[04:31] can someone remind me what the dev channel name is? [05:49] #ubuntustudio-devel [05:50] AaronF: Are you wishing to collaborate/join, or do you have a question [12:58] OvenWerks i Love you so much! that tip about duplicating regions <3 [12:59] i didn't getvit at first, because i had disabled the setting to keep transformation across duplication as unfa recommends to do [12:59] but with it enabled, duplication is exactly like looping [12:59] \o/ [13:00] well... "unfa recommends"... not that i think anything would be his fault, just to be clear lol [13:03] anyways, now the fun is back wuhu! [16:27] Hello guys. I am rapper and music producer. When you got some time and you like music you can check my website. There is music player where is many my and as music. www.souler.pl Leave comment please.Yo! [16:34] Souler: We appreciate the link, but this channel is for support only, not self-promotion. Feel free to talk about anything other than support queries in #ubuntustudio-offtopic. [16:40] ok, sorry... [18:14] sakrecoer[b]: Unfa does wild and wonderful things with Ardour. What he recomends would secific to a particular workflow he is explaining at the time. [18:15] sakrecoer[b]: no setting is best for everything, that is why there are settings... so they can be changed [18:27] very true @freenode_OvenWerks:matrix.org and one got to know what can change and how for that [18:28] OvenWerks: pulseaudio is being *really* wonky. :( [18:28] hmm... i wonder if this matrix client renders IRC user bames correctly... [18:28] names even [18:58] wonko: wonky? how so? with jack running (via studio-controls) or not? [18:58] No jack currently, just doing everything with ALSA/pulseaudio [18:58] as soon as I turn the AF4 on pulse just gets completely jammed up [18:59] apps (youtube, etc) that require an audio device stop working [18:59] if I turn the AF4 back off it stays jammed up [18:59] I can't kill pulseaudio [18:59] I need to log out and back in [19:00] I have not had success with turning on/ plugging in the af after boot. It has not hurt pulse.... but then I don't run pulse without jack on my system besides checking that it works. [19:01] the correct way to kill pulseaudio is to run pulseaudio -k... which should also restart it. if that doesn't work then killall -9 pulseaudio [19:03] turning the AF on after boot doesn't hurt jack because jack is already running on some other device. However switching to the af that is turned on after boot does not seem to work. [19:09] I had to kill -9 it but then it hangs in defunct until I relog [19:10] ok, so back to jack (FFADO) and then reboot again after the config to see where it gets? [19:16] ok, and we're back to jack not behaving correctly again [19:16] fire up jack. all is good. [19:16] jack_lsp shows the AF4 [19:16] but now it's back to the can't connect thing from before [19:16] and I haven't started Carla, so that's not it. :) [19:24] The other thing too is the autojack.log and what qjackctl logs are completely different: https://gist.github.com/bhechinger/a48b05e0c4f869ce63baae250b0bc83b [19:57] wonko: actually, what qjackctl shows is ~/.log/jack/jackdbus.log [19:58] ah, ok, good to know [19:59] and what it shows is that the chain made of fw card/cable/af has stopped working at some point and jack has not dealt with it well... Actually jack doesn't deal well with any audio device vanishing [20:00] Could it be a bad audio device? [20:00] either bad audio device, bad cable or bad fw card [20:00] I hope it's not the audio device. :( [20:01] is there another way to check this? [20:01] I think swap things out is it. [20:01] Ok, guess I'll start with the cable. [20:08] In my case, I was pretty sure the af was ok. So got some other cards with different chip set. They also came with their own cables but the cables were not compatable with anything I had so I had to use the same cable :P [20:10] so anyway, I got frustrated because I didn't know if something I had was not supported by sw, or waht was up and I didn't want to spend more. [20:11] but after a while I thought that maybe I would at least try another cable and while I was at it try a cable that used a different socket on the card. That is what worked. [20:21] I've got a 400-800 cable [20:21] so I'm plugged into one of the 800 ports [20:21] but that's how the guy used it, so that shouldn't be an issue, right? [20:36] I mean, ffado-mixer sees it just fine though [20:36] so that should mean something, right? [20:45] OvenWerks: Can I disable pulse bridging