
callmepkgood morning02:34
jameshhi callmepk 02:39
callmepkhey jamesh 02:39
dufluMorning callmepk and jamesh 03:08
callmepkmorning duflu 03:08
jameshhi duflu.  Had a good public holiday?03:08
duflujamesh, yeah, family mostly. How was yours?03:09
jameshgood.  Went to a party at my parents' place to celebrate my mum's award03:10
dufluOh award?03:10
jameshshe got an AC  in the Order of Australia03:11
jamesh(and isn't Margaret Court)03:12
dufluAh that award, nice!03:12
amurrayjamesh: wow, your mum is awesome :)03:16
guivercCongrats to your Mum jamesh 03:20
seb128goood morning desktopers06:34
dufluMorning seb128 06:35
dufluAlso back in a bit06:35
seb128hey duflu06:40
seb128but closing IRC again for a bit06:41
didrocksgood morning07:10
dufluMorning didrocks 07:14
didrockshey duflu 07:16
jibelGood morning08:07
didrockssalut jibel 08:12
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:13
dufluMorning jibel and oSoMoN 08:15
oSoMoNhey duflu 08:15
jibelhi duflu 08:17
jibelsalut of08:17
jibelsalut oSoMoN 08:17
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk jamesh duflu didrocks jibel oSoMoN08:19
dufluHi marcustomlinson 08:19
oSoMoNsalut jibel 08:20
oSoMoNmorning marcustomlinson 08:20
jibelhi marcustomlinson 08:26
callmepkhi marcustomlinson didrocks jibel oSoMoN 08:26
oSoMoNhi callmepk 08:26
jameshhi marcustomlinson 08:31
marcustomlinsonjamesh: how was the long weekend? Have a few beers with mum? :08:32
jameshmarcustomlinson: yeah.  It was nice not having to keep that award secret any more :-)08:32
marcustomlinsonhow long have you known?08:32
jameshAbout a month.  They'd contacted her before that with an "if you were offered this, would you accept?" type question.08:34
oSoMoNhi jamesh 08:35
jameshhi oSoMoN 08:35
marcustomlinsonjamesh: must have been hard to believe08:35
marcustomlinsonI'd be waiting for the "just deposit $1000 into the following account to unlock the award"08:36
marcustomlinsonthen again, I would expect that being far less cool than your mum is :)08:37
jameshmarcustomlinson: it was a surprise that she was coming up in the honours list this year, and at that level.  I kind of suspected she'd get an AO or AC at some point though: she's definitely put in the work.08:39
didrockshey marcustomlinson, callmepk 08:42
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 08:43
dufluHi Laney, happy birthday09:04
seb128hey again desktopers09:05
dufluHi seb12809:06
oSoMoNsalut seb128 09:07
seb128Laney, ☮09:07
oSoMoNpeaceful birthday Laney!09:07
callmepkHi Laney, happy birthday!09:12
callmepkalso hi seb128 09:12
seb128hey callmepk 09:12
Laneyhey duflu seb128 oSoMoN callmepk, cheers!09:13
didrockshey Laney happy birthday!09:20
didrockswb seb128 09:20
marcustomlinsonhey Laney and seb12809:23
Laney💋 didrocks and marcustomlinson 09:25
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
Laneylooks like opencc got promoted but it has a dependency on libmarisa0 which is in universe, and now isos fail to build10:22
didrocksweird, we checked the deps, and it wasn’t showing up in c-m10:27
Laney<x files theme>10:28
seb128Laney, should I revert the ibus-libpinyin change meanwhile or are you on it?10:31
didrocks Depends: libopencc-data (= 1.1.1+git20200624+ds2-2), libc6 (>= 2.29), libgcc-s1 (>= 3.0), libmarisa0 (>= 0.2.6), libstdc++6 (>= 5.2), indeed, even with 1.1.1+git20200624+ds2-2, I missed it apparently…10:32
Laneyseb128: you can do it, should we just get gunnar to file the MIR or ?10:32
didrocks(90% of MIRs btw have packages in universe they depend on, for some people MIR are just paperwork without checking what they write :/)10:32
Laney[ Dependencies ] All dependencies in main (probably, couldn't be bothered to look)10:33
seb128Laney, yes, he made the mistake so he should fix it :-)10:33
didrocksyeah, like telling it has symbol tracking when none :/10:33
didrocksfortunately, marisa has no dep on universe10:33
seb128people just copy an older MIR as template I guess10:33
seb128and then fail to properly adapt it :-/10:34
didrocksyeah, it’s really annoying, last one was on MIR which translated to 18 packages in universe10:34
didrocksI started to open the new one for the requester, but after a while, it was "please go back to drawing board"10:34
Laneyneed those 'i am not a robot' tick boxes for bugs :p10:41
sil2100seb128: hey! Did you have a moment to take a look at the old https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-cdimage/canary-image-type/+merge/395387 thingy? No pressure, just asking out of curiosity10:56
sil2100(since it's mostly to get stuff working nicely for canary builds)10:57
seb128sil2100, hey, thanks for the reminder! I did glance over it before holidays, but it was the day before I was off and things are a bit crazy since we are back to work so I didn't review it again, I will try to do that this week, sorry for the delay10:58
