[00:07] been playing with nftables and needed some things to find information: ipaddr: "hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1" and service-provider: echo "`curl -s ipinfo.io/ip` `curl -s ipinfo.io/org | cut -d' ' -f2-`" [00:11] I haven't seen hostname -I before [00:11] are you sure the first IP is the one you *really* want? [00:13] it's the default, so yes. In my case there are two ethernet ports and only one is used. "cat /sys/class/net/enp5s0/operstate" tells me it is up. the rest are vitual ones for docker and mikrok8s [00:16] Since I stated using kubeflow "ip addr" et. al. floods me with virtual addresses to the point of making the output nearly unreadable. [00:19] snaps, docker and kybernetes really need to learn to administrate things on their own instead of cluttering the system tables (if such a thing is possible) === ravustaj1 is now known as ravustaja [00:26] seen my df uncluttered? dfu: "df -h | grep -Ev '^/dev/loop|/var/snap|^tmpfs|^udev' | awk '{printf "%-10s %5s %5s %5s %5s\n", $6, $2, $3, $4, $5}'" [00:28] Anyhow it keeps my on my toes, scripting-wise === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK [00:30] Younder: funny enough it feels more cluttered .. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XNJZT3NX2J/ [00:31] Younder, there is "ip a s dev enp5s0" to show just one interface. [00:34] sarnold, this is what df -h -xsquashfs -xtmpfs -xdevtmpfs lookes like on my machine.. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pdFM4B4pDf/ [00:35] Younder: ow :) maybe tack on an -xoverlay ? [00:36] sarnold, yes that is better :) really need to take the time to read these options.. === halvors1 is now known as halvors [00:53] I have a bunch of snaps on my system and I'm not sure all of them are needed. [00:53] For instance, I have snaps for gnome-3-28-1804 and gnome-3-34-1804 [00:53] Can I get rid of one? [00:53] Croran, sure "snap remove ..." [00:54] And no danger to my system? I mean I will still be able to boot to gnome DE? [00:55] Croran: those may be 'base' snaps that are used by other snaps. so it's possible another snap requires those [00:55] Croran, The nice things abot snaps is that they have their own .so's and stuff so only stuff that uses that snap is affected [00:56] are snaps similar to dmg's on mac os, then? [00:56] well i removed the older gnome snap and it seems like my gnome utilites (gedit, calculator) are still working. [00:57] Now what about all these 'partitions' in df? It sure seems like I have a lot more snap partitions than I have snaps installed. [00:57] is there a way to see which snap uses which partition? [00:57] maco: maaaaybe. I'm not super-sure on what dmgs are used for; snaps are squashfs filesystems with an application and security policy [00:58] Croran: snapd by default keeps three versions of everything; you can ask it to keep only two, I believe [00:58] sarnold, I take it squashfs is compressed? [00:59] sarnold: why would i want more than one version? [00:59] sarnold: [00:59] fail. [01:00] sarnold: fully self-contained archives / filesystems / simulated drives containing everything necessary to run an application, no dependency resolution needed? [01:01] ok i see i can do eg. 'snap remove spotify --revision 42' [01:01] now how do i change the default behavior to not save a bunch of old junk? [01:05] Younder: yes, squashfs is compressed [01:05] Croran: the idea is for automatic rollback in the event of problems [01:05] Croran: it might not be super useful for desktops [01:06] sarnold: huh. [01:06] maco: yeah, pretty much, though there's some "base" snaps that can be used to provide eg gnome libraries for gnome programs, kde libraries for kde programs etc. the idea is you might have a handful of snap packages installed rather than thousands of deb packages [01:07] good. now why is my gnome snap called gnome-3-34-1804 when I'm running 20.04? [01:07] Ubuntu has a 'Core OS' mostly for embedded systems where everything is a snap. Here this rollback is a important part of the system stability. [01:09] Croran, becuse 3.34.1804 is the latest release of Gnome. It is independent of the Ubuntu release. [01:09] ah ok. weird. [01:14] I assumed it was because the 3-34-1804 thing was built on core18 rather than core20 https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-sdk/blob/gnome-3-34-1804/snapcraft.yaml [01:15] if you select 3-38-2004 in the dropdown you can get a 3.38 gnome thing built against the core20 base https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-sdk/-/blob/gnome-3-38-2004/snapcraft.yaml [01:22] sarnold: so i download that yaml file and then what? compile my own custom snap? [01:24] Croran: oh, sorry, no, it was just to give some evidence behind my theory of what 3-34-1804 vs 3-38-2004 might mean [01:33] oh ok === zbenjamin is now known as Guest38262 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto [03:29] plz suggest a mobo to overclock i5 3340s processor [03:31] kontra2: ^ A topic better in the #hardware channel :D [03:54] evenign all [04:16] aren't intel wireless card drivers supposed to be included int he kernel? [04:21] magic_ninja:i know some are. maybe not all. [04:22] I'm getting lots of firmware stuff in dmesg [04:22] Bluetooth: hci0: Reading Intel version information failed (-22) [04:22] Bluetooth: hci0: Intel Read version failed (-22) [04:22] magic_ninja: what model intel wireless chip do you have? [04:23] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08519ST43/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 [04:23] ax210 [04:23] can I mount a drive by uuid without using fstab? I'm hoping to mount it only one time and then forget about it [04:24] They *just* released the update with linux-firmware. Looks like I've been trying to install these drivers without firmware [04:24] magic_ninja: seems like you bought too new of hardware. [04:24] magic_ninja: https://community.intel.com/t5/Wireless/Linux-driver-Wifi-6-AX210-NGW/td-p/1249283 [04:25] magic_ninja: should have checked linux compatibility first [04:25] Croran, that isn't common for me. I'm cheap :) [04:25] Well, I've been splurging the last week. Got a new wifi 6 ubiquity ap as well. But I'm going to use my normal old router as a switch. [04:26] jayjo: That is the function of fstab - to automount . that said one can always manually mount a file system ( so long as you remember to UNmount when done). [04:26] magic_ninja: why wifi anyway? ethernet is the best [04:26] jayjo, it is honestly easier to just set up fstab right quick and that will do what you want. I just keep a generic line to set up hard drives. [04:27] Croran, because it is a rental and I'm not pulling cables. [04:27] If I was going to be here 3-5 years I would do it, but I'm not. [04:27] is there a reason to use fstab when I don't see a likelihood of this drive being plugged back in to this machine? [04:28] magic_ninja: are you running HWE kernel? [04:28] I've been setting up autoinstalls. I'm pretty much giving up on it, so now I just have a local APT repo as a usb drive that I will install additional packages at that time [04:28] I bought the stuff to do it anyway, but the way the foundation is laid out in the basement, there is no reasonable way to get down through the floor, and I'm an electrician so I actually do it