
pcfreak30gah... still hanging00:00
shinobi_Anyone have an answer? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1289496/is-possible-to-integrate-zfs-to-the-desktop-managers-recycle-bin00:00
pcfreak30sarnold: my nic is on the mobo, so no changing that :D00:01
pcfreak30sarnold: it JUST changed to enp4s000:02
sarnoldpcfreak30: are there any messages in dmesg that explain this?00:02
pcfreak30nothing that stands out00:04
ruediipcfreek30 are you using dhcp?  You might need to reduce your renewal time.00:04
pcfreak30im using static dhcp assignment router side00:04
pcfreak30it works live cd00:04
pcfreak30so i can keep ip space central00:05
ruediiYeah, increase your renewal speed on your client side.00:06
pcfreak30networkctl lists enp4so as unmanaged, and br0 as no-carrier, confifuring00:06
pcfreak30router has unlimited dhcp leases, and static dhcp is no lease time set00:08
pcfreak30just manually deleted leases from router00:09
pcfreak30hmm got it00:12
pcfreak30deleted the mac on a dynmic lease and used netplan + dhclient00:12
pcfreak30got a pong00:12
pcfreak30unsure why it did a diff ip in dhcp, but :shrug:00:12
pcfreak30sarnold: im either being forgetful or crazy as somehow the mac address changed  vs the static assignment00:17
sarnoldpcfreak30: woot00:19
pcfreak30sarnold: this is getting stupid00:29
sarnoldpcfreak30: oh, IU thought you got it fixed00:29
pcfreak30on manual yes00:30
pcfreak30every time i change cloud init, it changes the nic to the opppsite00:30
pcfreak30ens2 vs ens400:30
pcfreak30i purged dhcp assignments and rebooted that00:31
sarnoldpcfreak30: that's so strange -- can you file a bug report on cloud-init?00:31
pcfreak30if i knew the cause...00:31
pcfreak30im going to add them both in. if i get ens6 or end8....00:31
pcfreak30going to pill my hair out00:32
pcfreak30btw recovery modes networking still seems to be broke, doesnt use netplan.00:35
pcfreak30sarnold: its STILL hanging... is there a way to interrupt the boot or get to a tty?00:36
sarnoldpcfreak30: I've not tried in the last ~decade or so but ^C used to be able to do that00:37
pcfreak30yea systemd as init mucks with that. and i cleared dhcp again00:38
pcfreak30im very close to just nuking cloud init00:38
pcfreak30i dont need it00:38
pcfreak30yup foobaring it.00:39
pcfreak30sarnold: this is crazy00:46
pcfreak30if i boot normally it hangs00:46
pcfreak30if i go toot, and use netplan apply then dhclient, , exit and boot normal, it works?00:47
sarnoldpcfreak30: I wonder why the dhclient dhcp client works so differently than the built-in systemd dhcp client00:50
sarnoldpcfreak30: is there anything in the journal from those failed attempts?00:50
pcfreak30sarnold: it seems like its fighting dhcp between br0 and the main nic.00:56
sarnoldpcfreak30: how many nics do you have?00:57
pcfreak301 hardware, 1 bridge00:57
sarnoldis that NIC in the bridge?00:57
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pcfreak30its a kvm server00:58
sarnoldremove the dhcp from the nic00:58
pcfreak30 it is00:58
pcfreak30thats whats wird. dhcp4: false00:58
pcfreak30i just fixed a config error, testing it00:59
sarnoldwhen you put a nic in a bridge, the nic kinda loses itself -- no IP on the nic, no dhcp on the nic, etc. IP / dhcp etc happens on the bridge for some reason00:59
pcfreak30it makes sense, the bridge becomes the public face, the nic is the physical lie00:59
pcfreak30i said br0 a few time lol01:00
sarnoldsorry, I missed it an hour ago01:01
pcfreak30config error fixed it. now i just need to get static dhcp back01:01
pcfreak30and hope it doesnt break again01:01
pcfreak30but yea it seems that cloud-init does funky things that causes the nic to play musical chairs01:02
pcfreak30sarnold: https://pastebin.com/1EDGa7a2. thats the config. thanks so far for your time. the pointers are what solved this :)01:04
sarnoldpcfreak30: I'm a pretty decent rubber duck :)01:04
pcfreak30i got a lot more to do and more config stuff tomorrow. i was afriad i would be up all night with this01:05
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pcfreak30ok looks like things are "normal" again. thanks sarnold01:11
pcfreak30kudos also Bashing-om :)01:11
Bashing-om pcfreak30: Just looking over yall'01:14
Bashing-oms shoulders :D01:14
sarnoldpcfreak30: excellent :D thakns for reporting back, good night, and good luck tomorrow :D01:14
pcfreak30yea no kidding. i have a hardware shipment coming in to match what came today01:15
* pcfreak30 gets to work01:16
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dylanchaseHi, I'm trying to install postgresql and I get the message "re-enter pam_mount password". How do I know what my pam_mount password is?02:09
tomreynhow do we know which ubuntu and postgresql you are running?02:11
dylanchaseah sorry ubuntu 20.4 and whatever postgres is in the repos02:12
sarnoldwow I've never seen that message before; how'd you get there?02:13
tomreyndo you have a custom pam configuration?02:13
tomreynhttps://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/120762/why-does-pam-mount-ask-for-password discusses this issue, but it's not recent and not ubuntu specific02:13
dylanchasesarnold: just did sudo apt install postgresql and postgresql-contrib02:14
dylanchasetomreyn: I'm not sure, maybe.  I'm not familiar with pam_mount but perhaps I configured it at some point.02:15
sarnoldwhat does grep -r pam_mount /etc/pam.d/  report?02:17
dylanchasegrep -r pam_mount /etc/pam.d/02:21
dylanchase/etc/pam.d/common-auth:auth     optional        pam_mount.so02:22
dylanchase/etc/pam.d/common-session:session       optional        pam_mount.so02:22
dylanchase/etc/pam.d/common-password:password     optional        pam_mount.so disable_interactive02:22
sarnolddylanchase: one of the stack overflow answers on tomreyn's link suggests adding disable_interactive on the auth and session management tasks02:27
tomreynFWIW, "sudo grep -r pam_mount /etc/pam.d/" returns nothing on my 18.04 LTS system (which doesn't have postgresql installed).02:30
tomreyni assume this wont have changed for 20.04 LTS02:30
tomreynso your pam_mount configuration is probably custom02:31
Bashing-omtomreyn: confirmed: "sysop@2004x-c:~$ grep -r pam_mount /etc/pam.d/" returns to prompt.02:32
dylanchasetomreyn: Thanks.  Not sure what I did to set it up!  I did configure disk encryption when I set up 20.4.  I'm not sure if pam_mount is related to that...02:33
tomreyn"pam_mount - A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session", maybe dylanchase needed to mount /var/lib/postgres or something else this way?02:33
sarnoldperhaps assuming /root or postgres's home dir may require ecryptfs unlocking?02:34
tomreynsee the use cases discussed here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/pam_mount.8.html02:34
sarnoldor nfs?02:34
dylanchaseI do connect to an nfs, maybe that is when I configured it.02:35
PipeItToDevNullHow can I edit the grub menu when using grub-efi?02:51
Bashing-om!details | PipeItToDevNull02:52
ubottuPipeItToDevNull: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.02:52
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newlinux^hi, how can I use chainproxy for a specific application?03:08
newlinux^and not all other the system03:08
sarnoldmost applications that support http proxies let you set the proxy via an environment variable 'http_proxy' or something similar03:09
