
lotuspsychjegood morning03:01
lotuspsychjehey TJ- o/03:18
TJ-morning :)03:18
ducassegood morning07:15
Guest61599Good morning09:10
=== Guest61599 is now known as lordievader
=== Guest59280 is now known as lordievader
ice9which one do you recommend for a laptop, the LTS version or the non-LTS?12:30
lotuspsychjeice9: is it a recent laptop?12:32
ice9lotuspsychje, yes12:33
lotuspsychjeice9: wich brand/model is it?12:33
ice9lotuspsychje, actually they are 2;  one is acer which is 3 years old; the other is a new huawei matebook12:34
Maikstick with a LTS version, the interim releases are supported for 9 months only and are more or less a testbed for the next LTS release12:34
Maikon the LTS release you get HWE support which means a newer kernel with each point release iirc12:35
Maikso 20.04.2 will ship with the 5.8 kernel if i'm correct12:36
Maikit will be released on the 4th of february12:36
Maik20.04.2 that is12:37
marcoagpintoI was just going to ask12:37
ice9Maik, there is no 21.04 release next april?12:37
Maikice9: there is but it's also a interim release12:37
lotuspsychjeice9: it also depends on the purpose of your laptop(s) do YOU want a stable or a latest ubuntu release, its the users choice12:38
Maiknext LTS will be 22.04 ice912:38
Maikice9: if you want a stable workstation for a longer time stick with LTS. Simple as that.12:38
ice9does LTS get new updates ONLY for the security or also for new app features?12:39
lotuspsychjeice9: since the coming of snaps, we cant generalize statements of app versions anymore, both LTS and non lts are now a mix of stable and latest packages12:46
lotuspsychjeice9: every ubuntu release has their own package versions on apt and some apps always get updates like firefox to give one example12:48
Maikice9: https://ubuntu.com/blog/what-is-an-ubuntu-lts-release12:50
ice9so it's seems that LTS is released with software developed in the previous 2 years; which means that LTS has 2 years old software right?13:05
Maikat least it is stable software13:08
Maiklatest and greatest doesn't mean stability13:09
MaikCentOS and Debian use even older software packages13:10
Maikice9: again,  it's all up to you and your preferences. Want a stable workstation for daily usage and long support use a LTS release. Want more up to date software and shorter support use the interim releases. Always want to have  the latest and greatest software with chance of breakage, go use a rolling release distro.13:14
Maiki myself been almost everywhere in the last 14 years, just give me a LTS release of Ubuntu or one of it's official flavors. Currently i use Ubuntu MATE 20.04.1 LTS on one machine. Another laptop is for helping testing the upcoming iso's.13:16
lotuspsychjeconjo_: do you ever stop troll?14:07
conjo_rofl im not man14:08
conjo_sorry hey14:08
ice9why gnome gestures doesn't work on X11?16:53
Ussatsounds like a question for #ubuntu17:12
Tailshi all i was going to install xrdp but, it installs gnome stuff. any better rdp server out there?18:36
lotuspsychjeTails: remmina comes by default on ubuntu-desktop now, try that perhaps?18:52
ice9since it's possible to achieve full disk encryption including boot, why the installer doesn't it support it out of the box?19:06
tomreynice9: probably because those installations increase complexity, and that would increase errors / support intensity19:07
tomreynTails: which "gnome stuff", exactly, and why do you insist on rdp rather than vnc?19:09
Tailsi would choose vnc if its better19:13
tomreyn$ apt-rdepends xrdp 2>/dev/null | grep -c gnome19:14
tomreynthis is on 18.04 LTS19:14
lotuspsychje0 on 20.04 too19:15
conjohi anybody here use a standalone window manager rather than a D.E19:43
sarnoldi3wm here19:44
conjowsup sarnold19:45
conjohope ur well19:45
sarnoldconjo: yeah, can't complain, all things considered20:19
* daftykins gets sarnold a real cookie instead of the cat treats20:20
sarnoldCOOOKIES nomnomnomnnom20:20
* sarnold hides his Cock-n-bull20:37
daftykinsthat's a local pub!20:37

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