for a living. [04:28] I don't think that USB drive will really need to be plugged back in again. I was thinking of mounting and unmounting in the autoinstall late-commands [04:28] Croran, HWE ? [04:28] magic_ninja: hardware enablement [04:29] No clue. [04:29] magic_ninja: newer version of kernel you can get from ubuntu repos [04:29] magic_ninja: sometimes helps with hardware compatibility [04:29] jayjo, yea, if you are using a USB drive it is best to let automount handle it. Is there a reason you want it to be static? [04:29] I think there is a utility to do that, but I forget what it is. [04:30] jayjo: why do you insist on UUID? [04:30] I don't insist on it, it seemed like an easy way to ID the specific partition [04:31] jayjo: lsblk [04:31] Croran, darn, looks like that post is from a couple days ago and this hardware won't work yet for real-real :) [04:31] magic_ninja: yeah lol [04:32] I thought partitions like /dev/sde2 could change [04:32] magic_ninja: my fav thing to do for linux wifi is just run an 'ethernet converter' external box [04:32] magic_ninja: and ethernet from that to the pc [04:33] magic_ninja: like this except ideally a newer model https://www.ebay.com/itm/Buffalo-AirStation-Turbo-G-High-Power-Ethernet-Converter-w-Software-Sold-As-Is-/293959480099 [04:34] jayjo: you said you are only mounting this once [04:34] I've used those to hook up industrial equipment. [04:34] magic_ninja: i believe many current wifi APs can actually be put into 'bridge' mode and used like that anyway. [04:34] Not that particular one [04:34] magic_ninja: i'm just not sure which ones. [04:34] Croran, well, my router's wireless radio is going to hell. [04:34] leftyfb: I am, it has existing data on it, I'm trying to automate mounting it using the data, and unmounting it [04:35] jayjo: I don't understand why you need to automate something you're only doing once [04:35] Still does a great job as a router, though. [04:36] I'm trying to use autoinstall (cloud-init for ubuntu server) [04:36] I'm only doing it once on this particular machine [04:37] magic_ninja: looks like this is one example of a modern equivalent. https://www.netgear.com/home/wifi/range-extenders/ex6100 [04:37] magic_ninja: not that I recommend netgear or anything. [04:37] jayjo, that use case makes sense. Sorry I'm not able to help there. [04:38] That's kind of cool [04:39] magic_ninja: yeah has the ethernet jack on the side [04:39] magic_ninja: so no worries about kernel wifi [04:39] That might be useful for work. Other than that, I have one of these on the way: https://store.ui.com/collections/unifi-network-access-points/products/unifi-ap-6-lite [04:40] The ironic thing is that I bought that card specifically because it has an intel chip and is supposed to be plug-and-play. [04:40] yeah that's cool, but I'm saying you can run wireless from your cable modem (or whatever) to your 'wifi extender' and just plug your pc into the wifi extender via ethernet [04:40] I have a decent USB dongle from cudy but my cat keeps scratching her face on the antenna. So I needed something a bit more concealed. [04:41] bypassing any need for wifi in the pc. [04:41] It could sure save some headache. Too bad I didn't ask about this card in here before I bought the card. [04:42] i've read some poor reviews on the current ubiquiti AP line [04:43] you can get old cisco aironet APs on ebay for pennies on the dollar if you don't care about the very latest/fastest wifi [04:43] you got to make sure you get the version that works without a controller though. some can be flashed to controllerless firmware [04:44] That one has instructions on how to run it stand-alone [04:44] oh yeah ubiquiti will no problem, and I'm sure it's 100% better than linksys and netgear [04:44] just saying. i had good luck with the cisco stuff, once i figured out the proper ios commands lol. [04:44] I'm not a fan of being forced into unifi. It is good tech, but I want the option to *not* use it [04:45] cisco is good stuff, for good reason. [04:45] I've installed a metric shit-ton of it [04:45] but since I moved here, customers don't have deep pockets. [04:46] they want an entire automation system built for their equipment, installed, tested, warrantied, and want me to pay them 50 bucks for it. [04:47] lol [04:47] I did get a pretty slick new toy today though. [04:47] i mean, if you're in that business you could probably get some free equipment really. [04:47] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000J157WQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 [04:48] meraki had a program, not sure if they still do, but you could get a free certification and free wireless AP+switch+firewall, just for taking their free training and being certified to sell it. [04:48] Well, I'm doing a network now where the last tenant left an HP 24 port managed switch in the rack, and if the new company isn't using it I'm going to try and keep it. [04:48] nice tool. [04:48] That certifier isn't like, the fanciest thing, but it does test to 250 MHz and meets the TIA standards, but it uses a square wave instead of a sin wave. [04:49] They have some decent tools to verify in the $1500 or less range, but they pretty much do what this one does, just with a fancier interface. [04:49] Other than that, you are getting into the $5k range for network certifiers, so if you don't do it all the time, its better to rent one. [04:50] huh. [04:50] Ohh, that meraki stuff looks decent. I'll have to check it out. It must be their rebranded netgear. [04:50] meant to compete with ubiquity stuff [04:51] meraki... i want to say it was it's own completely separate company [04:51] and cisco bought it [04:51] it's all cloud-based. which has pros and cons, but it's super easy to use. [04:51] the thing about ubiquity is that I like being able to log into a CLI from my phone and type a command out to do what I need. I don't like being forced into a web page. [04:51] and supports prob 80% of the weirdo advanced functionality of stuff like cisco aironet [04:52] hello, guys, first time I'm using mailing lists (including Ubuntu mailing lists). As I understand the messages are not going to "To:" of my email address, rather the "To:" header is the address of the mailing list itself, right? [04:53] yeah i like having the cli option too, but meraki adds some really good dashboard functionality, that would take a lot of work with snmp and whatnot to set up otherwise. [04:54] Yea, that is nice, if you manage a bunch of stuff. I don't really. [04:54] kristijonas: This as an example of what belongs in that To: field: "ubuntu-news@lists.ubuntu.com" . [04:54] kristijonas: sounds right. everyone would be in the bcc field [04:55] Looks like kernel 5.10 supports this card. [04:55] magic_ninja: huh. i wonder if you can get that in 20.10. i'm running 20.04 and the latest I'm seeing is 5.8.0 [04:58] Cronan: i'm using a main mailbox of my domain, plus separate aliases (for ubuntu mailing lists, ubuntu@maindomain), normally I would just match the "To:" header, but apparently it doesn't work with mailing lists. [04:58] magic_ninja: so I didn't realize - Ubuntu isn't just putting out 'HWE' kernels now, they're now distributing 'HWE edge' kernels which are even newer. [05:01] kristijonas: yeah that sounds right. if your rules