
bitlanpart of dmesg: https://i.imgur.com/w9EHUmh.png00:02
sarnoldtry dmesg | tail -30 instead -- not all block errors have the device name in them00:05
bitlannothing special00:06
sarnoldyou're still cutting off the *last* lines of the thing00:07
sarnoldthat's where I hope errors to show up :)00:07
bitlanlast 40 lines00:10
bitlannothing special00:10
sarnolddang. well, maybe that's best, it isn't a clear sign of failing hardware anyway00:11
bitlanit's fu*k after apt update .... to newer kernel, i tried to select older on boot, but doesn't helps00:12
bitlani dont know why is not recognize  LVM on sda00:13
bitlanon live cd i have all LVM disks and pv, vg, lv00:13
sarnoldbitlan: when you boot to the live cd, the same lvm pvdisplay command shows output you expect?00:17
bitlani see all my LVM volumes00:18
bitlanfrom sda00:18
bitlani tried mount them into /mnt/root    and i chroot into00:19
bitlansarnold: before reboot  https://pastebin.com/WYwUABmh00:23
sarnoldlooks boring enough00:25
bitlansarnold: i found issue...00:55
bitlanin /etc/lvm/lvm.conf  global_filter includes sda...00:55
RoseBushello, if i want to highlight words at a time i use crtl+shift+right00:56
RoseBusbut for some reason when i press shift+ctrl+right it doesn't work (shift first)00:57
RoseBusbut if i do crtl first then it works00:57
RoseBusis that a keyboard issue or is that built into the os00:57
sarnoldbitlan: NICE!! thanks for reporting back :) I'd never heard of this one before00:57
sarnoldRoseBus: that's probably a matter of application or whatever x11 toolkit the application is built on00:58
RoseBusit's the same behavior in my browser, xchat, and in intellij00:59
RoseBusi've never noticed this before00:59
RoseBusi did get a new keyboard for christmas though, so that could be it00:59
sarnoldooh; do you still have the old one around that you could test with?01:00
sarnoldthat's probably wortha  quick test01:01
sarnoldI'm still skeptical but if it's easy.. :)01:01
RoseBusold keyboard doing the same thing01:01
RoseBusmaybe if i reboot something will change01:03
linuxmintHello, I'm learning rsync. The man makes my eyes and brain bleed. I add in options, but then rsync says I'm wrong by not tabbing my file to transfer?  E.g.: rsync -avzhe linuxMint.iso root@
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compdocwhat if you tried with fewer options, like:    sudo rsync -avn02:02
compdocis an rsync server running on the dest?02:02
pavloslinuxmint: rsync -avz file root@ip:/dest works for me02:03
linuxmintcompdoc: yes, it works with no options and yes machine1 has rsynce, as it works with no options.02:03
sarnoldlinuxmint: -e requires something like 'ssh' to follow it02:09
pavloslinuxmint: without -e works02:11
linuxmintpavlos: thanks, I'll update the code.02:14
pavloslinuxmint: actually sarnold mentioned the -e02:16
linuxmintsarnold: oh, thank you sarnold :-)02:17
pavloslinuxmint: you command should work adding 'ssh' after -e, rsync -avzhe ssh linuxMint.iso root@             tested on my system02:18
linuxmintpavlos: ah, I see.  Would be good to have a command not needing the ssh part, but still operate optin e, to delete the original location file once transferred.02:20
pavloslinuxmint: rsync --delete-source-files -avz SRC DEST (you can test it with --dry-run)02:24
linuxmintpavlos: thanks, I think the -e ssh is easier.02:25
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fribcan I delete the contents of ~/.cache ?04:07
TJ-frib: generally yes; if an application relies in it that application is naughty04:08
fribThanks TJ-04:09
fribI have asked in here a couple of times about how to stop my wifi from turning off by itself but it seems like nobody knows how. Should I just give up?04:09
sarnoldfrib: this was some advice given the other day to someone else who had a problem with a wifi doing some stupid power save:04:11
sarnoldsudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf && sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service04:11
fribyeah I tried that but it doesn't work04:11
sarnoldI'll be honest I don't know what it does, nor how to check if powersave is why you're dropping04:11
fribhere's what I know04:12
fribin gnome-control-center there is an option to turn off wifi to save power04:12
fribcurrently the setting is on for me by default04:12
fribif I try to turn it off then my wifi goes off04:12
fribthe end.04:12
TJ-frib: I'm sure this was discussed a week or so ago04:18
TJ-I recall you or someone else mentioning that, and being told that the setting is supposed turn off Wifi to save power, so "on" means wifi is enabled, "off" means wifi is disabled04:19
TJ-frib: it does NOT mean "enable some kind of additional power-saving whilst keeping wifi enabled04:19
TJ-frib: I'm pretty sure the conclusion was that the Gnome UI design was extremely confusing and poorly designed04:20