newlinux^btw chinproxy is a app that force others to use proxy03:11
azhi, how do I configure LUKS password period, currently it waits for few seconds before continue booting03:38
sarnoldstrange, thought mine would wait forever..03:40
azit's encrypted home.03:40
azso it can continue booting but wouldn't login03:41
sarnoldaz: I *think* cryptsetup refresh -t ... can do it03:44
azany where to read about that?03:45
sarnoldaz: you may or may not need the --persistent flag -- I found this command, and a note about --persistent, in crypttab(5)03:45
azthank you03:46
azwill check03:46
sarnoldthere's gobs of docs in cryptsetup(8) but it's .. not fantastic. I couldn't tell what commands, if any, --timeout applies to.03:47
dylanchaseHey all, thanks for your help.  I got my pam_module issue resolved using the disable_interactive command.03:55
sarnolddylanchase: nice :)03:59
Vatumwhat does /run and /var/run do? ejabberd from apt installs something there, but using the deb file from upstream does not.05:06
vystyI used an external HD to create an ubuntu boot drive for a new computer. I want to reformat the external drive so I can use it as a backup. My new computer isn't recognizing it when I plug it in. How can I a.) get my new computer to recognize it and b.) format it? Running 20.04.05:08
esrohey, am looking for elegant way of disabling local acccounts ssh login05:10
esroi want only PAM users to be accepted05:10
bindisomeone should probably take note that panorainer is sending discord links in private to join some tech community or whatever.05:55
marcoagpintopanorainer is a spammmer07:26
marcoagpintohe is sending links with viruses in private07:27
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leumashm Hi i have an ubuntu server, and we are trying to replicate the same on another ubuntu server. So we are trying to find out what are installed on the previous server, so we can install on the new server. anyone know what command should i use?07:31
Seveasleumashm: dpkg -l | grep ^ii07:32
Seveasor dpkg --get-selections07:32
TJ-leumashm: are you installing to the same Ubuntu release version?07:33
leumashmTJ-  apparently no. older is 18.04, newer is 2007:34
leumashmcause some web development was done on the old server. but we want to move to the cloud but not sure if we do a migration to the cloud with the existing hdd 1TB, would it provision the entire 1TB or used space 30GB. so we trying the alternate route to find out what is installed in the old server, and install on the new server instead.07:36
TJ-leumashm: you'll be better off using 'debfoster' then, since it identifies the top-level packages but doesn't list their dependencies (often versioned library packages)07:36
TJ-!info debfoster | leumashm07:36
ubottuleumashm: debfoster (source: debfoster): Install only wanted Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-2.1 (focal), package size 35 kB, installed size 158 kB07:36
TJ-leumashm: using debfoster is a 2-stage process. 1) scan and build the database "sudo debfoster -q"  2) list the top-level packages "debfoster --show-keepers" (if I recall correctly. Check "man debfoster")07:38
leumashmTJ- im a bit worried to run it on my production server ubuntu. i ran on my local ubuntu it does give me some outputs.07:43
TJ-leumashm: why are you worried?07:45
leumashmTJ- cause the lead developer passed away. im just an infra guy.07:46
summonnerprogramming is hazardous to your health07:47
TJ-leumashm: you're not aiming to install or remove packages on the source system, simply create a database listing all the top-level 'keepers' and the report that list which you can pass to "apt install" on the new 20.04 host (I'd test it locally in 20.04 virtual machine or container)07:49
leumashmTJ- thanks that was helpful. im just scared. but managed to get the list of items installed on the server~ Thanks!07:56
strkI've /etc/resolv.conf pointing to and netstat tells me it's dnsmasq listening on port 53. I can't resolv names08:09
strkhow do I tell what server is dnsmasq using ?08:09
strknmcli tells me DNS servers:, and that server *does* resolv names08:10
strklogs contain: dnsmasq[4288]: using nameserver
strkis dnsmasq querying itself ?08:11
strkdoes that after: dnsmasq[4288]: no servers found in /run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf, will retry08:11
strkwho's in charge to write servers into /run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf ?08:12
TJ-strk: tells you systemd-resolved is being used08:20
TJ-strk: dnsmasq shouldn't be operating and wouldn't be expected to be referenced in /etc/resolv.conf. We'd expect /etc/resolv.conf to be a symlink:  /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf08:21
TJ-strk: what release of Ubuntu is that?08:22
strkTJ-: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS08:23
strksymlink (from 2013!) is 2013 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf08:23
strkgood hint about .53 being systemd, I didn't know that08:23
TJ-strk: hmmm, so possibly gone through some release-upgrades from 12.04 ?08:24
strkinteresting, I didn't notice08:24
strktcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      4288/dnsmasq08:24
strktcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      3352/systemd-resolv08:24
strkTJ-: yes, many upgrades08:24
strka frankstein08:24
TJ-strk: that'd be why - release-upgrades don't replace such things08:24
strkand I'm an old linux user, who missed lot of recent changes08:24
TJ-strk: is it a desktop or server ?08:24
strkit was so simple in slackware times, to just manually edit /etc/resolv.conf :P08:25
TJ-strk: and could break so easily too :)08:25
strkI recently slowley learnt some nmcli08:25
strkeasy break and easy repair08:25
strklike all simple things08:25
strkanyway, what's this systemd resolv thing ?08:25
strkis dnsmasq using systemd upstream or vice-versa ?08:26
TJ-strk: OK, with Desktop it'll be using NetworkManager which, for 18.04, does have a Recommends: dnsmasq-base08:26
strkI have both dnsmasq and dnsmasq-base installed08:26
strkfile /run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf points to nameserver
strkwhich now makes more sense, now that I noticed .54 ~= -.1 :)08:28
strkso dnsmasq uses systemd upstream08:28
strkthen the next question is: how do I know what upstream is systemd using ?08:28
strkbecause my main problem was with being unable to resolv08:28
strkI learnt that adding a proper upstream in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d fixes things08:29
strkBUT, if my /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head does NOT contain a nameserver, then the resulting /etc/resolv.conf (upon sudo service resolvconf restart) points to nameserver
strkwhich is dnsmasq, not systemd-resolver08:29
strkis systemd-resolved using /etc/resolv.conf ?08:30
strkas input, I mean08:30
strkmy /etc/rc1.d/K02dnsmasq:             echo "nameserver" | /sbin/resolvconf -a lo.$NAME08:31
TJ-so it looks like you've got a mix which is causing issues. I'm unsure why/how systemd-resolve was enabled when NetworkManager is installed and expects dnsmasq-base :s08:31
strkcan I get rid of it ?08:32
strkI'm always happy to collect garbage :)08:32