can work with the other email headers, you could try doing a match to the 'x-apparently-to' header [05:02] This line makes me nervous: linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge/groovy-updates amd64 [05:02] whats up with the 20.04 on my 20.10 system [05:02] magic_ninja: i've been wondering a similar thing. [05:02] have you noticed it too then [05:02] magic_ninja: my kernel is still marked 18.04 even though i upgraded months ago [05:02] magic_ninja: to 20.04 [05:03] magic_ninja: i believe the reason [05:03] magic_ninja: is because now it's a whole different package instead of just a new version of a package... so the package NAME actually has 18.04 or 20.04 in it, so it will never automatically upgrade [05:04] magic_ninja: since the newer package is actually a separate package, not just a higher version [05:04] !info linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge groovy [05:04] linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (groovy), package size 1 kB, installed size 18 kB [05:04] that somewhat makes sense [05:04] magic_ninja: so i think some manual intervention is required to upgrade kernel after os version upgrade [05:05] magic_ninja maybe because of the new kernel scheme where they moved from ga+hwe to ga+hwe+hwe edge, they didn't want to automatically move anyone to the new 'scheme' [05:05] Cronan, thanks, found it, it was X-Original-To, I guess. [05:05] kristijonas: cool [05:05] Croran, mine isn't installed now. I just have this one: linux-generic/groovy-updates,now amd64 [installed] [05:06] magic_ninja: huh. well i think you've got the actual package but not the meta-package then [05:06] magic_ninja: i think the linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge is a meta package that is supposed to keep your system updated [05:07] I did upgrade this machine from 20.04 [05:07] jose my best friend [05:08] magic_ninja: i bet if you install linux-generic-hwe-20.10-edge and remove linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge you'd end up with the same actual package. [05:08] magic_ninja: and just a new meta package [05:09] right on. That might end up being a thing. I'm going to see if 21.04 has a newer kernel yet [05:10] looks like i was way out of date. just moving from 5.4.0 to 5.8.0 now [05:11] oh wow [05:11] so 21.04 is on 5.8 too [05:12] yeah i guess so. i guess they don't want to maintain different hwe images for different OS versions [05:12] magic_ninja: Be aware there is currently some regressions with the 5.8 kernel on focal - YMMV . [05:13] Bashing-om, I've been okay with the 5.8 kernel for some time now. Thank you for that information. [05:13] bashing-om: I don't think he's running focal, I am. [05:13] bashing-om: any details? [05:14] Croran: Lots of bug reports - and a lot of action to adrress the 5.8 regressions on the ubuntu mailing lists. [05:15] bashing-om: hmm. maybe i should stick with 20.04 ga kernel then. looks like both hwe and hwe edge are on 5.8. [05:16] gonna give mainline a shot [05:16] Croran: If there are issues with 5.8 kernel one can always boot the 5.4 kernel from grub ;) [05:16] what's mainline? [05:16] bashing-om: eh. i'm into uptime. [05:17] Croran, it is a program to manage kernels. Similar to the manjaro utility for it. I've known about it for a while but never needed/wanted to use it. [05:17] interesting. doesn't break ubuntu? [05:17] Croran: I am solid and stable on "5.4.0-64-generic" - I see no need here to change :P [05:17] Oh it certainly can [05:17] bashing-om: yeah sounds good. [05:17] haha [05:19] Given my luck, my shit is about to break. [05:19] Croran: But also be aware that if your install is 18.04.1 the updater will bring in the 5.8 kernel. [05:19] bashing-om: 18.04.1? I'm on 20.04 [05:19] 20.04.1 [05:20] Croran: Yeah sorry - applies to 20.04.1 - those of us that installed 20.04 will remain on the GA kernel path unless we choose otherwise. [05:21] bashing-om: not sure i understand. 20.04.1 will get 5.8 automatically but 20.04 will not? [05:22] Can I remove a particular dkms module [05:22] Croran: Correct. 20.04.1 as oringinally installed will propogate to the 5.8 kernel in updates. [05:23] so I've mounted my repository of debs, and now I'm trying to install a package (libvirt-clients) that depends on libc6 > 2.32 but 2.31-0ubuntu9 is to be installed [05:23] bashing-om: odd. is that a future thing? because mine seems to be staying on 5.4.0-65 unless i install hwe/hwe edge [05:23] I can see that I have the correct version in my local repository [05:24] but the old version is pinned at 100, so it won't be installed unless it's uninstalled [05:24] is there a way to force it? [05:24] magic_ninja: I want to say you can enable/disable modules with blacklist.conf or something. [05:25] /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ? [05:25] I keep seeing "unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages" [05:25] bashing-om: i'm also on lowlatency so maybe that's different. [05:25] So dkms status gives me this: rtl8821CU, 5.4.1: added [05:25] dpkg shows that none are held [05:25] But it will not let me dkms remove rtl8821CU/5.4.1 [05:25] Croran: Ouch - 20.04 currently is at 5.4.0-64-generic as GA - Yuou must have installed a newer kernel. [05:26] !info linux-image-generic focal | Croran [05:26] Croran: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 2 kB, installed size 18 kB [05:26] anyway, brb, or not. If it crashes I'm going to bed [05:27] bashing-om: i'm just using the metapackage for linux-image-lowlatency [05:27] Croran: Yukkie - I did update this day .. and my kernel is late :( [05:27] magic_ninja: haha. good luck [05:27] !info linux-image-lowlatency [05:27] linux-image-lowlatency (source: linux-meta): lowlatency Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 2 kB, installed size 18 kB [05:27] does lowlatency even make a difference nowadays? [05:28] i run it to try to minimize my JACKD overruns [05:28] ... or 'XRUNS' rather. [05:29] crossruns? [05:31] crDo not know - those in the #ubuntustudio channel can better answer about the lowlatency advantages. [05:32] oh that's a good call [05:32] Croran: ^ [05:49] oh it screwed the pooch alright [05:55] haha oh you're back. [05:55] after a reinstall of Ubuntu? [05:59] No, I just booted from an old kernel [05:59] I need to see what the minimum version is for the firmware and for the kernel driver [06:03] how can i output a list of package that are locked to a specific version on my system? [06:03] packages* [06:06] Croran: /var/lib/dpkg/info/.list :list of files and directories installed by the package. [06:06] no i mean, the packages that I've locked so they're never upgraded [06:09] Croran: Try as ' apt-mark showholds ' . [06:10] returns an empty line. i'm pretty sure i've locked at least one package though [06:11] yeah. i see my locked package in synaptic [06:14] hmm... maybe synaptic does something different. i just went in and marked the package with apt-mark and now it shows in that list. [06:15] HI all, I got an ubuntu 16.04 box and I'm try to run apt-get upgrade on that [06:15] but it's asking to run dpkg --configure -a [06:15] when I execute the above command the machine gets a reboot at Setting up libc6:amd64 (2.23-0ubuntu11.2) ... [06:16] Not sure what is the issue, try searching