
=== surferconor425_ is now known as surferconor425
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IrcsomeBotmaksam07 was added by: maksam0705:50
IrcsomeBot<maksam07> Please tell me how to enable hibernation in the latest version?05:51
IrcsomeBotthanveer787 was added by: thanveer78706:00
IrcsomeBot<thanveer787> 931806:01
IrcsomeBot<sammy_v> cyberciti.biz: Critical bug in sudo puts Linux and Unix systems at risk. … https://www.cyberciti.biz/linux-news/critical-bug-in-sudo-puts-linux-and-unix-systems-at-risk/06:18
=== Guest97594 is now known as lordievader
lordievaderGood morning07:13
=== nick_ is now known as quartz12
=== nick_ is now known as Guest72842
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wysiwyg__hi all08:56
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IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> I am running a Kubuntu 20.10 VM with qemu but I can't change the resolution of the screen, when I change, it changes for a second and then reverts back. tried `xrandr -s 1600x900` too but that's also showing same behavior. I tried with Ubuntu 20.10 and I can chane resolution there. any help ?12:11
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> Host machine is also Kubuntu 20.1012:12
AlipsНету интернета, после установки кубунту, сразу говорю только проводное подключение на пк12:17
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @ri5h46h, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40705812:20
ubottuKDE bug 407058 in common "KDE Plasma5 can't change resolution in VM after last update" [Normal,Confirmed]12:20
BluesKajHi folks13:11
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IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @RikMills, oh okay. is there any workaround for this ? 🤔14:30
BluesKaj@ri5h46h, hi, I logged on too late to see your issue.14:33
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @BluesKaj, hello, BluesKaj. I can't change resolution in Kubuntu 20.10 running in qemu, however Rik told me about a bug for this problem.14:36
BluesKajok, @ri5h46h14:50
=== icicle is now known as dilfridge
user|5582requerimiento de instalacion15:27
user|5582which is requeriments of instalation15:27
BluesKaj!specs | user|558215:32
ubottuuser|5582: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu15:32
user|5582ok gratiful15:34
bittin-MFOSDEM Online starts on Monday next week17:31
user|17611hello friends! I am using K.UBUNTU and I wanted to know how I can install multiple window managers and/or desktop environments and choose one of them at login. I am not smart enough to understand how to do this.18:12
Maikuser|17611: what does Google tell you?18:14
user|17611I have solved the issue it seems18:14
kirvesAxeI think at least on some earlier versions, if you had more than one desktop environment installed, the login screen automatically had an option to choose which one is used while logging in18:15
Maiknah, solved in a minute eh?18:16
Maikuser|53259: that was a quick install of multiple window managers and desktops ;)18:17
Maikhttps://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/Using_Other_Window_Managers_with_Plasma    https://www.howtogeek.com/193129/how-to-install-and-use-another-desktop-environment-on-linux/18:18
Maiksearch first, when stuck then ask :)18:18
Maikok, then stay silent18:20
geniiMaik: <-- user|17611 (972dc7f7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. has quit (Client Quit)18:23
geniiAh, they did return18:23
Maikgenii: take a closer look18:23
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user|84193Greetings. Where can I find information on the minimum system requirements for Kubuntu? Thank you.20:03
Maikuser|84193: i guess they need to fix that20:27
Maikuser|84193: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubuntu#System_requirements20:28
geniiI'm running Kubuntu on an old netbook with a 64 bit Aton N450 CPU, 2GB or RAM, and a 60GB SSD,  which are pretty minimal specs. But I wouldn't recommend it if you actually want a usable system20:31
user|84193Thank you Maik and genii20:34
geniiA more realistic set of specs would be something like i3 class Intel CPU or better, 4GB of RAM and ideally an SSD of 256GB or larger20:34
user|84193This helps genii20:34
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mparilloAnd don't open 30 javascript heavy tabs at once.22:04
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