TJ-strk: *usually* what happens is, NM manages an instance of dnsmasq(-base) and when a connection comes up it 'tells' that instance of dnsmaq the upstream DNS server IP addresses. (In later Ubuntu release NM uses systemd-resolve and not dnsmasq) ... I'm not sure quite how you've ended up with NM > dnsmasq > systemd-resolve :S08:33
TJ-strk: It's so long since I used 18.04 Desktop I'm not sure what the correct solution is either08:34
TJ-strk: in your scenario I assume what is happening is NM's instance of dnsmasq is 'told' the DNS IP addresses but instead of using them it is asking the local systemd-resolve on
TJ-strk: does this give clues as to what dns resolver NM is controlling? "ps -efly | egrep 'dns|resolv|NetworkManager'  "08:37
strk.about NM it only tells me: /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon08:48
strkand then both systemd-resolved and dnsmasq processes exist08:49
strkbut it's likely systemd being controlled08:49
strkuhm, actually I don't really know :)08:49
strkbut I see a dnsmasq.d/ directory under /etc/NetworkManager08:50
strkthis may be interesting:08:50
strkSep 26  2014 NetworkManager.conf.dpkg-old08:50
strkso, in 2014, NetworkManager managed dns via dnsmasq08:50
strkDec  4  2019 NetworkManager.conf # as of 2019 there's no "dns" key in that file08:51
strkcurrent NetworkManager.conf is short: http://strk.kbt.io/tmp/NetworkManager.conf08:51
* strk autoremoving --purge08:58
TJ-strk: I'm not sure what to reccommend. I've been looking in an 18.04 container, and that shows NM has the Recommends: on dnsmasq-base but no references to systemd-resolve. *if* the default in 18.04 is to enable systemd-resolved.service then that would explain what you're seeing08:58
strkTJ-: I'll start by dropping dnsmasq08:59
strkok, dnsmasq is now gone09:00
strknow /etc/resolve.conf only has nameserver
strkand that server seem to resolve DNS just fine09:00
TJ-strk: easiest way would be to start a VM and see what the 18.04 desktop installer in 'Try Ubuntu' mode has/does09:00
TJ-strk: ah... and is that a symlink or an actual file? "ls -l /etc/resolv.conf"09:01
strk /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf09:01
strk(same symlink as before I removed dnsmasq)09:01
strkI might want dnsmasq back one day, but for now I'll do w/out09:03
strk(or does systemd-resolved also cache?)09:03
TJ-they both do basically the same thing in this context09:04
strkso both do cache ?09:08
OnepamopaWhy would this not work: // /mnt/Windows_Downloads cifs uid=myuser,credentials=/home/myuser/.smbcredentials,vers=3.1.1,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 009:56
Onepamoparunning mount results in mount error(2): No such file or directory09:56
summonnerno such file or directory. it doesn't exist to the remote machine. are you sure the source and destination are available?09:58
Onepamopaand CIFS: VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation. in dmesg09:58
OnepamopaYes they are, I opened the same location from another windows 10 pc w/o any issues09:58
Onepamopawith the same user/pass09:58
summonnercheck the event log, it might say something more about the cause? has that machine connected to another resource previously? or first time09:59
HamidrezaHi, what is cloudInit in ubnutu 20 ?10:02
Hamidrezabecause I can not configure it as template (and the error says disable cloudinit)10:02
HamidrezaIf I disable it , what would happen?10:02
summonnerevent log->/var/log/messages or something (sorry, thought I was on a windows channel for a second)10:03
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locsmif_workHi all. I can't find the dpi settings for my multi-monitor setup in my system settings.. where can I find it?10:37
oerheksthere is no DPI setting, but Scaling.10:39
locsmif_workoerheks: I think I found it in font settings, I switched no some kind of force setting. I moved my workplace due to corona so now I have to reconfigure.. it's a bit of a mess.10:41
locsmif_workTrying something, brb10:41
EdLinwhat version of openzfs does Ubuntu 20.10 include?11:16
oerheks!info zfsutils-linux11:24
ubottuzfsutils-linux (source: zfs-linux): command-line tools to manage OpenZFS filesystems. In component main, is extra. Version 0.8.3-1ubuntu12.5 (focal), package size 345 kB, installed size 1266 kB11:24
oerheks!info zfsutils-linux groovy11:25
ubottuzfsutils-linux (source: zfs-linux): command-line tools to manage OpenZFS filesystems. In component main, is extra. Version 0.8.4-1ubuntu11.1 (groovy), package size 351 kB, installed size 1279 kB11:25
ubusrhi, I have an ubuntu 18.04 system that when booting, it seems stuck in the init phase11:25
ubusrand I can't get a login prompt even in text11:25
ubusr(i can get to root prompt via recovery shell)11:26
EdLinoerheks thanks.11:26
ubusrany1 ?11:28
ubusrjoin #linux11:31
Maik!patience | ubusr11:32
ubottuubusr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/11:32
Maikubusr: also stop spamming to join other channels11:37
ubusri forgot a / relax11:39
daysunis running the command unattended-upgrade in a script hourly enough to have it function as good as it would otherwise if you scheduled it like it's done usually (i.e. activating the right unit files and so forth)?11:43
daysun(It's going to check if a service needs a restart).11:45
bart-can anybody tell me whats the big diff. when i install a package via root or via sudo with apt-get install?11:54
bart-hello btw.11:55
KonDoes the default journald config save the log of previous boots? Had an overnight crash but only seem to be able to read this session's log11:56
KonNevermind, it was a bug with the GUI frontend. Logs are accessible through CLI11:59
rastanis there a program that will allow you to set custom nvidia gpu fan curves?12:01
ravananI am having trouble installing Ubuntu 20.10 in Legacy mode. I clearly selected Legacy Boot when I booted my Dell Latitude E5450 with my bootable USB stick. Whenever I try crossing the partitioning step in the installer, I get a warning about not having created an EFI system partition. As far as I know, I don't have to create one for Legacy boot. I12:02
ravananchecked /sys/firmware and it doesn't have anything related to EFI. If I go ahead with the installation, ignoring the warning, my grub-install fails. What should I do?12:02
ubusrI have this Xorg segfault described here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1259689/ubuntu-18-04-stuck-in-boot-segmentation-fault-xserver in "/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old" what can I do ?12:04
BluesKajHi folks12:15
SteelRoseHi all12:20
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daysunhi 50% of everyone12:32
pizzaiolohello 50% of daysun12:36
daysunthe other 50% of daysun doesn't deserve it. daysun has been trolling today :(12:41
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clarkkI have enabled noise cancellation for the default mic in my ubuntu 18.04 system.  Is there any way to make it work for an external, bluetooth microphone too?  Here's the instructions I followed https://www.informaticar.net/enable-noise-cancellation-in-ubuntu/13:51
pepeeso, I wanted to install chromium-browser from apt-get. it got stuck at "INFO Waiting for restart", so I had to kill it. now snapd is downloading... something13:54
pepeehow do I check what snap is downloading?13:54
sgaur /quit13:55