TJ-frib: easy way to test what that actually does is to use "nmcli radio" before and after altering that option and seeing what state the radios are in04:21
neilduganhi I have a dnsmasq sending a option 3 "sent size:  4 option:  3 router" but there is no default route being setup.  "ip route04:46
neildugandoesn't show a default route.04:47
TJ-neildugan: is the client configured to apply a default route? what networking client are you using (Network Manager, systemd-networkd, ifupdown) ?04:51
neilduganTJ-, I am using netplan .... it has the "renderer: networkd" setup ... does that answer your question?04:55
tomreynit answers the second question. you're using systemd-networkd (managed through netplan).04:57
neildugantomreyn, ok, so how would I find the answer to the first section.04:58
tomreynneildugan: you could share your network configuration, or an abstraction of it, discuss how the network interfaces are configured when they are brought up, and whether you set any gateway or static routes05:03
tomreynhttps://netplan.io/examples/ may help05:04
neildugantomreyn, TJ- , Here is the details of the configuration... https://pastebin.pl/view/e1a0917e05:09
neildugantomreyn, any other details you would like?05:10
tomreynneildugan: i'm not really familiar with dnsmasq's configuration, but I notice you have the lines following "# Set default gateway" commented out. should they be commented in?05:20
Starship8012Hi, I am running a website on my ubuntu server. The memory usage is around 75%. The load average from htop says 0.09 0.22 0.29. Is this server too small? It only has 1 core and 2 GB or RAM05:20
derpadmin0.0X is fine05:22
neildugantomreyn, once I enabled the logging I noticed it was sending that data automatically so I commented them out.05:22
derpadminyour server is fine Starship801205:23
derpadminunless you want to put serious load on it05:23
Starship8012thank you :)05:23
derpadminmake sure to have swap though05:23
tomreynneildugan: i see. i'm afraid i'm probably not qualified to help, i wasn't even aware that dnsmasq can act as a dhcp server until 5 minnutes ago.05:23
Starship8012what load average would be considered to high?05:23
derpadminyou are running close to your memory limit05:23
derpadminStarship8012, 1 and above is bad05:24
Starship8012i have 0 swap05:24
derpadminmake a swap file05:24
tomreynneildugan: there's also #ubuntu-server05:24
Starship8012any size recommendations? 2gb?05:24
derpadminmake it 4G05:24
derpadminit is the old recommendation, not really relevant with new servers that have hundreds of G of mem05:25
neildugantomreyn, and a pxe server, tftp server, it is versatile.. ok thanks for trying.  .... I think I will try again on ubuntu-server.05:25
tomreynneildugan: sorry, and good luck.05:26
Starship8012alright, i got 4gigs of swap now :) it says "used 0"... do i need to do something so the system uses it ?05:32
tomreynyou need to run swapon against it05:34
Starship8012it's on and permanent05:35
Starship8012by permanent, i mean it added it to fstab05:35
Starship8012rebooted the server, free -m says swap = 4 gigs, used 005:35
tomreynso    swapon -s    lists it?05:35
Starship8012i guess it will use it where it sees fit?05:35
neilduganStarship8012, as long as htop or top shows that it is there all should be fine.05:36
tomreynif so, yes05:36
Starship8012yes, it lists it05:36
Starship8012amazingthanks guys! :)05:36
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AvaLanCH3which one is best to use with ubuntu VS code or atom05:50
AvaLanCH3im having problem with installation of vs code05:50
AvaLanCH3can anyome help05:51
tomreynit's not part of ubuntu, is it?05:51
tomreyni think neither are05:51
tomreynthey may have their own support channels05:51
AvaLanCH3yes they arent05:51
AvaLanCH3i'll check05:52
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ksynwaAnyone knows if zsys snapshotting after every apt command captures data in the home folders too?06:40
ksynwaJust wondering if it's taking more space than it needs to because of the movies and stuff I have or do I need to not worry about that06:40
ksynwa                      because of the movies and stuff I have or do I need to06:44
ksynwafuck sorry06:45
phillipsjkHas pulseaudio ever implemented hardware accelaration? I my bried searching,  came across bug reports from 2008-9 with lenart telling people not to buy accelarated sound cards.07:38
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions07:38
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cluelesspersonIs there a way to modify snap vlc's access to filesystem?11:44
cluelesspersonit's getting permission denied11:44
ice9which one do you recommend, installing ubuntu LTS or non-LTS on a laptop?11:47
ksynwaI am building a problem which needs a dependency called `xcb-errors`. Any idea if Ubuntu has it? I can't seem to find it.11:48