out but didn't find any solution === joako_ is now known as joako [06:16] Can some  one please guide me here , thanks [06:17] cyberbob: No guide but ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt -f install ' might give us some additional info. [06:18] cyberbob: did you run apt-get update first? [06:18] oh bashing-om covered that [06:18] yes Croran [06:18] what do your logs say after the reboot? [06:19] Bashing-om actually apt -f install asks for same [06:19] u# apt install -f [06:19] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' [06:19] cyberbob, so you are upgrading to 18.04, then to 20.04? [06:20] sounds like it could be a hardware issue. libc6 configure might be compiling something. brings your cpu up to temperature and then system reboots. [06:20] magic_ninja not at this point, I'm just trying to update all the packages [06:20] Croran this machine is in cloud (VM) [06:21] ok. any logs after reboot? [06:23] Croran which logs dmesg or syslog [06:25] i want to say dmesg only tracks back to your last boot [06:26] Croran this is what I can see red in dmesg [06:26] audit: type=1400 audit(1611727729.212:5): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/lib/connman/scripts/dhclient-script" pid=771 comm="apparmor_parser" [06:26] [   67.752325] init: Error while reading from descriptor: Broken pipe [06:26] [   67.758948] init: failsafe main process (1061) killed by TERM signal [06:27] yeah i don't think dmesg is going to show what happened before reboot [06:27] you'll need to check syslog [06:27] !paste | cyberbob [06:27] cyberbob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [06:29] Croran https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ktTWBsBqj2/  (dmesg) [06:29] Let me fetch syslog [06:35] syslog Croran https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HGvyNqfqWR/ [06:37] what time is it there cyberbob? [06:37] i don't see any gap in time in this log that would indicate a reboot. [06:48] Croran somehow this fixed auto-magically (even I was not able to see anything in syslog/dmes) :( so not able to figure out what was the issue. I've quite a few machines using same machine image & going to check if this issue is impacting those machines as well . [06:55] What app can I use to test my microphone? [06:56] audacity [06:57] thanks [06:58] yw === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK === khfeng_ is now known as khfeng [07:59] Hello, I am running a Ubuntu 18.04 server.. I have the latest updates. Is the sudo vulnerability fixed in bionic? [08:00] sudo/bionic-updates,bionic-security,bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 1.8.21p2-3ubuntu1.4 amd64 [installed] [08:00] this is the one I have installed [08:09] pavement: see /usr/share/doc/sudo/changelog.Debian.gz to find the package history [08:11] TJ-, thank you! === denningsrogue8 is now known as denningsrogue === zbenjamin is now known as Guest24432 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [09:04] I live in an apartment complex with many wifi signals [09:04] ubuntu takes awhile to reconnect to wifi === zbenjamin is now known as Guest16379 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest33284 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [09:26] Hi, what is mlocate and why do people delete this? [09:27] and we haven't mlocate on ubuntu20 ? [09:30] apt search mlocate -> mlocate/focal,now 0.26-3ubuntu3 amd64 [installed,automatic] [09:32] cbreak, but it is not installed by default on ubuntu 20? [09:33] no clue. [09:33] I didn't install it myself obviously === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest2138 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest1912 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest47973 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [09:42] hello, I'm testing out dm-verity. I have dd'ed into /dev/zero into files data & hash. mounted them as loop0 and loop1, mkfs.ext4 /dev/loop0, mounted /dev/loop0 and put some data on it and then unmounted it. Run veritysetup format /dev/loop0 /dev/loop0 and then veritysetup open /dev/loop0 verfs /dev/loop1 .. But when I try to mount it with mount /dev/mapper/verfs /mnt -i ro,verity.hashdevice=/dev/loop1,verity.roothash= it fails with: wrong [09:42] fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop30, missing codepage or helper program, or other error., any advice? === zbenjamin is now known as Guest51236 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest27533 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest95895 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest83240 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest85001 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest16444 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest26026 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest46522 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest89041 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest96757 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [10:56] chrfle: libmount1 is v2.34 - before the verity patches were added [10:56] chrfle: assuming you're using Ubuntu 20.04 [10:58] any one there [10:58] no, we're all out drinking [10:59] Seveas  i want too [11:00] you're welcome to join us :) Scotch? [11:00] Hi. [11:00] my canon scanner lide 300 is  not working in ubuntu 18.04 . [11:01] Seveas why scotch ? no me [11:01] hi . Aiolos. [11:01] :-) [11:01] sara2010: how is it not working? Is it not detected, not functional, delivering bad scans? [11:02] Seveas not detected [11:02] Scotch? No. A single malt whisky? Yes. [11:02] sara2010: how is it connected to your computer? usb, network, parallel port? [11:02] Seveas USB [11:03] sara2010: can you unplug it, run 'lsusb' in a terminal, plug it back in and run 'lsusb' again. Does the scanner show up in the second output? [11:05] Seveas nops not showing [11:05] interesting. Can you pastebin both outputs? And the output of 'dmesg' while you're at it [11:05] <|san|> hi there [11:05] <|san|> e: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/groovy-updates/main/binary-armhf/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [11:05] <|san|> e: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/groovy-backports/universe/binary-armhf/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [11:05] <|san|> e: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/groovy/main/binary-armhf/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [11:05] <|san|> is this because i need a mirror instead? [11:05] <|san|> like uk? [11:06] <|san|> ubuntu 20.10 [11:06] <|san|> and then change it in sources.list? [11:06] <|san|> or perhaps armhf packages are demanding other type of repo [11:08] |san|: you'll need ports.ubuntu.com [11:08] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/groovy/main/ [11:08] <|san|> ah yes, thats right, i did that a while ago with my last build, totally forgot...thanks! === zbenjamin is now known as Guest23980 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [11:11] Seveas ..  