
dyeplexerIs it possible to make the content-overlapping and autohiding GTK3 scrollbars occupy a fixed, static position again like before?04:28
=== vlm_ is now known as vlm
Lantiziais XFCE entirely GTK+ 3 now?13:27
MaikLantizia: yes13:40
Maikfrom 4.14 onward it is afaik13:41
LantiziaMaik, is there any consensus on whether that affected the speed (v.s. GTK+ 2)13:41
Maikdunno, i don't use Xfce13:41
MaikLantizia: try a live usb session13:42
Lantiziao..k.. odd chan to be in then13:42
Lantiziawell I might be going crazy but last time I used Xubuntu (probably around 6.06 era)... the X was for Xfce13:42
Maikit still is13:43
Maikbut if you have Xfce specific questions it's better to ask in #Xfce13:43
Lantiziafun game, well I hope it was for you anyway13:43
Maiki don't play games13:44
Lantiziathere is a degree of being cryptic13:44
Maikhave a good one then13:44
Lantiziagood representation there13:44
Maikare you trolling ow or what?13:51
Maiklook, i used Xfce in the past and have some degree of knowledge of the DE, just like i have with Gnome, Mate, KDE and Cinnamon. I keep myself up to date by reading.13:52
Maikhowever i decided to switch to another DE but hang out in other channel to help out where i can13:53
Maikif you have a issue with that then that's your problem. Search the web the next time for answers before asking13:53
=== Athena is now known as Guest17767
VoivreFirst off, want to say I'm very new to Ubuntu, I dual booted ubuntu years ago but seldom used it. I find Xubuntu nice and runs very smooth, but I'm having issues with some stuff in Xubuntu and I can't figure it out, googling the issues hasn't helped much. Main issues right now are lots of programs on the store give me missing dependencies error 917:02
Voivretimes out of 10. I also have Proton on steam enabled but no games will play, even really old ones like GTA SA. WiFi adaptor is detected by the OS, but isn't even trying to connect to the wifi.17:02
VoivreSorry if that's a lot, spent the entire day yesterday trying to fix these issues.17:02
GridCubeVoivre, can you paste the error code on a pastebin?17:07
VoivreI'm sorry, not sure what that is.17:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:09
krytarikWonder why you'd cut off the more important part of the dialog..17:20
VoivreThat was literally all the dialogue17:21
VoivreNothing else followed17:21
krytarikOk, then try the same from a terminal, "apt policy steam-installer" followed by "sudo apt install steam-installer"  Also the content of your '/etc/apt/sources.list' would be interesting.17:23
VoivreOk, will try that, brb 1 sec17:24
krytarikPossibly you could click that notification to get any more details, not sure though..17:26
krytarikTo show the content of the mentioned file, you could do "cat <file>"17:29
VoivreI'm very new to linux/ ubuntu, so no idea how to do that or what that is, sorry :(17:30
krytarikVoivre: "pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list" to paste said file, "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" to print its content in the terminal; and also please show the output of "apt policy steam"17:38
Maikxu-irc55w: and now in english without capslock on...?19:12
gnrpMaik: After installation of xubuntu an absence of audio^^19:13
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:13
gnrpxu-irc55w: You have to provide more information anyway. `lspci` output (paste it somewhere) and `lsmod` would already help I suppose19:14
xu-irc55wthank you19:25

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