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zygagood morning06:32
mvohey zyga ! good morning08:07
zygamvo, hey08:08
zygamvo, I collected my three git trees for ian08:08
zygahey pstolowski08:11
mvozyga: remind me what these trees are?08:14
mvopstolowski: good morning!08:15
zygamvo, he asked me about copies of my snapd tree08:17
zygamvo, to pick up things I abandoned08:17
zygamvo, I have three tarballs of my workstations08:17
zyga(of snapd.git that is)08:17
mborzeckipstolowski: mvo: hey08:26
mvogood morning mborzecki ! how are you?08:28
mborzeckimvo: bit disappointed it's not friday again ;)08:30
mvomborzecki: hahaha08:33
mvomborzecki: we have snow here, it's great08:33
zygamvo, zmk is in Debian and Ubuntu now, I have an update going out this week that adds a lot of static analysis support09:10
mvozyga: nice09:17
zygamvo, I would like to do an experiment and build snap-confine with zmk, to see what shows up09:25
zygathere are bits missing though, I did not finish the compile-time probing support, that would allow us to get conditional apparmor/selinux support, for example09:26
zygamvo, I have a few more packages but I will sponsor them through the debian python team09:26
zygamvo, as for qemu, I think I will ask you to sponsor but depenencies should go through the go team09:27
zygamvo, er, not qemu, spread :)09:27
mvozyga: yeah, spread should be in the team maintained repo09:40
mupPR snapd#9859 opened: overlord: addd manager gadget refresh test <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9859>10:10
zygamvo, but should it be the generic go team or the specifc people that effectively use and participate in spread development?10:10
mvozyga: I would just use the generic go team repo at least for now10:26
mvozyga: until there is a real community around it that drive things10:26
ijohnsonmorning folks12:33
mvoijohnson: good morning! hope you had a nice weekend12:33
ijohnsonyes I did, it snowed a bit here and things look white again instead of the gray mush it was before :-)12:34
mborzeckiijohnson: hey12:34
ijohnsonhey mborzecki12:34
zygaijohnson, hey12:45
ijohnsonhey zyga12:45
ijohnsonzyga: did you get all your fosdem prep done?12:45
zygaijohnson, yes, all done now12:47
zygaijohnson, I've collected my three snapd trees12:48
zygaijohnson, I'll share the link via a private message12:48
ijohnsonawesome, thank you!12:48
zygahave a look12:48
zygait's rather messy but that's what I managed to find on my three mainly used environments12:48
zyga(blame me for myriad of VMs and systems)12:48
ograijohnson, remember the snap-exec denial i saw with teh confogure hook on pi ? ... i removed the configure hook ... but i still get:12:54
ograapparmor="ALLOWED" operation="capable" info="optional: no audit" error=-1 profile="snap.kodi-pi-standalone.hook.configure" pid=13237 comm="snap-exec" capability=12  capname="net_admin"12:54
ijohnsonogra: did you ever file a bug for that like I asked :-)12:54
ograwhich is really confising ...12:54
ograijohnson, not yet ... since i wanted to llok into it a bit deeper first ... the snap is a multi snap, armhf binaries but run on arm64, so i was assuming this might have something to do with it that i wanted to research first12:55
ijohnsonwell sure, just saying that I didn't look into it anymore and planned on looking into it when you filed a bug12:56
ograbut now i moved the config code to a oneshot daemon ... so there is no cionfigure hook since a few revisions now12:56
ograyet snapd still seems to execute something here ...12:56
ijohnsoncachio: hey could you take a look at tests/lib/tools/suite/tests.pkgs when you get a chance? it seems to be failing on centos-8 consistently i.e. https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9852/checks?check_run_id=175109579613:03
mupPR #9852: gadget: enable multi-volume uc20 gadgets in  LaidOutVolumeFromGadget; rename too <Bug> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9852>13:03
cachioijohnson, hi, sure13:05
ijohnsonthanks cachio13:08
* ijohnson afk a bit13:09
* pstolowski lunch13:13
zygacachio, hey, I sent a review for the test log scanner13:39
cachiozyga, yes, thanks13:40
cachioI'll take a look today13:41
mupPR snapd#9860 opened: tests: update test pkg for fedora and centos <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9860>13:51
mupPR snapcraft#3428 opened: pip 21 dropped support for python 3.5 and python 2 <Created by philroche> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3428>14:10
StyXman_ok, no answer, so I'll just ask. with snap changes [snap] I can see the _last_ time a snap was changed. can I see *all* the times the snap whas changed?15:26
mupPR snapd#9860 closed: tests: update test pkg for fedora and centos <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9860>15:26
ograsnap changes do generally only go back 72h ...15:27
ogra(its a ringbuffer ... kind of)15:27
ijohnsonStyXman_: unfortunately snapd will garbage collect old tasks/changes from the the state so no there is not a way to see all times that a snap was changed like that15:27
ograas a packager you can see all revisions ever done in the store UI though ... but that does indeed not help you as a user15:28
StyXman_so everytime a (few) new versions introduce a bug I should figure out myself which version did it? this is for software that I don't use daily... of course, I should find a version that works for me a folow that, right?15:30
ijohnsonmborzecki: hey have you seen mounting snaps returning "Operation not permitted" on arch lately? I am trying to reproduce another spread failure on arch and ran into this where I can't mount any squashfs due to EPERM15:54
ijohnsoninterestingly, it seems like there are no available loop devices:15:55
ijohnson$ losetup -f15:55
ijohnsonlosetup: cannot find an unused loop device: No such device15:55
zygaijohnson, I think there is a limit to the number of loop devices16:19
zygawe increased it to something higher but it's not arbitrarily high16:20