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MVjqMwZpnv/ [11:11] sara2010: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1107632/install-canon-lide-300-400-on-ubuntu-18-04 [11:13] sara2010: interesting errors there. Is the scanner plugged in via a usb hub? [11:14] LordChaos: oh, eww... nasty workarounds needed there :( [11:15] LordChaos . scanner not detecting . i have try these also [11:15] Seveas [11:15] nops its directly connected in pc [11:16] sara2010: so you removed ippusbxd, installed those drivers and tried the vendor software? [11:18] Seveas . yes i did it both. [11:18] removed ippusbxd then installed scanner software [11:18] then i try with installed ippusbxd  too [11:19] rats :( Then the only suggestion I have left is to try a different usb port, but chance of success is low [11:20] hmmmm === zbenjamin is now known as Guest60160 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest82126 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest84466 === zbenjamin__ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest28118 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [12:02] i want to ask apt why /etc/mysql exist, can i do that? [12:03] hansh: dpkg-query -S /etc/mysql === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [12:26] hi [12:33] Hi all ... my kern.log and syslog are being flooded with [12:33] messages of this form: "Jan 26 21:37:08 host kernel: [ 4053.651516] rc rc7: error -5" [12:33] ... only its a constant flood and for every rcX (X == 0-6) [12:33] I've scoured other logs and journalctl - no other related info [12:33] Any tips on diagnostic steps ? [12:34] oh, also: all software seems to be running fine - I see no other effects, except there's a noticeable slow-down and resource usage [12:35] and, have not been able to find anything of help via google search === zbenjamin is now known as Guest47781 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [12:40] hi all [12:44] rk4n3: anything useful in dmesg? [12:44] I just installed a new 20.04 LTS and created LVs for some partitions... so I have, for example, /dev/mapper/vg0-opt for /opt, /dev/mapper/vg0-home for /home etc... and it all looks as it should. However, for /usr, which is also under /dev/mapper/vg0-usr, it shows like /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-LVM-foobar ... so it visually destroys the ouput of "df -H" :-) Is there any reason for this? and is there any way to fix it? TIA [12:46] Seveas, dmesg has the same thing - a flood of the same error messages, pushed everything else out of dmesg's history apparently [12:46] Hiyas all [12:47] o/ [12:49] rk4n3: what's the output of `ls /sys/class/rc` ? [12:50] rc0 rc1 rc2 rc3 rc4 rc5 rc6 rc7 [12:50] all symlinks that look valid [12:50] nearly a month ago i come here and said about problems with unexpected zoom. i have found, nearly a week ago, that alt + scroll makes zoom, in xubuntu. when this problem appeared, i also was using xfce on ubuntu mate. now, i see, that in linux mint, cinnamon, there is no such feature. [12:50] ok, so it's something with those devices === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [12:52] anyone? :-) [12:53] rk4n3: apparently that's for infrared remote controller receivers. Your system seems to have 7 of them. Can they be unplugged, and if so does that make the errors go away? [12:55] hmm - interesting ... I am not on location, only logged in via SSH ... is there a way for me to disable the hardware device ? [12:57] no idea, I know nothing about these drivers, just did some grepping through the kernel sources to find this error :) [12:57] Seveas, got it [12:58] if they're connected via usb, you could try mucking about with usbguard [12:58] I did an rmmod on the one device that could be providing infrared remotes [12:58] that stopped it [12:58] excellent [12:58] thanks SO much for the clues :) [12:59] btw, how did you connect the dots to an infrared remote from those rc thingies ? [13:00] git clone the kernel sources, git grep 'rc rc', find one hit that was part of the infrared subsystem [13:00] Documentation/userspace-api/media/rc/lirc-dev-intro.rst: rc rc0: lirc_dev: driver mceusb registered at minor = 0, raw IR receiver, raw IR transmitter [13:00] Seveas, sweet! Nice dig [13:00] then some more (unsuccesful, mostly) git grep'ing to find the exact error === jeddo- is now known as jeddo [13:19] TJ-, I see, so I need to get a newer util-linux then I guess? [13:34] TJ-, hmm, I tried it on my 20.10 laptop, I get "Operation not supported" instead there.. [13:36] Hi all. I have a project where I need to automatically boot 100 1U bare metal servers up with ubuntu 20.04 and manage them. Is MAAS best for this type of thing? [13:50] P-NuT: if you don't have anything set up yet, maas is worth looking at. It's a bit of a beast though, and it might be easier to set up a simpler pxe+preseed environment if you already have dhcp, dns etc. set up [14:13] Thanks Seveas. Yeah, I think MAAS may be more than I need. And with 20 years linux experience I'm more than familiar with each of the component services so probably better I just roll-my-own system. [14:13] Thanks again! [14:34] hey all [14:34] how can i join #linux? looks like i need an invite [14:35] django_: that not a ubuntu specific support question [14:35] ask in #freenode [14:35] okk thanks [14:36] django_: /join ##linux [14:39] django_, register your nick [14:39] yeah i am registered lol [14:39] looks like its ##linux and not #Linux haha [14:39] yup [14:43] BluesKaj: if he wasn't registered he couldn't have entered this channel either :) [14:44] yup :-) [14:44] I forgot about that too [14:45] Maik, I've been here so long I've forgotten some of the rules [15:00] BluesKaj: no problem :) [15:12] is there any consensus on the "best" managed antivirus product for Linux? [15:12] g3poandlsl: you don't need one [15:12] currently using SEP, but it is a pain to manually rebuild kmods after each kernel update [15:12] g3poandlsl: clamav is the only one I know, and it's dog slow [15:12] g3poandlsl: also, if you're looking for opinions, you should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic [15:13] leftyfb, It's a gov't-mandated requirement for my organization [15:13] g3poandlsl: sorry to hear such an ignorance mandate [15:14] g3poandlsl: are you running Ubuntu? [15:14] locsmif_work, yes. Ubuntu workstations and a few servers. The rest of the servers are RHEL [15:15] Then the question about suggestions for AV tools for your Ubuntu installation should be on-topic as far as I'm concerned [15:15] That said, if you want to comply, just install clamav or whatever, unless the compliance protocols demand you do real-time scanning all the time? [15:15] there is clamav and rkhunter, same as for rhel [15:16] locsmif_work: an opinion on "best" software isn't a support question. If they need help searching the repo's for one and installing, that we can help wih [15:16] with* [15:16] leftyfb: I checked the channel guidelines in the topic and it said nothing about that [15:16] perhaps I'm mistaken [15:17] we have -discuss for that if needed [15:18] g3poandlsl: well just join there then so you won't have to explain why you're asking this question [15:18] I can opine further there [15:18] unfortunately real-time threat detection _is_ a requirement. There's no requirement for a managed client, but it would make administration much easier for our team [15:18] will do :) [15:19] Maik: shouldn't there be a rules guideline for this channel somewhere that spell all this