MacromanMy pc keeps freezing a couple of times a day. I can see segfaults in my syslog at crash time (https://gist.github.com/MacroMan/daf60f4edc50f0f3a032547711d41a68). Trying to figure out what's causing this13:56
MacromanThe main culprit seems to be VizCompositorTh which looks to be part of Chromium, but would that be crashing my whole pc?13:57
pepee... and if I stop the snapd service, it restarts automatically and keeps downloading... something, lol. nice concept of control, security and usability, canonical13:57
Foxfir3rpi4 ubuntu 20.10 server. Cant log in :( any tips?14:27
Foxfir3waited for 10 minutes, like some suggested. it is just really strange. ubuntu/ubuntu is the root user?14:27
MaikFoxfir3: on first boot it's ubuntu/ubuntu then you are asked to change the password14:28
Maikre-flash the card and start over14:29
Foxfir3Maik: thanks. tried all sorts of combinations. will re-flash. it does seem a little shaky though14:32
waveformFoxfir3, cloud-init takes a while to run on the pi; that's what sets up the initial user (along with whatever else it's been told to do - the configuration for it is the "user-data" file on the boot partition where you can customize the initial user, add ssh-import-id stuff, etc.)14:33
waveformas for why the login prompt is permitted to appear before cloud-init has run: that's a complex issue but the tl;dr version is: it's possible to come up with a cloud-init config that creates a user then gets stuck doing some long network operation - if the login prompt is delayed until c-i is done then the admin can be left unable to login even though the user exists at that point14:35
waveformI'd love to have slightly more fine-grained control over this so we could launch getty (the login prompt) once c-i had definitely created users but was still working on "other stuff", but sadly we don't have that option at the mo14:36
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deki_01hi there14:42
Foxfir3waveform: cloud-init failed. fallback to.. didnt remember to what. so I will try to reflash.14:43
Foxfir3ran manjaro and fedora on this pi, so i find it a little strange that such a bug exist14:44
deki_01is it possible to install remotely a ubuntu OS,could not find something newer14:44
waveformFoxfir3, once you've reflashed, before you boot the card take a look at "user-data" on the boot partition; there you can customize the name & password (and whether the password is expired) for the initial user. However, note that applies to first boot only - it won't change things if modified after the first boot14:45
Foxfir3waveform: thn14:46
Foxfir3waveform: thanks. i actually just made that mistake.14:46
Foxfir3i run ubuntu server on vultr. Zeo14:47
Foxfir3zero isues with that14:47
waveformI must admit one of the annoying things about cloud-init is that if you muck up the config you potentially wind up with a broken system (e.g. no default user), but then the idea is you experiment until you get the config you want, then you can easily stamp out as many instances/machines as you want with that config by just copy/pasting it14:48
waveform(it's just that experimenting is a bit more painful on the pi given the reflashing involved, than with instances in the cloud)14:49
Foxfir3waveform: manjaro arm (of all things) is the best i have run on the rpi4 so far. I dont like the cloud-init feature. it should be optionable and not default14:53
waveformwhile cloud-init has its rough edges (the getty issue being the most visible), it's effectively a standard for initializing cloud images (and the ubuntu pi server image is derived from the ubuntu cloud images). To make it optional would effectively double the server images to those with and those without c-i14:56
sgenSo thunderbird wont stop opening. I dont even use it but it keeps opening over and over. Any idea why or how I can stop this? Its making my computer hang.14:58
pavlossgen: if you dont use it, why not remove it?15:00
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sgenThats a good point. Im more worried that it wont stop opening. Its just strange. Might be a key bind but Im not sure how or which ...15:03
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Vatumcan someone explain to me how pid files in /var/run are actually used? a program i use in its config file has the option to use a pid file in /var/run or disable it altogether. and in different distros its either active or not15:17
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Foxfir3waveform: thanks. i actually just made that mistake.15:31
Foxfir3waveform: everything working now. login issue is a bug. its possible to enter user and pass before the python script has been run15:32
waveformFoxfir3, indeed - and a long standing one (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1861128 <- the work-around mentioned in there is present in the images but doesn't appear to work)15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1861128 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "getty.target starts before cloud-config is done" [High,Triaged]15:36
Foxfir3ubottu: you are a robot. you can fix it15:37
ubottuFoxfir3: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:37
Foxfir3ubottu: you are girlfriend material15:37
ubottuFoxfir3: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:37
MaikFoxfir3: stop it please15:37
Foxfir3waveform: worked just to wait for it. So they could fix it with a simple warning in the shell15:37
lumpybumpHey guys, I've got ubuntu 20.04 live on a usb. Wondering if it's possible to use the standard installation wizard to put it on another usb with a persistent volume. Or should I just use mkusb?15:38
oerheksuse mkusb15:38
lumpybumpso the installation wizard only lets you install on the hard drive?15:39
oerheksno, one can select the 2nd usb to install too.15:40
waveformFoxfir3, that was something I attempted (way back when this was first reported) but there's something that clears the screen at some point and before I could figure that out other more pressing things got in the way. If I get some time this cycle I'll see if I can re-visit it though15:40
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lumpybumpoerheks then why use mkusb instead of install wizard?15:41
lumpybumpdoes it not let you put persistence?15:42
Foxfir3waveform: change the userscript so the password isnt temporary?15:42
Foxfir3waveform: no. you metioned that wont work15:43
waveformyou can make the password non-temporary in user-data but doing so is a security risk, so I can't make it the default (has to be "opt in")15:43
oerhekslumpybump, mkusb for the install iso + persistence. usb to usb for 'normal ' install, which will be horribly slow15:44
waveformFoxfir3, basically there's no "universally good" solution at the moment, but I should have another look at a warning message as it's a decent enough mitigation that *should* be simple (although it wasn't entirely when I first looked at it)15:44
lumpybumpaha I get it15:44
Foxfir3waveform: dammit. i see. well.. it works. Ubuntu desktop, cloud server and rpi4 server. all ubuntu'ed up. you can imagine the remarks i get from old Arch users :D15:45
lumpybumpbut what's the difference between 'normal' install and iso + persistence? Maybe it's a stupid question, but I've only ever really used ubuntu in live sessions.15:46