cluelesspersonice9, LTS only really matters if you're concerned about more stability/support and long term definitely working channels.11:49
cluelesspersonlts just means "long term support"11:49
cluelesspersonksynwa, What program?11:50
ksynwacluelessperson: yambar https://codeberg.org/dnkl/yambar11:50
lotuspsychje!discuss | ice911:53
ubottuice9: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:53
lotuspsychjecluelessperson: contact:   https://www.videolan.org/support/ for vlc snap11:55
ksynwaYeah I feel the file isn't in Ubuntu repos11:57
ksynwaUsually it comes with something like xcb-utils-devel11:57
lotuspsychjeksynwa: what are you trying to do exactly?11:57
ksynwaBUild yambar11:58
toffeHi, I'm really struggeling with the auto install. We are planning on going from CentOS to Ubuntu but our use case is a bit special.12:06
toffeWe need to be able to add 3 users with password and ssh keys which are enabled by default and install a script which will pop up once the user logs in12:06
toffeBut I'm for the world of me not able to find satisfactionary docs on this?12:07
toffeThere is a identify section but that only handles 1 user12:07
toffeand do not even work with my password hash I gave it even if it accepts it12:07
BluesKajHi folks12:20
locsmif_workHi. Anybody had any luck connecting their Sennheiser PXC 550 II to Ubuntu?12:52
locsmif_workTrying to feel out if it would be wise buying it considering it needs to work with both Windows and Ubuntu12:53
lotuspsychje!hardware | locsmif_work maybe here12:57
ubottulocsmif_work maybe here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:57
routebeeheya people13:06
routebeecan anyone recommend a pdf viewer/editor that i can make notes in my pooks with13:07
routebeei have tried xournal and im not that impressed13:08
routebeeanyone do active reading with pdf files13:08
conjo_no but if you find something gud to read from and be able to do all that well share it with me too ;)13:15
daysunroutebee: please try to write everything in one line next time. It's really frustrating to read your text if it's punctuated with [return]13:15
daysunconjo_: if you're reading on a PC, there's the web browser. They are pretty neat at it13:16
conjo_i prefer calibre and a terminal window13:16
mrtrousersHello, im running ubuntu 20.0413:18
conjo_thats really cool whats up13:18
routebeeim going to try okular13:18
mrtrousersI have an ublox device, gps sensor, connected to my laptop through usb..13:18
mrtrousersBut it doesnt get recognized, it connects, disconnects...13:19
mrtrousersIf i provide power to the board then it gets recognized..13:19
mrtrousersWhats even funnier is that yesterday it worked only with usb and today it doesnt..13:19
mrtrousersIts driving me nuts..13:19
conjo_what port are you pluggin into on ur tower/lappy a blue one13:20
mrtrousersI try all of them, got 2 blue ones and one black one, usbs13:20
conjo_had a similar issue with my ps3 dual shock controller and retro arch the other day and when i used a usb 3.0 it was fine:usb 2.0 failed on power13:21
mrtrousersTo recap, ublox gps connected throu usb to laptop works in windows.. Powered through a battery and connected to a linux box it works.. Connected only with usb to a linux box doesnt work..13:22
mrtrousersExcept yesterday which worked for a few hours..13:23
mrtrousersIts got to be something related to drivers, kernel..?13:23
routebeefurther questions... is there a way to create a launcher that starts an app in firejail in gnome? instead of launching okular i want it to launch firejail okular13:23
routebeeim not a big fan of gnome13:24
routebeei use MATE usually13:24
conjo_just gotta read this a few times mrtrousers13:25
mrtrousersOk, thanks conjo13:25
mrtrousersconjo_ :)13:25
mrtrousersIm trying to find out what happened yesterday that made it work, but cant work it out..13:25
mrtrousersThats dmesg output, connect, disconnect: https://pastebin.com/raw/MKg0FK6s13:26
mrtrousersThe board is not totally powering, the docs say it needs at least 500 mA power from the usb13:27
routebeei think i'll post that one on a forum and go to bed13:27
mrtrousersconjo_ thats why it needs usb 3.0 cuz 2 is 500mA max and 3 900 mA13:28
mrtrousersFor some reason the board is not getting enough power from my usb ports, can i monitor that somehow?13:31
conjo_yeah all i can think of is a pwr supply thing, but id expect it to play up in windows, what charge was your battery at and was it in the wall when you had it working the other day ubuntu may change power profile when you have low battery causing the usb to get less power but im guessing13:32
conjo_eg when working was ur laptop plugged in and charging while the gps worked?13:32
mrtrousersIm not sure, its been plugged while not working, should i try to unplug it?13:33
mrtrousersId like to monitor the ouput power of my usb ports, is there some program for that?13:33
conjo_im sure you can but i cant answer on that one appeal to a smarter man13:33
