[10:43] wouldn't it be nice to allow mouse clicks in shortcut combinations? [13:30] what would be the scenario there DarkTrick [13:31] JackFrost: any way to get the newly released xfce4-notes-plugin into 21.04? [13:39] jphilips, 1) The same as for general shortcuts, just with mouse involved. Who says that a left click can only have one function. The same rationale as "why should the X,C,V key only have one function?". Take drag&drop of files as an example: dropping with shift/ctrl/ctrl+shift has different behaviors. [13:42] jphilips, 2) Design: It would create a unified interface for buttons in general. Who says, that mouse has to be treated differently than a button on the keyboard? Or different words: at the moment we're differentiating the two by "on mouse press", "on key press"; But that wouldn't be necessary anymore. It would only be keys. One step further: touching would be a virtual key (as it probably already is). [13:43] I use mouse gestures in Opera === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube [23:33] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar 4.17.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-4-17-0-released-tp59823.html (by Alexander Schwinn-2)