
tec21anybody here?15:13
tec21maybe someone can answer this question: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=245669315:42
meenatec21: it tends to be fairly quiet here on weekends15:50
meenatec21: can you show your dpkg.log or apt log to see what else got auto removed?15:51
tec21need a minute...15:52
tec21Removing cloud-init (20.4.1-0ubuntu1~20.04.1) ...16:05
tec21Purging configuration files for cloud-init (20.4.1-0ubuntu1~20.04.1) ...16:06
tec21all the dependencies remain on the system...16:06
meenaweird. cloud-init doesn't usually "run" so there's nothing to change, this is really odd17:13
tec21there has to be something it is doing to the system configuration which results in a lower power consumption. the big question is - what is it?17:17
tec21I have an other ubuntu 20.04 system (kubuntu) and will check if installing cloud-init on this system also lowers the idle power consumption17:21
tec21ok, no changes on the (k)ubuntu desktop installation/system. power consumption stays the same. it seems that it only affects the server installation or only certain hardware...17:55

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