[01:01] Souler: Can you do me a favor and fix your connection? [14:14] is there a sound font player included in us, where i can load one shot samples in batch and have them assigned to a midi note automagically? (like, an entire folder given there aren'r more files than midinotes) [14:56] i think i've been through the list. good exercise: found a lot of interesting things. But none that can load multiple samples at once [15:15] εΎ’ π–˜π–Šπ–™π–™π–” γ‚»γƒƒγƒˆ: dunno, but making an sfz script for this would be super easy [15:31] thanks rgh I'll look into that! :) [15:31] would be such a huge timesaver! === trebmuh is now known as brummer10 === Wolf is now known as Guest33902 === Guest33902 is now known as Oromis [16:35] Hei ciao [16:35] c'Γ¨ nessuno? [16:36] avrei bisogno di una mano, sono nuovo in Ubuntu e non riesco ad affrontare un problema [16:38] Is there someone? I'm new in Ubuntu, i need help to solve a problem that i cannot fix [18:49] !ask [18:49] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [20:40] could it be that Jack doesn't handle looping very well? When ardour is set to synchronize with jack the loop button is greyed out [20:41] if so, how to synch ardour with other software? [20:45] the midiclock of ardour doesn't seem to bother too much about the tempo set in ardour... [20:51] hmm.. not even the click/metronome of ardour seems to be too unhappy about looping [20:51] * hmm.. not even the click/metronome of ardour seems to be too happy about looping [20:54] so... what workflow exist for loopbased music? [20:55] hydrogene and lmms? [22:43] sakrecoer[b]: Ardour can not loop when following jack transport. For looping in Ardour right now (more to come) there is a command for taking a region and copying it for the rest of the session. The other option is to find a plugin that can do looping instead... or going outsode Ardour. [22:44] Hydrogen can be used for non-drum based loops. I have heard some interesting loops done that way. LMMS has no (the last time I looked) way of recording analog audio. [22:52] thanks OvenWerks ! i really like hydrogen, it's a neat sampler with a familiar workflow for someone used to groove boxes (like me) [22:52] but it get's complicated if one wants to produce some kind of melody.. [22:53] and i haven't yet found a way to get a synth to acompany it without either qtractor or ardour. [22:53] but both of those aren't really synchronizable with it. [22:54] sakrecoer[b]: I have seen someone using hydrogen alone to do melody and chords [22:54] I do not know if they used the sound from hydrogen or midi out to do that [22:54] oh... i suppose it's possible to use the midi output in some way like that [22:55] but yeah that sound hard [22:59] hi guys [23:00] I have a question about the ubuntustudio [23:01] is there also a broadcaster built in, or do you have to install one? [23:02] have you looked at http://openavproductions.com/luppp/ or http://openavproductions.com/fabla2/ [23:02] Sindbob: there should be OBS [23:03] Sindbob: it would be under Video production [23:06] ok, but for webradio? [23:06] While OBS is made for audio/video, I think it can do plain audio as well. We used to have idjc but it has suffered bitrot for the time being, we hope to have it back if it gets upgraded [23:06] I do not know what is required for webradio to be honest. [23:07] ok [23:07] sakrecoer[b]: have you looked at http://openavproductions.com/luppp/ or http://openavproductions.com/fabla2/ [23:10] its better to install mixxx for broadcast on shoutcast? [23:11] I thought we had mixxx, but I guess not. [23:12] nice [23:12] if you are using shoutcast Ardour or sinilar would work too. I am not sure which is easier. I just happen to know Ardour better [23:13] mixx is installable though [23:14] I want to run my stage computer with linux, because I don’t want to have edv on linux. . . also the music should be removed from windows ;) [23:14] icecast, ices2, ezstream, oggfwd are all in the repo too [23:15] icecast is kind of laggy for live use I would think unless you are sending to remote (where it doesn't matter [23:17] i send over win with radioboss .... and shoutcast1 and shoutcast2 [23:18] So latency is not a problem then [23:18] if this solution would go via linux, then I am completely away from win :) [23:19] There is also darkice and darksnow to look at [23:21] Eickmeyer[m]: tis is funny, we have libshout-idjc3 but no idjc? [23:23] wow! thanks for those openav links OvenWerks ! [23:23] didn't know about them [23:24] actaully luppp i have seen, but forgotten about [23:24] Harry has been MIA for about two years but showed up again in the past few weeks... has been doing "real work" [23:26] nice [23:40] @OvenWerks thx [23:40] and see you later [23:41] i give the next day a feedback from the test :) [23:41] see you...