lumpybumpoerheks ^15:46
oerheksthis live/install iso does not have the latest kernel fixes and other updates.15:46
Foxfir3waveform: anyone at Cannonical to fix it? They should have programmers working from Isle of man15:47
oerheksuse it with care.15:47
Foxfir3waveform: it has to be low level. Asking 'do you want to use cloud-init?'15:48
waveformFoxfir3, there's pretty much no way to do something like that - you can't guarantee any particular interface on boot (c-i is designed for completely headless remote systems), so it'd come down to having with-c-i and without-c-i images and the release team are highly unlikely to go for that :)15:50
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lumpybumpoerheks so a normal installation has kernel fixes/updates and the live/iso aren't always up to date?15:50
Foxfir3waveform: i see. so basically it would have to be two separate images15:50
Foxfir3waveform: or the fix you attempted15:51
waveformFoxfir3, as to who's bug it is to fix: almost certainly mine - I'm the guy responsible for the pi images at canonical. Unfortunately, while it's on my list it's pretty low down (below things like "get bluetooth working on the CM4" :)15:51
Foxfir3waveform: i see :D well.. good to know there is a list. didnt test dual monitors or sound yet. will be nice with bt. very sweet.15:52
Foxfir3waveform: feels like Ubuntu is 'coming back'15:53
waveformFoxfir3, dual monitor does work, but there's a whole pile of edge cases with at the moment (most of which we can't currently do much about as they're "upstream firmware" issues, e.g. the way full-screen audio doesn't work unless it's on HDMI0 instead of HDMI1). Sound should work fine, but the cert team did alert me to an issue with the head-phone jack which I've failed to replicate so far15:55
oerheksFoxfir3, install gnome-tweak-tool for ore settings :-)15:55
tpw_ruleshello all. i have a bluetooth joystick on ubuntu 20.04 (xbox 1 s emulation type using the kernel drivers) and i've got it paired and everything works fine. however, the first time i start up my computer and connect it, nothing works. it appears in /dev/input but nothing can read from it. e.g. xf86-input-joystick, any SDL apps, etc. jstest can however. if i disconnect and reconnect it everything is good again.16:01
Foxfir3waveform: i see. so basically minor issues. where to report issues? github?16:10
Maikubuntu issues are reported on launchpad Foxfir316:12
ograFoxfir3, on a sidenote ... there is only one ubuntu developer on the isle of man .. thats mark shuttleworth 😉16:35
Foxfir3ogra: https://businesstech.co.za/news/government/90990/why-shuttleworth-lost-his-r250-million-tax-battle/17:21
lumpybumpQuick question guys. On this post (https://askubuntu.com/questions/80455/no-root-file-system-defined-error-while-installing-ubuntu) user Saidi Awad  advises to use ext4, ext3, or ext2 but NOT FAT32/NTFS when installing Ubuntu on a partition.17:21
lumpybumpWhy are ext filesystems preferred?17:21
TJ-lumpybump: not FAT32 since it doesn't support attributes for ownership or access (modes)17:22
Foxfir3lumpybump: exfat is commercial17:22
Foxfir3lumpybump: ntfs should be free though17:23
TJ-lumpybump: and although NTFS does with ACLs its support on Linux and access patterns don't lead to much confidence17:23
TJ-lumpybump: unless there are over-riding reasons, choose an in-kernel file-system17:24
lumpybumpalrighty, thanks!17:25
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pcfreak30sarnold: I just had to put enp1s0 in the netplan b/c the nic switched again. So i have enp1s0 and enp4s018:17
sarnoldpcfreak30: oh man :( I had really hoped this was all sorted :(18:18
pcfreak30its up, but i had to go manual again to fix it18:18
pcfreak30idk why its deciding to keep renaming18:18
pcfreak30at this rate ill be bridging 1-1018:18
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RojolaI know, that I installed a package in "snap" but I fail to uninstall it19:11
Rojolahow can I please find out the real name of the package?19:11
Rojola"snap remove gnome"   won't work19:11
RojolaI ran  "df -h"  and saw this line:19:11
Rojola/dev/loop5      163M  163M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/14519:11
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sarnoldRojola: 'snap changes' may report something19:14
Rojolathank you, sarnold, but that only shows recent events19:15
Rojola$ sudo snap remove gnome19:15
Rojolasnap "gnome" is not installed19:15
Rojola^ that is my problem19:15
hofersnap list19:15
RojolaI found it!19:16
Rojolasnap remove gnome-3-28-180419:16
Rojolasorry for bothering you guys!19:16
Rojolathank you sarnold19:16
Rojolathank you hofer19:16
sarnoldRojola: aha! I hadn';t thought of that :D19:19
vicatcuhey all, I recently updated to 20.04 and I've run into some trouble with an older software that depends on libssl.so.1.0.0 and libcrypto.so.1.0.0; can anyone tell me if it's possible and how  to add these shared libraries to ubuntu 20.04 for the benefit of installing my legacy software?19:20
sarnoldthe easiest thing might be to use lxd to run an older version of ubuntu in a container19:22
vicatcuinteresting, what's lxd?19:24
vicatcufound it https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/introduction/19:24
KonstaapeliNalleHi, I do have funny problem while installing Ubuntu. I'm trying to install multiboot system with Win10. This is about 5 yr old ASUS laptop, and UEFI is used, no fastboot etc problem found. There was some problems I got fixed, but now Ubuntu Live USB boots Win 10 when I try boot it :D  What the heck? I don't know what other things to tell, so please19:25
KonstaapeliNalleask :)  Thank you!19:25
blb4393vicatcu: I'd create symlinks first to 1.1 versions of both libs Maybe it'll do if api is backward compatible19:26
vicatcusarnold, so is lxd appropriate for running GUI programs? The software I need to install is an older version of EagleCAD19:26
vicatcublb4393, oh that's an interesting idea19:27
sarnoldvicatcu: good question :) it'd certainly be more complicated than most folks use of lxd19:29
blb4393there's systemd-nspawn nowadays19:29
blb4393if symlinking won't work19:30
KonstaapeliNalleYe, will go and try again :D19:39
vicatcublb4393, where should I put the symlink?19:42
vicatcu /usr/lib64?19:42
sarnold/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -- if that matches your architecture. check dpkg -L libssl1.1 for the location of your current library19:43
sarnoldopenssl 1.0.1 was famous for breaking a lot of things, so I'm skeptical, but maybe if they just used it for something stupid like local license checking...19:44
vicatcuthat seems to have worked19:46
vicatcuyes, exactly local license checking19:46
sarnoldblb4393: sweeeeeeet :D19:46
vicatcuthanks much19:46
sarnoldmasn that's way easier than lxd, hehe19:46
vicatcuoh no! ./eagle: symbol lookup error: ./eagle: undefined symbol: CRYPTO_num_locks19:48
vicatcufeels like i should just be able to go get the .actual libcrypto.so.1.0.0 file and put it on this machine19:49
vicatcuinstead of aliasing 1.1 -> 1.0.019:49
sarnoldthe risk there is not getting security updates for it19:50
sarnoldbut you can grab an older one by following links from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl19:50