ijohnsonhmm, but on that system I don't think there was any loop devices16:20
ograthe kernel has 256 by default nowadays IIRC16:20
ograbut can dynamically assign more ...16:20
zygaogra, 256 snaps should be enough for ... wait all the revisions...16:20
ogra(i tink the limit is sizeof_int)16:21
* ijohnson has 313 snap files and no problem on his desktop16:21
ograthe pre-created loop devices are mainly for speeding up boot on UC16:21
ograbecause creating the devices takes a split second or so ... which sums up16:21
zygaogra, I'm proud of myself, managed to run zephyr tests through bitbake today16:22
ograhaha ... the wonderful world of microcontollers16:22
ograthere is a pi for that now !16:22
ogra(though sadly without networking/bt by default)16:23
zygaogra, I know, I bought a handful of those16:25
zygayeah, I'm sure pi pico 2 will have something RF16:26
zygafor now I'm just doing qemu runs16:26
ograi'm waiting for the adafruit spinoff ... need wlan/BT16:26
ogra(they are supposed to have it)16:26
zygaI plan to use them as signal generators16:26
ograthe only place where i could use non-networked would be as a keyboard controller for one of my handmade kbd'S16:27
ograbut for that they are physically too big16:27
mupPR snapcraft#3429 opened: plugins: Pin pip to supported versions <Created by philroche> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3429>17:00
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
pedronismvo: we probably want #9820 in 2.49 ? it needs second reviews17:03
mupPR #9820: o/snapshotstate: handle conflicts between snapshot forget, export and import <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9820>17:03
pedronismvo: #9817 is also desired17:05
mupPR #9817: cmd/snapd-generator: don't create mount overrides for snap-try snaps inside lxc <Bug> <Needs security review> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9817>17:05
pedronispstolowski: I forgot about these or thought the latter was landed already ^17:07
mupPR snapd#9780 closed: many: use ResolvedSource() from gadget content when writing boot assets <Run nested> <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9780>17:07
pedronis#9837 needs a 2nd review17:07
mupPR #9837: cmd/snap-repair: filter repair assertions based on bases + modes <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9837>17:07
pstolowskipedronis: oh indeed17:07
pstolowskibut it needs security..17:08
pstolowskialso some tweaks suggested by mborzecki17:08
pedronisdoes it? mmh, mvo added it17:08
pedronisah, because we changed the library?17:09
pstolowskipedronis: yes17:09
pedronisbit of :/17:10
pstolowskii'll address Maciej's comments but not sure it can get reviews17:10
mvopedronis: 9817> yes!17:10
ijohnsonpedronis: I figured out the issue with needing the Label and the Role check in my gadget pr, should I file a separate PR to fix handling the SystemBoot role/label like you intended ?17:10
ijohnsonor just fix it in the pr17:11
pedronisijohnson: is it broken?17:11
pedronisbit surprised17:11
ijohnsonpedronis: yes we don't handle the implicitness of `filesystem-label: system-boot` being the same as `role: system-boot`17:11
pedroniswe do17:11
pedronisbut you need to be sure to be on UC16/1817:12
ijohnsonerr rather we don't _change_ the volumes to set Role in that case17:12
pedroniswhich maybe some test isn't17:12
ijohnsonwe don't fail in that case17:12
ijohnsonbut we don't modify the volume structure's Role to have SystemBoot17:12
ijohnsonmaybe I'm wrong but I just added that code and it made the tests pass again so I'm like 95% confident we don't have that code right now17:12
pedronisijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/gadget/gadget.go#L42017:13
pedronismaybe the test you care about is not hitting it17:13
ijohnsonhuh yeah it seems the test it not hitting that codebase at all17:14
pedronisthen the test is off17:14
pedronisthat code is at it should be afaik17:14
ijohnsonthe test is just calling `gadget.LaidOutSystemVolumeFromGadget`17:14
pedronispassing what?17:15
ijohnsonso it seems that gadget.LaidOutSystemVolumeFromGadget needs to do more17:15
ijohnsonpedronis: the test is TestLaidOutSystemVolumeFromGadgetHappy17:15
ijohnsonin gadget_test.go17:15
pedronisijohnson: you need to pass a model17:16
ijohnsonbut okay17:16
pedronisit doesn't make sense to use LaidOutSytemVoumeFromGadget without a real model17:16
pedroniswell model, one of our mocks is fine17:17
pedronisanyway the point stand17:17
mupPR snapd#9861 opened: gadget: run resolveContentPaths() when laying out a volume <Run nested> <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9861>17:17
pedronisthe actual prod code will have a model as it should17:17
pedronisijohnson: I mean, nothing to :-/ about here :)17:18
ijohnsonI guess I'm just :-/ because there are a lot of unit tests from before my pr that are passing nil as the model17:18
ijohnsonand while yes the only place that uses it in production will always have a model, that's not clear from looking at all the tests that pass in nil17:19
ijohnsonanyways yes I can fix this up17:19
pedronisijohnson: yea, sorry, but what I said is true, it's also true that it's hard to fix tests that don't fail when you make a change17:20
ijohnsonindeed it is17:20
* ijohnson shakes fists at tests that aren't failing 17:20
mvocachio: snapd/core in beta should be ready later today17:20
mvocachio: 2.49~rc1 are building right now17:21
pedronisijohnson: I suggest making that fuction error if model is nil17:21
ijohnsonyeah I saw that suggestion I like that suggestion17:21
pedronisit's what we want anyway, just a bit annoying17:21
mvopedronis: I made another attempt to make the resolving of the content paths for the gadget updates easier to review in 9861. no rush but high level feedback welcome, hope this time it's less distracting (a followup will then cleanup the todos or I can do them right in this pr but then it will grow a bit)17:22
pedronisI queued it17:25
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