and get jack to ignore the KA6? That way I can mess around with the AF4 and jack without having to screw up my normal audio for the time being. [20:46] Oh, I think I've figured it out. :) [20:46] let's try [20:48] ok, that didn't work quite as expected. :) [21:08] Things that are definitely different from before I re-installed 20.04 is ffado-test Discover works without hanging [21:31] https://gist.github.com/bhechinger/35915015b2f90920f1a5f40849a81995 [21:31] fresh reboot [21:31] start jack [21:31] run jack_lsp three time [21:31] first two work, third doesn't [21:32] This time now ffado-test Discover is hanging [21:32] bah [21:50] what frame size are you using? [21:53] wonko: BTW, I wouold "blacklist"/"hide" you webcam in studio-controls. [21:54] The zita that connects that is src from 24k to 48k anyway and I assume you are not using it. [21:54] though it looks like you have USB bridge turned off in the last paste I saw [22:00] I killed the pulse bridges and blacklisted everything except the AF4 [22:00] I didn't think I disabled the USB bridge, but who knows. :) [22:00] 32 on the frame size, 2 periods [22:01] try 64 for a while or 32/3 see if it makes a difference [22:01] There, unchecked bridge usb devices [22:03] so far so good [22:03] what should I do next? [22:03] I dont' want to do something like start carla and break everything. :) [22:04] or, screw it and start carla and see what happens? :-D [22:06] actually, carla is looking good so far [22:06] farme 32 with 2 periods may not work, try at least 32/3 but maybe 64/2 would at least tell you if that was the problem [22:06] i'm going to see if I can make sound first. :) [22:07] I haven't gotten to sound yet but I just added Calf Organ and jack_lsp shows that. I haven't gotten nearly this far yet. Going to try some pulse bridges. :) [22:09] nothing on the headphones, but youtube is actually playing, which is new. :) [22:09] starting ffado-mixer was a bad idea. :) [22:14] running 64/2 seems to be ok so far [22:14] still nothing on the headphones though [22:14] not sure what the secret is there [22:14] and nothing to plug the output into either [22:16] headphones may not be " " and 0 [22:16] back in a bit [22:16] i've tried all 6 outputs [22:16] nothing goes to the headphones [22:21] Is the firmware loaded on the AF4 something I should be worried about? [22:22] you can check it [22:22] I couldn't really figure out how. :) [22:22] * OvenWerks tries to remember how :) [22:22] the ffado-fireworks-downloader gets me info [22:23] but nothing about an understandable firmware revision [22:25] ffado-test [22:25] from what I can tell the headphones monitor output 1/2 [22:25] so it *should* just work assuming I'm actually sending audio there [22:25] and ffadomixer doesn't show it as muted or something? [22:26] I'm assuming M is mute? [22:27] yes, but the inputs don't matter [22:28] https://i.imgur.com/GhbANmy.png [22:28] look at playback and output [22:28] oh [22:28] looks like those are muted [22:28] looks like those are muted [22:28] oops. :) [22:29] it's annoying I can't run ffado-mixer at the same time as jack [22:29] yes it looks like output is muted [22:29] I can [22:29] ffado-mixer says it can't find any device [22:29] I just can't change clock or sr while jack/pulse is using the device [22:29] yay it works! [22:30] 17:30:19 logginghandler ERROR Could not communicate with the FFADO DBus service... [22:30] and now audio is messed up [22:30] monitor input 1/2 I would mute [22:30] and I have to restart jack after attempting that [22:31] are you still running 32/2 or have you changed to 64/2? [22:31] 64/2 [22:31] ok [22:33] what does the output of: cat /proc/interrupts [22:33] lookm like? [22:33] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/trF9nDX4sX/ [22:34] what does /etc/default/rtirq look like? what is the output of /etc/init.d/rtirq status look like [22:35] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mKWWfGyBDD/ [22:36] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rXSrCTy6GS/ [22:38] firewire is running at a lower priority than usb [22:40] in /etc/default/rtirq maybe change: RTIRQ_NAME_LIST="snd usb i8042" to RTIRQ_NAME_LIST="firewire snd usb i8042" [22:40] and reboot of course [22:42] you will have to sudo nano /etc/default/rtirq to do that but you prolly know that as it looks like it has been changed already [22:58] * OvenWerks is out for a bit [23:31] I haven't actually changed that one yet but I remember doing that last time. I'll give that a go here shortly.