out? [15:19] spells* [15:22] locsmif_work: i didn't make them and the guidelines haven't been update for years, the #ubuntu-discuss channel was set up at a later point or around the same time [15:24] but there's no need to complain about it, #ubuntu is specific for support with ubuntu [15:24] !discuss [15:24] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [15:24] :) [15:24] 'real-time threat detection' is an other question than best antivirus. just saying. [15:24] g3poandlsl: I would suggest trying out the different options available and picking the one that best suites your individual needs [15:25] g3poandlsl: one of the best things you can do is operate the root file-system read-only [15:26] The problem is you can then have adhoc rulemaking by people perhaps not even authorised to do so. For example, the bit about 'support question' leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I have to think about the meaning of the word "Ubuntu" as well. [15:27] But, since it's not my question, whatever [15:27] he's in discuss now [15:30] TJ-, We've been considering trying immutable distros like Fedora Silverblue or Nitrux. Does Ubuntu have a similar spin available? [15:37] my laptop screen brightness randomly changes. how do i stop this? it makes it very difficult to use ubuntu. i have seen several google results of this problem but many are a few years old, and i'm on ubuntu 20.04 [15:39] lusrx: could you tell what is your laptop before someone try to guess it? === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_ [15:40] lusrx, have you tried to disable 'Automatic brightness' ? [15:41] pasiz_: sorry, it's asus ux303ub [15:41] ioria: thanks, i will check that out. [15:42] g3poandlsl: you have two paths. Livepatching kernel and run your toys, or reboot every changes... In my humble opinion based on debian decisions there isn't, but i may be wrong.... [15:44] lusrx: Fn + A turns off ambient light sensor, that should do the trick [15:45] lusrx: or under Settings -> power there is automatic brightness [15:47] g3poandlsl: what does a quick search on the web tell you: https://ubuntu.com/core [15:47] ;) [15:48] ioria: that i think solved it, thanks! [15:48] lusrx, ok, very good [15:49] pasiz_: sadly fn + a is not working. but disabling automatic brightness from power menu did the trick. [16:04] apt-get install xymon-client splashing purple screen for input (how do i disable that ?) [16:28] hi mates, I have an old and unsupported 18.10 cosmic ubuntu on my docker droplet. I found an article on askubuntu how to upgrade it to 19 using do-release-upgrade tool. However I cannot even install this tool with apt. because there are no longer repositories for this . is there an elegant way to enable old packages ? maybe by editing /etc/apt/sources.list [16:30] here is my current sources.list https://termbin.com/glkf [16:57] !eolupgrade | RusAlex [16:57] RusAlex: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [16:58] RusAlex: more reccomended would be a clean install, avoid issues and !usn security flaws from your eol version [16:58] true [16:58] but I will try ugly way first. I have many of similar machines [16:59] RusAlex: but we have volunteers changing their sources the ugly way aswell yeah, but mostly before its going eol === ace_me1 is now known as ace_me [17:15] So my thunderbird wont stop opening [17:15] It just opens and than keeps opening until my system freezes from having too many "Thunderbird is already open" windows [17:15] How can I debug this or solve this. I cant get anything done anymore because it wont stop opening [17:18] sgen_: reboot? [17:18] It happens every time [17:18] Just happened again 2 mins after reboot [17:19] 1 window closed it, not haning yet. well see what happens. [17:19] interesting. Is it in ~/.config/autostart ? [17:19] actually, is ~/.config/autostart even a thing still, this is an ooold system I'm on :) [17:19] Ill check that if I can. [17:20] It doesnt happen right away. I think Im causing it wiht a keybind or something. Ill boot up and sti there for 15 minutes and nothing will happen. [17:20] within 30 seconds of me opening term it starts opening and wont stop ... except this time ... [17:20] check your .bashrc? [17:21] maybe try a `ps auxf` to see what starts it [17:22] ~/.config/autostart doesnt exist [17:22] I use zsh not bash and theres nothing I can see in any rc files [17:22] its not happening any more either [17:23] Its just the wackiest thing ive ever seen [17:23] Ill try that ps command if it happens again. Generally my pc is frozen inside of5 seconds when it happen thou [17:24] Hello there everyone [17:25] Seveas, thanks Ill be back if it pops up again. [17:28] Hello there? Are you familiar with windows psr.exe ("Problem Steps Recorder")? For my job I need something like that running natively on linux, but without the screen captions. I need something that allows an user to record any action he makes on the system and then send me the report. Are you aware of any software like that which runs natively on [17:28] linux? [17:29] SadielCuentas: strace [17:30] SadielCuentas: it's not exactly what you're looking for, I don't think that actually exists. But anything you run from the command line with strace will give you the data you speak. Though, if you're asking this question, I don't know if the output will be useful to you [17:30] speak/seek [17:30] Sadiel, does psr just video or is it keyboard and mouse automation? [17:31] SadielCuentas maybe there's something among the search results: tinyurl.com/3qb57dko [17:31] thank you leftyfb, I'll try that out, although it does not look like it will make the trick... [17:32] SadielCuentas: can you clarify what data you are looking for? [17:32] ixdap, psr procudes an html file which lists all actions made on the system [17:33] SadielCuentas, at the level of the gui? at the system call interface? [17:34] leftytb, I need a user to record all keyboard and mouse actions he makes in his system at gui interface === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_ [17:34] Basically I need to know the user is not opening any apps that would allow him to make a recording of a teleconference session [17:35] SadielCuentas: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2020/03/how-to-record-and-play-mouse-and.html [17:35] we are sharing confidential data on the session, I need the user to produce a list of all the actions he makes on the system. But it should NOT record video, since the video would record de confidential info [17:37] SadielCuentas: I don't think there's a tool for linux that records keyboard and mouse movements/clicks along with the applications that might be opened from those actions [17:38] we used to have logkeys, but think they removed from repos [17:38] in X11 there are certainly tools that will give you a stream of events. [17:40] Thank you leftyfb, thank you lotuspsychje, thank you ixdap. I will try the software you mentioned [17:41] xev [17:41] SadielCuentas, xev [17:41] there is probably something more suited to your need. [17:41] SadielCuentas: you can look through this list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_GUI_testing_tools [17:42] ixdap: I don't think xev will record what application was opened [17:44] leftyfb, the only times I can