sarnoldand dpkg -i the thing19:50
blb4393vicatcu: the old libs could be compiled for different libc version but worth to try19:50
sarnoldlook for the libssl* packages, not the openssl package, that's just the binary front end19:50
vicatcuhah, that worked19:58
vicatcui just copied the so files from an 18.04 computer19:58
maciekhi there, regarding the https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2021-3156, it says that a patch for 20.04 was already released, but I can't find it in the repo…20:00
sarnoldmaciek: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sudo/20:02
sarnoldmaciek: the security updates are copied to the archive mirrors in batches, if it's not on them yet, then the batch hasn't happened20:02
blb4393maciek: hm, if i do apt update && apt upgrade it offers me to upgrade sudo20:02
maciekblb4393: probably the mirror thing as sarnold said20:03
maciekI'm using the polish one (pl.archive.ubuntu.com)20:03
sarnoldyou should also have the security.ubuntu.com listed in your sources20:04
blb4393this is what's in the update log20:04
blb4393  * SECURITY UPDATE: heap-based buffer overflow20:05
blb4393    - debian/patches/CVE-2021-3156-pre1.patch: sanity check size when20:05
sarnoldhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntu.task.gda.pl-archive  -- "This mirror was last verified 16 hours ago. " -- so, sixteen hours ago, this mirror looked up to date20:05
sarnoldthat's encouraging, some of the mirrors can be a few days out of date :(20:05
sarnoldnot everyone who runs a mirror keeps on top of it20:06
maciekI've added: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal main restricted universe multiverse20:07
blb4393i have http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu in my sourses.list20:07
maciekand… it's still not there20:07
gst568923Hi, I have created a xfce launcher (run in terminal) and I have write this command: `sudo renice -n -20 -p $(pidof twinkle)` but not works, why?20:08
sarnoldgst568923: in what way does it fail?20:09
sarnoldmaciek: hmm, did apt report which IP address it contacted? I checked the four ipv4 addresses I can reach and all four have the sudo update20:11
gst568923sarnold I prepended the following command to prevent the terminal from exiting and not showing me the error20:14
gst568923sarnold `xfce4-terminal --maximize --hold -x sudo renice -n -20 -p $(pidof twinkle)`20:15
macieksarnold: no, but I dont really know why I'm using the polish mirror anyways, so not an issue anymore after changing to the nova.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com20:15
gst568923sarnold renice: bad process ID value: $(pidof    renice: bad process ID value: twinkle)20:15
sarnoldgst568923: aha! :) $() is a shell thing, and apparently this command isn't running through a shell. try this... xfce4-terminal --maximize --hold -x sh -c "sudo renice -n -20 -p $(pidof twinkle)"20:16
gst568923sarnold great, it works; to understand what sense does it make to put "sh" if xfce4-terminal is already present?20:19
sarnoldgst568923: xfce4-terminal is probably doing it's own command-line parsing to avoid going through the shell. So, if you want to use shell features in your command, you'll need to call the shell yourself20:27
sarnoldgst568923: this is getting more common; eg systemd unit files don't use the shell by default. If you want shell features in systemd unit files, you need to call the shell explicitly there, too20:27
gst568923sarnold if I run for example the command "top" inside xfce4-terminal, I see in the system monitor this tree:  xfce4terminal --> bash --> top20:32
sarnoldgst568923: huhn. that's curious.20:32
sarnoldgst568923: wait, do you mean, you typed 'top' into a shell that was running inside an xfce4-terminal?20:32
sarnoldgst568923: or did you construct a .desktop file for it, like this renice command?20:33
gst568923sarnlod no .desktop file I opened xfce4-termianl and I writed for example "top" command, then I run `gnome-system-monitor` and I have see the tree xfce4terminal --> bash --> top20:35
RoseBusencryptfs is opensource, but if I install it using apt am I garunteed it wasn't altered?20:36
RoseBusdoes apt install exactly as seen from github?20:36
sarnoldgst568923: aha! then in that case the terminal has run a shell for you to use :)20:37
sarnoldRoseBus: apt will install whatever is located in the package on launchpad20:38
gst568923sarnold going back to the previous twinkle command, can I replace "sh" with "bash" is it the same?20:38
sarnoldRoseBus: packages in ubuntu usually come in through debian. debian may have modified the package. ubuntu may further modify the package.20:38
sarnoldgst568923: yes, you can; that might run a little slower, since dash is faster to launch than bash, but then you'll get access to bash features in the command line, too20:40
gst568923sarnold so `....-x bash -c ....` OK?20:42
sarnoldgst568923: exactly :D20:42
gst568923sarnold one last question I wanted to give "-20" as the renice value, is this the maximum I can give to a process to run it in real time?, in my case I need real time because twinkle takes care of calls with the SIP protocol20:45
sarnoldgst568923: there are also realtime scheduling classes available20:46
gst568923sarnold that is? I am poorly documented about it20:47
macodoes anyone remember the command for querying "what are all the packages that depend on $foo?" when i run `apt-get dist-upgrade` it wants to add apache to my system.20:48
sarnoldmaco: apt-rdepends -r, I think is what you're looking for20:49
sarnoldwith apache it's a long output..20:49
macothanks, i'll pipe it to less20:50
sarnoldgst568923: there's a handy rtkit-daemon that's supposed to make this easy but I don't know how to use it :(20:50
sarnoldgst568923: realtime scheduling classes get to monopolize the CPU until they explicitly drop the cpu; the default kernel config gives other processes a tiny amount of time each second to run.. so the application may not actually work great in realtime scheduling classes20:51
gst568923sarnold I chose the renice command because it happened to me that during multitasking that is starting other processes in addition to twinkle, the voice during a SIP session arrived with a lot of delay20:54
sarnoldgst568923: alright, forget rtkit :( check out schedtool package -- the schedtool program can do this20:54
fradI use sleep (command) as a timer, but I cannot see minutes and seconds counting down. How do I do that?20:57
tomreynsarnold: doesn't apt-rdepends with '-r' give you reverse depends, so all packages that depends on "apache", rather than all packages "apache" depends on?20:58
tomreynmaco: ^20:59
sarnoldtomreyn: I interpreted the question as "how do I find out what depends upon apache now?"20:59
tomreynsarnold: hmm, yes, you're right, i think i read it wrong.20:59
sarnoldfrad: afaik there's no easy tool that does that already in ubuntu21:00
sarnoldI mean, it might be there, but apt-cache search countdown timer didn't give me a lot of good results21:00
fradsarnold, an app with a gui maybe?21:01
sarnoldI'd hope gnome or kde would have *some* kind of simple countdown timer, it feels like an obvious thing, doesn't it? :)21:02
sarnoldthey might not really advertise it as a feature in a package description though :/21:02
