
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @mparillo, I am hoping the next iso with ubiquity fixes in a few hrs might be ok01:19
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> ISO seems fixed09:30
mparilloTY. zsync'd. Seemed to boot fine in a VM. Selected install now. It did not guess my region, nor my time zone. I was able to click on the map for the time zone and the drop-down for the region, but the timezone did not populate in the drop-down10:50
mparilloOtherwise took defaults (full install, wipe the disk, etc.) Clicking the links still does nothing.10:51
mparilloAnd re-booting gives me Plasma 5.20.90, with no immediate breakage.10:57
RikMillscool. or at least we can get functional now10:58
mparilloISTR there was a need to ship Oxygen sounds with the ISO so that sounds would work. But an unanticipated benefit for me is that my beloved Oxygen yellow cursor theme is on the ISO11:01
mparilloUgh. I picked Toronto instead of NY for the time (they are pretty close on the World Map, and as I said, I got no feedback in the time zone drop-down in Ubiquity., and they generally go on and off summer time within weeks of one another). So I fixed it in System Settings. Question: Is it possible that I now have a different time zone in KDE System Settings and in my kernel?11:04
mparilloIt seemed to update /etc/timezone.11:07
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://twitter.com/kdecommunity/status/135399861573221580811:31
BluesKajHi folks12:15
=== rak_ is now known as rak
santa_hi everyone21:54
santa_RikMills: the kalzium FTBFS in my server was a broken chroot, kitinerary still needs an upload21:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> oh, right21:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> done21:59
santa_thank you very much22:00
santa_btw, since a long time ago, I have a particular package (I don't remember which) which doesn't get properly uninstalled in a chroot22:01
santa_I bet that's what caused the kalzium "FTBFS"22:02
santa_* I don't remember which one22:02
RikMillssanta_: and kitinerary FTBFS22:06
ubottuDebian bug 980599 in libphonenumber "kitinerary: FTBFS: phonenumber.pb.h:47:51: error: ‘AuxiliaryParseTableField’ in namespace ‘google::protobuf::internal’ does not name a type; did you mean ‘AuxillaryParseTableField’?" [Serious,Fixed]22:07
santa_RikMills: I think it's not the same FTBFS22:56
RikMillssanta_: yes, I think the libphonenumber uploader in the meantime screwed thing 10 times worse trying to fix previous issue22:58
santa_RikMills: now, this is the one from debian! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kitinerary/23:06
santa_it's another one!23:06
* santa_ facepalms23:06
santa_we are now getting the OTHER one from debian23:07
RikMillsyes, as the even more broken -4 upload of libphonenumber synced23:07
santa_no no no23:09
santa_we have in ubuntu the 3.12.4-1ubuntu123:09
santa_the one that - allegedly - fixes this new FTBFS is 3.12.4-423:10
santa_ah, no no no23:10
santa_this new FTBFS, if I'm not mistaken is Powered By™ protobuf23:11
* RikMills shrugs23:14
santa_hmm nope23:15
santa_dammit I'm confused23:15
santa_in any case we have a protobuf different than debian's23:15
RikMillsbut the same fail23:16
RikMillsoh well, kitinerary is not exactly crucial in the short term. not going to worry much on it at this stage23:19
santa_RikMills: libphonenumber needs to be rebuilt in ubuntu against latest protobuf23:28
RikMillsit is in main, so I can't23:29
santa_we have to ping LocutusOfBorg then23:29
* RikMills asks23:32
santa_I've just pinged him in -release23:38

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