remember using it was for setting up mice. Its not quite what I was looking for, but it illustrates the point that gui apps have a stream of events and the X server must see them (I guess). [17:50] xnee [17:50] Alright well it happened again. my desktop is currently frozen from thunderbird windows. how can I find out what is opening it? Is there a log? [17:51] I dont think itll be in {zsh,bash}_history [17:52] sgen_: when you play around, start thunderbird from terminal and leave a journalctl -f open running too [17:55] lotuspsychje, New terminal window, thunderbird, journalctl -f in that order? [17:56] sgen_: journalctl -f in another new terminal yeah === mkv is now known as m4v [18:17] Seveas, lotuspsychje, after several attempts to restart and start journalctl in the terminal, all resulting in instant thunderbird hang before I could even finish typing journalctl, I managed to get it to work. [18:17] Had to log in and do nothing for a few minutes, this seems to stop it from doing anything for a little while [18:17] working on the log [18:20] omg its my keyboard spamming the email media key at my desktop [18:23] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KrhSmTgRKj/ [18:23] I think that is key spam from the keyboard, [18:26] sgen: thunderbird[13711]: Unable to connect to ibus: Could not connect: Resource temporarily unavailable === BlueShark_ is now known as BlueShark [18:30] lotuspsychje, Im not sure what that means [18:40] sgen_: are you using thunderbird from apt or snap? [18:51] lotuspsychje: Im not using it. In fact I dont, I use gmail. It just opens and then sits there asking me to set it up lol [18:53] it literally opens up on its own. [18:54] I think it might be my old keyboard spamming the email media key over and over. I havent been able to replicated the problem to a hang by pressing it but aside from that it has the same effect. [18:54] sgen_: it opens because you clicked on a mailto: link, which you can setup to not open thunderbird in your settings [18:54] it always happened when I was typing [18:55] Which mailto link? [18:55] It opens without me opening chrome. [18:55] it opens after typing cmd 1 for term and then journ in term lol [18:56] ok, then that's a hotkey setup somewhere [18:56] Maybe, I havent found one yet. === hacxman is now known as hexo [18:58] sgen_: "cmd 1"? [18:58] sgen_: this a mac? [18:58] "windows key" 1 [18:59] sgen_: ok, that isn't a default as far as I can tell [19:01] no it isnt. Its stopped for now. Ill try and log it happening next time. [19:12] FWIW, probably not related... When I first installed Ubuntu 20.04 I tried setting up Thunderbird that came with it. I have several gmail accounts. As I would go through them, when they were all set up, they appeared all over again. Gmail would not AUTH them. So I downloaded Thunderbird from the TB site, untarred it into my Home folder, made a symbolic link and used that version. No install necessary. Gmail works fine with it. [19:13] Loup-Garou: and no updated or support from Ubuntu with it [19:13] updates* [19:13] Correct. [19:13] I'm still using the version from the TB site. [19:13] Loup-Garou: you would be better off with the snap which is updated === jiggz is now known as jiggawattz [19:14] OK, but I'm reluctant to change. If it's not broke... [19:15] This one updates itself. [19:15] Independantly. [19:27] hi there, anyone who has successfully an apache2 virtual host? I'm trying, but it has no effect..after a while i found out that I put any garbage in the vhost configuration and nothing happens..is not even loaded it seems...help, anyone? [19:27] Hello everyone [19:27] linuxr: did you make a link to the config file in your sites-enabled directory? [19:28] leftyfb, yeah I created the file in sites-available and made a symbolic link in sites-enabled [19:28] linuxr: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-apache-virtual-hosts-on-ubuntu-18-04-quickstart [19:29] Hardware accelerated media playback is not working on firefox 85 from the official flatpak package [19:29] !flatpack | murthy [19:30] there is flatpak channel? [19:30] murthy: does accelerated media playback work on version 84 from the apt package? [19:30] it's flatpak not flatpack [19:30] ya that works [19:31] I have did all the necessary settings and also start with that moz env var [19:31] !flatpak | murthy [19:31] leftyfb, yeah thats what I did, basically..however it doesnt care about my virtual host file [19:31] bah [19:31] murthy: you'll have to contact whoever packages that flatpak for support with it [19:32] the official packager for firefox is Mozilla itself [19:32] I mean the flatpak package [19:32] also I have to tell you, hw acc never worked with flatpak packaged firefox [19:33] I will see if there is flatpak channek [19:33] channel [19:33] murthy: ok, then this is not an ubuntu issue. Contact Mozilla [19:33] ok [19:33] Panther: wb [19:34] linuxr: does this list your vhost: apache2ctl -S [19:35] leftyfb, no [19:35] linuxr: did you reload your config have you added the vhost? [19:35] *reload apache2* [19:35] leftyfb, yes a few times already [19:36] linuxr: look at the long list of the file in sites-enabled, make sure the link is proper [19:37] leftyfb, yes, looks exactly like the default one: 000-default.conf [19:38] isn't "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." a very bad error message for expected situations which every user will encounter and which aren't the fault of the user? [19:39] linuxr: ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/your-file-name # please pastebin the output of this [19:41] leftyfb, oh noooooooess...".conf" was missing in the symbolic link name :(((((((((((((((( [19:42] leftyfb, yeah actually works now...thank you so much === billybigrigger0 is now known as billybigrigger [20:09] trying to run a service but get errors [20:09] https://dpaste.org/V18i [20:09] https://dpaste.org/nU84 [20:09] what is the prob? [20:14] if I run the execstart line in shell i should get something running? [20:14] is there a log to systemd I can look at other than what I posted? [20:18] I've got two PC connected via router; I installed OpenSSH server on one of them. Connecting via ssh works fine, but SCP does not work, eg: [20:18] scp -r temp/ user@ [20:18] gives "cp: cannot create directory 'user@': No such file or directory" [20:18] should I put in some other path, not /-based? [20:21] nevermind - I forgot a colon in address, now everything works === billybigrigger5 is now known as billybigrigger [20:38] monsterco: sudo systemd-analyze verify .service [20:53] has anyone had experience with https://launchpad.net/cubic for customizing the packages in an ubuntu iso? [20:54] Is there any reason I should not use this tool to create a custom ubuntu iso with additional packages installed? === h00k_ is now known as h00k [21:04] say versus https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization [21:10] jayjo: given that the cubic folks seem active, that's probably a better bet for a time investment [21:17] hello! is someone adapt at systemd available to help me with a quick script? this is my first time trying work with systemd [21:17] adept* [21:20] anyone know how to disable the apport python hook? [21:25] anyone here? [21:29] Ubun00by: I think folks are waiting