tomreyni bet there is some gnome extension which does this (or pretends to, and works for exactly one gnome-shell version, while for all others, it breaks your desktop)21:03
maco@tomreyn yep reverse depends were what i wanted. i'm trying to figure out what i have installed that wants to pull in apache2 on upgrade. though... i'm not sure apt-rdepends has the uhh foresight to tell what's *going* to depend on it after upgrading...21:05
tomreynfrad: maybe https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/604/teatime/21:07
tomreynmaco: it just lists *everything* that could trigger the given package to be installed. it's not specific to what is (not) installed on your system (or what would be installed after a release upgrade).21:09
tomreynktimer/bionic 4:17.12.3-0ubuntu1 amd6421:09
tomreyn  countdown timer21:09
tomreynalso kteatime/bionic 4:17.12.3-0ubuntu1 amd6421:10
fradill stay with sleep, I only need to see seconds counting down on a cli, not a new app with huge digits21:11
TJ-maco: try "apt-get -o  Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker=true dist-upgrade"21:12
maco@tomreyn yeah my plan was to cross reference `dpkg -l | grep ^i`21:13
maco@TJ *magic* and magic i didn't know even when i was spending my weekends on ubuntu21:13
TJ-maco: for other Debug:: options see "man 5 apt.conf" and the DEBUG OPTIONS section21:14
leftyfbfrad: while true; do date +%S ; sleep 1; clear;done21:15
macoi'll give a vote for kteatime21:15
fradwhat exaclt will that do leftyfb ?21:16
leftyfbfrad: that will show you seconds from your clock. If you want a countdown, then you can use this as a function: for i in `seq 0 $1`; do echo $i;sleep 1 clear;done21:16
tomreynhttps://linuxconfig.org/time-countdown-bash-script-example looks useful (though you might want to reformat that output somewhat)21:16
tomreynTJ-: i stumbled on this before, but then didn'T know what the output means, are you aware of any documentation?21:17
tomreynhttps://termbin.com/1oeu is returned by this on my 18.04 system:  sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker=true dist-upgrade --assume-no 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999921:19
tomreynand i wouldn't know what "@ii mK NPb IPb > FU=0" means exactly21:19
leftyfbfrad: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/KNBRDJfRhh/21:19
leftyfbfrad: called with "countdown 5" to count down from 5 to 121:20
fradleftyfb, seconds?21:21
leftyfbfrad: yes21:21
macoI've been gone almost a decade. Nowadays, does "dist-upgrade" actually move you to the next version, or is it still the same as "full-upgrade" was? And do "recommends" get automatically installed like "depends" or are they left out like "suggests"?21:21
leftyfbgive or take some milliseconds :)21:21
fradso if I need to countdown 10 minutes that would be 600?21:21
leftyfbfrad: yep21:21
leftyfbfrad: it will count from 600 down to 1, with a "sleep 1" between each one21:22
fradok, im an absolute noob. How do I name the script, where do I save it and how do I execute it?21:22
TJ-tomreyn: docs are pretty much internal - it's debug info - but the indentation shows the dependency graph for each package, so if e.g. apache2 is indented you move to left column to find ultimate 'keeper' package that pulls it in21:23
tomreynmaco: to my knowledge, apt(-get) "dist-upgrade" and "full-upgrade" do exactly the same. and, on a default installation, recommended packages are installed by default (treated as Depends:), but you can change that.21:23
leftyfbfrad: call it whatever you want, personally I would use this as a function, not a script. I have my functions broken out in ~/.bash_aliases.d/<purpose> but you could just copy it to the end of your ~/.bashrc21:23
tomreynTJ-: thanks. there's only a single level of indentation on the output ii posted, so maybe that'S a bad example.21:24
leftyfbfrad: add in an app called toilet and you can write the numbers fairly large on your terminal using ASCII. I use it for doing things like resetting hardware using the 30/30/30 routine21:24
macoleftyfb what lovely name for an app :P21:25
leftyfbmaco: I didn't name it. But it's handy21:25
fradleftyfb, I aved it to my home directory under 'countdown.bashrc' am I doing this right?21:26
leftyfbfrad: negative. Add it to the end of your already existing ~/.bashrc file21:27
leftyfbooo, TIL osd_cat21:28
fraddone.ok leftyfb , done21:29
leftyfbfrad: now type:  source ~/.bashrc21:29
leftyfbfrad: now type: countdown 521:29
fradleftyfb, thanks a lot!!21:30
fradim using this now instead of sleep21:30
macotomreyn: thanks. i remember when recommends started being treated as depends, but that's the sort of thing that could've changed again21:31
fradbut wait, I still need an alarm. Can I edit your script to play a tune after it's counted down? I tried this, but it doesn't work: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/PyjrwBjHQh/21:34
leftyfbfrad: put it on a new line under "done"21:37
macofrad: you could make it beep https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/1974/how-do-i-make-my-pc-speaker-beep21:37
TJ-tomreyn: maco: explanation of the symbols in the MarkInstall report  https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/tree/apt-pkg/prettyprinters.cc#n1921:37
leftyfbmaco: that doesn't work on a lot of machines these days21:37
tomreynTJ-: thanks for looking this up for us.21:37
fradleftyfb, logic, I get it, plain chronological order. Thanks leftyfb !!21:38
fradI combined it and it started playing that song each second21:39
macoTJ: thanks. i figured out which package it is. it's coming from ondrej sury's php-releases ppa. now i'm looking at the src package trying to figure out if libapache-php is marked as a dep or a rec on php8.21:39
TJ-maco: fred: use paplay (Pulseaudio Play) e.g. "  /usr/bin/paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/message.oga "21:40
macofrad can you paste what you have into https://paste.ubuntu.com/ ?21:40
fradleftyfb, any idea how much cpu this consumes?21:40
leftyfbfrad: nope, but probably very little21:40
macoplaying every second sounds like it's inside the loop instea d of outside21:40
fradlol right, I created a loop!21:40
macoalso this channel is WAY lower traffic than i remember, holy moly21:40
sarnoldmaco: hah, yeah, I remember around 2010 or so it was *insane*; these days there might even be an hour or two when it's just joins and parts21:41
macoyeah i used to spend hours in here answering questions 2008-2011, and i'd be helping like 4 people at a time21:42
macoand so would a couple dozen others21:44
macocouldn't really function in those days without nick highlighting cuz traffic was so high21:44
EriC^^they set the chaanel to +r, killed it, lazy ops21:44
EriC^^yeah back in 2016 they set +r, we even plotted a graph of time vs lines spoken in channel to clearly show the +r effect, they removed it for a month or something then put it back when spammers would join *shrug* better noone talk than having to actually be a channel operator21:47
macoso where do newcomers get help these days?21:47
zebrahmaco, tiktok21:47
maconot that i've used ubuntu with a GUI since 2013, so for all i know it's to the point where point & click users don't need much help21:48
macozebrah: i can't tell if you're joking21:48
macoif jdong said that, i'd take it as a joke21:48