conjo_for sure start googling you will find heaps of stuff13:34
mrtrousersAlso there's another thing, my wire says usb 2.. Will that work with usb 3?13:34
conjo_can search for other linux or pi channels perhaps or other board channels someone in one of them will know for sure13:35
conjo_nah it will only carry usb2 if thats what the wire says13:35
conjo_so it will downgrade as per colour of the plug if its white well xmas is comming13:36
mrtrousersAnd its working, randomly again.. I did nothing special..13:36
mrtrousersJust connected to the usb 3 blue port, which i have done other times and randomly works..13:36
conjo_is it possible its finding its location and that takes a while longer on linux13:36
mrtrousersCould the mess come from trying first the usb2 port and then the usb3?13:37
conjo_if it stops working do you reboot the pc and the device13:37
mrtrousersNot the device..13:37
mrtrousersI have tried rebooting the laptop before..13:37
conjo_you sure how about a pin hole somewhere13:38
conjo_like on an iphone simcard or on the back of your router13:38
conjo_will say reset13:38
mrtrousersIts driving me nuts.. Ah no, no, the device has a reset button13:38
mrtrousersIts got to be the order you plug it in the box, if you do usb2 first it my stay in that mode or something..13:39
conjo_disable suspend or what ever it is13:39
mrtrousersconjo_ good advice though.. If it stops working ill reboot device, laptop and make sure its plugged in the blue one usb3..13:39
mrtrousersAlso, wait, ive got a virtual machine with windows opened, and i had that too yesterday, could that be it?13:40
conjo_clutching at straws champ shy of googling for ya-guess work13:40
conjo_sorry what you mean you had it open an the gps worked13:41
mrtrousersIts whats in common between yesterday and today..13:41
conjo_or did u turn the vm off n then the gps worked13:41
mrtrousersMmm i dont know, ill try that in a bit.. Its got to be usb port plug order or having the vm with windows open..13:42
conjo_are you trying to use the gps on a vm or a host machine13:42
mrtrousersMmm yes i had that working13:42
conjo_know how to share usb with host machine on the vm running windows?13:45
conjo_does it work like that?13:45
mrtrousersYes, yes.. I had it working, then it stopped working.. Yes it works..13:45
mrtrousersThe problem is that the host, ubuntu machine, recognises the device (ublox gps) randomly..13:45
mrtrousersThinking about that, ive had times where the windows machine was opened and the device not recognised...13:46
conjo_did you try what old mate mentioned about dmesg |tail 10013:46
mrtrousersIts got to be the usb port pluggin order, plugging first usb2 fucks things up? Thats my best guess13:46
conjo_after you unplugged and plugged in the device again ...30 seconds on13:47
mrtrousersThat command doesnt work13:47
conjo_hang on sry lol13:47
conjo_dmesg | tail -5013:48
conjo_not working?13:48
mrtrousersYes, that one does13:49
conjo_sorry im always with syntax errors13:49
conjo_now off to pastbin and share the copy and paste with us all13:49
mrtrousersThats the output: https://pastebin.com/raw/ei7sLWke13:49
conjo_perhaps some linux yoda will help13:50
mrtrousersAlso when it doesnt work it says something about maby bad wire, but its not cuz the same wire in the same position works in windows..13:50
conjo_lmao that doesnt hold water you know =)13:51
mrtrousersWhat you mean?13:52
conjo_joke bro13:52
conjo_having a google mate13:54
conjo_pray for me...lols and you13:55
mrtrousersThanks conjo_13:55
mrtrousersIll keep debugging, be13:55
conjo_all gud man but hey, dont get too happy im an amateur13:55
mrtrousersMe too. Ok vm is off and device still working.. Plugging into usb2 now13:57
conjo_fuk that i reckon you will need to full power cycle and wait for it to connect13:58
conjo_if you try usb313:58
mrtrousersUsb 2 working too.. That driving me nuts.. Maybe it is the wire, but then why it works in windows? Also have tried another wire and does the same..13:58
lotuspsychjemrtrousers conjo_ please divide chat and support into different channels13:58
conjo_it must be a wire man13:58
conjo_or a power thing13:58
conjo_eg not on mains with your laptop and it changes mode to conserve13:59
mrtrousersIll try rebooting everything and connecting to usb2 first see what happens...13:59
conjo_for sure13:59
conjo_brb smoke13:59
mrtrousersGoing to take a brake first, catch up in a 3 hours if you still around..14:00
conjo_take care gl and hope it keeps working, also try get it running with nothing running first14:00
conjo_and plugged into power no vms browsers or anything and piss off the antivirus if running14:01
lotuspsychje!language | conjo_14:01
ubottuconjo_: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:01
mrtrousersconjo_ the battery levels might be important too.. Of cours when battery is low..14:02
