
callmepkgood morning02:18
dufluMorning callmepk 03:13
callmepkmorning duflu03:18
pieqHello there!03:19
dufluHi pieq 03:20
pieqA friend of mine has a laptop with a HDD and a SSD. Windows is installed on the HDD, and he would like to install Ubuntu on the SSD. During Ubuntu install, he is asked to choose where to install the bootloader. Should he select the drive with Windows installed, or the one where Ubuntu is going to be installed?04:12
pieqduflu, ^ do you know?04:12
duflupieq, out of safety I would recommend putting it on the Ubuntu SSD. Your BIOS boot menu will let you choose which... But also dual boot (putting the bootloader on the Windows drive) works fine so long as you install Ubuntu second. I just haven't done the latter in many years so have lost confidence04:30
duflupieq, then again the BIOS boot menu idea might be a bad one. For the best user experience putting the boot loader on the Windows drive (which presumably already boots) might be easiest to live with04:42
jibelGood morning06:04
dufluMorning jibel 06:06
jibelhi duflu 06:20
didrocksgood morning06:50
jibelSalut didrocks 06:53
didrockssalut jibel 06:56
dufluHi didrocks 06:59
didrockshey duflu 06:59
seb128goood morning desktopers08:08
jibelsalut seb128 08:10
didrockshey seb128 08:10
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk duflu pieq jibel didrocks seb12808:20
dufluHi seb128 and marcustomlinson 08:20
seb128hey jibel, didrocks marcustomlinson callmepk duflu 08:23
RikMillsjibel Laney - I guess no ubiquity upload now before the weekend? if so, I am just landing new Plasma, so would you mind re-testing the kde change on Monday to make sure nothing changed to scupper the fix? I don't think it will, but the upstream changelog is big enough to not be 100% sure08:27
jibelRikMills, hi, Lukasz wanted to do a release today. Not sure if he'll do it finally.08:34
jibelI'll retest anyway as I've other things to merge08:34
RikMillsjibel: thank you!08:35
didrockshey marcustomlinson, seb128, RikMills 08:36
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:44
dufluMorning oSoMoN 08:45
marcustomlinsonhey oSoMoN08:45
didrockssalut oSoMoN 08:50
oSoMoNhey duflu, marcustomlinson, didrocks 08:52
jibelSalut oSoMoN 08:52
oSoMoNsalut jibel 08:53
jibelhi marcustomlinson 08:53
jibelSalut Laney 09:01
dufluHi Laney09:02
marcustomlinsonyohoho Laney09:03
Laneymoin jibel duflu marcustomlinson 09:06
oSoMoNbonjour Laney 09:09
seb128hey Laney, oSoMoN, how are you?09:14
oSoMoNsalut seb128, I'm alright, and you?09:18
Laneyhey oSoMoN and seb128 09:25
Laneyfeeling tired today!09:25
Laneybut it really is Friday unlike fake Friday I had the other day09:25
* Laney double checks that09:25
Laneyyes indeed09:25
seb128oSoMoN, a bit tired but ok otherwise, almost the weekend (though that might not be more relaxing...)09:27
seb128didrocks, Trevinho, I've created https://trello.com/c/7YXicmhH/232-help-yaru-with-the-new-gtk-build and added you since you usually work with the yaru theme, Frederik stated on discourse that he would welcome help with the build system to build the new GTK theme09:54
seb128unsure if any of you think they will have some free slots to help them?09:54
didrocksunsure about free slots before FF, but let’s see09:58
didrocksI guess as long as done before UIF09:58
seb128I don't even think it needs an UIF since it's adding something not existing10:03
seb128it's not changing any UI10:03
didrockswell, we provide some extra "features" -> theming non default apps10:09
didrockswhich migrated10:09
didrocksso, hum10:09
didrocksok, if Marco doesn’t beat me to it, I’ll have a look10:10
seb128bah, IRC disconnected10:35
seb128didrocks, unsure if you got my reply, in case not ' I don't even think it needs an UIF since it's adding something not existing, it's not changing any UI'10:35
seb128though if it's built or included in yaru it might be considered as a feature, but should be an easy exception to get10:36
seb128Laney, thanks for fixing autopilot (I still don't understand why the call is failing now on armhf but at least it should workaround it)10:39
LaneyI dunno why it *worked* to be honest, maybe a udev update made it fail10:45
Laneyand np10:46
Laneyguess I can copy bamf now 10:46
seb128Laney, I don't understand 4078194e in the gtk3 repository, was it wanted to delete files in the source directly rather than do some debian/patches change? it creates a conflict when I try to merge debian/master which I'm unsure how to resolve11:22
MirvTrevinho: could you add "0a5c:5842" Dell Precision 7550 to https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/wiki/-/wikis/Unsupported%20Devices as I see you are a member in that team? or add me so I can add11:35
Laneyseb128: no, the clean rule deletes files so if you commit with -a you can accidentally trash them, just revert those files back to what is in the upstream for that revision12:48
Laneye.g. git restore -s upstream/<the version> <the files>12:49
seb128Laney, but then there is no chance corresponding to the changelog edit?12:49
seb128or was that in a previous commit just without changelog summary?12:49
Laneyyes that's normally how it would be done12:50
seb128k, gbp dch style12:51
seb128I need to get used to that, I still do add the changelog entry and debcommit -e to generate the commit message12:51
seb128which is the reverse way12:51
xnoxi wonder if i should add inverse "debcommit" mode12:52
xnoxi.e. commit everything but debian/changelog using the commit message from debian/changelog; and then follow that up with a standalone commit of changelog entry =)12:52
xnoxno idea how to make debcommit aware that gbp dch will be used to release/upload.12:53
Laneyfor people addicted to editing debian/changelog12:54
seb128_o/ :-)12:57
seb128well I think either way is fine, it's a matter of personnal preference. It's just that writting the commit message allows you to give a version description which is different from the changelog summary12:58
seb128but you often don't need the details12:58
seb128verbose description*12:59
xnoxseb128:  well by default gbp dch does that.... only the first line/paragraph goes into debian/changelog, all additional paragraphs end up in the git commit only.12:59
seb128right, which what I said13:00
xnoxi need more coffee13:00
xnoxthis has been a long week.13:00
seb128if you write a one line commit message they are equivalents13:00
seb128git commit; gbp dch13:00
seb128or dch; debcommit -e13:00
xnoxworking on fridays sucks; after having fridays off for 3 months; the full work week is a drag.13:01
seb128heh :-)13:01
LaneyFor me it's because it lets you cherry pick cleanly, and keeps the diff of the change to just the change itself13:01
Laneybut it's not that common to cherry pick so no the end of the world13:01
* Laney hands xnox a hot towel13:01
* seb128 learns about git restore13:03
Laneythey added some more friendly commands semi-recently13:04
Laneycheck out git switch too13:04
seb128I should maybe glance over the new git version notes to pick up new cool stuffs13:05
seb128thanks for the hints!13:05
oSoMoNI'm seeing an interesting shell bug (groovy): most (but not all) icons on my desktop have disappeared. The files/folders are there, but they are not visible on the desktop. Known bug?14:53
seb128oSoMoN, reminds me of bug #188317414:57
ubot5bug 1883174 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Some (or all) desktop icons are missing" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188317414:57
seb128which seems random, icons are often back after a shell reload14:57
oSoMoNseb128, that sounds like it indeed15:04
oSoMoNand I can confirm that reloading the shell restores the missing icons15:06
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:43
oSoMoNhey hellsworth 15:45
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth15:50
hellsworthoh hey there guys :)15:57
didrocks999hey hellsworth :)16:16
hellsworthhey didrocks999 16:16
didrocks9993 minutes before rebooting on hirsute, then, EOW (hopefully, if the reboot is fine :p)16:16
hellsworthwell have a great weekend!16:16
didrocks999thx and that will depend on the reboot, really :) (well, almost :p)16:17
* Laney wonders what this reboot is about 16:20
didrockssuccess \o/ have a good week-end everyone :)16:21
seb128bah, I don't understand the libunity build failure16:47
seb128it's due to the generated UnityExtras-7.0.typelib16:48
seb128compared to the one from the current deb which is working, a rebuild doesn't include a reference to 'libunity-extras.so.9' but unsure why...16:48
seb128which probalby is why it fails to load the library symbols16:48
DavidPlanella[m]hey seb128 thanks for your help with the Catalan translations import and o/ :-)16:51
seb128DavidPlanella[m], hey, sorry my IRC disconnect and I just noticed ;-)17:13
dpmno worries, I had some IRC issues myself :)17:18
dpmAfter nickserv authentication, I can now access the channel either via IRC or Matrix bridge17:18
dpmHave a great weekend everyone!17:18
seb128dpm, thanks and the same for you!17:26
ogratkamppeter, do you plan to eventuall provide the printing-stack-snap for arm too ? (and is there a stable release planned at some point ?) 18:15

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