
guivercromo, can't you get it from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/20.04.1/release/  (SHA256SUMS.gpg is there)01:28
romoguiverc: yeah, I've definitely been there. instructions on the pubkey are actually here: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu#4-retrieve-the-correct-signature-key01:53
romothe key/fingerprint itself ist just a tad less obvious to find than I am used to with other distros so I got super weirded out - but it's there and it's up to date01:56
romothank you for your answer, that actually stopped me in my tracks for a bit...01:58
CorvetteZR1hello.  i have a xubuntu "terminal server" with lots of users (over 100), although at any given time there are maybe 5-10 active users.  but i'm noticing all 100+ users have a pulseaudio process running13:51
CorvetteZR1how can i make pulseaudio start for each user only when they are logged in rather than start for all on boot?  is this possible?13:52
CorvetteZR1i assume it's tied into systemd somehow and systemd is starting them all at boot13:52
tomreyni was thinking its a systemd user service. you probably have lingering enabled for the systemd user manager, keeping services running all the time.14:32
tomreynCorvetteZR1: ^14:32
tomreynloginctl list-users14:32
tomreynsystemd user manager looks like this in  ps:    /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user   (as run by the respective user)14:33
tomreynloginctl enable-linger myuser    enables lingering14:33
CorvetteZR1tomreyn, right.  but doesn't lingering mean only if user logs in and starts a process...then it'll linger after he logs out14:36
CorvetteZR1in this case it seems a bunch of processes for each user start before they even log in.  is that expected behaviour?14:37
tomreynCorvetteZR1: while this is for Arch Linux, not *Ubuntu, I think it still applies: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/systemd/User#Automatic_start-up_of_systemd_user_instances14:39
tomreynso lingering does exactly this: start user managers and thus their services at boot rather than just during active sessions14:40
tomreynso i guess your options are to either disable lingering fpr users, or to modify the pulseaudio user service so that it'll not use lingering14:42
CorvetteZR1tomreyn, ok, got it.  this explains it all.  thank you!14:44
tomreynyou're welcome14:53
topSitandReachI am running Xubuntu on QEMU. How is the setup different from running Xubuntu natively?17:41
topSitandReachVersion 20.04 LTS17:41
topSitandReachHow do I make my entire wallpaper black on Xubuntu 20.04 LTS "Focal Fossa" (20.04.1)?18:45
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
krytariktopSitandReach: Select "None" as the "Style", then "Solid color" as the "Color", and set the first color box to black.18:48
tayirvadaiHi, i recently moved from another distribution to xubuntu19:51
tayirvadaibut it seems to have corrupted my LVM + LUKS19:51
tayirvadaipvdisplay no longer is able to see the partition and gparted shows filesystem type unknown19:52
maxFlexGuestOn Xubuntu, how do I create my own IRC?20:01
diogenes_maxFlexGuest, install hexchat.20:11
maxFlexGuestDoes hex chat work on Xubuntu version 20.04 LTS with 2GB (2048MB) of RAM memory? I am on a virtual machine with 16 gigabytes of virtual storage.20:36
maxFlexGuestHow do I install hexchat? (I am on Xubuntu 20.04 LTS on a virtual machine with 2GB of system memory and 16GB of storage.)21:26
krytarikWell,.. did you try my solid black desktop background advice yet!?21:34
MaikmaxFlexGuest: would be nice to keep one nickname if you want help. On how to install software in *buntu, there are many tutorials and documentation to be found on the web.21:38
Maiksearch first and if stuck then ask for help21:39
Maikalso creating a own IRC channel isn't a specific xubuntu issue imho21:39
Maikand for such a thing there's info to be found on freenode21:40
Maikthought so that would happen21:41
nshXorg (XFCE/lightdm) on xubuntu 20.04.1 using 8077216K (~8GB) memory22:17
nshany thoughts on how to debug/fix?22:17

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