mrtrousersBut then i have it plugged to the wall..14:02
conjo_for sure14:03
mrtrousersNevermind, I just want to pinpoint the issue as I need this to run consistently and not randomly, lulz14:03
conjo_keep all things with a psu plugged in at first no progs or vms running and then try changing usb ports giv it time to find location also14:04
conjo_have you also tried using different cords some will just not work worn pins sometimes are not that noticable on the male or female side14:05
conjo_or not the same eg aftermarket cheapies14:05
conjo_mrtrousers, you'll get there im sure gl ciao14:06
conjo_lotuspsychje, do you ever go to sleep?14:06
lotuspsychjeconjo_: not a topic for the support channel, lets try #ubuntu-discuss14:07
k_szeIf I tried to install a deb and it fails due to a dependency that cannot be installed, how do I abandon the attempt (so that apt doesn't keep telling me to do install --fix-broken)?14:10
k_sze`apt purge <broken package>` is enough?14:11
lotuspsychjek_sze: some debs are adding external ppa in the background, is that your case?14:11
k_szeI don't think so. I was trying to install fahcontrol (deb downloaded from foldingathome.org), but fails because python-gtk2 and python-gnome2 are deprecated in Ubuntu 20.04.14:12
conjo_mrtrousers, https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/faq.html#verify found this14:15
conjo_mrtrousers, https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/gpsd.8.html14:28
DiogoConstantinoHi all14:30
tomreynHi DiogoConstantino. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?14:34
rjwiiiHello. My laptop won't upgrade. It is currently running 18.04 and I want to upgrade to 20.04. I click on the updater and click on "Upgrade..." and enter my password and then nothing happens. It is a System76 laptop that I bought with Ubuntu 12.04. Yeah, it's got some miles on it, but still runs like a champ. Any ideas?14:57
Maikrjwiii: is it actually running Ubuntu?14:59
Maikand not POP OS?14:59
Maikalso, 32 bit or 64 bit?15:00
rjwiiiMaik: Yes ... it is currently running Ubuntu 18.04 ... Not POP OS ... 64 bit15:00
BluesKajrjwiii, check the package manager sources setting, make sure it's set to LTS only. Then upgrade your existing packages before upgrading to the new release.15:00
Maikrjwiii: https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts-to-20-04-lts-today15:01
rjwiiiMaik: I clicked on "Settings" and I'm looking at the "Ubuntu Software" tab ... is that it?15:07
rjwiiiMaik: If I click on any of the "Downloadable from the internet" options, it asks for my password and then nothing happens.15:08
pangpanghow can i know size of storage and ram size?15:11
birkoffi want to crosscompile to mips with uclibc on ubuntu, i have mips-linux-gnu-gcc from  the apt repository, what else do I need ?15:12
leftyfbpangpang: df and free15:14
pangpangi did it with gnome-system-monitor15:15
pangpanganyway thanks leftyfb15:15
pangpangoh my god15:16
pangpangi have 256GB but i use only 5% :(15:16
pangpangi waste money :(15:16
pangpangleftyfb, how can i know cores of cpu?15:17
Maikrjwiii: did you read the blogpost i linked on how to upgrade to 20.04?15:22
Maikif you follow those steps you should be able to do it. If not then i don't know what is going wrong.15:23
rjwiiiMaik: Yes ... the first upgrade option doesn't work ... Should I try the CLI option?15:23
Maikrjwiii: yeah, try all options mentioned in the blogpost15:24
Maikrjwiii: if it doesn't work out then the fastest way to get to 20.04.1 is to download the iso and perform a fresh install15:29
rjwiiiMaik: The updater says my software is up-to-date, but when I tried the CLI option, it says "Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading." ...15:35
Maiksudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and then sudo apt dist-upgrade15:36
Maikrjwiii: also, any PPA's you use?15:36
Maikif so disable or remove them15:37
rjwiiiMaik: looks like a ton of updates are happening when I did sudo apt upgrade ... Why didn't the updater show them?15:40
Maikrjwiii: i don't know15:40
spatelfolks i am trying to run my-post-install.sh script after autoinstall but getting error related commands not found inside script. I think /target environment causing issue. how do i run script normal way with curtin ?15:47
spatel- curtin in-target --target=/target -- /root/my-post-install.sh15:47
spatelthat is what i am trying in my PXE boot15:47
spateldo i need to adjust all path inside my-post-install.sh to tell them /target/sbin/foo ?15:48
spatelOfficial document also not giving any hint15:50
octav1aIn 20.04 installing python with the package manager will make python == python3 ? Or should I make the alias manually?16:35
gurumedlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Apr 15  2020 /usr/bin/python -> python316:36
gurumedIt does on my box16:36
bomzh1018I want to install Ubuntu on a PC with SSD+HDD.16:51