seb128didrocks, thx for the review on abseil, I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to drop the mozc Debian patch after all after reading you review. That's what I was mentioning the other day, upstream doesn't want to use it as a system library because it's a moving target11:01
seb128we usually prefer to use shared librairies than copied versions but perhaps in that case the copy makes sense if the library isn't stable...11:02
didrocksseb128: yw! Indeed, I’m wondering as well. As we are in sync with debian, in practice, that doesn’t impact us much as the work is done there I think, but if we start diverging, vendoring should be an option IMHO11:21
didrocksthat’s my 2 cents11:22
seb128didrocks, I will try convince the Debian maintainer that it's not a useful distro patch to carry11:22
didrocksthat’s fine by me11:23
didrockskeep me posted11:23
seb128I will do!11:23
Laneyjust noticed that power off / restart doesn't work from the menu if you're in ubiquity-dm11:28
jibelLaney, bug 171560211:28
ubot5bug 1715602 in OEM Priority Project "ubiquity-dm / Install Ubuntu - Power button/menu does nothing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171560211:28
* enyc looks confused focal-proposed showing 78.5 thunderbird, not the 78.6.1 being talked about, provided, etc. debian and groovy14:03
seb128enyc, what's confusing there?14:03
oSoMoNenyc, I'm working with the SRU team to unblock the 78 series, once that's done we can easily upgrade to 78.6.114:10
seb128oSoMoN, 78.7.0 now :-)14:13
oSoMoNbleh, I can't keep up with updates14:13
luna_was like earlier today/yesterday14:13
=== hyperair is now known as Guest4838
ricotzhello desktopers :)14:41
ricotzoSoMoN, I was about to mention thunderbird :)14:42
oSoMoNhey ricotz 14:42
seb128hey ricotz , how are you?15:04
ricotzseb128, hey, good :), I see libunity built, but I assume there are a Conflict missing against the old gir1.2 package15:53
hellsworthgood morning desktopers16:15
oSoMoNheya hellsworth 16:15
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth16:16
hellswortho// guys :)16:16
seb128ricotz, bah, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/519696688/libunity_7.1.4+19.04.20190319-2_7.1.4+19.04.20190319-2build1.diff.gz16:26
seb128ricotz, +Conflitcs: gir1.2-unity-5.0 16:26
seb128see the typo :(16:26
seb128ricotz, also for some reason the gir used to get a depends on libunity9 and that stopped happening :-/16:27
ricotzseb128, oops :(16:29
seb128ricotz, I will upload a fix once I understand why the library depends isn't added by dh_girespository anymore16:29
seb128ricotz, looks like the sed lines for adding shared-library to the .gir should be restored to fix the depends...16:34
GunnarHjsil2100: No issues reported with respect to the language packs in focal-proposed.18:49
seb128GunnarHj, hey, I don't know if someone pinged you but there was a problem with the opencc MIR, it depends on libmarisa which is in universe, I had to revert your ibus-libpynin upload19:07
seb128ricotz, I'm fixing the depends issue by adding a --shared-library=libunity.so.9 to the vala options19:20
GunnarHjseb128: Nope, that was news to me. Apparently something we missed in the MIR bug.19:22
GunnarHjseb128: How was that not spotted before migration?19:23
seb128GunnarHj, that's an interesting question, I don't know!19:28
GunnarHjseb128: So I suppose a marisa MIR is next step. A C++ library without a symbols file... :(19:31
seb128GunnarHj, indeed...19:34
ricotzseb128, oh right, that is possible, I hope you don't have to hard code the library name19:47
KGB-2glib tags 5288ed3 Simon McVittie upstream/2.67.2 * Upstream version 2.67.2 * https://deb.li/mKbM21:23
KGB-2glib upstream/latest f48db91 Simon McVittie * pushed 217 commits * https://deb.li/3rKPU21:23
KGB-2glib pristine-tar a760dbc Simon McVittie glib2.0_2.67.2.orig.tar.xz.delta glib2.0_2.67.2.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for glib2.0_2.67.2.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/ykxn21:24
KGB-2vte2.91 tags ba8f5bd Simon McVittie upstream/0.62.2 * Upstream version 0.62.2 * https://deb.li/U0R023:09
KGB-2vte2.91 upstream/latest 3c87215 Simon McVittie * pushed 11 commits * https://deb.li/tv3M23:10
KGB-2vte2.91 pristine-tar f482fda Simon McVittie vte2.91_0.62.2.orig.tar.gz.delta vte2.91_0.62.2.orig.tar.gz.id * pristine-tar data for vte2.91_0.62.2.orig.tar.gz * https://deb.li/3EUcj23:10
sil2100GunnarHj: thanks! I saw an e-mail from the DE team, but I think it's a bit too late - trying to get more info about if it's worse than in .1 or not23:16
GunnarHjsil2100: I'm about to answer that mail. My idea is to move also the German language packs, and offer to make a delta update later.23:18
GunnarHjsil2100: I mean, untranslated strings and trivial typos is not a blocker.23:19
sil2100GunnarHj: thanks!23:53

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