable IOMMU on the 'BIOS setup' screens. [05:51] I use plasma version 5.18.5, plasma frameworks version 5.68.0. When using PC the wifi stops working and it shows wla3s0 failed [05:52] @Gaurav1043, I use lenovo think pad T420, 4GB RAM [05:54] Also there is a graphics problem. KWin manager keeps on showing that my graphics was reset and the icons on desktop and it's names are replaced by black and white dots [05:56] Gaurav1043, try to change the compositor backend. [06:00] @Gaurav1043, just use x11 maybe it solve ur problem [06:00] also try use open source amd driver [06:01] i have hard time with proprietary gpu driver [06:50] @diogenes_, How? [06:51] @abc123rkm, Will try [06:51] Gaurav1043, in display setting afaik change opengl to xrender. [06:55] @diogenes_, Changed [06:56] Gaurav1043, relog. [06:56] @Gaurav1043, Will tell you the result after few mins [06:56] @diogenes_, Ok [09:10] Good morning === Guest61599 is now known as lordievader [10:36] Hi all! [10:36] I'm wondering if there's any (encrypted) root on ZFS support planned for the Kubuntu installer. [11:41] a5a5a5a5a5: please fix you stuff [11:42] someone kick them out for a while please, this join/part all the time is getting annoying [12:09] a5a5a5a5a5: fix your connection! [12:19] Hi folks [12:28] morning BluesKaj - long time no chat [12:28] BluesKaj Hi :) [12:29] dougl: better to chat in #kubuntu-offtopic ;) [12:29] ... ubuntu was trying to sneak snaps on my system so no more ubuntu [12:29] hi dougl, yeah, LTNS, how's things? [12:29] hi rishabh [12:30] dougl what are you using now then ? [12:30] Maik maybe dont be so quick to judge my chat I am not even sure what I will say next so I dont know how you can. [12:30] hehe [12:31] so what kubuntu are you running? [12:31] hi 👋 goog morning to you [12:31] dougl: lol... just a feeling since i saw your previous attempt to chat with BluesKaj :) [12:31] linux mint and mx linux [12:31] yes BluesKaj is my prefered chat mate when it comes to anything ubuntu [12:32] :) [12:32] ... but also good to meet you Maik [12:32] mint is awesome ,I use Kubuntu as my primary distribution [12:32] dougl: nice to meet you too [12:33] snaps aren't active on my system, there are few snap files but no apps, so that doesn't bother me much [12:33] rishabh, same for over a decade then snap came along and I have snap hangups... I like to know what is getting installed [12:33] what is the meaning of give op, take op here modes ? [12:34] channel opperators ops [12:34] raised priveliges [12:34] dougl, yes, the chromium snap was annoying for me [12:34] oh, okay I got it thank you :) [12:35] that is where I started to dl mint when ubuntu tried to sneak a snap in when I went to install chromium [12:35] anyways, now I am a brave user. it is awesome [12:36] BluesKaj, did you disable snap in ubuntu? [12:37] dougl, no, I just don't use it [12:38] I have only 3 snap related files listed in muon [12:40] I just checked and got to know that I am using Spotify Snap in my system😅 [12:41] hmm ??? wonder why in was using a snap fro chromium??? [12:41] I will be back in a while I have to take care of the dogs [12:50] what's the package name of the emoji selector application in kubuntu ? [12:57] Does Firefox support KDialog ? in latest kubuntu ? [13:44] hi all, I am trying to configure an app and it fails " Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5SQL" with any" - what package do I need to install? (i have qtbase5-dev installed) [14:00] I'm wondering if there's any (encrypted) root on ZFS support planned for the Kubuntu installer. [14:03] user|48872, ask in #kubuntu-devel [14:07] BluesKaj: 10x [14:48] @diogenes_, It still exists [16:03] brujic was added by: brujic [16:16] DanieleRol was added by: DanieleRol [16:17] sorry for the trouble but I bought a 13 inch macbook in 2019 and since I was using linux before, today I decided to try to install linux and I succeeded but I still haven't found any drivers compatible with my macbook [16:21] 6014 [16:29] DanieleRol: Kubuntu comes with most drivers (kernel modules), you should not need to install any, or only specific drivers (those listed by sudo ubuntu-drivers list *may* be useful) [16:34] 7497 [16:44] @IRC is there any other way to solve it? [16:56] hey BluesKaj - so... you still here - you mean your snaps were not automatically bein g used - you know what I mean? === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [16:56] no snaps being used here [16:56] I went sudo apt-get install chromiun-browser it almost let me or made me install the snap... [16:57] of chromium so I looked for you for insight but settled for linux mint [16:58] I still have 20.04 installed but never boot to it and used my home partition with the mint install - not really just sym link to it [17:00] I don't like the fact snaps and appimages can have redundancies - that is why we dont use stuff like windows... in my case anyway [17:01] if I wanted that crap I would stay with microsoft in dll hell [17:02] if they had snaps and appimages in 1998 maybe I'd still be using red hat - that is where you need them now you just want them cuz you love windows waste of resources - lol [17:02] sorry for my rant friends... [17:03] been on the phone for 2 hours with service canada [17:03] I am in a rant mood now - but will stop === mehmet is now known as bambino [18:45] hi [18:46] wher am i === muh2000__ is now known as muh2000 [20:24] YOU ARE STANDING AT THE END OF A ROAD BEFORE A SMALL BRICK BUILDING. AROUND YOU IS A FOREST. A SMALL STREAM FLOWS OUT OF THE BUILDING AND … DOWN A GULLY. [20:27] * genii checks inventory [20:29] @DarinMiller, Lol [20:34] sudo apt install colossal-cave-adventure [20:44] 😂 [21:32] YOU ARE IN A MAZE OF TWISTY LITTLE PASSAGES, ALL ALIKE [21:36] sudo apt install open-adventure