bomzh1018I plan to install '/' on SSD, 'home' and 'swap' on HDD.16:51
bomzh1018What do I do with other mount points like /usr, /tmp, I recall there were like 2-3 more - creating a partition for each of them seems overkill, but I don't want to end up with /tmp on my SSD.16:51
bomzh1018Another question is, I checked out a few guides, and some of them advise putting swap on SSD - but AFAIU, SSD has limited amount of rewrites, and swap rewrites itself all the time - so what's up with that, do I miss something?16:51
knmaewow it was laughably easy to write the sd card with ubuntu for raspberry with ubuntu :)16:51
tomreynbomzh1018: the times when ssd had remarkably less writes than hdds are (long) over. you can just ignore this in most scenarios now. for swap, ubuntu defaults to a swap *file* nowadays, which is placed in / - you can, however, create one elsewhere if you prefer.16:55
tomreynfor desktop use, i wouldn't want to spread mount points across disks much, if at all.16:56
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bomzh1018thanks tomreyn! I'm not up to date on the state of the art for hard drives indeed.16:57
tomreynone more remark on swap - if the system has enough ram at most if not all times, and that should be your primary goal (compared to other components, RAM is a lot more affordable now than it was 10 or 20 years ago) - then swap will not be used much, and then it doesn't really matter where you place it.16:58
bomzh1018tomreyn: >  i wouldn't want to spread mount points across disks much, if at all.16:58
bomzh1018any reason for that?16:58
tomreynit reduces flexibility16:58
bomzh1018re: RAM&swap - fair enough16:59
tomreyncomplicates upgrades and layout changes16:59
WaVRandom thought: Speaking of mountpoints, I need to create a /home mountpoint on my next install instead creating it on / mountpoint.16:59
bomzh1018tomreyn: sorry, I'm not sure I follow - reduces it how? If I understand correctly, separating /home from '/' allows to reinstall the system without having to store your personal data elsewhere17:00
tomreynbomzh1018: yes, that's roght. for /home it can make sense, but i wouldn't do it for the other directories you mentioned (i think), such as /var and /usr17:02
tomreyn* that's right17:02
bomzh1018tomreyn: I see now, thanks again!17:03
bomzh1018another question: I got two PCs, both running Ubuntu MATE, both connected to one router - is there a way to transfer files from on to the other?17:04
bomzh1018and if that's not the correct place to ask, what would be the better place?17:04
tomreynyou're welcome! note that some of these are personal preferences, others may see it differently. but i still think it's a good recommendation not to spread it out too much for desktop use (server is a different matter). there is #ubuntu-discuss, too, where such personal preferences could be discussed.17:04
bomzh1018tomreyn: fair enough!17:04
tomreynbomzh1018: about transferring files between *ubuntu installations, you'd normally use ssh17:05
tomreynpossibly rsync (on top of ssh)17:05
tomreynor just sftp, which works similarly (at least on the surface) as ftp, but has nothing to do with it technically. it is based on ssh.17:06
tomreynin term of GUI applications, gnome files (previously nautilus) supports ssh connections and file transfers. i don't remember the situation of the graphical file manager in mate.17:08
bomzh1018thanks! Where do I get other PC's IP, in the router?17:08
bomzh1018or there's some command to report your own IP?17:08
tomreynin the router, or on the computer itself.    ip a   can tell, or you could use the network-manager GUI to determine it.17:09
tomreynif you'll more regularly copy files between those, the convenient way to prepare for that is to configure static addressing for these systems in your router, if it supports assigning a fixed ip address to devices.17:10
bomzh1018for now, I just need to move files once, after installation - but I'll dig into it more if I have to run it repeatedly17:12
tomreynthat way, the router still hands out the systems' ip addresses centrally, and you can continue to manage adressing centrally there, but ip addresses are still handed out via dhcp, so you don't need to configure those addresses on the individual computers (which can be annoying if you need to change them later but can't reach the computer you need to change it on)17:12
bomzh1018I see - thanks!17:13
rfmubuntu now has all the support to use mDNS resolution; install avahi-daemon (in by default I think) and libnss-mdns and <hostname>.local will resolve on the local network17:14
bomzh1018rfm: thanks!17:14
ice9why gnome gestures doesn't work on X11?17:23
dodocryptohi all17:23
dodocryptohow is ubuntu market for server17:23
dodocryptois there alot enterprise using it ? for ubuntu server i mean17:24
leftyfb!ot | dodocrypto17:25
ubottudodocrypto: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:25