for you to pastebin what you've got so far.. [21:31] slingamn: I think /etc/default/apport -- check /usr/share/doc/apport/README for some context [21:31] i'm trying to implement this script from Olle but it's not working for me, on Ubuntu 20.04: https://www.ollegustafsson.com/en/vagrant-suspend-resume/ [21:33] i'm not sure if the script or execution is outdated, this is my first time implementing a script on Ubuntu lol [21:34] i don't have any errors, the script doesn't work. I put in the correct location for my Vagrant directory and everything [21:34] hmm, a lot of the commands in this script throw away any output [21:34] that script is for SysV init style startup, not systemd startup [21:35] ohh ok, does 20.04 have sysv? [21:35] systemd has some kind of "pretend sysv-init scripts are also services" thing, but I honestly don't know much about how it works.. I kinda think it should still work [21:37] Hi everybody, how do I install wubi and pinyin input methods in ubuntu 20.04.1? [21:37] https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man8/systemd-sysv-generator.8.html [21:37] Ubun00by: ^^ give that a try I guess. [21:38] it's not something I've done before so I can't offer up much more [21:38] ok i'll take a look, thank you :)) === vlm_ is now known as vlm [21:55] Hi everybody, how do I install wubi and pinyin input methods in ubuntu 20.04.1? [21:58] eeos: wubi was discontinued about 7 years ago === bildramer1 is now known as bildramer [22:23] Hello. I have symlinked the Downloads folder to another drive and I opened nautilus while it wasn't mounted. Now the icon disappeared in the sidebar and I can't find a way to bring it back. How to bring it back? [22:26] razorback: did you try to mount it again using the mount command? [22:26] razorback: or better, try gvfs-mount [22:27] gvfs-mount -d /dev/sdxY [22:55] I'm getting a splice error when i copy a 4.2 MB file to my system. That seems very wrong to me. [22:59] will 20.04.01 load on my MacPro1,1? [23:03] donofrio: The regular 64-bit Ubuntu CDs have trouble booting on older Intel Macs, such as MacPro1,1, due to EFI incompatibilities. You must download a special +mac CD of Ubuntu to work-around this problem. [23:03] from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacPro [23:05] xamua, any mirrors to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/ cause this link doesn't render [23:10] hello [23:11] donofrio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [23:11] how may I mount a ntfs partition in rw mode ? [23:13] EriC^^: maybe that'll help you understand better: https://streamable.com/9lhbko [23:14] kk [23:16] rander2: just the same as any other partition. If it cannot mount in rw it usually indicates there's a problem with the file system. [23:21] razorback: oh i see what you mean, neat video btw [23:23] At first it moved to the bookmarks section, I was expecting it'd come back to the right place after fixing the symlink but it didn't and there's no way to drag-drop it back ;) [23:24] razorback: try the menu at the very top "bookmarks" if it has it somehow [23:26] why is archive.ubuntu.com so slow for my updates, I have 1gbit =( [23:26] cncr04s: in software and settings you can have it find the fastest mirror for you [23:27] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dxyCFtqWgZ/ [23:27] I'm root and I tried to change it as root [23:27] rander2: mount -o remount,rw [23:28] but as I said, it's probably a broken file system [23:29] # mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /media/pablo/ [23:29] mount: /media/pablo: mount point not mounted or bad option. [23:31] touch aaa [23:31] touch: cannot touch 'aaa': Read-only file system [23:31] sorry don't go [23:31] rander2: does it mount okay on Windows machine? Can you run chkdisk on it? [23:31] EriC^^: okay, found the solution - there is a file at ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs that has paths to this stuff [23:32] run a checkdisk [23:32] razorback: ah interesting! [23:32] razorback, I'm from linux, and I'm trying to mount a non boot win10 partition [23:33] rander2: type 'sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/pablo' [23:33] rander2: as I'm saying, usually the problem is that it mounts as read-only when the file system is broken, and last time I checked Linux tools suck for repairing NTFS [23:34] ntfs-3g [23:34] yup, it also might be hibernated as well [23:35] actually nevermind, doesnt look like an OS partition [23:36] razorback, so I could chech the partition with win10 ? [23:36] hello [23:36] rander2: exactly [23:36] I am trying to install the amdgpu-pro https://pastebin.com/WViY27RF [23:36] rander2: give the 'sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/pablo' a try [23:36] to use OpenCL [23:36] but I can't [23:36] I get that error [23:36] ok, I reboot then thank you [23:36] any ideas ? [23:36] EriC^^, I did, but it's the same [23:36] what did it say? [23:37] ive never had luck mounting windows partitions in linux [23:37] EriC^^, it remains read only [23:38] rander2: it returned nothing after you ran the command? no error etc? [23:39] masterkorp: I'm surprised all those packages have :i386 on them -- that suggests to me that they are 32 bit packages rather than amd64 packages [23:39] masterkorp: did you intentionally download a 32 bit version? [23:39] EriC^^, no error , nothing [23:39] masterkorp: or are you trying to run a 64 bit thing on a 32 bit processor? [23:40] no [23:40] rander2: ok, try 'lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link it gives you here [23:40] this is system is 64am [23:40] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XGGsCCkcDZ/ [23:40] sarnold the tarball comes with both arches [23:41] masterkorp: does that install script require you to tell it which arch to use? [23:41] rander2: actually try "mount | grep pablo | nc termbin.com 9999" [23:41] https://termbin.com/e8ame === cfvescovo[m] is now known as cfv[m] [23:42] rander2: also "dmesg | grep sda1 | nc termbin.com 9999" [23:43] https://termbin.com/qypl [23:43] ./amdgpu-pro-install --no-32 --pro --opencl=legacy,rocr [23:43] it seems like so [23:43] rander2: seems to be mounted read-write now [23:43] https://termbin.com/y97l [23:44] Yeah I think that just screams corrupted FS at this point [23:45] EriC^^, no it's read only , I canot writye sorry [23:45] write [23:46] rander2: hmm try, "umount /media/pablo && mount -o rw /dev/sda1 /media/pablo" [23:48] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nnyTt6hQZF/ [23:49] seems it might be hibernated [23:49] ahha hibernated from win10 ? [23:50] in fact I hibernated win10 , and i REBOOT from the other disk. I use this little trick to avoid a complete rebbot win10 [23:50] so win10 keep same flags when hibernade a partition [23:51] so must I reboot and close win10 [23:51] Can a non-system partition be hibernated? [23:51] rander2: yup, you could try to restart windows 10 instead of shutting down/hibernating, or you could try using 'ntfsfix' in ubuntu to clear the hibernation [23:51] razorback: i guess it has cached some stuff or something, it seems *shrug* [23:51] rander2: you could try 'ntfsfix /dev/sda1' [23:52] ok, it go. thanks, u are really a hacker [23:52] xD, no problem === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius