[08:51] slyon: hi, if you have the s390x vm available for debugging 389, please check it's logs, there should be more than in the dogtag pkispawn error dump [08:55] tjaalton: hey! Yes, that's a good point, checking the 389 logs. I need to re-run the LXD autopkgtest with "--shell-fail", to reproduce the logs [09:17] slyon: the folks at #389 are eager to find out why it's failing [09:17] though they're mostly in the US [09:18] tjaalton: I reproduced the logs.. there are two interesting files. Let me paste them somewhere [09:18] okay [09:20] tjaalton: here are all the logs from /var/log/dirsrv: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q7xHNZYvkT/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pjqj8NPzZj/ Are you in touch with the #389 folks? [09:21] yes I asked about this yesterday, but they only test with x86 so it's not something they've hit [09:23] Most interesting part from the logs seems to be this "ERR - entry_get_rdn_mods - Fails to split RDN "o=pki-tomcat-CA" into components" Although, I do not know what it means. [09:23] they might have an idea [09:23] Cool thanks! Maybe you can forward those logs and they can understand whats going on [09:23] we'll see [09:27] can you build 389 to test if reverting a commit helps? [09:36] Yes. I guess we can setup a PPA and run the autopkgtest against that to see if it makes a change [09:38] what commit do you have in mind? [09:41] the one that added the error message in the log [09:42] it's the topmost commit in that particular file, from last summer.. and it would roughly match the time when this started [10:36] oSoMoN: nice one on dh-elpa/gettext, that seems to be the cleanest way to fix it to me [10:41] Laney, credit goes to you for the initial hint, thanks! [11:37] tjaalton: revertig https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/commit/2ccd0bed4e seems to work in manual testing! I triggered a full autopkgtest on the infrastructure against a PPA to see if it is working there as well. (https://launchpad.net/~slyon/+archive/ubuntu/testing/+packages) [11:41] slyon: cool, I filed a bug upstream and will add this info too [13:47] tjaalton: thanks! can you point me to that bug report? Also, I can confirm the test passes on autopkgtest.u.c with that one commit reverted: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-hirsute-slyon-testing/hirsute/s390x/d/dogtag-pki/20210122_114408_9ecb1@/log.gz [13:48] slyon: [13:48] @tjaalton [13:48] Error: "tjaalton" is not a valid command. [13:48] uh [13:48] https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/4563 [13:48] thx! [14:20] bdmurray: any idea what's up with apport autopkgtests? [14:21] hi all [14:21] not because you deleted apport from the PPA is it? 😏 [14:21] can someone tell me how to disable unattended security upgrades through autoinstall for ubuntu 20.04 ? [14:24] can someone help me with my query please [14:27] how to disable unattended security upgrades through autoinstall for ubuntu 20.04 ? [14:29] bdmurray: please could you have a look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-hirsute/hirsute/amd64/a/apport/20210122_112630_95059@/log.gz [14:29] looking at the log, I don't understand which failing issue is responsible for the error [14:35] is anyone here familiar with subiquity installer ? [14:38] ygk_12345: I don't know, you might have more luck in #ubuntu-server [14:46] xnox, would you mind confirming bug #1911236 ? [14:46] bug 1911236 in emacs (Ubuntu) "emacs FTBFS on s390x because of a failing unit test" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1911236 [14:46] (re- your upload that skips that test) [15:01] oSoMoN: i have no idea what you want? =) [15:01] oSoMoN: what do you mean "confirming bug"? [15:01] xnox, set the status to confirmed [15:01] and then what? [15:01] then nothing, I just don't like to confirm my own bugs [15:01] oSoMoN: the test is skipped; we are not going to work on this; so "fix released"? [15:02] Laney: I have commented back on bug 1903929, let me know if you need me to check anything else and/or (pointers on) how I can help to sort that out =) [15:02] bug 1903929 in britney "openjdk-8 uploads trigger swi-prolog, fdroidserver, and libreoffice autopkgtests unnecessarily" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903929 [15:02] xnox, in an ideal world we would come back to it later, to at least file an upstream bug [15:02] and skipping a test is hardly fixing it, the problem is real, even if we don't care much about it [15:03] and it's a regression [15:46] slyon: still here? check the latest comment on the 389 bug, if you have that logfile [15:46] yes, currently doing meetings. But I think I pasted that logfile earlier. Will dig it out later [15:49] oh right [15:56] doko: I've found part of the problem. === murphyslawbbs is now known as murphyslawbbs[aw