zutathow to find out which audio chip is being used on 20.04 desktop?18:05
pavloszutat: inxi -A18:22
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ice9since the ubuntu installer doesn't encrypt the /boot partition, so how to verify that the kernel and initrfs haven't been tampered with during boot?18:46
tomreynice9: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201918:54
Tailsi will never get why xrdp installs gnome that i don't want19:03
ice9since it's possible to achieve full disk encryption including boot, why the installer doesn't do it support it out of the box?19:04
tomreynice9: you'd need to ask the ubuntu deskktop team that. we could speculate in #ubuntu-discuss, too.19:05
Tailslike gnome-shell19:10
Tailsi will just use vnc if its better19:10
Tailslol wrong channel19:12
isapgswellTails #tails19:32
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cpusmithHello, I ran a do-release-upgrade from trusty to xenial which completed but all the packaged are still on trusty. Any idea how to fix this?20:03
sarnoldcpusmith: I'm confused, what exactly are you seeing?20:05
cpusmithsarnold: uname -r says says 4.4.0-127, sources.list still has trusty in it, apt list --installed all have trusty packages20:20
sarnoldcpusmith: so, when you say that do-release-upgrade *completed*, what exactly did it do?20:21
cpusmith<sarnold> To tell you the truth it was 20 server upgrades ago. I think that maybe it didn't reboot but a reboot didn't change anything.20:30
sarnoldcpusmith: try running it again then?20:31
cpusmith<sarnold> then it wants to go to bionic20:34
bomzh1018I have two PC both running Ubuntu MATE, both connected to the same router, and I try to connect from one to the other20:40
bomzh1018I was advised earlier to run `ip a` to get PC's address - ip a gives me20:40
bomzh1018inet brd scope global ....20:41
bomzh1018but when I try to run ssh-copy-id user@, I get an error:20:42
bomzh1018/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused20:42
bomzh1018what am I doing wrong?20:42
sarnoldconnection refused could mean there's no openssh-server running on, or there's a firewall on either machine or the router that's blocking the connection attempt20:43
bomzh1018ah right - there's no openssh-server indeed20:44
bomzh1018would SSH work if I manually copy public keys between PCs?20:44
zutatsure, but not without a server :)20:45
bomzh1018okay, so I need to install server then. Thanks!20:46
sarnoldbomzh1018: one sec..20:47
sarnoldbomzh1018: you don't need to install "ubuntu server" -- you just need to install the openssh-server package; a quick "sudo apt update && sudo apt install openssh-server" will do the trick :)20:48
sarnoldbomzh1018: apologies if this is what you meant, I'm just afraid of you running off to do something needless for an hour :)20:48
bomzh1018I plan to work along this guide: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-openssh20:48
bomzh1018is it the one that I need?20:48
bomzh1018and no worries! it's better to clarify indeed :)20:49
cakefaceHi all - anyone use Citrix Workspace and get it to run/connect without error?20:51
_Trulloit's hard to get it to work21:00
maxFlexGuestCan I install hexchat on a system with 2 gigabytes of memory and 16 gigabytes of storage? I am talking about a QEMU-Conroe machine running a 20.04 LTS version of Ubuntu. Is hex chat compatible across all "Focal Fossa" versions of Ubuntu Linux?21:04
spatelwhat is wrong with this late-command:  - curtin in-target --target /target -- apt-key add /target/root/gpg.key21:09
spatelIts throwing error21:09
spatelI have noticed that command will add key in installer filesystem instead of target21:10
mrtrousersHello i was here before..21:15
sarnoldmaxFlexGuest: a two gig machine is a bit tight; if hexchat doesn't work great, irssi or weechat will probably work fine, if you don't mind CLI clients..21:16
TeacupmaxFlexGuest: HexChat doesn't use that much memory, probably <400M. Depends on what else you have running21:16
sarnoldmaxFlexGuest: my irssi is hosted on a 512M machine :) heh21:16
mrtrousersLol, i was talking to someone but dont remember the nick..21:16
sarnoldmrtrousers: conjo_, replied with your nickname a few times anyway21:17
mrtrousersThats it, how do you know sarnold?21:17
sarnoldmrtrousers: /lastlog mrtrousers21:17
mrtrousersI think the problem with my gps device not connecting is the battery, right now is not working, the battery is low though the laptop is plugged..21:19
mrtrousersI think when the battery is full the gps will work..21:19
mrtrousersIs there any program to monitor the current available at the usb ports?21:19
pavlosmrtrousers: usually laptops provide up to 500mA for usb2 and 900mA for usb3 ports21:55
mrtrousersDo you think that amperage can change depending on if the laptop's battery is charging or not?21:56
mrtrousersThe gps device needs minimum 500 mA to work, right now with battery low and charging didnt work..21:56
