
bashfulrobotoops. Lets format that properly.03:46
bashfulrobotHi there. I have built out a small script to deploy the ubuntu cloud image. I have a `user-data`,  `network-config` & `meta-data` file.  Now when I build an image to hold my cloud-init files using `sudo cloud-localds -v --network-config=network-config ${IMAGE_FLDR}/${HOST}-seed.qcow2 user-data meta-data` the resulting VM cannot be logged into over ssh. Now if I drop the `network-config` by changing the command to `sudo03:47
bashfulrobotcloud-localds -v ${IMAGE_FLDR}/${HOST}-seed.qcow2 user-data meta-data network-config` IL can then login without issue.  The network file contains:03:47
bashfulrobotAny deas why?03:47
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