[00:58] [telegram] In panel settings (re @matkoniecz: Any idea where task manager widget (taskbar) is storing its settings? I want to include this config file in my backups.) [02:25] hello [07:30] [telegram] That is where I can edit it. I want to backup the file where changes are saved. (re @wxl23: In panel settings) [07:32] ~/.config/lxqt/panel.conf is the panel config file [07:32] that is what you want to back up [07:36] [telegram] @lynorian - thanks! Now I can move settings from my previous install rather than fight with UIs. === Lantizia_ is now known as Lantizia [13:33] Привіт всім [13:34] !ru | demka [13:34] demka: В этом канале lubuntu говорят только на английском. Если вам нужна помощь на русском языке, перейдите на канал #lubuntu-ru; введите "/join #lubuntu-ru" (без кавычек) и нажмите Enter. [14:35] opa === james is now known as Guest18531 === s is now known as Guest37464 === james is now known as Guest16424 [18:43] [telegram] That's what I meant by panel settings. config files are in ~/.config (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) ~/.config/lxqt/panel.conf is the panel config file) === raph is now known as Guest96025 [19:42] hi [19:43] what's up? [19:43] nothing. what're you doing? [19:43] answering support requests. got one? [19:44] can I rename the hostname of my lubuntu laptop? [19:44] sure you can [19:44] how can I do this in terminal? [19:45] sudo hostnamectl set-hostname [19:45] to check it works just use `hostnamectl` [19:46] you probably need to modify /etc/hosts, too [19:46] Thanks a lot... so I think after a reboot it should show the new name? [19:47] yeppers [19:47] nice. What time is it in your timezone? :D [19:48] neither early nor late [19:48] Have a nice day. Then that should be fitting :D [19:48] indeed. take care [19:48] you too. bye === james is now known as Guest38288 === james is now known as Guest11289