mrtrousersI think depending on the battery level the device works or not..21:57
mrtrousersBut not sure yet, im just testing..21:58
d12fkHi, I'd need some help with X and a keyboard layout related issue, which seem to exist only on Ubuntu based systems22:19
d12fkHappens both on kubuntu and xubuntu (probably others as well, but have not tested) with the German Bone layout22:22
d12fkctrl+f doesn't work.22:24
d12fkThe key events are received, I can e.g. define a global shortcut. As soon as I assign c+f to anything other than find and then back to it, c+f works as expected, but only for a couple of seconds.22:30
d12fkf in Bone is located where the German y (English z) key is22:32
d12fksee https://neo-layout.org/Layouts/bone/22:32
SirScottoriginally i had installed wireguard when it was a DKMS module.  Now that it's available in the kernel, is there some pkg I should remove since whenever I get a new kernel, it recompiles, sees that it matches and then ultimately does nothing?22:33
SirScottlooks like i have wireguard and wireguard-dkms installed. Is it safe to just remove the latter?22:33
sarnoldSirScott: yes, it should be safe to remove it22:34
SirScottsarnold: thanks for confirming!22:34
d12fksince c+f works with bone in other distris, I was hoping this could be fixed by configuring differently22:37
d12fkdon't know where to start, though22:38
sarnoldoh wow, bone looks neat22:46
sarnoldholy cow their xconfig is huuuuuuuge https://dl.neo-layout.org/XCompose22:48
d12fkyup, like the layered approach22:49
faekjarzHi! My tripple monitors only work on the 20.04 login prompt. Once i'm logged in, 1 monitor goes into stand-by nowhere to be found in the "Settings" → "Screen Display". Makes no sense - now do i get my 3rd monitor back online? (i7 iGPU HD 4600, works fine in Windows)22:50
d12fkfaekjarz: does xrandr know it?22:51
d12fksarnold: the xcompose stuff is optional22:53
faekjarzThe VGA port is giving me trouble - xrandr: Output VGA-1 is not disconnected but has no modes22:53
faekjarzwhy wouldn't vga-1 have modes automatically?22:55
sarnoldmonitors are .. funny. a friend's 32" tv was reporting itself as a 52" tv a few days ago.22:56
sarnoldyou get the feeling they cut as many corners as they can22:56
d12fkno idea, but can you set one with --mode?22:56
Tailsi am having a problem connecting to my tigervnc server. it is on port 5901 that is open but, the connection times out22:57
sarnoldthe edid-decode or read-edid packages might be able to tell you more about the monitor.. I wonder if there's anything in the X logs?22:57
sarnoldTails: connection time out sounds a bit like a firewall configured to DROP packets22:57
faekjarzd12fk: no i cant. xrandr: cannot find mode 1920x1080_6023:03
faekjarzi've spottet a stale xorg.conf from nvidia-settings. I've renamed it. i'll disconnect from IRC while rebooting.23:08
faekjarzall right, i fixed it - moved the old xorg.conf out of the way and rebooted23:17
HashIs ubuntu spyware?23:17
HashI use Kubuntu 20.04 and I hear recently in a video by Richard Stallman that ubuntu spies on you and sends information23:18
HashIs this true?23:18
HashI don't expect RMS to lie, but I do expect him to embellish the truth a bit23:18
jeremy31Hash: Not really.   I think the hardware data is an option when you install23:19
sarnoldfaekjarz: it's all working? :)23:19
HashIn fact, Linux Ubuntu has a desktop search feature that sends the search terms to Canonical’s servers. “This already is a spyware” says Mr. Stallman. He explains in the herein video that this spyware is linked to an advertisement scheme involving Canonical and Amazon.23:19
HashIs that still a thing?23:19
HashI use chromium browser, and Xmonad, and no ubuntu search features23:19
HashI use kkubuntu as a base, and Xmonad + terminal + chromium23:20
sarnoldHash: that feature is 'unity scopes', it was going to be a Big Deal on the phone..23:20
HashI see23:20
HashSo I am unaffected by it then. I don't use Unity23:20
sarnoldand, it's not like it was exactly a surprise, that if you use the 'search for songs' or 'search amazon' features, that they'd search for songs or search on amazon :)23:21
HashI don't even use Amazon or order anything there23:21
HashI'm a hippie23:21
HashCartman hates me.23:22
HashSince Ubuntu version 16.04, the spyware search facility is now disabled by default. It appears that the campaign of pressure launched by this article has been partly successful.23:22
faekjarzsarnold: yes all good. it was an xorg.conf from nvidia-settings that messed something up - i removed the nvidia card and run the i7 iGPU now23:23
garttAh, the power of media and spreading the word. At least linux users care more about privacy than Apple/Windows people on average23:23
sarnoldfaekjarz: cool :) thanks for reporting back :)23:29
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