maco...pricechild too21:48
EriC^^im guessing most join irc, get thrown into #ubuntu-unregged then leave, the more tech savy who know irc etc will probably register and then join which are just a few21:48
PeGaSuShello guys. any idea why my external drive is mounted as read-only? I can copy files from the external drive to my internal drive but not the reverse21:49
sarnoldPeGaSuS: check dmesg, there may be a message in there21:49
maxFlexGuestWhat 64-bit processor architectures do you support? Normally, I wouldn't be talking about AERobot on this channel, but in this case, I need information to find the right processor architecture for the robot.21:49
EriC^^PeGaSuS: "dmesg" might show what's going on21:49
tomreynmaco: https://ubuntu.com/support/community-support21:49
sarnoldmaxFlexGuest: x86-64, ppc64el, aarch64, risc-v6421:50
snakedoes anyone know if the ubuntu lts install medium comes with memtest option?21:52
macotomreyn: a discourse site? neat. good to see current timestamps on the old ubuntu forums too. my local loco died out around the time dtchen's work sent him overseas and i quit motu. are locos still a thing in general?21:53
sarnoldsnake: if you boot into legacy / csm mode, it should be available; iirc the free one doesn't work with uefi, so when it boots uefi, no mem test21:53
tomreynsnake: i think it does for (legacy) bios booting21:53
snakeso how do i run memtest on a uefi system21:53
snakeimma just try it and see what happens21:54
macoPeGaSuS: this might also help https://askubuntu.com/questions/175739/how-do-i-remount-a-filesystem-as-read-write21:55
tomreynmaco: i'm not sure, my impression is that much of the sponsored community got dried out, and only the non-sponsored parts have remained. but i may be wrong, i'm not really into it. and this is not the best place to discuss this - let's move to #ubuntu-discuss ?21:55
macosarnold: i think i might kinda know why i'm not seeing the sudo update. the security repos are in my sources.list, but `apt-get update` doesn't show them being queried21:57
sarnoldmaco: that's *strange*21:58
macosarnold: that's the pg-13 way to say it21:59
macosarnold: wait no im wrong. they are being queried. they got hit *first*. i expected them at the end like they are in the sources.list21:59
frada x265 encoded file doesn't consume more cpu than a x264 encoded one, right?22:00
macosarnold: (oh and there we go. got the update now. yay)22:01
PeGaSuSI should have mentioned that I have two OSes installed in that same drive. Ubuntu and Linux Mint. this is all I got when I attach the drive: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RXvJ9Rd5hx/22:01
PeGaSuScomplete dmesg output after booting and attaching the drive: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jBC3pQRbGz/22:12
sarnoldPeGaSuS: rebooting clears the dmesg buffer, so any errors in the filesystem or block storage that might have been saved are wiped..22:13
sarnoldPeGaSuS: try journalctl -b-1 and see if you have any logs from the previous boot or not22:14
PeGaSuSoutput: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VNQ3RNkhDf/22:15
sarnoldPeGaSuS: sweet! line 2466 and onwards22:18
PeGaSuSthat's weird. where's how I have things: Windows + Ubuntu in the internal drive (eMMC, 64GB). then on the Toshiba external drive I have: 642GiB free on NTFS + Ubuntu on /dev/sda2 + Linux Mint on /dev/sda322:21
PeGaSuSsarnold: booting into Windows and shutdown with the shift key pressed, solved the issue.22:42
PeGaSuSbut what causes that?22:42
sarnoldPeGaSuS: windows 'shutdown' is more like a suspend these days, which can leave the filesystem in an inconsistent space22:43
PeGaSuSso, to avoid future issues, I should use the "shift key" trick when shutting down windows22:44
pytorchis there a way to share screens between 10 people? not webcams but actual computer screens? Any software that allows to do that?22:45
sarnoldPeGaSuS: right22:45
sarnoldpytorch: can you describe a bit more what you're trying to do?22:45
PeGaSuStbh, I just keep Windows around for gaming. would ejecting the external drive and then shutting down windows the normal way spare me from this issue in a future?22:47
leftyfbPeGaSuS: https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001762.htm22:48
leftyfbpytorch: zoom will allow you to share your screen with multiple participants22:48
leftyfbpytorch: as will google meet and microsoft teams22:48
leftyfbpytorch: if you don't care about who you're sharing to, you can use twitch.tv or youtube22:49
PeGaSuSalso Jitsi meet allow such. and thanks for the link, leftyfb22:50
QuentinMDear Ubuntu Community. I am trying to understand whether Ubuntu 14.04 ESM will be patched for CVE-2021-3156. I do not see anything related to that online at the moment. Cheers.22:55
tomreynmaxFlexGuest: Are you referring to https://affordableeducationrobot.github.io/v1.0/hardware.html ? This hardware won't be running Ubuntu, or Linux, or any general purpose OS at all, I'm afraid, it's too low spec.22:56
tomreynyou have a microcontroller there, no proper cpu.22:56
sarnoldQuentinM: I expect it will be patched, yes22:57
QuentinM@sarnold Thank you!22:57
PeGaSuSleftyfb: you've saved my life of a torment with that link. it works flawlessly. thanks a lot!22:57
sarnoldnice :D22:58
tomreynQuentinM: in case you haven't found this page, yet, it would track its status: https://ubuntu.com/security/cve-2021-315622:59
PeGaSuSI just wish that Linux (and Ubuntu in this case) would have a better gaming environment and that game producers actually did games for Linux22:59
QuentinM@tomreyn Thank you very much, we've been monitoring the page. We simply were not sure whether that was actually being considered or it "Needs triage" was just an automated placeholder. Given we did not see any note regarding 14.04 / ESM in the Mailing list or USN, it made us doubt slightly. We'll keep monitoring the page.23:01
tomreynQuentinM: alright. :) You can also ask such questions in #ubuntu-hardened, or, if you need a definitive answer, via commercial support (IRC is mostly community support).23:08
jayjoI'm having trouble with an autoinstall and cloud-init using the new autoinstallation config format23:12
tomreyntry #ubuntu-server23:12
jayjook, thanks23:12
octav1aI suddenly can't seem to paste any files using nemo or nautilus. Permissions are fine, I can click and drag  files to a new folder, or use the terminal to mv or cp, but if I copy some items (either with ctrl+c or right click+copy) I can't paste (paste greyed out in right click menu) in any folder.23:21
maxFlexGuest63What processor architectures do you support on Ubuntu for robots?23:45
sarnoldmaxFlexGuest63: are you talking about ROS specifically or just in general or what?23:46
maxFlexGuest63Are ROS robots?23:47
sarnoldyes https://www.ros.org/about-ros/23:48
maxFlexGuest63I am talking about all processors supporting Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in general.23:50
sarnoldthat'll be amd64, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x, aarch64, and maybe armhf. (I've been surprised how long we've managed to keep supporting armhf.)23:51
fradwhat i23:54
fradwhat is the future of intel?23:54
fradi always bought them, thinking i was getting quality23:54

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